The FictionMags Index
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Wolfe, Tom; [i.e., Thomas Kennerly Wolfe, Jr.] (1931-2018) (about) (items)
- Down with Sin!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1965
- The Courts Must Curb Culture, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1966
- Post-Orbital Remorse, (sl) Rolling Stone #125, January 4 1973, etc.
- O, the Big-Time Game-Time Show-Time Roll, (ss) Esquire October 1974
- O Rotten Gotham—Sliding Down Into the Behavioral Sink, (ar) Valence and Vision ed. Rich Jones & Richard L. Roe, Rinehart Press, 1974
- Mauve Gloves & Madmen, Clutter & Vine, (ss) 1975
- The Street Fighters, (ss) Short Story International #15, August 1979
- Tom Wolfe’s Seventies, (ar) Esquire December 1979
- The Invisible Wife, (ar) Harper’s Magazine January 1980
- In Our Time, (ar) Harper’s Magazine January 1981
- Viddies in the Scepter’d Isle, (ss) Telegraph Sunday Magazine June 17 1984
- 2020 A.D., (ss) Esquire January 1985
- The Bonfire of the Vanities, (ex) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, October 1987
- Ambush at Fort Bragg, (ss) Rolling Stone December 12 1996, etc.
- The Suicidal Freezer Unit, (ex) Rolling Stone July 9 1998
- The Saddle Bags, (ex) Rolling Stone October 15 1998
- The Rich Have Feelings, Too, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) September 2009
Wolfe, Winifred (Harriet) (1923-1981) (items)
- An Angel Went AWOL, (ss) Redbook November 1952
- You’re Not Funny, Dear, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 28 1953
- An Angel Took French Leave, (ss) Woman’s Journal August 1953
- So Long, Sister, (ss) Redbook August 1953
- Papá Said No, (ss) Redbook April 1954
- Long-Ago Carousel, (ss) Redbook August 1954
- If a Man Answers, (ss) Redbook February 1955
- The Man on the Stairs, (ss) Redbook May 1955
- Her Husband’s Mistress, (ss) Redbook January 1956
- Painted Death, (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1956
- Ask Any Girl, (ss) Redbook January 1957
- Object Matrimony, (ss) Chatelaine September 1957
- Alibi for a Cheater, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1957
- Woman in the Stone, (n.) Redbook January 1960
- All the Answers Aren’t in Books, (ss) Redbook June 1962
- The Natural Enemies, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1962
- The Road Not Taken, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1963
- Yesterday’s Child, (na) Redbook November 1963
Wolfenbarger, Billy (Ray) (1943-2022) (items)
- [letter from Faremington, NM], (lt) If March 1963
- Child of Wilderness, (pm) Double:Bill September 1965
- Thru Tulsa, (pm) Double:Bill September 1965
- [letter from Neosho, MO], (lt) If January 1969, etc.
