The FictionMags Index
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Hughes, Rhys H. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Flecks from the Isle of Chrome, (nv) Postscripts #14, Spring 2008
- * Flying Saucer Harmonies [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * The Forever Forest, (ss) The Company He Keeps ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2010
- * Foreword, (fw) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * Foreword, (fw) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * Foreword, (fw) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The 4-D Mind, (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The French Lieutenant’s Gurning, (ss) Occult Detective Quarterly #4, Spring 2018
- * Friends, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Furious Walnuts, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Fury Machine, (ss) Xenos #17, February 1993
- * The Gala of Implausible Songs, (ss) Postscripts #17, Winter 2008
- * The Gates of Corn and Toffee [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Gathering the Genial Genies, (ss) Morpheus Tales #25, January 2015
- * Gauntlet of Gorgons, (ss) Fantastic Metropolis October 29 2001
- * Ghost Holiday [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Gibbon in the Garrett, (ss) At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- * A Girl Like a Doric Column, (vi) Cold Print #2, 1998
- * The Glossolalia of Hideo Frigg, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Goblin Sunrise [Little People Inc.], (ss) Silver Wolf #2, 1994
- * God in a Basement Flat, (ss) The Third Alternative #15, 1998
- * Gone with the Wind in the Willows, (vi) Sierra Heaven #2, Summer 1996
- * The Good News Grimoire, (nv) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * A Gorgon Reversed, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #32, Autumn 2022
- * Go West, Young Ripper, (vi) Nasty Piece of Work #1, December 1996
- * Grandmother Time, (pm) Premonitions #2, Summer 1993
- * The Grave Demeanour [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) 2011
- * Grinding the Goblin, (ss) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * The Gunfight, (ss) Madonna Park, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * Hangfire Bubbler [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * Hatstands on Zanzibar [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * The Haunted Womb, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Hepcats Are from Neptune, Bum Notes Are from Uranus, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The Herb Garden of Earthly Delights, (nv) Journeys Beyond Advice, Sarob Press, 2002
- * Hey! Big Spengler, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The Hidebehind, (ss) Nightmare Abbey Spring 2024
- * His Yeasty Rise and Half-Baked Fall [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #39, Winter 2011
- * Home Suit Home [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * The Honest Liar: Denis Zachaire [Infamy], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * A Horse Called Man, (ss) The Universal Mind #1, 1997
- * The Hungover Ruba’iyat, (pm) Fables Summer 2001
- * The Hush of Falling Houses, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Hydra Eyebrows, (pm) In Praise of Ridicule, D-Press, 2003
- * The Hydrothermal Reich, (nv) Bernie Herrmann’s Manic Sextet ed. Gary Fry, Gray Friar Press, 2005
- * The Hyperacusis of Chumbly Mucker, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Hypothesis, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Ian Watson: Roof-Gardening Under Saturn, (ar) The Zone #3, Autumn 1995 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- * Ictus Purr, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * An Ideal Vocation, (ss) 1992
- * I Feel, (pm) Mermaids Monthly #7, July 2021
- * Ignoble Notes, (ms) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Illustrated Student, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Impossible Mirror, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Impregnable Fortress, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * An Inconvenient Fruit [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * The Indigo Casbah, (ss) The Third Alternative #6, Spring 1995
- * The Inflatable Stadium, (ss) Midnight Street #7, Spring/Summer 2006
- * Information Tongs, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #10, December 1998
- * Infra Steiff, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #4, June 1997
- * In Moonville, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Innumerable Chambers of the Heart, (ss) The Skeleton of Contention, D-Press, 2004
- * In Praise of Ridicule, (D-Press, August 2003, co)
- * In Sunsetville, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Integers [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * Interstellar Domestic [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Postmodern Mariner, Screaming Dreams, 2008
- * Interview with the King of Shush (Who Knows Everything), (aw) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * In the Margins, (ss) Roadworks #2, Autumn 1998
- * In the Moonless Gutter, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * In Trance, (ss) Black Infinity Magazine #4, Spring 2019
- * Introductory Note, (in) Ten Tributes to Calvino, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Itchy Skin of Creepy Aplomb, (ss) The Dream Zone #13, October 2002
- * The Jam of Hypnos, (ss) Poe’s Progeny ed. Gary Fry, Gray Friar Press, 2005 [Ref. Jorge Luis Borges]
- * Jekking the Oofers, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Jellydämmerung!, (ss) The Dream Zone #10, September 2001
- * Jenny Khan, (nv) BFS Journal Spring 2012
- * John Crowley: Engineer of Summer, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #5, Spring 1997 [Ref. John Crowley]
- * John T. Sladek: The Steam-Driven Author, (iv) The Zone #2, Spring 1995 [Ref. John T. Sladek]
