The FictionMags Index
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Vance, Henry C. (fl. 1910s-1940s) (items)
- Blondes and Brunettes, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1919
- The Sneeze Play, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1919
- Somebody’s Knockin’ at Yo’ Do’, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June/July 1920
- One Miracle, C.O.D., (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1920
- Long Live the Kink!, (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1920
- They Shall Not Pass, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1920
- Samson—1920 Model, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 6 1920
- The Marigold Bug, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1920
- One Dark and Stormy Night, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1921
- The Inverted Uppercut, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine June 1921
- Galloping Morpheus, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine July 1921
- Power in the Blood, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine September 10 1921
- The Boomeringers, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 10 1921
- Pin Money, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1921
- Glove’s Labor Lost, (ss) People’s Story Magazine January 10 1922
- Below the Belt, (ss) People’s Story Magazine January 25 1922
- Bold and Bottle-Scarred, (ss) People’s Story Magazine February 25 1922
- The Smite That Sailed, (ss) People’s Story Magazine March 25 1922
- The Sur-Prize Fight, (ss) The Premier Magazine #142, June 13 1922
- Toot Sweet, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 8 1922
- A Fool and His Honey, (ss) People’s Story Magazine September 25 1922
- The Shrimptomaniac, (ss) People’s Story Magazine October 10 1922
- The Paunch Hitter, (ss) People’s Story Magazine November 10 1922
- He Troupes to Conquer, (ss) Brief Stories December 1922
- The Concentrated Lie, (ss) People’s February 1 1923
- The Unpardonable Chin, (ss) People’s March 15 1923
- Deeper than Saffron, (ss) People’s July 1 1923
- A Mule There Was, (ss) Chicago Ledger August 4 1923
- The Gins of the Father, (ss) People’s August 15 1923
- Graveyard Stuff, (ss) People’s September 15 1923
- A Double-Barreled Criminal, (ss) 10 Story Book September 1923
- Attire Trouble, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1924
- For Old Broadie!, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1924
- Overtrained, (ss) Complete Story Magazine November 10 1924
- Wire Trouble, (ss) Liberty March 14 1925
- Skull Practice, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine March 1936
- The Sacrifice Hit (with Zipp Newman), (ss) Esquire July 1942
Vance, Jack; [i.e., John Holbrook Vance] (1916-2013); previously known as John Holbrook Vance; used pseudonyms John Holbrook & John Van See (about) (books) (items)
- The World-Thinker, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories Summer 1945
- Planet of the Black Dust, (ss) Startling Stories Summer 1946
- Phalid’s Fate, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1946
- I’ll Build Your Dream Castle, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction September 1947
- Hard Luck Diggings [Magnus Ridolph], (ss) Startling Stories July 1948
- Sanatoris Short-Cut [Magnus Ridolph], (ss) Startling Stories September 1948
- The Unspeakable McInch [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Startling Stories November 1948
- The Sub-Standard Sardines [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Startling Stories January 1949
- The Howling Bounders [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Startling Stories March 1949
- The King of Thieves [Magnus Ridolph], (ss) Startling Stories November 1949
- The Potters of Firsk, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction May 1950
- The Spa of the Stars [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Startling Stories July 1950
- New Bodies for Old, (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1950
- Cosmic Hotfoot [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Startling Stories September 1950
- Ultimate Quest, (ss) Super Science Stories September 1950, as by John Holbrook
- The Five Gold Bands, (na) Startling Stories November 1950
- The Dying Earth, (Subterranean Press, June 2013, co)
- Guyal of Sfere [Dying Earth], (nv) The Dying Earth by Jack Vance, Hillman, 1950
- Liane the Wayfarer [Dying Earth], (ss) The Dying Earth by Jack Vance, Hillman, 1950
- Mazirian the Magician [Dying Earth], (ss) The Dying Earth by Jack Vance, Hillman, 1950
