The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4425

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    Fantasy Booklet   (about)
    Small press sf magazine containing original fiction and “lost stories,” written but never published.

    • Publishers:
      • Philip Harbottle; Wallsend, Tyne and Wear, England: Fantasy Booklet.
      • Editor: Fantasy Booklet.

    Fantasy Classics   (about)
    Semi-professional magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Fantasy House; North Hollywood, CA: Fantasy Classics.
    • Editors:

    Fantasy Classics [#1, 1973] ($1.95, 48pp+, quarto, cover by John Pound) []
    • 2 · The Terror · Arthur Machen · na The (London) Evening News October 16 1916, as “The Great Terror”
    • 46 · The Elixir of Life · Richard Garnett · ss The Twilight of the Gods by Richard Garnett, Unwin, 1888

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