The FictionMags Index
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[]Crane, Frank, D.D. (1861-1928) (about) (chron.)
- * Acting the Part, (ed) Smart Set December 1925
- * The Advantage of Living Today, (ed) Smart Set February 1925
- * Advertise Your Health, (ar) Physical Culture May 1924
- * The Age of Women, (ed) Smart Set November 1924
- * All Else Will Pass, (ed) People’s Favorite Magazine January 1921
- * Ancestors of Angels, (ed) Cosmopolitan February 1914
- * Are You a Thoroughbred?, (ed) Smart Set September 1925
- * Are You Blame-Proof?, (ed) Smart Set May 1926
- * Are You Fooling Yourself?, (ed) Smart Set June 1925
- * The Automatic Time-Saver, (vi) Broadway Magazine November 1907
- * The Awakening of the Ideal, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine October 1916
- * Behavioritis, (ar) Physical Culture June 1924
- * The Blood of the World, (ed) Cosmopolitan March 1914
- * Bunglers, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine January 1916
- * Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1918
- * Card Index Your Mind, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine November 1920
- * The Children, (ss) Snappy Stories February 1915
- * Common Sense and Reconstruction, (ar) McClure’s Magazine August 1919
- * Compare Yourself with These Rules of Fun, (ar) The American Magazine November 1919
- * The Criminals, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1908
- * “Deep Calleth Unto Deep”, (ed) Smart Set March 1925
- * The Devil’s Other Name, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine August 1920
- * Dirt, (ed) Smart Set May 1925
- * Dr. Frank Crane on David Grayson, (ar) The American Magazine March 1917
- * Don’t Be a Physical Bankrupt, (ar) Physical Culture April 1925
- * Don’t Be a Sun Dodger, (ms) Physical Culture November 1923
- * Don’t Forget to Shift the Gears, (ed) Smart Set August 1925
- * Do These Five Things and Be Happy, (ar) Physical Culture December 1924
- * Do You Believe in People?, (ed) Smart Set July 1925
- * 8Ale, (??) The Century Magazine October 1899
- * The Elect, (ms) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine February 1916
- * Emmy’s Coming Home, (ss) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine September 1897
- * The Enemy of Life, (ed) Smart Set April 1925
- * “Esther, Beauteous Queen”, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine March 1914
- * Everyman, (ar) Cosmopolitan November 1913
- * Every Sunday in the Year, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1915
- * Faith, (ss) Woman’s World October 1921
- * The Fallacy and Absurdity of Censorship, (ar) Physical Culture March 1924
- * Fat, (ar) Physical Culture July 1923
- * Find Out What’s Good for You, (ar) Physical Culture September 1924
- * First Catch Your Steak, Then Cook It, (ms) McCall’s Magazine January 1926
- * The Flame, (ms) Nash’s Magazine August 1914
- * The Four Most Interesting Subjects in the World, (ar) The American Magazine June 1919
- * Fresh Air Indoors, (ar) Physical Culture January 1923
- * The Frontiersman, (ed) The Frontier August 1925
- * Go Horseback Riding, (ar) Physical Culture June 1925
- * The Greatest Delusion in the World, (ar) The American Magazine February 1920
- * Habits Are Safer Than Rules, (ar) The American Magazine July 1920
- * Have You a Body to Be Proud Of?, (ms) Physical Culture October 1923
- * The Healing of Meechum, (??) The Century Magazine September 1896
- * Heart, (ms) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine October 1915
- * Home to Our Mountain, (ss) The Delineator June 1911
- * How I Fought the Glooms—and Won, (ar) The American Magazine August 1923
- * How It Feels to Be President, (ar) Liberty July 5 1924
- * How Many Real Friends Have You?, (ar) Liberty June 7 1924
- * How Much Do You Know?, (qz) The American Magazine January 1920
- * How Much Do You Know?, (qz) Pearson’s Magazine April 1920
- * How to Be Agreeable, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine September 1919
- * How to Keep Sick, (ms) Physical Culture June 1923
- * How to Think Straight, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine October 1919
- * How to Use Your Mistakes, (ar) The American Magazine April 1920
- * “I Am for Prohibition”, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1919
- * If I Were Twenty-One, (ar) The American Magazine December 1917
- * If You Are Up Against it—Go Around!, (ar) The American Magazine September 1919
- * If You Want to Be Happy—Practice!, (ar) The American Magazine May 1920
- * In Apogee, (ss) Snappy Stories April 1915
- * In Defense of the Flapper, (ed) Smart Set October 1924
- * In Tune, (ed) Cosmopolitan December 1913
- * Keeping Your Balance, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March 1918
- * Land Currency, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1915
- * Largeness of Heart, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1919
- * Learn How to Eat, (ar) Physical Culture August 1924
- * The Little Graces, (ar) McClure’s Magazine May 1917
- * Love, (ss) Woman’s World February 1922
- * The Magician’s Revenge, (ss) The Black Cat February 1908
- * The Man Inside, (ar) Liberty October 3 1925
- * Mighty Eating, (ar) Physical Culture February 1924
- * The Most Important Thing, (ed) Cosmopolitan January 1914
- * A Nation of Spectators, (ar) Physical Culture March 1925
