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Farmer, Philip José (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Grant-Robeson Papers, (is) Weird Heroes Volume Eight ed. Byron Preiss, Jove, 1977
- * Greatheart Silver, (co) Tor, May 1982
- * Greatheart Silver, (ms) Farmerphile #14, October 2008
- * Greatheart Silver and Other Pulp Heroes, (co) Meteor House, August 2019
- * Greatheart Silver in Showdown at Shootout [Greatheart Silver], (nv) Weird Heroes ed. Byron Preiss, Pyramid, 1975
- * Greatheart Silver in the First Command, or Inglories Galore [Greatheart Silver], (na) Weird Heroes Volume Six ed. Byron Preiss, Pyramid, 1977
- * The Great Korak Time Discrepancy, (ar) ERBdom April 1972 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Guest of Honor Speech: Philip José Farmer (1968), (ar) self-published, 1968, as "Reap: The Baycon Guest-of-Honor Speech"
- * Hadon of Ancient Opar, (n.) 1974
- * Hayy ibn Yaqzam by Abu ibn Tufayl: An Arabic Mowgli, (ar) Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts v3 #3, 1991; paper presented at the 1990 Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts.
- * Heel, (ss) If May 1960
- * The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol, (ss) Playboy December 1977
- * The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol, or, Frank Pfluke Meets The Red Baroness, (uw) Farmerphile #13, July 2008
- * Heretic: Stories, (co) Vintage Lists, April 2024
- * A Hole in Hell [Riverworld], (ss) Tales of Riverworld ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar, 1992, as by Dane Helstrom
- * How Deep the Grooves, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1963
- Great Science Fiction Magazine #3, 1966
- Down in the Black Gang and Other Stories, SFBC, 1971
- Psy-Fi One ed. Kenneth B. Melvin, Stanley L. Brodsky & Raymond D. Fowler, Jr., Random House, 1977
- Up the Bright River, Subterranean Press, 2011
- Science Fiction Gems, Volume 2 ed. Gregory J. Luce, Armchair Fiction, 2011
- Black Cat Weekly #119, 2023
- Heretic: Stories, Vintage Lists, 2024
- * Hunter’s Moon, (ss) Pearls from Peoria, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * IF R.I.P., (ar) Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Bluejay, 1986, as "Memoir"
- * Imagination, (pm) America Sings: 6th Edition, National Poetry Association, 1949
- * In Common, (pm) Starlanes April 1954
- * Introduction, (in) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction, (in) The Ultimate Witch ed. Byron Preiss & John Betancourt, Dell, 1993
- * Introduction to “A Bowl Bigger Than Earth”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Introduction to “After King Kong Fell”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Introduction to “Extracts from the Memoirs of ‘Lord Greystoke’”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “One Against a Wilderness”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “Relic”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “Scream of the Condor”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “Shasta of the Wolves”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Introduction to “Tarzan of the Grapes”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “The Adventure of the Three Madmen”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Introduction to “The God of Tarzan”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “The Man Who Really Was…Tarzan”, (is) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974
- * Introduction to “The Shadow of Space”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Introduction to “The Sliced-Crosswise Only-on-Tuesday World”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Introduction to “Totem and Taboo”, (is) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * I Still Live! 75th Anniversary Dinner Keynote Address, (ar) Farmerphile #3, January 2006
- * It’s the Queen of Darkness, Pal, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1978, as by Rod Keen
- * J.C. on the Dude Ranch, (ss) Riverworld and Other Stories, Berkley, 1979
- * Jesus on Mars, (n.) Pinnacle, 1979
- * Job’s Leviathan, (pm) JD Argassy #58, 1961
