The FictionMags Index

created by William G. Contento & edited by Phil Stephensen-Payne

Last Update: March 29, 2025

Table of Contents:

This index is part of the FictionMags Index Family:

Cover images are provided by Galactic Central.

This index is a work in progress, created from magazine contents listings entered by members of the FictionMags mailing list and many others.
“The purpose of this mailing list is to discuss the history of fiction magazines, and to exchange information about magazines which have carried fiction, past or present. Particular emphases are on the “Gaslight” magazines of circa 1880-1914, the pulp magazines of the first half of the 20th century, the “Big Slick” magazines of the mid-20th century, the digest-sized magazines of the 1950s and 1960s — and any other areas of magazine publishing which have been important for fiction. Discussion may cover aspects of the publishing history of the magazines concerned, their editors and editorial policies, the authors they published, and so on.”
Any English language magazine that prints fiction may be included, but emphasis is on titles that have not been indexed elsewhere.

Caveat: Much of this material originated in listings from online auction sites, where the main intent was not bibliographic accuracy. Individual magazine listings may be incomplete or contain typographical errors. Please let us know if you encounter any errors or omissions.

For other useful online resources see the Bibliographic Resources page.

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