The FictionMags Index
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Asimov, Isaac (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Feghoot and the Courts, (vi) Bred Any Good Rooks Lately? ed. James Charlton, Doubleday, 1986, as "Burnside and the Courts"
- * Feminine Intuition [Susan Calvin; Robots], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1969
- Twenty Years of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Edward L. Ferman & Robert P. Mills, Putnam, 1970
- The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories, Doubleday, 1976
- The Complete Robot, Doubleday, 1982
- The Asimov Chronicles, Dark Harvest, 1989
- Robot Visions, NAL/Roc, 1990
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Five, Ace, 1991
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two (var. 1), Legend, 1991
- The Complete Stories, Volume 2, Doubleday Foundation, 1992
- * Feminism, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1988
- * A Few More Words-Unexpectedly, (in) 1971
- * The Fifth Force, (ar) American Way February 1 1988
- * Fifty Million Big Brothers, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1978
- * Fifty Years, (aw) Foundation’s Friends ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1989
- * The Fights of Spring [Azazel], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1987
- * Figurehead?, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1990
- * The Figure of the Farthest, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1973
- * The Figure of the Fastest, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1973
- * The Final Collapse, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1977
- * Final Word, (aw) The Alternate Asimovs, Doubleday, 1986
- * The Fine Print, (ar) American Way August 1975
- * The Finger of God, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1980
- * The Fire of Life, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1988
- * First and Rearmost, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1964
- * The First Century of Science Fiction, (in) The Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Beaufort, 1981
- * The First E. T., (ar) American Way September 2 1986
- * First Law [Mike Donovan; Robots], (ss) Fantastic Universe October 1956
- * The First Metal, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1967
- * First Person, (in) The Future I ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Fawcett, 1981
- * Fish Farming, (ar) American Way November 26 1985
- * The Five-Thousand-Year Calendar, (ar) American Way June 1984
- * A Flash of Brilliance [Union Club], (ss) Gallery August 1982
- * The Flawless Crystal, (ar) American Way September 16 1986
- * The Flickering Yardstick, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1960
- * Flies, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1953
- Science Fiction Terror Tales ed. Groff Conklin, Gnome Press, 1955
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (Australia) #7, 1956
- Nightfall and Other Stories, Doubleday, 1969
- The Supernatural in Fiction ed. Leo P. Kelley, McGraw-Hill, 1973
- The Eureka Years ed. Annette Pelz McComas, Bantam, 1982
- Masterpieces of Terror and the Supernatural ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1985
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1986
- The Complete Stories, Volume 1, Doubleday Foundation, 1990
- The Complete Stories: Volume Two, HarperCollins UK, 1995
- * Flight of Fancy [Azazel], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1988
- * The Floating Crystal Palace, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1978
- * Flying Saucers, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1953 [Ref. Donald H. Menzel]
- * Flying Saucers and Science Fiction, (in) Flying Saucers ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Fawcett, 1982
- * Fools and Madmen, (ar) Event Horizon v1 #3, 1981; adapted from a speech at Brown University, March 1981.