- * Jonathan Swift Somers III: Cosmic Traveller in a Wheelchair [Ralph von Wau Wau], (ar) Scintillation June 1977
- * Jongor in the Wold Newton Family, (ar) Farmerphile #12, April 2008
- * The Josés from Rio, (ar) Luna #6, 1969, as "Report"
- * The Journey as the Revelation of the Unknown, (ar) The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. James Gunn, Viking, 1988
- * The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod, (ss) Broadside October/November/December 1968
- New Worlds #200, April 1970
- The New Tomorrows ed. Norman Spinrad, Belmont, 1971
- Riverworld and Other Stories, Berkley, 1979
- The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1964-1973, Crown, 1984
- Alien Sex ed. Ellen Datlow, Dutton, 1990
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- Venus on the Half Shell and Others, Subterranean Press, 2008
- Riverworld and Other Stories (var. 1), Open Road Integrated Media, 2017
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, Meteor House, 2018
- * Keep Your Mouth Shut [Danny Alliger], (ss) Farmerphile #6, October 2006
- * A keresztbeszelt csakkeddvanvilág, (ss) Galaktika #177, December 2004; translated from the English (“The Sliced-Crosswise Only-On-Tuesday World”, New Dimensions I edited by Robert Silverberg, Doubleday, 1971); translated by Dési András György
- * A Kernel of Truth, (ar) ERBania Summer 1977
- * The Khokarsan Calendar, (ar) Gods of Opar: Tales of Lost Khokarsa with Christopher Paul Carey, Subterranean Press, 2012
- * Khokarsan Glossary (with Christopher Paul Carey), (ms) Gods of Opar: Tales of Lost Khokarsa with Christopher Paul Carey, Subterranean Press, 2012
- * The Khokarsan Language, (ar) Gods of Opar: Tales of Lost Khokarsa with Christopher Paul Carey, Subterranean Press, 2012
- * Kickaha’s Escape [World of Tiers], (n.) from A Private Cosmos, Ace, 1968
- * The King of the Beasts, (vi) Galaxy Magazine June 1964
- The Ninth Galaxy Reader ed. Frederik Pohl, Doubleday, 1966
- An ABC of Science Fiction ed. Tom Boardman, Jr., Four Square, 1966
- Zoo 2000 ed. Jane Yolen, Seabury Press, 1973
- Science Fact/Fiction ed. Edmund J. Farrell, Thomas E. Gage, John Pfordresher & Raymond J. Rodrigues, Scott, Foresman, 1974
- Beyond Time and Space ed. Robert R. Potter, Globe Book Company, 1978
- Microcosmic Tales ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Taplinger, 1980
- Mad Scientists ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Raintree, 1982
- The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964, Crown, 1984
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Story-A-Month 1989 Calendar ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Pomegranate, 1988
- 100 Astounding Little Alien Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1996
- What on Earth? An Ecology Reader ed. Terry Ofner & Rebecca Christian, Perfection Learning, 2001
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, Meteor House, 2018
- * Kwasin and the Bear God [Khokarsa] (with Christopher Paul Carey), (na) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Of Dust and Soul ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2011; expanded by Carey from an alternate outline for The Song of Kwasin.
- * A Language for Opar, (ar) ERBdom #75, 1974 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * The Last Rise of Nick Adams, (ss) Popular Culture #1, 1977, as "The Impotency of Bad Karma", by Cordwainer Bird
- * The Lavalite World [World of Tiers], (n.) Ace, December 1977
- * The Leaser of Two Evils, (ss) Playboy July 1979
- * The Legend of Mishiwapo: A Speech to the Kiwanis, (ar) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Protean Dimensions ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2010
- * Letter of Discord, (ar) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Voyages to Strange Days ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2014
- * Letter to Fred Pohl, (lt) Farmerphile #15, January 2009 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * L. Frank Baum, (ar) 20th Century Fiction ed. George Woodcock, Gale/St.James, 1985 [Ref. L. Frank Baum]
- * The Light-Hog Incident, (ex) Farmerphile #7, January 2007; from the uncompleted semi-autobiographical novel The Man Who Loved the Great Wizard.
