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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1571

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    The Barker   (about)
    Catalog/review magazine of Dark Carnival Bookstore; Berkeley, CA.

    Barker’s Canadian Monthly Magazine [Vol. I No. 2, June 1846] ed. Edward John Barker (Edward John Barker, 65-112pp) []
    • 61 · Leaves from the Journal of a Life: Leaf the First · T. H. · ss
    • 80 · Public Men of Upper Canada: No. II. Christopher Alexander Hagerman · Cinna · ar
    • 90 · The Remonstrance · T. · pm
    • 90 · The Beautiful · T. · pm
    • 91 · Colonial Representation · [uncredited] · ar
    • 98 · A Hymn for the Dead · T. · pm
    • 99 · The Bearers · A Canadian Settler · ts
    • 102 · Address to His Maiden Sword · Y. · pm
    • 103 · The Manufacturies of Western Canada. No. I. Mr. Morton’s Distillery, Brewery, Vinegar Manufactory, Saleratus Factory, and His Mineral Wells · [uncredited] · ar
    • 112 · The Editor’s Table · The Editor · ed

    Barker’s Canadian Monthly Magazine [Vol. I No. 12, April 1847] ed. Edward John Barker (Edward John Barker, 613-670pp) []
    • 613 · Arctic Discoveries [Part 1 of ?] · Gore · ar
    • 630 · Lines for “Miss Maggy’s” Birth-day · Fuz · pm
    • 631 · Altham [Part ? of ?] · John S. Cummins, Esq. · sl
    • 640 · There’s No Such Maid as Mine · [uncredited] · pm
    • 650 · Legends of the Early Settlements. No. III. De Soulis, The Runner of the Woods · Cinna · ss
    • 667 · The Prodigal Son · [uncredited] · pm
    • 668 · The Editor’s Table · The Editor · ed; announces the magazine has been a financial failure and will only continue if more subscribers can be found.

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