The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 7274

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    Nash’s Magazine:   (about)
    Nash’s Magazine—UK; Apr. 1909-Sep. 1937 (532 issues); merged with The Pall Mall Magazine, Oct. 1914, as Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine, separated again May 1927-Sep. 1929, re-merged, Oct. 1929 as Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine; Eveleigh Nash, London (1909-1911), Hearst’s National Magazine Company (1911-1937); monthly; standard format, on pulp paper until Feb. 1910, when better-quality coated stock introduced, with more illustrations; became a large-format slick in 1923; mostly fiction, including Algernon Blackwood, William Hope Hodgson, Oliver Onions, Marie Belloc Lowndes (“The Lodger” Jan. 1911).

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