- Turjan of Miir [Dying Earth], (ss) The Dying Earth by Jack Vance, Hillman, 1950
- Brain of the Galaxy, (nv) Worlds Beyond February 1951
- Overlords of Maxus, (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1951
- Men of the Ten Books, (ss) Startling Stories March 1951
- Golden Girl, (ss) Marvel Science Stories May 1951
- Son of the Tree [Nopalgarth], (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1951
- Temple of Han, (ss) Planet Stories July 1951
- The Masquerade on Dicantropus, (ss) Startling Stories September 1951
- The Plagian Siphon, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1951
- Dover Spargill’s Ghastly Floater, (ss) Marvel Science Fiction November 1951
- Winner Lose All, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1951
- Telek, (na) Astounding Science Fiction January 1952
- Abercrombie Station [Jean Parlier], (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1952
- Sabotage on Sulfur Planet, (nv) Startling Stories June 1952
- Cholwell’s Chickens [Jean Parlier], (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1952
- Noise, (ss) Startling Stories August 1952
- Big Planet, (n.) Startling Stories September 1952
- The Kokod Warriors [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1952
- Planet of the Damned, (n.) Space Stories December 1952
- Seven Exits from Bocz, (ss) Rhodomagnetic Digest v4 #2, 1952
- Three-Legged Joe, (ss) Startling Stories January 1953
- DP!, (ss) Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader April 1953
- Ecological Onslaught, (nv) Future Science Fiction May 1953
- Four Hundred Blackbirds, (nv) Future Science Fiction July 1953
- Sjambak, (nv) If July 1953
- Shape-Up, (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy November 1953
- The Mitr, (ss) Vortex Science Fiction v1 #1, 1953
- First Star I See Tonight, (ss) Malcolm’s March 1954, as by John Van See
- When the Five Moons Rise, (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy March 1954
- The Houses of Iszm [Nopalgarth], (na) Startling Stories Spring 1954
- The Enchanted Princess, (nv) Orbit v1 #5, 1954
- The Devil on Salvation Bluff, (nv) Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3 ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1955
- Meet Miss Universe, (ss) Fantastic Universe March 1955
- The Gift of Gab, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction September 1955
- The Phantom Milkman, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories #15, February 1956
- Where Hesperus Falls, (ss) Fantastic Universe October 1956
- The Men Return, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction July 1957
- A Practical Man’s Guide, (ss) Space Science Fiction Magazine August 1957
- The House Lords, (ss) Saturn, Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy October 1957
- The Languages of Pao, (na) Satellite Science Fiction December 1957
- Worlds of Origin [Magnus Ridolph], (nv) Super-Science Fiction February 1958
- The Miracle-Workers, (na) Astounding Science Fiction July 1958
- Parapsyche, (na) Amazing Science Fiction Stories August 1958
- Ullward’s Retreat, (nv) Galaxy Magazine December 1958
- The Languages of Pao, (n.) Avalon, 1958
- Dodkin’s Job, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction October 1959
- The Man in the Cage, (n.) Random House, 1960, as by John Holbrook Vance
- The Moon Moth, (nv) Galaxy Magazine August 1961
- I-C-a-BeM, (nv) Amazing Stories October 1961
- The Dragon Masters, (na) Galaxy Magazine August 1962
- Gateway to Strangeness, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1962
- Green Magic, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1963
- The Star King [Kirth Gersen], (n.) Galaxy Magazine December 1963, etc.
- The Kragen, (na) Fantastic Stories of Imagination July 1964
- Murder Observed, (ss) Chase September 1964, as by John Holbrook Vance
- Space Opera, (n.) Pyramid, February 1965
- Alfred’s Ark, (ss) New Worlds SF #150, May 1965
- The Overworld [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1965
- The Mountains of Magnatz [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1966
- The Secret, (ss) Impulse March 1966
- The Last Castle, (na) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1966
- The Sorcerer Pharesm [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1966
- The Pilgrims [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1966
- The Manse of Iucounu [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1966
- The Palace of Love [Kirth Gersen], (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1966, etc.
