The FictionMags Index
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[]Harding, George (Mathews) (1882-1959) (chron.)
- * “In Port”, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1910
- * Turn About, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine July 1916
- * When Our Ship Went Down, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1909
- * With the 78th Division at Grand Pré, (il) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1919
- * Wreckers of the Florida Keys, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine July 1911
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post Feb 17 1906, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16 1907
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine Jun, Oct 1906
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb, Sep, Nov 1907, May, Sep 1908, Apr, May 1909, May, Sep, Oct 1910,
Jan, Jul 1911
Jun 1920
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine March 1909
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McClure’s Magazine Sep, Oct 1909
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Dec 11 1909, Nov 14 1914
[]Harding, Gilbert (Charles) (1907-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * Along My Line, (bg) John Bull Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28 1953
- * Anger: The Passion That Robs Us of Reason, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 26 1959
- * Are You Sure It’s the Noise That Annoys?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 3 1959
- * Avarice: The Evil of This Television Age, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 28 1959
- * Can’t They Leave the Duke of Kent Alone?, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated October 18 1958
- * Does I Matter What Your Children Read?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 31 1959
- * Does the Fat Lady Make You Laugh?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 11/August 29 1959
- * Does Your Hobby Make Life Worthwhile?, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
- * Don’t Wait for Me to Do Your Grumbling, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 31 1959
- * Do We Want These Stunts in Church?, (ar) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 2 1959
- * Do You Cheat with Your Child’s Homework?, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
- * Do You Hate People?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
- * Do You Know a Mary Ann?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 17 1959
- * Envy: THe Craving That Sours Friendships, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 12 1959
- * Even I Can’t Out-Talk a Budgie, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 10 1959
- * From My Family Album, (pz) John Bull September 6 1952
- * Gilbert Harding Asks…:
* ___ Are You Sure It’s the Noise That Annoys?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 3 1959
* ___ Does I Matter What Your Children Read?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 31 1959
* ___ Do We Want These Stunts in Church?, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 2 1959
* ___ Do You Cheat with Your Child’s Homework?, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 15 1958
* ___ Do You Know a Mary Ann?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 17 1959
* ___ I Wish We Had More Like Them, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * The Gilbert Harding Page, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated October 11 1958
- * Gilbert Harding Says…:
* ___ Does the Fat Lady Make You Laugh?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 11/August 29 1959
* ___ Does Your Hobby Make Life Worthwhile?, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 24 1959
* ___ Don’t Wait for Me to Do Your Grumbling, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 31 1959
* ___ Do You Hate People?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
* ___ Even I Can’t Out-Talk a Budgie, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 10 1959
* ___ Go On—Have a Good Tuck-In, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 20 1959
* ___ Have a Happy Easter, (cl) John Bull Illustrated March 28 1959
* ___ Here’s a Way to Blow Our Trumpet, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
* ___ I Don’t Mind the Clowns, but—, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
* ___ If This Is Muddle, Let’s Have More of It, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 13 1958
* ___ If You’re Going to Give—Then Give, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 27 1958
* ___ I Hate Dressing Up Like This, (cl) John Bull February 20 1960
* ___ I’m Afraid—Are You?, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 14 1959
* ___ I’m All for Having Fun with Music, (cl) John Bull Illustrated February 14 1959
* ___ I Meet the Long Fellow, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 12 1959
* ___ I’m Ready to Go Italian, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 16 1959
* ___ I Must Shed My Load of Guilt, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 27 1959
* ___ I Never Really Lose My Temper, (cl) John Bull Illustrated March 21 1959
* ___ It’s Time We Worms Turned, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 9 1960
* ___ I Won’t Be Taken for a Guy, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 7 1959
* ___ Let Yourself Go!, (cl) John Bull Illustrated April 18 1959
* ___ A Little Bit of Horror Goes You Good, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 23 1959
* ___ Look Back—and Take Heart, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
* ___ Make These Women Watch a Flogging, (cl) John Bull February 6 1960
* ___ My Vote Goes to Courage, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 26 1959
* ___ Never Again, (cl) John Bull February 13 1960
* ___ Please Don’t Show Me Your Snapshots, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 5 1959
* ___ The Price of Love, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 16 1960
* ___ Say It with Flowers—Naturally, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 13 1959
* ___ Thanks, Cranks, (cl) John Bull January 30 1960
* ___ These Delightful Chaps Are Dangerous, (cl) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 9 1959
* ___ These Girls Are Being Exploited, (cl) Today February 27 1960
* ___ This Is How to Stay Happy, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 23 1960