- * The Long Warpath, (n.) Ace, 1962, as Cache from Outer Space
- * The Long Wet Dream of Rip van Winkle, (nv) Puritan #7, 1981, as "Rip van Winkle’s Long Wet Dream"
- * The Long Wet Purple Dream of Rip van Winkle, (nv) Puritan #7, 1981, as "Rip van Winkle’s Long Wet Dream"
- * Looking Forward:
* ___ The Caterpillar’s Question, Ace Oct ’92 (with Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob), (ex) Amazing Stories September 1992, as by Piers Anthony & Philip José Farmer
- * The Lord Mountford Mystery, (ar) ERBdom December 1972 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * The Lovers [The Sturch], (na) Startling Stories August 1952
- * The Lovers [The Sturch], (n.) Ballantine, 1979
- * Lovers and Otherwise, (ar) Fantastic Worlds Spring 1953
- * Love Song, (ex) Brandon House, 1970
- * The Maker of Universes [World of Tiers], (n.) Ace, 1965
- * The Making of Revelation, Part I, (nv) After the Fall ed. Robert Sheckley, Ace, 1980
- The Purple Book, Tor, 1982
- Devils ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Signet, 1987
- Hollywood Ghosts ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Rutledge Hill Press, 1991
- Riders of the Purple Wage, Tor, 1992
- The Mists from Beyond ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Penguin/Roc, 1993
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, Meteor House, 2018
- * The Man Who Came for Christmas, (bg) The Best of Randall Garrett by Randall Garrett, Timescape, 1982
- * The Man Who Met Tarzan, (co) Meteor House, January 2022
- * The Many Dooms of Harold Hall, (ss) Bizarre Mystery Magazine November 1965, as by Charlotte Corday-Marat
- * Maps and Spasms, (bg) Fantastic Lives ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Southern Illinois University Press, 1981
- * Mark Twain and Kurt Vonnegut Versus Free Will, (ar) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Of Dust and Soul ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2011; speech given at Fabula 77, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 1977.
- * Memoir, (ar) Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Bluejay, 1986
- * A Modest Proposal, (lt) Farmerphile #10, October 2007
- * Monologue, (ss) Demon Kind ed. Roger Elwood, Avon, 1973
- * The Monster on Hold [Doc Savage], (ss) World Fantasy Convention 1983 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weird Tales Ltd., 1983
- * The Monster on Hold [Doc Savage], (ex) World Fantasy Convention 1983 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weird Tales Ltd., 1983
- * More Than Most, (bg) Robert Bloch: Appreciations of the Master ed. Richard Matheson & Ricia Mainhardt, Tor, 1995 [Ref. Robert Bloch]
- * Moth and Rust [The Sturch], (n.) Startling Stories June 1953
- * Mother, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1953
- Assignment in Tomorrow ed. Frederik Pohl, Hanover House, 1954
- Strange Relations, Ballantine, 1960
- Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction ed. Sam Moskowitz, World, 1965
- Microcosmic God ed. Sam Moskowitz, MacFadden-Bartell, 1968
- Bug-Eyed Monsters ed. Anthony Cheetham, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1972
- Strange Bedfellows ed. Thomas N. Scortia, Random House, 1972
- Alpha 4 ed. Robert Silverberg, Ballantine, 1973
- Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction ed. Harvey A. Katz, Patricia S. Warrick & Martin H. Greenberg, Rand McNally, 1974
- In Dreams Awake ed. Leslie A. Fiedler, Dell, 1975
- Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction: Second Edition ed. Harvey A. Katz, Martin H. Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Rand, McNally, 1977
- The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964, Crown, 1984
- Monsters ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL Signet, 1988
- A Century of Science Fiction 1950-1959 ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1997
- Science Fiction Century ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1997
- The Mammoth Book of 20th Century Science Fiction: Volume Two ed. David G. Hartwell, Robinson, 2004
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, Meteor House, 2018
- * Mother Earth Wants You, (ss) And Walk Now Gently Through the Fire ed. Roger Elwood, Chilton, 1972
- * Myadzian Journal, (ms) Farmerphile #15, January 2009
- * My Father the Ripper, (ex) A Feast Unknown by Philip José Farmer, Essex House, 1969
- * My Sister’s Brother, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1960, as "Open to Me, My Sister"
- Strange Relations, Ballantine, 1960
- The Book of Philip José Farmer, DAW, 1973
- The Book of Philip Jose Farmer (var. 1), Berkley, 1982
- The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964, Crown, 1984
