The FictionMags Index
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[]Carver, Jeffrey A(llan) (1949- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Alien Persuasion, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1975
- * Dog Star, (ss) Diamonds in the Sky ed. Mike Brotherton, National Science Foundation, 2009
- * Fireboxes, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #67, Summer 1978
- * Love Rogo, (na) Futurelove ed. Roger Elwood, Bobbs-Merrill, 1977
- * The Nebulas: Frequently Asked Questions, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #151, Fall 2001
- * On Eternity’s End, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #154, Summer 2002
- * Pssst! Wanna Buy a Free Ebook?, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #180, December 2008/January 2009
- * Reality School: in the Entropy Zone, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 1995
- * Seastate Zero, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1978
- * Though All the Mountains Lie Between, (nv) Science-Fiction Times 1980
- * Whose Gods Are These?, (ss) Galileo #9, 1978
- * [letter], (lt) SFWA Bulletin #59, August 1976
- * [lettter], (lt) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #91, Spring 1986
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- * CD Review: Study Works! Science Deluxe by Thomas A. Easton, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #147, Fall 2000
- * From a Changeling Star by John G. Cramer, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * From a Changeling Star, by Jeffrey A. Carver by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1989
- * Neptune Crossing by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #84, June 1994
- * The Rapture Effect by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #26, November/December 1988
- * Seas of Ernathe by David Johns, (br) Galileo #2, 1976
- * Star Rigger’s Way by John Clute, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979
- * Star Rigger’s Way by Richard E. Geis, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June/July 1979
[]Carver, Jess (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Di Mag, (pm) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 1940
- * Dime a Dozen, (nv) Athlete March 1940
- * Double Shuffle, (ss) The Wizard February 1941
- * Fire with Fire, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 1940
- * First Fiddle, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 1940
- * Goats Is Goats, (ss) The Wizard October 1940
- * Leave of Absence, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine December 1940
- * Merchant of Vengeance, (ss) The Wizard April 1941
- * Nags and Scrap Iron, (ss) The Wizard December 1940
- * Stretch Drive, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 1940
- * Strike!—Called!, (ss) Athlete September 1939
- * Two on the Fifty, (pm) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 1941
- * Watching the Backs Sail By, (pm) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 1940
- * White Christmas, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine January 1941
[]Carver, Raymond (1939-1988) (books) (chron.)
- * Are These Actual Miles?, (ss) Esquire May 1972, as "What Is It?"
- * Are You a Doctor?, (ss) Fiction v1 #4, 1974
- * Author’s Perspective: Carver on “Commonplace but Precise Language”, (ar)
- * Balsa Wood, (pm) Lord John Ten ed. Dennis Etchison, Lord John Press, 1988
- * Beginners, (ss) The New Yorker December 24/December 31 2007
- * Blackbird Pie, (ss) The New Yorker July 7 1986
- * Boxes, (ss) The New Yorker February 24 1986
- * The Bridle, (ss) The New Yorker July 19 1982
- * The Cabin, (ss) Granta #12, Summer 1984
- * Call if You Need Me, (ss) 1999
- * The Car, (pm)
- * Cathedral, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly September 1981
- The Best American Short Stories 1982 ed. John Gardner & Shannon Ravenel, Houghton Mifflin, 1982
- The Harper Anthology of Fiction ed. Sylvan Barnet, HarperCollins, 1991
- Fiction 50: An Introduction to the Short Story ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall, 1993
- The New Mystery ed. Jerome Charyn, Dutton, 1993
- The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories ed. Tobias Wolff, Vintage Books, 1994
- You’ve Got to Read This ed. Ron Hansen & Jim Shepard, HarperPerennial, 1994
- Norton Anthology of Contemporary Fiction (Second Edition) ed. R. V. Cassill & Joyce Carol Oates, W.W. Norton, 1997
- A Web of Stories: An Introduction to Short Fiction ed. Jon & Marjorie Ford, Prentice Hall, 1998
- Fiction: A Longman Pocket Anthology ed. R. S. Gwynn, Addison-Wesley, 1998
- Short Fiction ed. Charles H. Bohner & Dean Dougherty, Prentice Hall, 1999