- The Lizard on Rock Mountain, (ar) Return to Wonder #9, 1970
- We Sang the Praises, (pm) Return to Wonder #9, 1970
- Realm of the Dead, (pm) Moonbroth #8, 1972
- The Monster, (ss) Space and Time #20, September 1973
- Rain Magic, (pm) Nyctalops #9, July 1974
- Dreams of the Necromancer, (pm) The Diversifier July 1976
- The Shadow Well, (pm) Moonbroth #25, 1976
- Overtaken, (pm) Nyctalops #13, 1977
- A Phantom of My Youth, (ar) The Diversifier May 1977
- The Eldest Dead, (pm) The Diversifier July 1977
- The Shadow Shade, (pm) The Diversifier July 1977 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- White Lillillaya, (pm) Weirdbook #12, 1977
- Lines for Lovecraft, (pm) Nyctalops #14, March 1978
- Familiar, (pm) Dark Fantasy #16, 1978
- Night Song, (pm) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978
- Father of Darkness, (ss) Eldritch Tales #4, October 1978
- The Slayer in Dreams, (pm) Myrddin #4, 1978
- The White Faces, (pm) Nyctalops #15, January 1980
- Voices, (pm) Night Flights #1, 1980/81
- For the Last, (pm) Shadows Of… #4, February 1981
- A Midnight Song, (pm) Shadows Of… #4, February 1981
- Horror Kaiku, (pm) Nyctalops #16, March 1981
- Lineage, (pm) Owlflight #2, 1981
- The Eyes, (pm) Threshold of Fantasy #1, Spring 1982
- Now We Offer Roses, (pm) Threshold of Fantasy #1, Spring 1982
- Even Now, (pm) Nyctalops #17, June 1982
- The Festering, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #3, 1982
- A Hashish Dream, (pm) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
- Return to the Night, (pm) Night Voyages Poetry Review Summer 1982
- The Tramp’s Bed, (vi) Grimoire #1, Summer 1982
- The Night Key, (vi) Grimoire #2, Fall 1982
- Dream-Builded, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #2, 1982
- The Last Poet, (pm) Eerie Country #7, 1982
- The Midnight Dead, (pm) Owlflight #3, 1982
- A Walk, (pm) Eerie Country #8, 1982
- Veem: A Prologue, (pm) Grimoire #3, Winter 1983
- The Attic, (ss) Dark Horizons #26, Spring 1983
- Fresh Approach, (pm) Nyctalops #18, April 1983
- The Odyssey of the Hands, (vi) Grimoire #5, Summer 1983
- You Have One in Your Closet, (vi) Grimoire #5, Summer 1983
- Refuge, (pm) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983
- Confession Story, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #3, 1983
- A Granite Horror, (pm) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- Ocean Mythologies, (pm) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- Venice West, 1965, (pm) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- The Zombie Tribe, (nv) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- Pit of Centuries, (pm) Night Runes Winter 1984
- Twilight of Continuity, (pm) Night Runes Winter 1984
- The Rats of Arkham, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v1 #4, 1984
- Sentinel Winds, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v1 #4, 1984
- Traveller’s Tale, (ss) Potboiler Spring/Summer 1984
- White-Out, (ss) The Arkham Sampler v2 #2, 1984
- Consummation (for Henry Kuttner), (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #4, 1984
- Dreams from the Dead [Cthulhu], (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- Filling the Hole, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #4, 1984
- Sinister City, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #4, 1984
- Bleak Horizons, (pm) Dark Horizons #28, Spring 1985
- The Infinity Ride, (pm) Twisted #1, Spring 1985
- The Dead Returning, (ss) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985
- The Muse at Antoplis Sunday Afternoon, (pm) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985
- Necromantic Wine, (pm) Twisted #2, Fall/Winter 1985
- Halloween Morning, (pm) Threshold of Fantasy #2, Winter 1985/1986
- The Tombs of Neb, (vi) The Arkham Sampler v3 #3, 1985
- For the Dead, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #6, 1985
- A Street in Hell, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #5, 1985
- The Last Goodbye, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- In the Casket, (pm) Dark Horizons #30, Summer 1986
- There’s Twelve of Us, If You Count Eyes (with Denise D. Dumars), (pm) Star*Line September/October 1986
- Questions, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- And Listen to the Bones, (ss) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- Frozen Feasts, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- Final Dreams, (pm) Grue #5, 1987
- The Leaves, the Leaves, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
- Reunion, (pm) Eldritch Tales #13, 1987
- The Lake of Souls, (ss) Deathrealm #6, Summer 1988