- * The Forces of Evil, (in)
- * Forcing the Lines, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1985
- * The Forever Generation, (ar) Opus 300, Houghton Mifflin, 1984
- * Foreword, (fw) The Unknown ed. D. R. Bensen, Pyramid, 1963
- * Foreword, (fw) Adrift in Space and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) The Graduated Robot and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) Journey to Another Star and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) The Killer Plants and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) The Mind Angel and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) The Missing World and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) Night of the Sphinx and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) The Tunnel and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) Asimov’s Choice: Black Holes & Bug-Eyed-Monsters ed. George H. Scithers, Dale Books, 1977
- * Foreword, (fw) Asimov’s Choice: Astronauts & Androids, Dale Books, 1977
- * Foreword, (fw) Catastrophes! ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Fawcett Crest, 1981
- * Foreword, (fw) Science Fiction Puzzle Tales by Martin Gardner, Penguin, 1983
- * Foreword, (fw) The Union Club Mysteries, Doubleday, 1983
- * Foreword 1—The Second Revolution, (fw) Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1967
- * Foreword 2—Harlan and I, (fw) Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1967
- * Foreword: The Scope of Science Fiction, (fw) Speculations ed. Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance, Houghton Mifflin, 1982
- * Forgetfulness, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1987
- * Forget It!, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1964
- * For the Birds, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1980
- Isaac Asimov’s Wonders of the World ed. Kathleen Moloney & Shawna McCarthy, Davis, 1982
- The Winds of Change and Other Stories, Doubleday, 1983
- The Asimov Chronicles, Dark Harvest, 1989
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Six, Ace, 1991
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two (var. 1), Legend, 1991
- * Forum, (ar) Soviet Literature v431 #2, 1984
* ___ Is There Hope for the Future?, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1974
- * Forward the Foundation [Foundation], (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
- * Forward the Foundation [Foundation], (oc) Doubleday Foundation, April 1993
- * Found!, (ss) Omni October 1978
- Omni (UK) October 1978
- Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Eighth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1979
- The Best of Omni Science Fiction ed. Ben Bova & Don Myrus, Omni, 1980
- The Winds of Change and Other Stories, Doubleday, 1983
- The First Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra, 1983
- The Edge of Tomorrow, Tor, 1985
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1986
- The Asimov Chronicles, Dark Harvest, 1989
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Six, Ace, 1991
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two (var. 1), Legend, 1991
- * Foundation, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1992
- * Foundation [Foundation], (n.) Gnome Press, August 1951
- * Foundation [Foundation], (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1942
- Astounding Science-Fiction (UK) May 1942
- Foundation, Gnome Press, 1951, as "The Enecylopedists"
- Galactic Empires Volume One ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976
- The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 4, 1942 ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1980
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Second Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza/Crown, 1983
- * Foundation [Foundation], (n.) Gnome Press, 1951
- * Foundation [Foundation], (ex) Gnome Press, 1951
- * Foundation and Earth [Foundation], (ex) Doubleday, 1986
- * Foundation and Empire [Foundation], (n.) Gnome, 1952
- * The Foundation of S.F. Success, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1954
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series ed. Anthony Boucher, Doubleday, 1955
- Earth Is Room Enough, Doubleday, 1957
- The Far Ends of Time and Earth, Doubleday, 1979
- The Eureka Years ed. Annette Pelz McComas, Bantam, 1982
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1986
- The Complete Stories, Volume 1, Doubleday Foundation, 1990
- The Complete Stories: Volume One, HarperCollins UK, 1994
- * Foundation’s Edge [Foundation], (ex) Doubleday, October 1982
- * The Foundation Trilogy [Foundation], (om) SFBC, October 1963
- * Founding Father, (ss) Galaxy Magazine October 1965
- Backdrop of Stars ed. Harry Harrison, Dennis Dobson, 1968
- Themes in Science Fiction ed. Leo P. Kelley, McGraw-Hill, 1972