- An Introduction to Fiction ed. X. J. Kennedy & Dana Gioia, Longman US, 1999
- Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Sixth Edition ed. R. V. Cassill & Richard Bausch, W.W. Norton & Company, 2000
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- * Chef’s House, (ss) The New Yorker November 30 1981
- * Collectors, (ss) Esquire August 1975
- * The Compartment, (ss) Granta #8, Summer 1983
- * Country Matters, (pm) Ploughshares Spring 1975
- * Creative Writing 101, (ar)
- * Elephant, (ss) The New Yorker June 9 1986
- * Errand, (ss) The New Yorker June 1 1987
- The Best American Short Stories 1988 ed. Mark Helprin & Shannon Ravenel, Houghton Mifflin, 1988
- Prize Stories 1988: The O. Henry Awards ed. William Abrahams, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1988
- The Harper Anthology of Fiction ed. Sylvan Barnet, HarperCollins, 1991
- Major American Short Stories ed. A. Walton Litz, Oxford University Press US, 1994
- Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction ed. Lex Williford & Michael Martone, Scribner, 1999
- * Fat, (ss) Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? by Raymond Carver, McGraw-Hill, 1976
- * The Father, (vi) Flash Fiction ed. James Thomas, Denise Thomas & Tom Hazuka, W.W. Norton, 1992
- * Feathers, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly September 1982
- * Friendship, (ar) Granta #25, Autumn 1988
- * Furious Seasons, (ss)
- * Hunter, (pm) Esquire July 1971
- * I Could See the Smallest Things, (ss)
- * Intimacy, (ss) Esquire August 1986
- * Introduction, (in) The Best American Short Stories 1986 ed. Raymond Carver & Shannon Ravenel, Houghton Mifflin, 1986
- * Jean’s TV, (pm) Lord John Ten ed. Dennis Etchison, Lord John Press, 1988
- * Kindling, (ss) Esquire July 1999
- * Lemonade, (pm) Esquire July 1989
- * Little Things, (vi) 1986
- * Menudo, (ss) Granta #21, Spring 1987
- * My Boat, (pm) Fiction 1985
- * My Father’s Life, (ar) Fires by Raymond Capra, Capra Press, 1983
- * Neighbors, (ss) Esquire June 1971
- * A Night Out, (ss) December
- * On Writing, (ar)
- * Popular Mechanics, (ss)
- * Put Yourself in My Shoes, (ss) The Iowa Review Fall 1972
- * Shiftless, (pm) Lord John Ten ed. Dennis Etchison, Lord John Press, 1988
- * Simple, (pm) Lord John Ten ed. Dennis Etchison, Lord John Press, 1988
- * A Small Good Thing, (ss) Ploughshares Summer/Fall 1982
- * So Much Water So Close to Home, (ss)
- * Talking About Stories, (ar)
- * Tell the Women We’re Going, (ss) What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver, Knopf, 1981
- * The Third Thing That Killed My Father Off, (ss) What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver, Knopf, 1981
- * This Morning, (pm) Lord John Ten ed. Dennis Etchison, Lord John Press, 1988
- * Vandals, (ss) Esquire October 1999
- * The Van Gogh Field, (br) Quarterly West #10, Winter/Spring 1980 [Ref. William Kittredge]
- * Viewfinder, (ss)
- * Vitamins, (ss) Granta #4, Spring 1981
- * What Is It?, (ss) Esquire May 1972
- Prize Stories 1973: The O. Henry Awards ed. William Abrahams, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1973
- The Oxford Book of American Short Stories ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Oxford University Press US, 1994, as "Are These Actual Miles?"
- The Granta Book of the American Short Story ed. Richard Ford, Penguin/Granta, 1998, as "Are These Actual Miles?"
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999, as "Are These Actual Miles?"
- The Art of the Story: An International Anthology of Contemporary Short Stories ed. Daniel Halpern, Viking, 1999, as "Are These Actual Miles?"
- * What the Doctor Said, (pm) Granta #25, Autumn 1988
- * What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, (ss) What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver, Knopf, 1981
- * Where He Was: Memories of My Father, (mm) Granta #14, Winter 1984
- * Where I’m Calling From, (ss) The New Yorker March 15 1982
- * Where Is Everyone?, (ss) TriQuarterly #48, Spring 1980
- * Where Water Comes Together with Other Water, (pm) Fiction 1985
- * Whoever Was Using This Bed, (ss) The New Yorker April 28 1986
- * Why Don’t You Dance?, (ss)
- * Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?, (nv) December Fall 1966
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Barroom Buddy and Prom King by Thomas M. Disch, (rv) The Nation April 12 1986, as "Proles and Prom Kings"
- * Glimpses: Raymond Carver by Maryann Carver, Chuck Kinder, William Kittredge, Jay McInerney & Douglas Unger, (ar) The Paris Review #118, Spring 1991
- * Proles and Prom Kings by Thomas M. Disch, (rv) The Nation April 12 1986
- * Raymond Carver, 1938 to 1988 by Tess Gallagher, (ob) Granta #25, Autumn 1988
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