The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 11979

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    Yankee [December 1989] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [January 1990] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [February 1990] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [November 1990] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [January 1994] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • 60 · The Snow Owl · Howard Frank Mosher · ex
      from forthcoming novel Northern Borders (Doubleday, 1994).

    Yankee [December 1995] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [January 1996] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [January 1998] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [July 1998] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [June 1999] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Yankee [February 2000] []
    Headline on Cover “Love Stories”.
    • 38 · My Querencia · Mel R. Allen · iv; Interview with Phil Ralston Photographer and friend of Andrew Wyeth.
    • 50 · Audrey’s Story · Edie Clark · ar; story of Audrey Marie Santo condition and its religious implications.
    • 58 · Primary Colors · Franklin McMahon · ar; Coverage of New Hampshire Primary (Text & Pictures).
    • 66 · A Country Road Song · Andre Dubus · ar; a cripple’s mediation on life before and after his accident.
    • 72 · The Secret in Room # 9 · Douglas Anderson · ss; a hidden cranny in an antique desk hides the heartfelt notes left by Lovers.
    • 78 · The Queen of Twigs · Leslie Land · ar; report on a woman who writes books about house plants.
    • 86 · Food’s Finest Hour · Polly Bannister · ar; Food review of service at the White Barn Inn.
    • · House Report · [uncredited] · cl; Napoleon almost slept here.
    • · Yankee Poetry Awards:
    • · Indian Summer · Rennie McQuilkin · pm
    • · Carpe Diem · Cornelia Veenendaal · pm
    • · My New Body · David Bissonette · pm

    Yankee Shorts:   (about)
    The first series was published from 1940 to 1942, numbered sequentially, but with each individual issue carrying the name of an individual magazine. The series mixed reprints with original stories probably depending on how much space there was left in each issue.

    The second series, published in 1943/1944, were digest-sized and were explicitly labelled Yankee Shorts as well as a separate title such as Romance Shorts and Western Shorts and a number. In this series, however, the issues were numbered as sequels to the equivalent title in the first series. whether these numbers represented a second generic series, or if each was numbered as a sequel to the first series.

    Yankee Shorts [#1, Yankee Romance Shorts (November 1940)] (Gerald G. Swan, 10¢, 32pp, 6.75″ x 9.5″) []
    Note the pages are unnumbered. Price quoted as 3d in advert for series.

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