- Science Fact/Fiction ed. Edmund J. Farrell, Thomas E. Gage, John Pfordresher & Raymond J. Rodrigues, Scott, Foresman, 1974
- Buy Jupiter and Other Stories, Doubleday, 1975
- Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Press, 1980
- Galaxy Volume 2 ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Paperbacks, 1981
- Starships ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Fawcett, 1983
- The Complete Stories, Volume 2, Doubleday Foundation, 1992
- * Four Hundred Octaves, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1982
- * The Four-Leaf Clover [Black Widowers], (ss) Puzzles of the Black Widowers, Doubleday, 1990
- * Four Steps to Salvation, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1961
- * Four Themes for Four Futures, (fw) Four Futures ed. Robert Silverberg, Hawthorn, 1971
- * The Fourth Homonym [Black Widowers], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1985
- * Four Times Four Times Four—, (ar) American Way December 1984
- * Franchise [Multivac], (ss) If August 1955
- The First World of If ed. James L. Quinn & Eve Wulff, Quinn, 1957
- Earth Is Room Enough, Doubleday, 1957
- Alien Earth and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood & Sam Moskowitz, MacFadden, 1969
- Political Science Fiction ed. Martin Harry Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Prentice-Hall, 1974
- Inside Information ed. Abbe Mowshowitz, Addison-Wesley, 1977
- The Far Ends of Time and Earth, Doubleday, 1979
- Election Day 2084 ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Prometheus, 1984
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1986
- Robot Dreams, Berkley, 1986
- The Asimov Chronicles, Dark Harvest, 1989
- The Complete Stories, Volume 1, Doubleday Foundation, 1990
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Three, Ace, 1990
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume One (var. 1), Legend, 1991
- The Complete Stories: Volume One, HarperCollins UK, 1994
- * Frederik Pohl, (ar) 1994 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * Freedom, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1992
- * Friday the Thirteenth [Black Widowers], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1976
- * Friends and Allies [Union Club], (ss) Gallery February 1982, as "Mirror Image"
- * The Friends We Make, (ar) American Way June 1977
- * Fritz Leiber (Gonna Roll the Bones), (is) The Hugo Winners, Volume Two ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1971
- * Frivolity, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1988
- * From Pole to Pole, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1988
- * Frustration, (vi) There Won’t Be War ed. Harry Harrison & Bruce McAllister, Tor, 1991
- * F&SF and I, (in) Twenty Years of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Edward L. Ferman & Robert P. Mills, Putnam, 1970
- * F&SF at 30, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction: A 30 Year Retrospective ed. Edward L. Ferman, Doubleday, 1980
- * Fuel Forever, (ar) American Way August 1978
- * A Fuller Explanation of Original Sin, (pm) from Laughing Space, Houghton Mifflin, February 1982
- * A Fuller Explanation of Original Sin (with Janet Jeppson Asimov), (pm) Laughing Space ed. Isaac Asimov & Janet O. Jeppson, Houghton Mifflin, 1982, as by Isaac Asimov & Janet O. Jeppson
- * The Fun in Future Fun, (ar) Lithopinion #6, 1967, as "Future Fun"
- * The Fun They Had, (ss) The Boys and Girls Page December 1 1951
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1954
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) July 1954
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (Australia) #2, 1955
- Operation Future ed. Groff Conklin, Perma Books, 1955
- Earth Is Room Enough, Doubleday, 1957
- Journeys in Science Fiction ed. Richard L. Loughlin & Lilian M. Popp, Globe Book Company, 1961
- Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales ed. Isaac Asimov & Groff Conklin, Collier Books, 1963
- Connoisseur’s Science Fiction ed. Tom Boardman, Penguin, 1964
- Untravelled Worlds ed. Alan Frank Barter & R. Wilson, Macmillan UK, 1966
- Magic ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Funk & Wagnalls, 1967
- Best Short Shorts ed. Eric Berger, Scholastic, 1967
- Future: Can We Shape It? ed. William F. Goodykoontz, Scholastic, 1973
- The Best of Isaac Asimov, Sphere, 1973
- As Tomorrow Becomes Today ed. Charles W. Sullivan, Prentice-Hall, 1974
- Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Fred Obrecht, Barron's Educational Series, 1977
- Strange Planets ed. Amabel Williams-Ellis & Michael Pearson, Blackie, 1977
- Beyond Time and Space ed. Robert R. Potter, Globe Book Company, 1978
- Science Fiction ed. James Gibson, John Murray, 1978
- The Far Ends of Time and Earth, Doubleday, 1979
- Science Fiction Stories ed. Tom Boardman, Jr., Octopus Books, 1979
- Skylark Science Fiction Stories ed. Jill Bennett, Book Club Associates, 1980
