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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5424

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    HMS Beagle
    In general it appears that the short stories published in the magazine were also “reprinted” in the following issue; only verified reprints have been listed.

    HMS Beagle [#1, February 1-29, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · The Impossible Task of Ivan Pavlov · James Gurley · pm

    HMS Beagle [#3, March 6-20, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.

    HMS Beagle [#4, March 21-April 3, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · The British Museum · Miroslav Holub · pm Intensive Care by Miroslav Holub, Oberlin College Press, 1996

    HMS Beagle [#6, April 18-May 1, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · A Noiseless Patient Spider · Walt Whitman · pm from “Whispers of Heavenly Death”, The Broadway October 1868

    HMS Beagle [#10, June 13-26, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · Fifth Philosopher’s Song · Aldous Huxley · pm Leda by Aldous Huxley, George H. Doran, 1920

    HMS Beagle [#12, July 11-24, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · The Moth · Miroslav Holub · pm Intensive Care by Miroslav Holub, Oberlin College Press, 1996

    HMS Beagle [#13, July 25-August 14, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · The Nature of Colors · James Gurley · pm Poetry Newsletter 1994

    HMS Beagle [#14, August 15-September 4, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · Sonnet XI · William Shakespeare · pm Shake-speares Sonnets by William Shakespeare, Thomas Thorpe, 1609

    HMS Beagle [#17, October 3-16, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · Autumn Leaves · Marilyn Chin · pm The Phoenix Gone, the Terrace Empty by Marilyn Chin, Milkweed Editions, 1994

    HMS Beagle [#20, November 15-December 4, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · The Maldive Shark · Herman Melville · pm John Marr and Other Sailors by Herman Melville, self-published, 1888

    HMS Beagle [#21, December 5-18, 1997] []
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · Monet Refuses the Operation · Lisel Mueller · pm Second Language by Lisel Mueller, Louisiana State University Press, 1986

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