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * My Summer Husband, (ss) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Protean Dimensions ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2010
- * Naked Came the Farmer (with , et al.), (n.) Mayfly Productions, May 1998
* ___ Chapter 1, (rr) Accent January 30 1998
- * Newly Born, Newly Dead, or, A Near Myth Is as Good as a Mile, (ss) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Protean Dimensions ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2010
- * The Night of Light [Father John Carmody], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1957
- * Night of Light, (n.) Berkley Medallion, 1966
- * Nobody’s Perfect, (ss) The Ultimate Dracula ed. Byron Preiss, David Keller & Megan Miller, Dell, 1991
- * O’Brien and Obrenov, (nv) Adventure March 1946
- * The Obscure Life and Hard Times of Kilgore Trout, (ar) Moebius Trip December 1971
- * Oft Have I Traveled, (ar) The Pontine Dossier April 1969 [Ref. August Derleth]
- * On a Mountain Upside Down, (ar) JD Argassy June 25 1960
- * One Down, One to Go, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1990
- * Only Who Can Make a Tree?, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1971
- * The Oogenesis of Bird City, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1970
- American Government Through Science Fiction ed. Joseph D. Olander, Martin H. Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Rand McNally College Publishing Company, 1974
- The Purple Book, Tor, 1982
- The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1964-1973, Crown, 1984
- Amazing Stories ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, TSR, 1985
- Riders of the Purple Wage, Tor, 1992
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * Opening the Door, (ss) Children of Infinity ed. Roger Elwood, Franklin Watts, 1973
- * Open to Me, My Sister, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1960
- Satellite Science Fiction June 1959 (unpublished), as "The Strange Birth"
- Strange Relations, Ballantine, 1960, as "My Sister’s Brother"
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) August 1960
- Once and Future Tales from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. Edward L. Ferman, Delphi Press, 1968
- The Book of Philip José Farmer, DAW, 1973, as "My Sister’s Brother"
- The Book of Philip Jose Farmer (var. 1), Berkley, 1982, as "My Sister’s Brother"
- The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964, Crown, 1984, as "My Sister’s Brother"
- The Best of Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006, as "My Sister’s Brother"
- * Osiris on Crutches (with Philip José Farmer), (ss) New Dimensions: Science Fiction: Number 6 ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1976, as by Philip José Farmer & Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor
- Stations of the Nightmare, Pinnacle, 1982
- Riders of the Purple Wage, Tor, 1992
- Venus on the Half Shell and Others, Subterranean Press, 2008
- The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Portraits of a Trickster ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2012
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, Meteor House, 2018
- * The Other in the Mirror, (om) Subterranean Press, March 2009 ; edited by Christopher Paul Carey
- * The Outsider, (in) Mother Was a Lovely Beast ed. Philip José Farmer, Chilton, 1974, as "Introduction"
- * Over All, After All, (ar) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Portraits of a Trickster ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2012
- * An Overview of the Fair, (fa) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * Parables Are Pablum: A Reply to Mr. Farmer; A Letter to Mr. Campbell, (ar) Farmerphile #11, January 2008, as by Tim Howller
- * Passing On, (nv) Continuum 4 ed. Roger Elwood, Putnam, 1975
- * Pearls from Peoria, (co) Subterranean Press, August 2006 ; edited by Paul Spiteri
- * Pecon 2 Guest of Honor Speech, (ar) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Voyages to Strange Days ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2014
- * The Peoria-Colored Writer, (in) The Grand Adventure, Berkley, 1984
- * A Peoria Night, (ss) Farmerphile #10, October 2007
- * The Phantom of the Sewers, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1978, as "It’s the Queen of Darkness, Pal", by Rod Keen
- * The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, (co) Meteor House, July 2018 ; edited by Michael Croteau
- * Philip José Farmer Conquiert L’Univers Postface, (ar) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Voyages to Strange Days ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2014
- * Phonemics, (ar) Gegenschein #27, 1976
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