- * The Journal, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * Journeys Beyond Advice, (Sarob Press, December 2002, co)
- * Journey Through a Wall, (ss) Midnight Never Comes ed. Barbara & Christopher Roden, Ash-Tree Press, 1997
- * Judgment Day, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Juggler, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Juice of Days, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * The King and Eye, (ss) Sci-Fright #2, April/May 1999
- * The Kink of Human Mildness, (ss) Murder Ballads ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2017
- * The Kissable Climes, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * Knight on a Bear Mountain [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Lady, Tiger and Protozoon, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Lake of Flavours, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Landing, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Landscape Player, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * A Languid Elagabalus of the Tombs, (nv) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * Lanolin Brows, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Last Drink Bird Head, (ss) Last Drink Bird Head ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Ministry of Whimsy, 2009
- * The Laughing Policeman in the Foreign Legion, (ss) Psychotrope #8, April 2000
- * Learning to Fall, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Learning to Fly, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * A Length of Rope, (ss) Black Tears #6, 1994
- * Less Is More, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * Less Lonely Planet, (Humdrumming, May 2008, oc)
- * Letters from My Windmill, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * Life and the Plumbline, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Lip Service, (ss) The Postmodern Mariner, Screaming Dreams, 2008
- * The Little Bridge Over the River, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The Lives and Spacetimes of Thornton Excelsior, (gp) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * Loafing Around, (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The Lollipop God Is Dead, (ss) Here & Now #4, Autumn 2004
- * The Longest Name [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Loop, (vi) Psychotrope #4, June 1996
- * Lord of Socks, (pm) In Praise of Ridicule, D-Press, 2003
- * The Lover and the Grave, (ss) All Hallows #17, February 1998
- * Lucy [Dr. Frazer & Dr. Vaughan], (ss) Black Tears #7, 1995
- * Lunarhampton, (ss) The Third Alternative #12, 1997
- * Lunar Love Cats, (pm) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * Lunette, (vi) Black Tears #9, 1995
- * The Lute and the Lamp, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Macroscopic Teapot, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Maddest King: Henry Christophe [Infamy], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Madonna Park, (The Penny Dreadful Company, October 2009, co)
- * Madonna Park, (vi) The Zone #4, Summer 1996
- * The Magic Kitten, (ss) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * The Magic Lamp, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Mah Jong Breath, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #14, January 2000
- * Making a Feline, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Manticore, (vi) The Dream Zone #4, October 1999
- * The Man Who Gargled with Gargoyle Juice [Little People Inc.], (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Man Who Mistook His Wife’s Hat for the Mad Hatter’s Wife, (ss) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * The Man who Threw His Voice, (ss) Xenos #26, August 1994
- * The Marsh Callow, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Masterpiece, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Mastitus Groan, (ss) Psychotrope #7, April 1999
- * The Matchmaker, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Maze [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * The Memory Fumes, (ss) Occult Detective Magazine #8, December 2021
- * Menace in Venice, (ss) The Book of Extraordinary Impossible Crimes and Puzzling Deaths ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Mango Publishing Group, 2020
- * The Mermaid of Curitiba, (ss) Postscripts #6, Spring 2006
- * The Messiah of the Mannequins, (ss) This Hermetic Legislature ed. D. T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * The Metaphorical Marriage, (vi) Utter Entropy ed. Alex Bardy, Alex Bardy, 1997
- * The Mice Will Play, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * Midknight Express, (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * Milk and Ladders, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #5, Summer 2004
- * The Minotaur in Pamplona, (ss) The Minotaur in Pamplona: Book I ed. Neil Ayres, D-Press, 2005
- * The Mischief Towers, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Miserable with Groceries, Cuddly with Stubble, (ss) The Skeleton of Contention, D-Press, 2004
- * Mister Fancy Pants, (vi) 100 Word Horrors ed. Kevin J. Kennedy & Brandy Yassa, KJK Publishing, 2018
- * Mr. Found in a Bottle, (ss) Grotesque #7, 1995
- * Mr. Humphrey’s Clock’s Inheritance, (ss) Ghosts & Scholars #30, 2000
- * M. John Harrison: Climbing to Viriconium, (ar) The Zone #4, Summer 1996 [Ref. M. John Harrison]
- * Monkeybreath (Halitosis Simians) [Thackery T. Lambshead], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Monkey from a Cannon, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #5, September 1997
- * The Monkey’s Pawpaw [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * More Than a Feline, (Gloomy Seahorse Press, December 2013, co)
- * Muffin Worry, (pm) In Praise of Ridicule, D-Press, 2003
- * Multicoloured Leaves in Bright Spirals, (ss) Mooreeffoc Magazine #5, Fall 2001
- * Murder on the Sacred Mountain, (ss) The Book of Extraordinary Historical Mystery Stories ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Mango Publishing Group, 2019
