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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1568

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    Ballyhoo Magazine [v5 #6, January 1934] ed. Norman Anthony (Dell Publishing, 15¢, 32pp, 8½″ x 11½″) []
    Humorous magazine with snippets of fiction. This is the English edition priced at 1/-.

    Ballyhoo (Australia) [Winter (June? 1956)] (Atlas Publications of Melbourne, 1/6, 68pp, digest s/s) []
    cover: cartoon of two men in spaceship reading Burma Shave posters in space “When you ride / a magnetic wave / look your best / Burma Shave.” Blurbs: Special Chock Full of Space Issue / The World’s Funniest Magazine. Distributed by Gordon & Gotch.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • ifc. · [fake ad for Ballyhoo’s Space Queen (pinup girl in spacesuit)] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 3 · Table of Contents · [uncredited] · ms; blurb: This is Sirius!
    • 4 · [fake ad for hotel, The Pluto Plaza] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 5 · [fake ad for Lunar Luggage] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 5-7 · Litter to the Editors · [uncredited] · lc; all spoof letters and names.
    • 6 · [fake ad for Camp Hy-in-Sky] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 7 · [fake ad for Martian Tourist Bureau] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 8 · [fake ad for Stellar Spaceways travel bureau] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 9-10 · The Ballyhoo Trophy · [uncredited] · hu; for “breaking the sound barrier”.
    • 10 · [fake ads for Heavenrude Outboard Motor for saucers and for Crooks Tour] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 11 · Space Platform Xz204c Does Not Answer · [uncredited] · vi
    • 12,14 · Supersonic Heterodyne - Be My Cosmic Valentine · Paul C. Law · vi
    • 13 · [cartoon - couple in UFO above earth quarelling about route] · [uncredited] · ct
    • 15-16 · I Didn’t Planet That Way! · Donald A. Shaw · vi
    • 16 · [fake ad for Saturn Junior Chamber of Commerce] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 17 · [“damn the galactic asteroids—full speed ahead!”] · Bob Campbell · ct
    • 18 · Let’s Build a Stereo Way to the Stars · Paul C. Law · vi
    • 19 · [parents in spaceship with kid who has to “stop” at each planet] · Herb Green · ct
    • 19-20 · Trouble by the Light Year · Parke Cummings · hu; idea for a space-age radio soap opera plot.
    • 20 · [fake ad for Fathersill’s Mark VIII anti-spacesickness pill] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 21 · Ghost Writers in the Sky · Paul C. Law · vi
    • 22 · [fake ad on masking bad breath by wearing a space helmet] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 23 · Commercial for the Atomic Age · Paul C. Law · hu
    • 24-25 · Space Music: The Hit Parade of 2054 · Richard James · hu
    • 25 · [“I fell for that Orson Welles trick ONCE.”] · Wesley Thompson · ct
    • 26-29 · Watch Out, Mars, This Ship Is Loaded · [uncredited] · hu; newspaper columns from Luella Parsnips, Beater De Russos, Dame Eateth Lions, Saccandra.
    • 27 · [fake ad for LUNA-C rocket line] · [uncredited] · ms
    • 29 · Handy Guide to Martian Conversation · W. F. Miksch · hu
    • 30-31 · It Was Written in the Stars—But Not Very Well · Paul C. Law · vi
    • 31 · [hitchiker on motor scooter] · Jean Belvur ,[?] · ct; not sf-related.
    • 32 · A Martian by Any Other Name · Parke Cummings · hu
    • 32 · [fake ad for Manny’s Moontel and Rocket Court] · [uncredited] · hu
    • 33-36 · The Stratosphere Sun— · [uncredited] · hu; fake future newspaper.
    • 37-39 · Classified Space · [uncredited] · hu; fake classified ads for paper.
    • 40 · Read All Questions Carefully · Parke Cummings · hu; fake space quiz.
    • 41 · [upside down pinup girl photo; blurb Ballyhoo Gets Back to Earth] · [uncredited] · ms
    • · [from here on, only some of the cartoons retain a space theme; all the written text is mundane humor]
    • 42-44 · The Missing Cheque in Reverse · Bill Majeski · ss
    • 45 · [pudgy guy in spacesuit] · Al Kaufman · ct
    • 46-47 · After Forty—What? · Dick Asbaugh · hu
    • 47 · [sleeping man’s beard used as tickler by necking couple] · Leon · ct
    • 48 · [wife finds husband on moon with alien girl] · Herbert Goldberg · ct
    • 49 · All Change! · Parke Cummings · hu
    • 50 · [moochers on park bench want to share newspaper] · Marku · ct
    • 50 · How to View with Alarm · [uncredited] · hu
    • 51 · [aliens to be offered Marilyn Monroe calendars] · W. A. Brown · ct
    • 52 · [man on stretcher sticks up stretcher carriers] · Fred · ct
    • 52-53 · You and Your Job · Robert Fontaine · hu
    • 53 · [jealous husband shares rides behind wife on her skis] · [uncredited] · ct
    • 54 · Golf Is Just a Matter of Course · Dick Emmons · hu
    • 54 · [small skater loses his pants and skates] · Lassalvy ,[?] · ct
    • 55 · [guy in space helmet startled by paper airplane overhead] · [uncredited] · ct
    • 56-58 · You’ve Got to Have a System · [uncredited] · hu
    • 56 · [room painters use teeter-totter] · Paul · ct
    • 57 · [reporter calls in story while fleeing armed thug] · [uncredited] · ct
    • 58 · [bather’s umbrella matches pattern of his tent] · BIL · ct
    • 59 · [father fed up with child chasing pet with hatchet] · Smythe · ct
    • 60 · I’ve Been Sheared · Dick Emmons · hu
    • 60 · [small bather wrings out his long beard] · [uncredited] · ct
    • 61 · [couple on desert island, but she knows judo] · [uncredited] · ct
    • 62,64,66 · Louder and Phonier · [uncredited] · hu; several short jokes.
    • 63 · [real ad for Atlas’ “Science Fiction Library” (six titles)] · [uncredited] · ms
    • 65 · [real ad for Atlas’ “Crime Library” (nine titles)] · [uncredited] · ms
    • 66 · [real subscription form for Ballyhoo (“a magazinier magazine”)] · [uncredited] · ms
    • ibc. · Ye Olde Fashioned Ballyhoo Almanacke for Ye June of Ye 1956 · [uncredited] · ms
    • bc. · [real ad for Squire magazine] · [uncredited] · ms

    Balmy Bedtime Stories [195?] (Paget Publications Ltd., 75¢, 34pp+, 7.25″ x 9.75″) []
    Subtitled “(American Edition)”. Although published in the UK, the only price listed anywhere is 75¢.
    Details supplied by Morgan A. Wallace.

    Balthus   (about)

    • Publishers:
      • Jon M. Harvey; Cardiff, England: Balthus.
    • Editors:

    Baltimore City Paper [v33 #48, December 2-9, 2009] (free, 96pp, tabloid) []
    the winners of the annual fiction and poetry contests, Normal columns, calendar, etc not listed.
    Details supplied by Mark Owings.

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