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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 6943

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    Modern Electrics [v5 #7, October 1912] (large) []
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: The Feline Light and Power Company Is Organized · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #8, November 1912] (large) []
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: Mr. Fosdick Invents the “Seidlitzmobile” · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #9, December 1912] (large) []
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: The International Electro-Galvanic Undertaking Corporation · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #10, January 1913] (large) []
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: The Afro-American Cataphoretic Process Co., Limited · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Electrics [v5 #11, February 1913] (large) []
    • · The Scientific Adventures of Mr. Fosdick: Mr. Fosdick Goes In For Synthetic Chemistry · Jacque Morgan · ss

    Modern Girl Book [Vol. 1 No. 2, May 1939] (Lex Publications, New York, 25¢, 60pp, 8½″ x 11½″) []
    Details supplied by John Eggeling.

    Modern Man:   (about)

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