- The Brains of Earth [Nopalgarth], (na) Ace, 1966
- The Fox Valley Murders [Sheriff Joe Bain], (n.) Bobbs-Merrill, 1966, as by John Holbrook Vance
- The Narrow Land, (nv) Fantastic July 1967
- The Man from Zodiac, (na) Amazing Stories August 1967
- The Pleasant Grove Murders [Sheriff Joe Bain], (n.) Bobbs-Merrill, 1967, as by John Holbrook Vance
- Sulwen’s Planet, (ss) The Farthest Reaches ed. Joseph Elder, Trident, 1968
- Emphyrio, (n.) Fantastic June 1969, etc.
- The Deadly Isles, (n.) Bobbs-Merrill, 1969, as by John Holbrook Vance
- The Faceless Man [Gastel Etzwane], (n.) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1971, etc.
- The Brave Free Men [Gastel Etzwane], (n.) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1972, etc.
- Trullion: Alastor 2262 [Gaean Reach], (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1973, etc.
- Morreion [Dying Earth], (na) Flashing Swords! #1 ed. Lin Carter, SFBC, 1973
- The Asutra [Gastel Etzwane], (n.) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1973, etc.
- Bad Ronald, (n.) Ballantine, September 1973, as by John Holbrook Vance
- Rumfuddle, (nv) Three Trips in Time and Space ed. Robert Silverberg, Hawthorn, 1973
- The Domains of Koryphon [Gaean Reach], (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories August 1974, etc.
- The Seventeen Virgins [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1974
- Assault on a City, (nv) Universe 4 ed. Terry Carr, Random House, 1974
- The Grey Prince [Gaean Reach], (n.) Bobbs-Merrill, 1974
- Introduction to “Ullward’s Retreat”, (is) SF: Authors’ Choice 4 ed. Harry Harrison, Putnam, 1974
- Marune: Alastor 933 [Gaean Reach], (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories July 1975, etc.
- The Dogtown Tourist Agency [Miro Hetzel], (n.) Epoch ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Putnam, 1975
- The Best of Jack Vance, (Pocket, May 1976, co)
- Preface to the Collection, (in) The Best of Jack Vance, Pocket, 1976
- The Bagful of Dreams [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) Flashing Swords! #4 ed. Lin Carter, SFBC, 1977
- Freitzke’s Turn [Miro Hetzel], (na) Triax ed. Robert Silverberg, Pinnacle, 1977
- The Book of Dreams [Kirth Gersen], (ex) The Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention ed. Tim Underwood & Chuck Miller, Underwood-Miller, 1980
- Gold and Iron, (n.) Underwood-Miller, 1982
- The Dark Ocean, (n.) Underwood-Miller, 1985
- Introduction, (in) Blue Tyson by Terry Dowling, Aphelion, 1992, etc.
- Wild Thyme and Violets, (uw) Wild Thyme and Violets by Jack Vance, The Vance Integral Edition, 2005
- The Jack Vance Treasury, (Subterranean Press, January 2007, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- Preface, (pr) The Jack Vance Treasury, Subterranean Press, 2007, etc.
- The Jack Vance Reader, (Subterranean Press, July 2008, om)
- Wild Thyme, Green Magic, (Subterranean Press, June 2009, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- This is Me, Jack Vance! (Or, More Properly, This is “I”), (Subterranean Press, August 2009, nf)
- Hard-Luck Diggings, (Subterranean Press, July 2010, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- Dangerous Ways, (Subterranean Press, May 2011, co)
- Dangerous Ways, (Subterranean Press, May 2011, om)
- Dream Castles, (Subterranean Press, March 2012, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- Desperate Days, (Subterranean Press, October 2012, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- Magic Highways, (Subterranean Press, March 2013, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- Minding the Stars, (Subterranean Press, March 2014, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- In Memory of Jack Vance, 1916-2013, (ob) Minding the Stars, Subterranean Press, 2014
- Grand Crusades, (Subterranean Press, March 2015, co); edited by Terry Dowling & Jonathan Strahan
- Biographical Sketch & Other Facts, (bg) Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography by A. E. Cunningham, The British Library, 2000
- The Avatar’s Apprentice, (ex)
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