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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1599

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    Beeton’s Christmas Annual [Eighth Season, 1867] (Ward, Lock, and Tyler) []
    from a disbound and perhaps defective copy. Details supplied by Richard Bleiler.
    • 3 · How We Got Up “Beeton’s Annual” · The Editor · ed
    • 6 · The Scotchman’s Story: Aleck Cameron; or, the Grieve of Bieldside · [uncredited] · ss
    • 12 · The German’s Story: Carl von Linden’s Defence · [uncredited] · ss
    • 17 · The Yankee’s Story: How I Got My Postmastership after all, and Swung Round the Circle · [uncredited] · ss
    • 22 · The Englishman’s Story: Squire Chalcombe’s Oath · [uncredited] · ss
    • 27 · The Turk’s Story: The Crippled Cobbler of Bagdad · [uncredited] · ss
    • 30 · The Frenchman’s Story: A Frog—He Would A-Wooing Go · [uncredited] · ss
    • 37 · The Dutchman’s Story: Cast for Death · [uncredited] · ss
    • 43 · The Irishman’s Story: How Dan Heggarty became a Fenian, and Mistress H. Helped Him · [uncredited] · ss
    • 49 · The Welshman’s Story: Mynach-Heb-Un-Pen · [uncredited] · ss
    • 55 · Divination by the Hand; or, Palmistry · The Author of “Divination of the Cards” · ar
    • 60 · The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein—in Several Acts of Bravery, and Many Scenes of Love and Warfare, Discovering the Science of Camping without, and Courting within · [uncredited] · ms
    • 71 · Conundrums and Double Acrostics · [uncredited] · pz
    • 72 · A Puff of Thought, and Afterthought · [uncredited] · il
    • 73 · Society in the Zodiac—New Signs of Old Weaknesses · [uncredited] · il
    • 74 · Twelve of Them; or Celebrated Latin Dogs Done Into Dog-English · Alfred Crowquill · pm
    • 76 · An Animated ALphabet—Laugh as You Learn · [uncredited] · il
    • 78 · The Rot Roy Canoe—A Thousand Yards on the Rivers and Streams of London. By Sandy MacDuffer, Esq. From sketches by Fid · Geo. Cruikshank, [Jun] · il
    • 82 · A Page of Many Parts · Geo. Cruikshank, [Jun] · il
    • 83 · The New Game of Sortes; or, the Book of Fate · Abracadabra · ar
    • 86 · Santa Claus and His Christmas Bag · [uncredited] · ss
    • 88 · Moralities in Rhyme. Set by the Odd Boy to C. H. Bennett’s Pictures · [uncredited] · pm
    • 92 · Christmas Annual Correspondence · Suivez-Moi · lc
    • · Beeton’s Illuminated Almanac. Printed after the Byzantine Style, in Gold and Many Colours. For My Lady’s Chambers · [uncredited] · ms

    Beeton’s Christmas Annual [The Sixteenth Season, undated but late 1875] ed. Samuel Orchart Beeton (Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 120pp) []
    from a bound volume at the U of Minnesota Library. (pp. 97-120 are all advertisements)
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 1 · Faust and ’Phisto · [uncredited] · pl; a long verse drama, including some inserted poems and songs.
    • _18 · Free the State Shall Be · [uncredited] · sg
    • _48-60, 63-78 · Childe Albert’s Pilgrimmage · [uncredited] · pm
    • _61-62 · England’s Roll-Call · [uncredited] · sg
    • _79 · From Our Special Correspondent · [uncredited] · pm
    • _84 · From Another Special Correspondent · [uncredited] · pm

    Beeton’s Christmas Annual [The Seventeenth Season, undated but late 1876] ed. Samuel Orchart Beeton (Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 80pp+) []
    from a bound volume at the U of Minnesota Library.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 1 · The Mystery · [uncredited] · gp; series of short stories loosely connected by frame narrative.
    • _1 · Mysterious Prologue · [uncredited] · pl
    • _8 · Beat, Billows, Beat on Britain’s Shore · [uncredited] · sg
    • _10 · The Mystery · [uncredited] · ss
    • _14 · The Mystery of the Lake Maiden · [uncredited] · ss
    • _21 · The Mystery of My Uncle’s Ghost · [uncredited] · ss
    • _26 · The Mystery in the Railway Carriage · [uncredited] · ss
    • _33 · The Mystery of a Velvet Coat · [uncredited] · ss
    • _38 · The Mystery at the Turnpike Gate · [uncredited] · ss
    • _45 · The Mystery of the Spirit Visitor · [uncredited] · ss
    • 50 · Very Special Correspondence · [uncredited] · hu
    • 57 · A Crumpled Rose Leaf: A Comedietta in One Scene · [uncredited] · pl
    • 64 · Illustrated Quotations · A Contributor with a Bad Memory · ct
    • 66 · The Authentic Journey Due North · [uncredited] · ss
    • 70 · 1877: Hieroglyphic Vaticination for Net Year · [uncredited] · hu
    • 73 · The Mystery for Young Folks: Puzzles, Acrostics and Riddles, Old and New · [uncredited] · ms
    • 78 · Proposition for Establishing a Metropolitan Coal Board · [uncredited] · hu
    • 80 · Answers to Acrostics, Riddles, Puzzles, etc. · [uncredited] · ms

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