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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 604

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    American Beauties [Volume One Number Nine, August 1926] (The Guild Publishing Company, 25¢, 64pp+, 9″ x 6″) []
    Details supplied by Richard Newsome from Table of Contents.

    The American Boy:   (about)

    The American Boy [v5 #5, March 1904] ed. William C. Sprague (The Sprague Publishing Co., 10¢, 32pp) []
    Details supplied by James D. Keeline.
    • 135 · The Retrieving of White Wings · J. MacDonald Oxley · ss; [Marschner]
    • 136 · Three Yankee Boys in Ireland · The Editor · sl; [4 photos] [begun November 1903]
    • 138 · Just Between Ourselves · William C. Sprague · ed; [1 photo]
    • 139 · Making Healthy Boys in a Philadelphia High School · [uncredited] · ar; [1 photo]
    • 140 · The Blue Dragon. A Story of the Chinese People [Part ? of ?] · Kirk Munroe · sl Harper & Brothers, 1903
    • 141 · A Big Room for Boys · J. L. Harbour · ar
    • 142 · The Captain of the Track Team · Leslie W. Quirk · ss
    • 142 · Archie Roosevelt As a Sailor Lad (son of the President) · [uncredited] · ar; [1 photo]
    • 143 · Camps & Campaigns of Washington: Part II · [uncredited] · ar
    • 145 · A Desert Island Story · [uncredited] · hu
    • 146 · Russian Wolf Hounds · [uncredited] · ar; [1 photo]
    • 147 · How to Make Fly Tackle for Trout and Bass Fishing · [uncredited] · ar
    • 147 · Mighty Battle of the Deep · [uncredited] · ar
    • 148 · The Great American Boy Army. For Manliness in Muscle, Mind and Morals · Misc. · cl; [1 photo]
    • 149 · Trooper Ted · Edith Ferguson Black · ss
    • 151 · [pages 151-152 missing]
    • 153 · What Inventors Are Doing for Boys · [uncredited] · ar
    • 153 · Boy Artisans and Mechanics · [uncredited] · ar; [1 photo]
    • 154 · How to Become Strong [Part 5 of 8] · [uncredited] · ar; [3 photos]
    • 155 · Boy Money Makers and Money Savers · Misc. · cl; [2 photos]
    • 156 · A Tragedy of the Plains: A Modest Hero · Scott Truxton · ss
    • 156 · What Is Your Highest Aim · [uncredited] · ar
    • 157 · American Boy Lyceum · [uncredited] · ar; [1 photo]
    • 158 · Stamps, Coins and Curios · Misc. · cl
    • 159 · An Interesting Family · [uncredited] · ar; [1 photo]
    • 159 · The Phunnyideascope · J. Carter Beard · ar
    • 160 · Bob Green’s Gray Parrot · H. Barrow-North · ss
    • 161 · Now, Boys, for the Garden · Hugo Erichsen · ar
    • 162 · A Stolen Bear · Elizabeth Granger Bemis · ss
    • 162 · The Amateur Journalist · Misc. · cl
    • 163 · Tangles · Misc. · pz

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