- Tomorrow’s TV ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Raintree, 1982
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1986
- Science Fiction Stories ed. Edward Blishen, Kingfisher, 1988
- Technology, Houghton Mifflin, 1989
- The Asimov Chronicles, Dark Harvest, 1989
- The Complete Stories, Volume 1, Doubleday Foundation, 1990
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Three, Ace, 1990
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume One (var. 1), Legend, 1991
- The Complete Stories: Volume One, HarperCollins UK, 1994
- Modern Fiction About School Teaching ed. Jay S. Blanchard & Ursula Casanova, Allyn & Bacon, 1996
- * Future, (ar) Argosy July 1974
- * Future Fantastic, (ar) Special Reports Spring 1989
- * Future Fun, (ar) Lithopinion #6, 1967
- * The Future Mariners, (ar) American Way April 1976
- * The Future of Futurism, (ar) American Way April 1977
- * Future of the Mystery, (pm) Mystery Writers Annual #44, 1990
- * The Future of the Sea, (ar) Boys’ Life November 1991
- * Future? Tense!, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1965
- * Galatea [Azazel], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1987
- * Galaxies, (ex) Follett, 1968
- * A Galaxy at a Time, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1964
- * Galaxy Stars, (bg) Galaxy Science Fiction May/June 1972
- * Galley Slave [Susan Calvin; Robots], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1957
- Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) #59, 1958
- Six Great Short Science Fiction Novels ed. Groff Conklin, Dell, 1960
- Time Waits for Winthrop, and Four Other Short Novels from Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Doubleday, 1962
- The Rest of the Robots, Doubleday, 1964
- Eight Stories from The Rest of the Robots, Pyramid, 1966
- The 7 Deadly Sins of Science Fiction ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Fawcett Crest, 1980
- The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Bonanza/Crown, 1982
- The Complete Robot, Doubleday, 1982
- Robot Visions, NAL/Roc, 1990
- The Complete Stories, Volume 2, Doubleday Foundation, 1992
- * The General [Foundation], (na) Astounding Science Fiction April 1945, as "Dead Hand"
- * The Gentle Push, (ar) American Way February 1 1987
- * The Gentle Vultures, (ss) Super-Science Fiction December 1957
- Nine Tomorrows, Doubleday, 1959
- Contact ed. Noel Keyes, Paperback Library, 1963
- Earthmen and Strangers ed. Robert Silverberg, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1966
- The Complete Stories, Volume 1, Doubleday Foundation, 1990
- The Complete Stories: Volume One, HarperCollins UK, 1994
- * Germs to the Grindstone, (ar) American Way August 1976
- * Getting Down to Basics, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1980
- * Getting the Combination [Union Club], (ss) Gallery June 1982, as "Playing It by the Numbers"
- * Getting the Lead Out, (ar) American Way November 1982
- * Ghost Lines in the Sky, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1964
- * A Ghost of a Chance [Union Club], (ss) Gallery January 1983
- * Ghosts, (in) Young Ghosts ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row, 1985
- * Ghosts, (in) Asimov’s Ghosts ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Dragon Books, 1986
- * Ghosts, (in) Ghosts ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL Signet, 1988
- * Ghosts, (in) 1985
- * Giants in the Earth, (in) Giants ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Signet, 1985
- * Giants in the Earth, (in) Giants ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Robinson, 1987
- * Gift [Union Club], (ss) Gallery June 1981, as "Decipher Detection"
- * The Gilbert and Sullivan Mystery [Black Widowers], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1 1981
- * Gimmicks Three, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1956, as "The Brazen Locked Room"
- * Glasnost, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1988
- * Global Conference, (ar) American Way April 1 1986
- * The Goblin Element, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1985
- * The Gods Themselves, (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction Mar/Apr, May/Jun 1972
- * The Gods Themselves, (n.) Worlds of If March/April 1972
- * The Gods Themselves, (ex) Doubleday, 1972
- * Going Back to Coal, (ar) American Way August 1979
- * Gold, (co) HarperPrism, March 1995
- * Gold, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact September 1991
- * Gold!, (ar) American Way July 1981
- * Golden Age Ahead, (ed) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1979
- * The Golden Door, (ex) Houghton Mifflin, 1977
- * Go, Little Book! [Black Widowers], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1972, as "The Matchbook Collector"
- * Goodbye to Earth, (ss) Interview January 1989
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