The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4183

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    The European Magazine [v2 #8 (New Series), April 1826] (John Miller, 112pp) []
    Details supplied by Bradley Scott from bound volume.
    • 337 · The West India Question · John Plainway · ar
    • 340 · Poetry and Painting, Analogy Between: In Two Parts · [uncredited] · cr
    • 346 · The Confessions of a Printer’s Reader · Charles Comma · ar
    • 351 · The Death of the World · [uncredited] · pm
    • 353 · Pastime in Passion Week · [uncredited] · ar
    • 357 · Seminaries and Academies; or, Modern Education · R. A. · ar
    • 365 · A Farewell · [uncredited] · pm
    • 366 · A Plague in Both Your Houses: Epistle to Mssers. Elliston, Kemble, Willet, and Forbes · C. · cr
    • 371 · The Horrors of Sensibility [Part 2 of 2] · G. F. · sl
    • 376 · Scandal!—Satirical · Percy Vyvian · pm
    • 377 · The Paintings in the British Institution · [uncredited] · cr
    • 383 · A Fashionable Vocabulary · Q. Q. Q. · fa
    • 387 · The New Joe Miller · P. T. · hu
    • 389 · Fops and Foplings · [uncredited] · hu
    • 393 · Mother and Daughter · [uncredited] · pm
    • 394 · The National (Late Mr. Angerstein’s) Gallery · Y. · cr
    • 399 · Characters for Charity’s Sake, No. V: A Group of Glories · [uncredited] · cr
    • 407 · The Month · [uncredited] · ms
    • 411 · Drama · [uncredited] · th
    • 421 · The Evening Hour · Catherine · pm

    Eve [November 2, 1921] []
    Issue partially indexed from the Index of Short Stories in Edward J. O’Brien’s The Best Short Stories (1915-1917).

    Eve [November 23, 1921] []
    Issue partially indexed from the Index of Short Stories in Edward J. O’Brien’s The Best Short Stories (1915-1917).

    Eve [March 1, 1922] []
    Issue partially indexed from the Index of Short Stories in Edward J. O’Brien’s The Best Short Stories (1915-1917).

    Eve [June 7, 1922] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Eve [Vol. XXV, No. 327, June 16, 1926] (549-612pp) []
    Subtitled “The Lady’s Pictorial, with which is incorporated The Woman’s Supplement”. Only fiction listed.

    Eve [Vol. XXV, No. 328, June 23, 1926] (613-684pp) []
    Subtitled “The Lady’s Pictorial, with which is incorporated The Woman’s Supplement”. Only fiction listed.

    Eve [Vol. XXV, No. 329, June 30, 1926] (685-744pp) []
    Subtitled “The Lady’s Pictorial, with which is incorporated The Woman’s Supplement”. Only fiction listed.

    Eve [Christmas 1926] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Eve [Vol. 1 Issue 1, July 1962] (Sampson Publishing & Distribution Corp., $1.00, 72pp) []

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