- * Nip It in the Bud!, (ed) Smart Set June 1926
- * Not “Safety First”, but “Strength First”, (ar) Physical Culture August 1923
- * Pin Cushions and Bare Knees, (ed) Smart Set January 1926
- * The Policeman at Work, (ar) National Brain Power July 1923
- * The Private Opinions of a Plain Man, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1 1910
- * The Privileges of Poverty, (ar) Liberty January 10 1925
- * Progress, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1913
- * Pull Up Your Own Weeds, (ed) Smart Set April 1926
- * Quit Eating for a Day or Two, (ar) Physical Culture July 1924
- * Realize What It Means to Realize, (ar) Physical Culture April 1924
- * The Red Cross, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1919
- * The Row of Dominoes, (ss) McClure’s Magazine April 1898
- * The Sap of Failure, (vi) Young’s Magazine March 1915
- * Science and Ghosts, (ar) National Brain Power March 1923
- * The Secret of Success, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine November 1916
- * Seven Good Things Coming Out of the War, (ar) The American Magazine August 1918
- * Spend Less on Hogs and More on Children, (ar) Physical Culture December 1923
- * The Sphinx and the 14 Year Old, (ss) Woman’s World May 1913
- * Storing Up, (ar) Physical Culture August 1925
- * The Sun Is Your Best Friend, (ar) Physical Culture January 1925
- * The Superiority Kick, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1916
- * Ten Commandments for Salesmen, (ar) The American Magazine June 1920
- * The Ten Commandments of Success, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine December 1919
- * Ten Good Points About the “Everyday Man”, (ar) The American Magazine January 1919
- * Ten Good Resolutions, (ar) The American Magazine October 1919
- * 10 Things That Keep Us Apart, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine August 1923
- * Ten Ways to Test the Fineness of a Man, (ar) The American Magazine August 1919
- * Thank God—If You Escaped Being Born a Genius, (ar) The American Magazine December 1919
- * “Their Second Wind”, (ed) Smart Set January 1925
- * Try Making a Speech, (ar) Physical Culture July 1925
- * Twenty Rules for a Happy Marriage, (ar) The American Magazine November 1920
- * Two Kinds of People—Sick and Well, (ar) Physical Culture October 1924
- * The Uglifiers, (ed) Cosmopolitan April 1914
- * The Untrained, (ar) McClure’s Magazine February 1917
- * We Eat Too Much, (ar) Physical Culture February 1925
- * What Christmas Means, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine January 1920
- * What Does It Mean to Be Broad?, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine October 1920
- * What Has Democracy Done to God?, (ar) The American Magazine May 1919
- * What Is Honor?, (ed) Smart Set October 1925
- * What We Want, (ed) Smart Set February 1926
- * “When Girls Leave Home”, (ed) Smart Set December 1924
- * When She Comes Home, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1899
- * When You Are Angry, (ed) Smart Set November 1925
- * Why Be Afraid?, (ar) Physical Culture November 1924
- * Woman’s Dress, (ed) Smart Set March 1926
- * Women and Old Age, (ar) Physical Culture May 1925
- * You Can’t Change the World—So Change Yourself, (ar) The American Magazine December 1920
- * Your Grandmother’s Children Will Be Lucky, (ar) Physical Culture January 1924
- * Your Mental Photograph, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1917
- * Yourself, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine May 1915
- * Youth, (ed) Cosmopolitan May 1914
[]Crane, Josepha (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Ancient Designs for Modern Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm August 1904
- * Broderie Dentelle, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1898
- * The Care of One’s Clothes, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1892
- * Darned Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1904
- * Drawn Canvas Work, (ar) The Lady’s Realm January 1898
- * A Florentine Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1905
- * How to Work All-Over Designs, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1899
- * Italian Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1905
- * Italian Flame-Stitch, (ar) The Lady’s Realm June 1901
- * The Making of Flannel Tapestry, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1894
- * Mount Mellick Embroidery, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1892
- * Old Hungarian Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm April 1904
- * Old Italian Appliqué, (ar) The Lady’s Realm February 1905
- * On Keeping Up Appearances, (ar) Atalanta #99, December 1895
- * Pocket-Handkerchief Work, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1890
- * Pompeiian Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm February 1903
- * Roumanian Embroidery, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1894
- * Silk Cut-Edge Work, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1903
- * Some Presents for Christmas, (ar) The Lady’s Realm December 1904
- * Soutache Embroidery, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1894
- * Stripes and Borders from Italian Sources, (ar) The Lady’s Realm October 1901
- * Varieties of Ribbon Work, (ar) The Lady’s Realm September 1901
[]Crane, (James) Leo (1881-?) (about) (chron.)
