The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 8190
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Willson, (Byron) Forceythe (1837-1867) (items)
- The Rhyme of the Master’s Mate, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly November 1865, uncredited.
- To Hersa, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly March 1866, uncredited.
- The Voice, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly September 1866, uncredited.
- Autumn Song, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1866, uncredited.
- The Enemy, (pm)
- The Estray, (pm)
- The Last Watch, (pm)
- The Magic Pitcher, (pm)
- No More, (pm)
- The Visit, (pm)
Willson, Gordon Beckles (1901-1954); used pseudonym Gordon Beckles (about) (items)
- The Real Noel Coward, (bg) The Strand Magazine October 1929, as by Gordon Beckles [Ref. Noel Coward]
- Gracie Fields—On the Stage and Off, (bg) The Strand Magazine May 1930, as by Gordon Beckles [Ref. Gracie Fields]
- September 1st, 1870: Sedan, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- January 26th, 1885: The Last Day of General Gordon, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Jameson Raid, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Relief of Mafeking, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Death of President McKinley, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- “Red Sunday” in St. Petersburg—January 22, 1905, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Captain of Köpenick, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Sinking of the “Republic”, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- August 4th, 1914, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1931, as by Gordon Beckles
- Magic Cups of Tea, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1932, as by Gordon Beckles
- The House of Guinness, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1932, as by Gordon Beckles
- Imperial Tobacco, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1932, as by Gordon Beckles
- They Were All Foreigners—Once, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1938, as by Gordon Beckles
- It Has All Happened Before, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1940, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Hectic Twenties, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1940, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Man Who Rode the Continent, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1940, as by Gordon Beckles
- Training the Fighter Pilots, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- Unrecorded History, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- Who’ll Be the “Big Names” After the War?, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- Britain Changing Its Face Again, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Minister of Transport: The Rt. Hon. J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon, (bg) The Strand Magazine May 1941, as by Gordon Beckles [Ref. J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon]
- The B.B.C. Postscripts, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- Bach and Barebacks, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- “September”, (ar) Britannia and Eve September 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- Parliament—When the War’s Over, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1941, as by Gordon Beckles
- Come East, Young Man, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1942, as by Gordon Beckles
- Don’t Call Me Colourful…, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1943, as by Gordon Beckles [Ref. Augustus John]
- Let Us Talk of the English Counties, (ar) Britannia and Eve January 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- What Sort of Future for the Floating Liner?, (ar) Britannia and Eve March 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- What’s Funny About Calamity?, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- Finance of the Footlights, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- Too Bad about Your Hay Fever, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- Their Secret Seaside Guide, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- Wooden Wiseacres, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1945, as by Gordon Beckles
- Cigarettes Have No Birth Certificate, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Not for Nonentities, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Is It an Affliction to Be Tall?, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Getting Married, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- These Men Have a Flair, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Great Fish Mystery, (ar) John Bull July 27 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Headline Hunters, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Riddle of Mr. Rank, (bg) The Strand Magazine August 1946, as by Gordon Beckles [Ref. Joseph Arthur Rank]
- The Changing Face of Sunday, (ar) John Bull September 21 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Yeomen and the Planners, (ar) John Bull November 9 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Cloisters…and Queues, (ar) John Bull November 16 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Stir in the Valleys, (ar) John Bull November 23 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Brighton Looks Two Ways, (ar) John Bull November 30 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Bustle on the Tyne, (ar) John Bull December 14 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- Over the Border, (ar) John Bull December 28 1946, as by Gordon Beckles
- On the Trail of Tomorrow, (cl) John Bull March 15 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Boss Had an Idea, (ar) John Bull May 10 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- Leeds Has a Grouse, (ar) John Bull May 24 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- Plymouth Starts from Scratch, (ar) John Bull June 7 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- Journey’s End, (ar) John Bull June 14 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Fat Lady—and All That, (ar) John Bull August 2 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- That’s Another Lot Away!, (ar) John Bull August 9 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- To Tip or Not to Tip, (ar) John Bull August 16 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- Beside the Seaside, Beside the Sea, (ar) John Bull August 23 1947, as by Gordon Beckles
- Stranger in Your Own House!, (ar) John Bull January 31 1948, as by Gordon Beckles
- Frinton-on-Sea, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1949, as by Gordon Beckles
- Riding on the Railway, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1950, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Work of Karsh, (pi) The Strand Magazine March 1950, as by Gordon Beckles
- To the Editor “Dear Sir…” (or How to Get Your Name in the Papers), (ar) Lilliput October 1950, as by Gordon Beckles
- John Bull’s Winter Colony, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- These Men and Women Were the Great Figures of 1851, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- Our Visitors Keep to Their Own Map of Britain, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- Is the Seaside Doomed?, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- Banqueting in London To-Day, (ar) Britannia and Eve October 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- Christmas Common, (ss) The Tatler and Bystander November 15 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- Christmas, 1851, (ar) Britannia and Eve December 1951, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Time-Table of Fashion, (ar) Britannia and Eve February 1952, as by Gordon Beckles
- The Queen’s Ladies, (ar) Britannia and Eve June 1953, as by Gordon Beckles
Willson, Harry (items)
- Not My Uncle, (ss) Xizquil #1, January 1990
- Rapture, (vi) Xizquil #1, January 1990
- Sabotage, (ss) This’ll Kill Ya by Harry Willson, III Publishing, 1991
- Water Strider, (ss) Xizquil #7, July 1992
- Credo, (pm) Xizquil #10, October 1993
- When a Species Self-Destructs, (vi) Xizquil #16, 1997
Willson, Wingrove; pseudonym of Walter H. Light (1881-1940) (items)
- Porringer’s Pink Pierrots, (ss) Chums July 20 1912
- The Discord in Greyleigh College, (ss) Chums August 3 1912
- Schoolmaster or Anarchist?, (ss) Chums September 21 1912
- The Disappearing Boys, (ss) Chums December 14 1912
- The Cad of Cranthorpe, (ss) Chums January 11 1913
- The Bandits of Bexford College, (ss) Chums March 8 1913
- Jerry’s Cipher Clue, (ss) Chums March 29 1913
- The Cunning of Cad Nicholson, (ss) Chums May 3 1913
- Longford for Ever!, (ss) Chums June 21 1913
- Jack, Pat & Mac, (sl) Chums July 26 1913, etc.