* ___ This Is the Bell That Tolls for Us All, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
* ___ This Is the Way to Lose Friends, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 24 1959
* ___ This Is the Way to Start the New Year, (cl) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
* ___ This Test Match Stuff Is Not Cricket, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
* ___ This Was a Night to Remember, (cl) John Bull Illustrated February 7 1959
* ___ Treat Them Like Dogs, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 10 1959
* ___ We Fat Folk Aren’t Such Fogies, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 19 1959
* ___ What a Way to Judge a Child!, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 4 1959
* ___ You Should Be Glad I Don’t Drive a Car, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 1 1958
- * Gilbert Harding Talks About…:
* ___ The Man Who Came to Dinner, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
* ___ Super Schools—and Threadbare Teachers, (cl) John Bull Illustrated April 4 1959
* ___ Your Accent Will Hold You Back, (cl) John Bull Illustrated April 11 1959
- * Gluttony, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 2 1960
- * Go On—Have a Good Tuck-In, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 20 1959
- * Have a Happy Easter, (ar) John Bull Illustrated March 28 1959
- * Here’s a Way to Blow Our Trumpet, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 8 1958
- * I Don’t Mind the Clowns, but—, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 20 1958
- * If This Is Muddle, Let’s Have More of It, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 13 1958
- * If You’re Going to Give—Then Give, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 27 1958
- * I Hate Dressing Up Like This, (ar) John Bull February 20 1960
- * I’m Afraid—Are You?, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 14 1959
- * I’m All for Having Fun with Music, (ar) John Bull Illustrated February 14 1959
- * I Meet the Long Fellow, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 12 1959
- * I’m Ready to Go Italian, (ar) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 16 1959
- * I Must Shed My Load of Guilt, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 27 1959
- * I Never Really Lose My Temper, (ar) John Bull Illustrated March 21 1959
- * It’s Time We Worms Turned, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 9 1960
- * I Wish We Had More Like Them, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958
- * I Won’t Be Taken for a Guy, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 7 1959
- * Let Yourself Go!, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 18 1959
- * A Little Bit of Horror Goes You Good, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 23 1959
- * Look Back—and Take Heart, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 6 1959
- * Lust: The Tempting Door to Disaster, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 19 1959
- * Make These Women Watch a Flogging, (ar) John Bull February 6 1960
- * The Man Who Came to Dinner, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 29 1958
- * The Man Who’s Beating Stirling Moss, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 17 1959 [Ref. Jack Brabham]
- * My Vote Goes to Courage, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 26 1959
- * Never Again, (ar) John Bull February 13 1960
- * Please Don’t Show Me Your Snapshots, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 5 1959
- * The Price of Fame [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard August 12 1957
- * The Price of Love, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 16 1960
- * Pride, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 21 1959
- * Put It Down to the Liver, (ex) from Treasury of Insults,
- * Say It with Flowers—Naturally, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly June 13 1959
- * The Seven Deadly Sins Today:
* ___ Pride, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 21 1959
* ___ 2. Avarice: The Evil of This Television Age, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly November 28 1959
* ___ 3. Sloth: The Enemy of Joyful Living, (cl) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 5 1959
* ___ 4. Envy: THe Craving That Sours Friendships, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 12 1959
* ___ 5. Lust: The Tempting Door to Disaster, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 19 1959
* ___ 6. Anger: The Passion That Robs Us of Reason, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 26 1959
* ___ 7. Gluttony, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 2 1960
- * Sloth: The Enemy of Joyful Living, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly December 5 1959
- * Super Schools—and Threadbare Teachers, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 4 1959
- * Thanks, Cranks, (ar) John Bull January 30 1960
- * These Delightful Chaps Are Dangerous, (ar) John Bull and Everybody’s Weekly May 9 1959
- * These Girls Are Being Exploited, (ar) Today February 27 1960
- * This Is How to Stay Happy, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly January 23 1960
- * This Is the Bell That Tolls for Us All, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 17 1959
- * This Is the Way to Lose Friends, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 24 1959
- * This Is the Way to Start the New Year, (ar) John Bull Illustrated January 3 1959
- * This Makes My Pink Face Turn Purple, (cl) John Bull and Illustrated October 25 1958
- * This Test Match Stuff Is Not Cricket, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated December 6 1958
- * This Was a Night to Remember, (ar) John Bull Illustrated February 7 1959
- * Treat Them Like Dogs, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly October 10 1959
- * TV’s Great Year, (ar) John Bull September 26 1953
- * We Fat Folk Aren’t Such Fogies, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly September 19 1959
- * What a Way to Judge a Child!, (ar) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly July 4 1959
- * Wrong Side of the Bye-Law, (pi) Lilliput February/March 1952
- * Your Accent Will Hold You Back, (ar) John Bull Illustrated April 11 1959
- * You Should Be Glad I Don’t Drive a Car, (ar) John Bull and Illustrated November 1 1958
_____, [ref.]
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