The FictionMags Index
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[]Collins, Andrew J. (fl. 1940s-1960s); used pseudonym Anthony Crowell (chron.)
- * All Cozy with a Corpse, (ss) Hollywood Detective December 1949
- * And a Time for Dying, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1960
- * Crime on My Hands, (ss) Scientific Detective June 1947
- * A Date with Death, (nv) Private Detective Stories May 1948
- * Deep in the Heart of Murder, (ss) Hollywood Detective February 1950
- * The Egg in the Bier, (nv) Thrilling Detective June 1947
- * The Golden Harp, (ss) Scientific Detective November 1947
- * Homicide Hotbed, (sl) Scientific Detective Nov, Dec 1946
- * Mary Dies Tonight, (ss) Mammoth Mystery August 1946
- * Murder Waits Till Midnight, (ss) Scientific Detective July 1946
- * Shakedown Shamus, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1947
- * A Short Bier for Bertha, (ss) Thrilling Detective August 1947
- * Sing a Song of Murder, (ss) Scientific Detective March 1948
- * Some Like ’Em Dead, (ss) Hollywood Detective May 1948
- * Stag Films ’69, (ex) Barclay House, 1969, as by Anthony Crowell
- * There’s Money in Murder, (ss) Scientific Detective August 1946
- * Thunder in Stony Flats, (nv) Black Book Detective January 1949
[]Collins, Barbara (1948- ); used pseudonym Barbara Allan (books) (chron.)
- * Aunt Emma’s Defense, (ss)
- * The Cabinet of William Henry Harrison (with Max Allan Collins), (nv) White House Horrors ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * Carry’s Cat, (ss) Cat Crimes Through Time ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, Carroll & Graf, 1999
- * Cat Got Your Tongue (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Cat Crimes III ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1992
- * A Cruise to Forget (with Max Allan Collins), (nv) Death Cruise ed. Lawrence Block, Cumberland House, 1999
- * Dalliance at Sunnydale, (ss) Flesh & Blood: Guilty as Sin ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2003
- * Dark Side of the Moon, (ss) Night Screams ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1996
- * Da Svidaniya, Khrushchev, (ss) Marilyn: Shades of Blonde ed. Carole Nelson Douglas, Forge, 1997
- * Dead and Breakfast, (ss) Murder Most Delicious ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1995
- * Eddie Haskell in a Short Skirt (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Lethal Ladies II by Christine Matthews & Robert J. Randisi, Berkley, 1998
- * Father, Son and Holy Ghost, (ss) Murder for Father ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1994
- * Flyover Country (with Max Allan Collins), (nv) Till Death Do Us Part ed. Jill M. Morgan & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1999
- * Homefront [Dick Tracy], (ss) Dick Tracy: The Secret Files ed. Max Allan Collins & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1990
- * Introduction (with Robert J. Randisi), (in) Lethal Ladies ed. Barbara Collins & Robert J. Randisi, Berkley, 1996
- * Introduction: Hers, (in) Murder—His and Hers: Short Stories with Max Allan Collins, Five Star US, 2001
- * Love Nest, (ss) Lethal Ladies ed. Barbara Collins & Robert J. Randisi, Berkley, 1996
- * Love Nest (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Sex, Lies and Private Eyes ed. Joe Gentile & Richard Dean Starr, Moonstone Books, 2009
- * Murder—His and Hers: Short Stories (with Max Allan Collins), (co) Five Star US, April 2001
- * The Night It Rained Cats and Dogs, (ss)
- * Obeah, My Love, (ss) 1996
- * A Proper Burial, (ss) Cat Crimes ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1991
- * Regeneration (with Max Allan Collins), (nv) Hot Blood X ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1998
- * Reunion Queen, (ss) Vengeance Is Hers ed. Mickey Spillane, Max Allan Collins & Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1997
- * Seeing Red, (ss) Women on the Edge ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Donald I. Fine, 1992
- * Sweet Dreams, Norma Jeane, (ss) Celebrity Vampires ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- * The Ten Lives of Talbert, (ss) Feline and Famous ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1994
- * That Damn Cat, (ss) Danger in D.C. ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1993
- * To Grandmother’s House We Go, (ss) Cat Crimes for the Holidays ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Ed Gorman & Larry Segriff, Fine, 1997
- * To Kill a Cat, (ss) Cat Crimes II ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman, Donald I. Fine, 1992
- * Too Many Tomcats, (nv)
- * Too Many Tomcats and Other Feline Tales of Suspense, (co) Five Star US, November 2000
- * Trailer Trashed, (ss) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006
- * What’s Wrong with Harley Quinn? (with Max Allan Collins), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2021, as by Barbara Allan
- * Wife of Max Allan Collins, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #41, 1987 [Ref. Max Allan Collins]
- * World’s Greatest Mother, (ss) Murder for Mother ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1994