- Grayson’s Giddy Goat, (ss) Chums November 15 1913
- Bully Mason’s Downfall, (ss) Chums December 27 1913
- When Christmas Was Over, (ss) Chums January 3 1914
- When Cleveland Played Detective, (ss) Chums February 7 1914
- Chums of the Fifth, (sl) Chums April 11 1914, etc.
- The Traitor of Bullport, (ss) Chums October 3 1914
- Sharpshooter Smith [Sharpshooter Smith], (ss) Chums October 17 1914
- The Taming of a Bully [Sharpshooter Smith], (ss) Chums October 24 1914
- A Shot to Save a Chum [Sharpshooter Smith], (ss) Chums October 31 1914
- The Snake Charmer’s Vengeance [Sharpshooter Smith], (ss) Chums November 7 1914
- The Man from Nowhere [Sharpshooter Smith], (ss) Chums November 14 1914
- A Shot for the Empire [Sharpshooter Smith], (ss) Chums November 21 1914
- Peril on Dog’s Head Island, (ss) Chums April 17 1915
- The Sneak who Forgot to Sneak [Dubbs], (ss) Chums April 24 1915
- Making It Hot for Podgy [Dubbs], (ss) Chums May 1 1915
- A Lesson in Frightfulness [Dubbs], (ss) Chums May 8 1915
- A Bluff for Colonel Buffkins [Dubbs], (ss) Chums May 15 1915
- Constable Buttwerworth’s Busy Day [Dubbs], (ss) Chums May 22 1915
- Tinker Does the Trick [Dubbs], (ss) Chums May 29 1915
- Moffatt’s Daring Deception, (ss) Chums June 5 1915
- When the Head Broke Rules, (ss) Chums July 31 1915
- The Race for the Crofton Sculls, (ss) Chums August 14 1915
- Cut by the College, (ss) Chums September 4 1915
- The Hun of Hubbleton, (ss) Chums September 11 1915
- The Hero of Moose Camp, (ss) Chums October 2 1915
- The Mascot of Mardon’s House, (ss) Chums October 30 1915
- For Friend and Fortune, (ss) Chums November 13 1915
- A Happy Christmas After All, (ss) Chums December 11 1915
- The Pauper of St. Jude’s, (sl) Chums December 18 1915, etc.
- The Cunning of Mulwar Khan, (ss) Chums March 11 1916
- Two Scrumptious Japes, (ss) Chums April 15 1916
- Mumford’s Moke, (ss) Chums June 24 1916
- A Son of the Motherland, (ss) Chums July 1 1916
- On Behalf of the School, (ss) Chums October 28 1916
- Some Cats - And Then Some, (ss) Chums November 4 1916
- A Knight O’ Nights, (ss) Chums November 11 1916
- A Jape Outjaped, (ss) Chums November 18 1916
- The Turn of the Worms, (ss) Chums November 25 1916
- A Joke at the Circus, (ss) Chums December 2 1916
- A Jape Against the Head, (ss) Chums December 9 1916
- Frensham’s Folly, (ss) Chums February 10 1917
- The Raid on Hawley’s Farm, (ss) Chums March 31 1917
- The Cad of the College, (ss) Chums April 14 1917
- Saved by the Flood, (ss) Chums April 13 1918
- A Trick Worth Two, (ss) Chums February 8 1919
- At the End of the Lasso, (ss) Chums July 12 1919
- Marsden’s Maddest Jape, (ss) Chums March 13 1920
- Monty’s Mule, (ss) Chums February 26 1921
- Chance-or Pluck?, (ss) Chums March 19 1921
- The Terror of St. Gabriel’s, (ss) Chums April 9 1921
- On Behalf of a Funk!, (ss) Chums July 9 1921
- The Madmen of Misty Tor, (ss) Chums October 22 1921
- The Treasure of Sakkara, (ss) Chums December 9 1922
- The Presumptions of Popplewell Prude, (ss) The Corner Magazine April 1923
- The Sioux of St. Jude’s, (sl) Chums July 28 1923, etc.
- The Rising at Red Buff Farm, (ss) Chums June 21 1924
- The Treasure of Captain Kiddall, (ss) Chums July 19 1924
- The Iron Sky Pirates, (n.) Boys’ Wonder Library #22, May 1933
- Hate at Ypres, (ss) War Stories (UK) October 1935
- Scrounger’s Luck, (ss) War Stories (UK) January 1936
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