The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 12077

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    Yorkshire Evening Post [October 6, 1950] (newspaper) []
    Details supplied by Steve Holland.
    • · Winning Trick · J. B. Roberts · ss; 56-year-old author is yard foreman at a Wakefield mining engineering works. He left school at 12 and, to use his own words, “seldom even uses a pen.” He has produced several short stories, but “up to now never had the courage to submit one.”

    Young Athlete’s Weekly [#3, February 10, 1905] (Frank Tousey Publisher) []
    from Adventure House auction.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • · Frank Manley’s Ice King; of, The Fastest Craft on Runners · Physical Director · ss

    The Young Crusader [v70 #1, January 1957] (Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 10¢, 16pp, cover by Seifert) []
    Editor-in-Chief, Mrs. Glenn G. Hays. Managing Editor, Mrs. Millie R. Powell. Circulation Manager, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Nelsen. 50¢/year but a single issue to a foreign address was 68¢. First issue was January 1887, so we will probably never list all of them.
    Details supplied by Mark Owings.

    The Young Englishman [v1, #9, June 14, 1873] (1d, 16pp, cover by Phiz) []
    • 129 · Fat Willie Baker · George Emmett · nv; illustrated by Phiz
    • 134 · The Wreck of the ’Golden Cloud’; or, The Three Gallant Middies [Part 9 of 12] · J. J. G. Bradley · sl; illustrated by A. Dorrington
    • 137 · Tom Tiddler; or, The Mystery of Marazion Manor [Part 3 of 13] · Henry Emmett, uncredited · sl; illustrated by H. B.
    • 140 · Sports and Pastimes for Young English Gentlemen · [uncredited] · cl
    • 141 · Tales of My Schoolmates New Series No. 9: The Troubles of Mr. Giles · Alfred Sherrington · ss
    • 142 · Texas Jack, the White King of the Pawnees [Part 9 of 17] · Ned Buntline · sl
    • 144 · Editor’s Box · The Editor · ms

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