The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5598

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    Humanity [v1 #8, January 24, 1936] ed. Violet Van der Elst (Violet Van der Elst, 2d, 32pp, 10″ x 13″, cover by Tremator) []
    Details supplied by John Eggeling.
    • 25 · In the Dark · Jean Roy · ss; Yes, the author is Jean _Roy_.
    • 29 · The Haunted House That Vibrated with Evil [Part 2 of 4] · Violet Van der Elst · ts

    Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine for Little Children   (about)
    Published monthly (except for June and August) by The Better Reading Foundation / editorial office in New York city; published in Nashville Tennesee.
    Editor in Chief: Humpty Dumpty.
    Chairman and Publisher: George J. Hecht, publisher, Parents’ Magazine.
    Editorial Director: Rubie Saunders.
    Managing Editor: Patricia Kiensle Ross.
    Eight Advisory Editors listed, including anthologist Phyllis Fenner.

    Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine for Little Children [v16, #160, September 1968] (50¢, 122pp, digest) []
    Cover (artist not identified) depicts a pink hippopotamus and a frightened-looking monkey surfboarding; the hippo is wearing a purple polkadot fullbody swim suit and a red inner tube (and has just lost his sailor’s cap); the monkey is wearing blue swim trunks and is covering his eyes—and there’s not much of a wave. Prose fiction only listed.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

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