- * [untitled], (aw) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006
_____, ed.
[]Collins, Billy; [i.e., William James Collins] (1941- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Blues, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * Days of Teen-age Glory, (pm) The New Yorker March 22 2021
- * Day Sounds, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 2012
- * Downpour, (pm) The New Yorker November 18 2019
- * Elegy, (pm) The New Yorker October 10 2022
- * Flaubert, (pm) The New Yorker October 10 2022
- * Flying through Clouds, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * For Bartleby the Scrivener, (pm) Ploughshares Spring 1977
- * Forgetfulness, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * From Musical Tables, (gp) The New Yorker October 10 2022
- * Incipit, (pm) The New Yorker March 13 2023
- * The Invention of the Saxophone, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * Keynote Poem: The City, (pm) Metropolis Found ed. Linda C. Exman, New York Is Book Country, 2003
- * A Night on Earth, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * On the Deaths of Friends, (pm) The Paris Review #232, Spring 2020
- * A Portrait of the Reader with a Bowl of Cereal, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * Putti in the Night, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * Questions About Angels, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * Safe Travels, (pm) The New Yorker September 11 2017
- * Sartre, (pm) The Paris Review #159, Fall 2001
- * Scenes of Hell, (pm) A Public Space #3, Spring 2007
- * Taking Off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2002
- * Thought a Rarity on Paper, (pm) The New Yorker February 26 2024
- * 3 A.M., (pm) The New Yorker October 10 2022
_____, [ref.]
[]Collins, Brigid; [i.e., Brigid Collins Kendall] (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Down the Line [Valdemar], (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- * Dragons Are Fond of Them, (ss) Fiction River Special #2, Editor Saves 2018
- * Foiled, (ss) Fiction River #31, Feel the Love 2019
- * For the Record, (ss) Fiction River #37, Broken Dreams 2022
- * Frostburnt, (ss) Fiction River #11, Pulse Pounders, January 2015
- * Gambler’s Fallacy, (ss) Fiction River #12, Risk Takers, March 2015
- * Ghost Cider [Valdemar], (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- * Honed Sharp and Ready, (ss) Fiction River #33, Doorways to Enchantment 2020
- * In Which Dean Wesley Smith Is Forced to Buy a Story About a Queen for Pulphouse Magazine, (ss) That’s Really Messed Up ed. Dean Wesley Smith, WMG Publishing, Inc., 2021
- * Killing Spree, (ss) Fiction River #21, Tavern Tales, January 2017
- * Letters from Home [Valdemar], (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- * Love, Nothing More, Nothing Less [Valdemar], (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- * Mother Daughter, (ss) Fiction River #19, Haunted, September 2016
- * Once a Bandit [Valdemar], (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- * One Last Night Manning the Home Station [Valdemar], (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- * Paper Trick, (ss) Fantasy in the City ed. Jamie Ferguson, Kydala Publishing, 2016
- * Paradox of HMS Observant (with Ron Collins), (nv) Boundary Shock Quarterly #21, 2023
- * Part of a Balanced Breakfast, (nv) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #32, 2024
- * Passion for the Game, (ss) Fiction River #26, Superpowers, November 2017
- * Power Chords, (ss) Snot-Nosed Aliens ed. Dean Wesley Smith, WMG Publishing, 2019
- * Preparing for the Worst [Valdemar], (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- * Protectors of the Gold Rush Amusement Park, (ss) Dragons ed. Leah R. Cutter & Allyson Longueira, Knotted Road Press, 2021
- * Silent Storms [Valdemar], (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- * Snowbound [Valdemar], (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- * The Sugimori Sisters and the Santa Experiment, (ss) Holiday Spectacular #1 ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, WMG Publishing, 2020
- * The Supporters in Panama City, (ss) Fiction River #27, Justice, January 2018
- * To the Grave, (ss) Pulphouse Fiction Magazine #16, 2022
- * Upon_a_Starship.pgm, (ss) Fiction River #28, Wishes 2018
- * The Year That Went Into Extra Innings (with Ron Collins), (ss) Holiday Spectacular #1 ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, WMG Publishing, 2020
[]Collins, Charles Allston (1828-1873) (about) (chron.)
