The FictionMags Index
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Woolsey, John (fl. 1960s) (items)
- Creative Touch Artist, (ar) Touch v1 #6, 1960
- Filtered Moonglow, (ar) Snap v1 #6, 1960
- Give a Party, (ar) Snap v1 #5, 1960
- Jewels of Love, (ar) Showcase v1 #1, 1960
- Managing the Mulish Mannequin, (ar) Snap v1 #7, 1961
Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey (1835-1905); used pseudonym Susan Coolidge (items)
- Dead-Headed, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1871, uncredited.
- Edson’s Mother, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly July 1871, as by Susan Coolidge
- In the Brook, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly March 1872, as by Susan Coolidge
- Two Ways to Love, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1872, as by Susan Coolidge
- The White Flag, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly June 1873, as by Susan Coolidge
- How St. Valentine Remembered Milly, (ss) St. Nicholas February 1874, as by Susan Coolidge
- Blue and Pink (A Valentine Story), (ss) St. Nicholas February 1875, as by Susan Coolidge
- Queen Blossom (A May-Day Story), (ss) St. Nicholas May 1875, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Horse and the Wolf, (ss) St. Nicholas July 1875, as by Susan Coolidge
- The “Cradle Tomb” at Westminster, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1875, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Fortunes of a Saucer Pie, (vi) St. Nicholas November 1875, as by Susan Coolidge
- Toinette and the Elves (A Christmas Story), (ss) St. Nicholas January 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- Ready for Europe, (ar) St. Nicholas May 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Little Maid of Domremy, (bg) St. Nicholas June 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- How the Storks Came and Went, (ss) St. Nicholas July 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- At Fiesole, (ss) St. Nicholas October 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Queen, and Not a Queen, (bg) St. Nicholas November 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Secret Door (A Christmas Story of Two Hundred Years Ago), (ss) St. Nicholas December 1876, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Two Wishes: A Fairy Story, (ss) St. Nicholas March 1877, as by Susan Coolidge
- Illustrated Texts, (ar) St. Nicholas April 1877, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Mother in the Desert, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1877, as by Susan Coolidge
- Solimin: A Ship of the Desert, (vi) St. Nicholas February 1878, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Fox and the Turkeys; or Charley and the Old Folks, (vi) St. Nicholas September 1878, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Old Stone Basin, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1879, as by Susan Coolidge
- Eyebright, (sl) St. Nicholas February 1879, etc., as by Susan Coolidge
- Mignonette, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1879, as by Susan Coolidge
- Interpreted, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1880, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Boy and the Giant, (vi) St. Nicholas May 1880, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Fox and the Stork, (ss) St. Nicholas August 1880, as by Susan Coolidge
- Kintu, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1880, as by Susan Coolidge
- In the Tower—AD 1554, (pm) St. Nicholas February 1881, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Mastiff and His Master, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1881, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Isle of Peace, (ar) Scribner’s Monthly August 1881, as by Susan Coolidge
- Summer, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1881, as by Susan Coolidge
- Winter, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1881, as by Susan Coolidge
- At the Toe of the Big Boot, (ar) Wide Awake May 1882, as by Susan Coolidge
- Concord, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1882, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Little Queen, (pm) Wide Awake November 1882, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Fortunate Misfortune, (ss) Wide Awake December 1882, as by Susan Coolidge
- Darkened, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 15 1883, as by Susan Coolidge
- Who Ate the Pink Sweetmeat, (ss) Wide Awake January 1884, as by Susan Coolidge
- Reply, (??) The Century Magazine September 1884, as by Susan Coolidge
- Christmas Day, (pm) Wide Awake December 1884, as by Susan Coolidge
- Snowy Peter, (ss) Wide Awake January 1885, as by Susan Coolidge
- Little Ursel’s Mothering Sunday, (pm) Wide Awake March 1885, as by Susan Coolidge
- Edenhall, (pm) Wide Awake August 1885, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Marble Queen, (pm) Wide Awake September 1885, as by Susan Coolidge
- Uncle and Aunt, (ss) St. Nicholas November 1885, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Little Christmas Tree, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1885, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Secret of It, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Commonplace Life, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 17 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- Strawberry Day, (pm) Wide Awake July 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- Little Alix, (pm) Wide Awake October 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Child of the Sea Folk, (ss) Wide Awake November 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- Home-made Christmas Candies, (ar) Wide Awake December 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- In the Orphan House, (pm) Wide Awake December 1886, as by Susan Coolidge
- A New Beginning, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 15 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- Commonplace Things, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 26 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Woman’s Right, (ar) Wide Awake February 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Shipwrecked Cologne Bottle, (ss) Wide Awake April 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- Lohengrin, (??) Scribner’s Magazine May 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- In Her Garden, (??) Scribner’s Magazine November 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Lost Leader, (pm) Wide Awake November 1887, as by Susan Coolidge
- Two Girls—Two Parties, (ss) Wide Awake April 1888, as by Susan Coolidge
- Etelka’s Choice, (ss) Atalanta July 1888, as by Susan Coolidge
- How to Read, (ar) Wide Awake September 1888, as by Susan Coolidge
- Little Alix: A Story of the Children’s Crusade, A.D. 1213, (pm) Atalanta November 1888, as by Susan Coolidge
- Charlotte Bronte, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1888, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Convent School of the Last Century, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1888, as by Susan Coolidge
- Who Ate the Queen’s Lunch?, (ss) Atalanta February 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- Who Ate the Queen’s Luncheon?, (ss) Wide Awake February 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- Hodge the Cat, (pm) Wide Awake July 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Little Knight of Labor. Chapter 1, (sl) Wide Awake September 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Little Knight of Labor. Chapter 2, (sl) Wide Awake October 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- “H. H.,” Written for Her friends, the Children, (ar) Wide Awake November 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Little Knight of Labor. Chapter 3, (sl) Wide Awake November 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- Dolly Phone, (sl) Wide Awake December 1889, as by Susan Coolidge