- * According to Confucius, (ss) The All-Story Magazine September 1906
- * All for Five Cents, (ss) The Black Cat December 1913
- * An Arctic Adventure, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine October 24 1915
- * At Chimney Butte, (ss) Harper’s Weekly July 1 1911
- * The Bandage, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine July 1907
- * A Bargain in Dolls [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s February 1908
- * The Battle of Morton’s Alley [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s April 1908
- * The Bear and the Berg, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1906
- * Bêche-De-Mer, (ss) Harper’s Weekly October 16 1909
- * A Benefit Performance, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1913
- * Between Men, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1909
- * Bingo, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine December 1907
- * The Boy and Twelve Dollars [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s June 1908
- * The Bracelet, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1908
- * The Calliope, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1910
- * A Captive of the Wheels, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine May 1907
- * Cast Away, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1909
- * The Children, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1905
- * A Chronicle of the Rear Guard, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1902
- * The Clown, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 11 1909
- * Concerning Aaron-Artics, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1910
- * A Cowboy Knight Errant, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1906
- * The Death Watch, (ss) The Smart Set August 1912
- * Dream-Land, (ss) People’s October 1907
- * Dust and the Serpent, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1908
- * East of Eden, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1910
- * The Fall of the Curtain, (ss) Pictorial Review June 1912
- * Gods and Men, (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine April 1907
- * Gosnell’s Girl, (ss) Harper’s Weekly June 25 1910
- * His Battle, (ss) Adventure May 1911
- * His Contributory Courtship, (ss) The All-Story Magazine November 1906
- * The Imperishable Will, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine January 23 1916
- * Jim’s Wife, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1907
- * The Kingdom of the Sun, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1902
- * “The Kitty”, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine July 1908
- * “The Lamp of the Wicked”, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1907
- * The Last Chant, (ss) The Cavalier March 16 1912
- * The Legend of San Fernando, (ss) The Clever Magazine February 1903
- * Let Nothing You Dismay [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s January 1908
- * The Little Brother, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine September 26 1915
- * A Little Comedy at Gordann’s, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine December 1906
- * The Lobster and the Angel, (ss) The Smart Set March 1909
- * Made in Borneo, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1907
- * Mademoiselle of the Cross, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine March 1908
- * The Man Child, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine February 1908
- * The Man Who Knew, (ss) The Red Book May 1904
- * The Miracle by the Roadside, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine October 1904
- * Moonshine and Mahomet, (ss) The American Magazine September 1906
- * Muley’s Thirst, (ss) The Monthly Story Blue Book Magazine March 1907
- * Nance, the Unfortunate [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s September 1908
- * On Bill, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1911
- * One Man’s Story, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1909
- * On the Flying Bars, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1916
- * On the Trucks of Modernity, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 1908
- * On the Waggin with Slugger Brown [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s May 1908
- * The Passing of Moon-Raker, (ss) The Red Book February 1904
- * The Pirate’s Holiday, (ss) The Black Cat December 1913
- * Played Out, (ss) The Canadian Magazine October 1920
- * Prepared for Marching Orders, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 18 1909
- * The Real Thing, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine March 14 1915
- * The Red Magnificence, (ss) Appleton’s Magazine January 1907
- * Sam’s Friend, the Bear, (ss) The All-Story Magazine November 1907
- * The Serpent Enters, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1927
- * The Strange Tale of a Dead One, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine August 1905
- * A Streamer in the Sun, (ss) People’s August 1908
- * Things for the Home, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1926
- * To the Rank and File, (ss) The Clever Magazine October 11 1902
- * Two Shots at “Carson’s”, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1907
- * Uncharted, (ss) The Smart Set August 1909
- * Wanted: A Bad Actor, (ss) Short Stories December 1911
- * When the Gods Sneer, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1909
- * A Yard of Ribbon [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s November 1907
- * The Yellow Slip [Morton’s Department Store], (ss) People’s November 1908
- * Yes or No?, (vi) The Red Book November 1903
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