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    Real War   (about)
    “A Magazine Devoted to the Interests of Fighting Men, Everywhere.”

    Real War [v2 #2, October 1958] ed. Eric Jonathan (Stanley Publications, 35¢, 68pp, pulp, cover by Vic Prezio) []
    “Special Issue: THE WAR IN SPACE!”
    Details supplied by John Boston.
    • 4 · What Is This Issue About? · The Editors · ed
    • 8 · From the Dream to Reality · [uncredited] · ar; “The first conquest of space has been the goal of humanity since the first man looked up at the stars. This is the story of that ambition.”
    • 10 · What Are Your Chances for Survival? · Allan J. Dickinger · ar; “LIFE: A war for the control of space and the road to the universe. DEATH: The war of nuclear horror and the end of our civilization.”
    • 18 · The Last G.I. · Lou Cameron · ss; “The patrol walked into the valley of death. All about was emptiness and the devastation of all-out A-bomb war. Then, one by one, they began to fall.”
    • 20 · We Died Like Flies on the Beach-heads of Space · Bill Becker · ss; “There was no retreat. We had to win or die. And don’t let anyone tell you that an enemy in space is any easier than one on the ground.”
    • 22 · How Well Is the Enemy Prepared? · Richard van Benschoten · ar; “We have already seen the scientists behind the Iron Curtain beat us with satellites. Now let’s see what they’re preparing for the future.”
    • 23 · How Well Are We Prepared? · Richard van Benschoten · ar; “In this brain war we have no alternative. We must win if we are to survive. And here is what we’re doing about it… today!”
    • 28 · Out of This World · [uncredited] · pi; “Things may change, but one thing always remains the same-women! So here’s a gorgeous gal to look at, to relish and to relax over.”
    • 30 · P.O.E.—1968 · Harland P. Flourie · ss; “You’ve been through it, the last stop on the road to overseas service. This is the way it happened to three Joes in Arizona.”
    • 32 · The Sex Plan for the Breeding of Spacemen · Thorp McClusky · ar; “It won’t be easy developing a race of men and women physically and mentally conditioned for life in space. Here’s how we’ll do it.”
    • 34 · Soldier in Space: Problems in Existence · Lawrence Elliott · ar; “Did you ever consider how a soldier is going to live in an airless, waterless, pressureless universe—let alone fight in it?”
    • 36 · Get the Convoy Through! · Robert Lichello · ss; illustrated by John Schoenherr; “Right beside us, a ship went up in a bubble of flame. And now they were on us, blasting at our precious cargo of air, water and supplies!”
    • 38 · The Last War on Earth · Howard L. Oleck · ss; “This is the big picture, the overall history of the next war, from the first sudden shock to the ultimate victory!”

    Real Western (Canada):   (about)

    Real Western (Canada)
    The title remained Real Western on the cover and indicia, but was given as Real Western Stories at the head of the Table of Contents on some issues at least.

    • Publishers:
      • Duchess Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., 104 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Real Western (Canada).

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