- Three Little Candles, (ss) Wide Awake August 1890, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Wolves of St. Gervas, (ss) Wide Awake January 1891, as by Susan Coolidge
- A Good Bad Horse, (ss) Wide Awake May 1891, as by Susan Coolidge
- Queen Margaret’s Needles, (pm) Wide Awake December 1891, as by Susan Coolidge
- Holger Danske, (pm) Wide Awake June 1893, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Girlhood of an Autocrat, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1894, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Countess Potocka, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1895, as by Susan Coolidge
- To-Day, (pm) The London Magazine February 1906, as by Susan Coolidge
- In April, (pm) The All-Story Magazine April 1909, as by Susan Coolidge
- June, (pm) The All-Story Magazine June 1909, as by Susan Coolidge
- The Better Way, (pm) , as by Susan Coolidge
- Look Onward, (pm) , as by Susan Coolidge
- A Member of the Harnessing Class, (ss)
- Readjustment, (pm) , as by Susan Coolidge
Woolson, Constance Fenimore (1840-1894) (about) (items)
- The Happy Valley, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1870, uncredited.
- An October Idyl, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1870, uncredited.
- Sports, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education May 1871
- The Herald’s Cry, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education January 1872
- A Merry Christmas, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1872, uncredited.
- Off Thunder Bay. A Legend of Lake Huron, 1772, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1872, uncredited.
- Corn Fields, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1872
- One Versus Two, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1872
- Ideal, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly October 1872
- October’s Song, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1872, uncredited.
- Commonplace, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science February 1873
- March, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1873, uncredited.
- Ballast Island, (ss) Appleton’s Journal June 28 1873
- Two Ways, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly June 1873
- Heliotrope, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1873, uncredited.
- The Bones of Our Ancestors, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1873, uncredited.
- Hero Worship, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1873, uncredited.
- Solomon, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly October 1873
- Lakeshore Relics, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science November 1873
- Misery Landing, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1874, uncredited.
- Duets, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1874, uncredited.
- The Lady of Little Fishing, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly September 1874
- Peter, the Parson, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly September 1874
- Euterpe in America, (hu) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science November 1874
- Jeannette, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly December 1874
- Pine-Barrens, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1874, uncredited.
- Wilhelmina, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly January 1875
- Crowder’s Cove, (ss) Appleton’s Journal March 18 1876
- In the Cotton Country, (ss) Appleton’s Journal April 29 1876
- Old Gardiston, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1876, uncredited.
- Felipa, (nv) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science June 1876
- Forgotten, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1876
- The Ranbow of the Termini, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science July 1876
- Mission Endeavor, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1876, uncredited.
- Rodman the Keeper, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly March 1877
- Barnaby Pass, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
- Raspberry Island. Told to Me by Dora, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1877, uncredited.
- Matches Morganatic, (nv) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1878, uncredited.
- King David, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly April 1878
- Miss Vedder, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1879, uncredited.
- Black Point, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1879, uncredited.
- The South Devil, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1880
- “Miss Grief”, (nv) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science May 1880
- A Florentine Experiment, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1880
- Anne, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1880, etc.
- In Venice, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1882
- The Street of the Hyacinth, (nv) The Century Magazine May 1882, etc.
- For the Major, (na) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1882, etc.
- At Mentone, (sl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1884, etc.
- East Angels, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1885, etc.
- At the Château of Corinne, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1887
- Neptune’s Shore, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1888
- A Pink Villa, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1888
- The Front Yard, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1888
- Jupiter Lights, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1889, etc.
- Cairo in 1890, (sl) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1891, etc.
- Dorothy, (nv) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1892
- Corfu and the Ionian Sea, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1892
- A Christmas Party, (nv) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1892
- Horace Chase, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1893, etc.
- A Transplanted Boy, (na) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1894
- A Waitress, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1894
Woolston, Florence (née Guy) (1881-1951); later known as Florence Guy Seabury (about) (items)
- The Conversion of Alderman Murphy, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine July 1910
- A Case of Natural Selection, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine February 1911
- Mamie’s White Feather, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1911
- Beacons of the Better Way, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1912
- The Pink Cinderella, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1912
- “Fame Is Rot! Daughters Are the Thing!”, (ia) McCall’s Magazine June 1919 [Ref. J. M. Barrie]
- Wild Oats—for Ladies, (ar) Harper’s Magazine June 1921
- Free Speech, (ss) Harper’s Magazine January 1922
- Perpetuating Pippa, (vi) Harper’s Magazine June 1922
- Lady and Gent, (ss) Harper’s Magazine May 1923
- When Half-Gods Go, (ss) Pictorial Review August 1927, as by Florence Guy Seabury
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