- * Antagonistic Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
- * The Compensation House, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1866, as "No. 3 Branch Line. The Compensation House"
- The Supernatural Omnibus ed. Montague Summers, Gollancz, 1931
- The Supernatural Omnibus (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Doubleday, Doran, 1932
- The Supernatural Omnibus I ed. Montague Summers, Panther, 1967
- Bewitched Beings ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1974
- The Supernatural Omnibus I (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Penguin, 1976
- Reign of Terror: 2nd Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977
- Macabre Railway Stories ed. Ronald Holmes, W.H. Allen, 1982
- * His Black Bag, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1862, uncredited.
- * His Writing-Desk, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1862, uncredited.
- * How the Best Attic Was Under a Cloud, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1863, uncredited.
- * How to Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1868, uncredited.
- * Ladies’ Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
- * No. 3 Branch Line. The Compensation House, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1866
- The Supernatural Omnibus ed. Montague Summers, Gollancz, 1931, as "The Compensation House"
- The Supernatural Omnibus (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Doubleday, Doran, 1932, as "The Compensation House"
- The Supernatural Omnibus I ed. Montague Summers, Panther, 1967, as "The Compensation House"
- Bewitched Beings ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1974, as "The Compensation House"
- The Supernatural Omnibus I (var. 1) ed. Montague Summers, Penguin, 1976, as "The Compensation House"
- Reign of Terror: 2nd Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977, as "The Compensation House"
- Macabre Railway Stories ed. Ronald Holmes, W.H. Allen, 1982, as "The Compensation House"
- * Of Promoting Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1868, uncredited.
- * Of Silence, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
- * Of Talk Between Persons Who Are Strangers to Each Other, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
- * Of the Descriptive Talker, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
- * Of the Recipients of Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
- * Of the Talker Who Discusses Topics, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
- * Of the Talker Who Relates Anecdotes, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
- * Of the Talker Who Retails Gossip, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
- * Of Times for Talking, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
- * Of Various Minor Talkers, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
- * On Silence, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
- * The Pair of Gloves, (vi) (error, actually by Charles Dickens) Household Words #25, September 14 1850, uncredited.
- * A Past Lodger Relates a Wild Legend of a Doctor, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1864, uncredited.
- * Picking Up Evening Shadows, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1861, uncredited.
- * The Sofa, (vi) (error, actually by Charles Dickens) Household Words #25, September 14 1850, uncredited.
- * Some Chapters on Talk:
* ___ I.—Of the Descriptive Talker, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
* ___ II.—Of the Talker Who Retails Gossip, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
* ___ III.—Of the Talker Who Relates Anecdotes, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
* ___ IV.—Of the Talker Who Discusses Topics, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
* ___ V.—Of Various Minor Talkers, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867, uncredited.
* ___ VI.—Of Times for Talking, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
* ___ VII.—Of the Recipients of Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
* ___ VIII.—On Silence, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
* ___ IX.—Of Silence, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
* ___ X.—Of Talk Between Persons Who Are Strangers to Each Other, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XI.—Of Promoting Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XII.—How to Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XIII.—How to Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XIV.—How to Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XV.—Antagonistic Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XVI.—Ladies’ Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XVII.—Some Other Varieties of Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
* ___ XVIII.—Too Much Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
- * Some Other Varieties of Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
- * La Tête Noire, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1860, as "untitled (“It happened that at one period of my life…”)", uncredited.
- * To Be Taken at the Dinner-table, (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1865, uncredited.
- * Too Much Talk, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
- * untitled (“It happened that at one period of my life…”), (ss) All the Year Round Christmas 1860, uncredited.
_____, [ref.]
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