- Because You Are Lonely, (ss) Nocturne #1, Autumn 1988
- Asphodel, (ss) Violent Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Weird House, 1988
- Away from the Sea, (pm) Violent Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Weird House, 1988
- Ghost Cartoon, (pm) Violent Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Weird House, 1988
- Compulsion, (pm) Eldritch Tales #18, 1989
- The Halloween Child, (vi) Eldritch Tales #21, Fall 1989
- The House on Legion Street, (ss) Nocturne #2, 1989
- My Secret Life, (pm) The Tome #2, 1989
- Off the Reef, (pm) Thin Ice #3, 1989
- Venice West, 1966, (pm) Thin Ice #3, 1989
- Webworks, (pm) Thin Ice #3, 1989
- Afterwards, Christmas Morning, (pm) The Tome #3, 1990
- Chachar Thupl, Poet of Necromancy, (ss) Weirdbook Encores #11, 1990
- Dark Callings Poetry Interview: Denise Dumars, (iv) The Tome #4, 1990 [Ref. Denise Dumars]
- Mortality, (vi) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- Lost, (pm) Eldritch Tales #25, Spring 1991
- The Empty Lot, (ss) Nyctalops #19, April 1991
- From an Unsleeping Sleep, (pm) Outworlds #60, April 1991
- Please Send a Bio, (vi) Outworlds #60, April 1991
- Dreamers, (pm) Eldritch Tales #26, Winter 1991
- Evening Legends, (ar) Outworlds #62, January 1992
- [letter], (lt) Outworlds #62, January 1992
- This Music Is for Nyrta, (pm) Eldritch Tales #27, Summer 1992
- Muse Wrath, November, (ar) Outworlds #63, October 1992
- “Prologue Draft”, (ar) Outworlds #63, October 1992
- Not Long in Arkham Country, (ss) Eldritch Tales #29, Fall 1993
- And to Wake Up Dreaming, (ar) Outworlds #70, August 1998
- Soul Sucker, (pm) Outworlds #70, August 1998
- The Kiss of Aeiatha, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #69, 2004
- Spirits on the Prowl, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #74/75, May/September 2006
Wolfert, Ira (1908-1997) (about) (items)
- In Right, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1936
- Off the Highway, (ss) Esquire October 1937
- Finally Harriet, (ss) Harper’s Magazine October 1938
- The Way the Luck Runs, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1938
- The Winners, (ss) Collier’s July 10 1943
- The Japs Tried to Drive Us Crazy, (??) Collier’s November 13 1943
- Air Power Alone Won’t Whip the Japs!, (ar) Liberty November 27 1943
- Battle for the Solomons, (ex) Houghton Mifflin, 1943
- The Jap as a Killer, (ar) Collier’s February 5 1944
- Jungle Fighting—Yankee Style, (ar) Liberty February 5 1944
- How a Nazi Quits, (ar) Collier’s December 2 1944
- The Spearhead, (ar) Collier’s January 6 1945
- That’s How It Is, Brother, (??) Collier’s September 22 1945
- Through Man Traveling, (ss) Tomorrow May 1950
- The Indomitable Blue, (ss) Esquire December 1953
- Torpedo 8, (nb)
Wolff, Anthony (items)
- Flight: The First 75 Years, (ar) Omni December 1978
- Fritz Goro, (pi) Omni January 1979
- Rare Bird, (ar) Omni July 1980
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni July 1980
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v2 #10, 1980
- High Fashion, (pi) Omni April 1981
- Submersibles, (pi) Omni July 1981
- Tailored for Zero-G, (pi) Omni August 1981
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni November 1981
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #2, 1981
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni December 1981
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #3, 1981
- [photography], (pt) Omni February 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni April 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni May 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #8, 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni June 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #9, 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni July 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #10, 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni August 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #11, 1982
- Volcanic River, (il) Omni September 1982
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni October 1982
- Flashing Steel, (il) Omni November 1982
- The Light Stuff (with Chuck Yeager), (ar) Penthouse (US) November 1982
- Darwin’s Footsteps, (ar) Omni March 1983
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni March 1983
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v5 #6, 1983
- [photography], (pt) Omni August 1983
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni September 1983
- Aerial Abstractions, (pi) Omni February 1984
- [illustration(s)], (il) Omni June 1984
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