- * Muscovado Lashes, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * The Muse Ouroboros, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fourteen ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2002
- * Mutant Fair, (pm) Nasty Piece of Work #2, February 1997
- * My Biological Prism [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #38, Autumn 2011
- * The Mysterious Gesture, (ss) Occult Detective Magazine #10, Summer 2023
- * The Myth of Sisyphus, (ss) Ascent Aspirations Magazine Winter 2000
- * My Thumb Has Stuck Fast in Your Ship, (pm) In Praise of Ridicule, D-Press, 2003
- * Nathaniel, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Necessity Is the Mother, (ss) At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- * Nemo’s Omen [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * Never Hug an Aardvark, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The New Giraldus, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The New Men, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * A New Universal History of Infamy, (The Ministry of Whimsy Press, February 2004, oc)
- * Niddala, (vi) The Skeleton of Contention, D-Press, 2004
- * Nightmare Alley, (ss) The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories ed. Ian Alexander Martin, Humdrumming, 2008
- * No Half Measures, (ss) Meditations and Mesmerism ed. Farah Rose Smith, Ulthar Press, 2019
- * The Non-Existent Viscount in the Trees, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * No Stony Silence, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Nothing More Common, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #7, Winter 1999
- * Nowhere Near Milkwood, (nv) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Nowhere Near Milkwood, (Prime Books, November 2002, oc)
- * Nozzles, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * Number 13½, (ss) Ghosts & Scholars #23, 1997
- * Oaths, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * The Octopus Jar, (ss) Roadworks #3, Winter 1999
- * Of Exactitude in Theology, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Office Castaway, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #3, Winter 2003
- * The Old House Under the Snow Where Nobody Goes Except You and Me Tonight, (nv) Postscripts #2, Summer 2004
- * Omophagia Ankles, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * One Better, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * One Man’s Meat, (ss) Grotesque #8, 1995
- * One’s a Crowd, (ss) The First Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories ed. Ian Alexander Martin, Humdrumming, 2007
- * On the Deck, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * On Your Marks, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Orange Goat, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Owlbeast, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Parable of the Homeless Fable [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Ten Tributes to Calvino, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * Passengers, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * The Peat Fire, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Pelican of Venice, (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * Penal Colony [Castor Jenkins], (ss) Flash in the Pantheon by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Perpetual Motion, (ss) Ascent Aspirations Magazine Winter 2000
- * Personification, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * A Person Not in the Story, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * The Pig Iron Mouse Dooms the Moon, (ss) Ten Tributes to Calvino, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Pink Canoe, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * The Planet of Perfect Happiness, (ss) Flash in the Pantheon by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Playing Impossible Instruments, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Plucked Plant [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Postmodern Mariner, Screaming Dreams, 2008
- * The Plug [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * Plutonian Parodies, (The Penny Dreadful Company, November 2009, oc)
- * Poe Pie, (ss) Plutonian Parodies, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * The Pollinators [The Sturch], (nv) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Protean Dimensions ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2010
- * Portrait of an Artist As a Rusty Bus, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Postmodern Mariner, (Screaming Dreams, June 2008, oc)
- * Preface to an Imaginary Edition, (pr) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Preface to the Unpublished Edition, (pr) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Primate Suspect, (vi) The Skeleton of Contention, D-Press, 2004
- * The Private Pirates Club [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * Prologue, (si) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Purloined Liver, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #3, April 1997
- * The Purple Pastor, (ss) The Smell of Telescopes, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Pyramid and Thisbe, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries #9, Autumn 1996
- * Pyramids of the Purple Atom, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Quasimodulus, (ss) Worming the Harpy and Other Bitter Pills, Tartarus Press, 1995
- * The Queen of Jazz [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Quixote Candidate, (ss) The Screaming Book of Horror ed. Johnny Mains, Screaming Dreams, 2012
- * Rainbow’s End [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Raindancing, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * The Rake and the Fool [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Rancid Kumquats Are Not the Only Fruit, (ss) At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- * A Rape of Knots, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #13, September 1999
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