The FictionMags Index
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[]Day, John Irving (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Clancy’s Get-Away-Stake, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1908
- * The Girl, the Colt, and the Stake, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1908
- * The Man, the Mine, and the Game, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1908
- * The Picture-Chaser, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1908
- * Terry Tobin’s Hour, (ss) The Cavalier August 30 1913
- * Tony’s Good Samaritan, (ss) 10 Story Book December 1915
- * The Wickedness of Windy, (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine December 1906
[]Day, Julie C. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * China Island, (ss) The Colored Lens #6, Winter 2013
- * The Church of Forgotten Gods, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #14, Spring 2015
- * Everyone Gets a Happy Ending, (ss) Interzone #268, January/February 2017
- * The Faces Between Us, (ss) Interzone #254, September/October 2014
- * Faerie Medicine, (ss) Flapperhouse Magazine August 22 2014
- * Finding Your Way to the Coast, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #9, Fall 2012
- * Florida Miracles, (ss) Interzone #261, November/December 2015
- * Flyover Country, (ss) Interzone #285, January/February 2020
- * One Thousand Paper Cranes, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2017
- * Paradigm Shift, (ss) Electric Velocipede #26, 2013
- * A Pinhole of Light, (ss) Black Static #54, September/October 2016
- * Pretty Little Boxes, (ss) Thirteen: Stories of Transformation ed. Mark Teppo, Underland Press, 2015
- * The Re’em Song, (ss) Interzone #258, May/June 2015
- * The Rocket Farmer, (ss) Interzone #271, July/August 2017
- * Schrödinger’s, (ss) Interzone #274, March/April 2018
- * The Thirteen Tuesdays of Saint Anthony, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #16, October 2015
- * Whole Bodies Are Never Left Behind, (ss) Black Static #82/83, 2023
_____, [ref.]
[]Day, Ken(neth M.) (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Adventurers All:
* ___ Flood Stage, (ts) Short Stories May 10 1937
* ___ Highclimber, (ts) Short Stories December 10 1932
- * Birthday Every Month, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) May 26 1949
- * The Case Against Mr. Burgin, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) October 19 1949
- * Date with the Family, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) July 12 1949
- * Flawed Turquoise, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) June 21 1949
- * Flood Stage, (ts) Short Stories May 10 1937
- * Highclimber, (ts) Short Stories December 10 1932
- * Jungle Lover, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) February 4 1949
- * Lost Reward, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 16 1937
- * No Room for Uncle, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) April 29 1949
- * Robbery with Impudence, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) April 20 1950
- * Skeleton in the Stable, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) March 23 1950
- * The Tree-Topper, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine March 1933
- * Under Water, (ts) Five-Novels Monthly October 1936
[]Day, (Gerald William) Langston (1894-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * Bayswater Tapestry, (ss) Magic Casements by Langston Day, Rider, 1951
- * The Devil in Mayfair, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #24, February 1955
- * The Gods Play for High Stakes, (nv) Magic Casements by Langston Day, Rider, 1951
- * Secrets of the Indian Ocean, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1963
- * The Terror That Walked by Night, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #22, 1954
- * Three Bounties of Bacchus, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1951
[]Day, Lillian; [i.e., Lillian Day Lederer] (1893-1991) (about) (chron.)
- * And I Learned About Men from Him! (with “Betty”), (ar) Liberty June 14 1924
- * Any Nana to Her Poor Little Sing, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 5 1939
- * Brief-Case Men, (ss) Holland’s February 1925
- * The Cross-Talkers, (ss) The New Yorker September 19 1931
- * Dead Heat (with Norbert Lederer), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #32, July 1946
- * Disposition Economics, (ar) Radio Stories April 1925
- * For Adults Only, (hu) College Humor #88 Apr, #93 Sep 1931
- * Interviewing the Insignificant, (cl) Liberty Sep 27, Oct 25 1924
* ___ Mabel, the Waitress, (cl) Liberty December 13 1924
* ___ A Talk with Joe, the Shipping Clerk, (cl) Liberty January 24 1925
- * Is Your Husband Afraid of You?, (ar) Liberty April 18 1925
- * Lady Buyer, (ss) The New Yorker January 2 1932
- * Living Up to Lizzie, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1934
- * The Lost Finger, (ss) Ghost Stories February 1928
- * Mabel, the Waitress, (ar) Liberty December 13 1924
- * Picture of Lizzie, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1939
- * Regrets, (pm) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day February 1924
- * The Sartorial Swain, (ss) Liberty March 6 1926
- * The Seamstress, (ss) The New Yorker April 11 1931
- * A Talk with Joe, the Shipping Clerk, (ar) Liberty January 24 1925
- * Understanding, (pm) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day October 1923
- * The Unexpected, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1921
- * Voice Teacher, (ss) The New Yorker March 14 1931
- * We Know Too Many People, (ar) Zest October 1926
- * What Did You Expect—from a German?, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day May 1923
- * Why Men Don’t Leave Home, (ar) Zest January 1927
- * The Winds of Heaven, (vi) Liberty July 1 1944
- * Youth Restorer, (ss) Liberty April 17 1926
_____, as told to
[]Day, Lionel; pseudonym of Ladbroke Black (1877-1940) (chron.)
- * The Trail of Adventure!, (sl) The Magnet Library Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, Mar 26, Apr 2, Apr 9, Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7,
May 14, May 28, Jun 4 1927
[]Day, Lionel E. I. (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Afraid to Die, (ss) Thrilling Western January 1942
- * Bullet Ballots from the Bar U Twins [Bar U Twins], (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 18 1939, as by Charles E. Barnes
- * Bullet Quarantine for Gaucho, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories March 1941
- * The Creampuff Kid, (ss) Fight Stories Spring 1945
- * Doc Primrose’s Killer-Cure, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories November 1943
- * Double Guns for Double Dealers [Bar U Twins], (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 19 1941, as by Charles E. Barnes
- * Double Trouble for Hoopsters, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1946
- * Eighth-Round Thrust, (ss) 12 Sports Aces May 1941
- * Fairway Feud, (ss) Sports Action August 1942
- * Grassland Gun King, (ss) Popular Western February 1947
- * Hot Lead Mortgage, (ss) Famous Western October 1940
- * The MacThane of Shaman’s Arroyo, (ss) Thrilling Adventures January 1942
- * Mojave Red Moves On, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 21 1941
- * Quick-Trigger Showdown, (ss) Masked Rider Western September 1941
- * Sea Horse Saga, (ss) Thrilling Sports November 1941
- * Senor Law Bites a Sidewinder, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 13 1939
- * Snake Eyes at Seven Up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 29 1941
- * Trail Drive to Boothill, (ss) Greater Western Action Novels Magazine October 1939
- * Trouble Is My Shadow, (ss) Texas Rangers March 1947
- * Trouble Is Where You Find It, (na) Exciting Western Winter 1942
- * Two Roads to Twinbows, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales April 1942
- * White-Face Tornado, (ss) Complete Cowboy July 1943
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