The FictionMags Index
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Speas, Jan Cox (fl. 1950s-1960s) (items)
- We Only Met This Morning, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion November 1954
- White Hair and Peppermints, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1957
- The Man That Wanted to Hate, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 16 1957
- Pretend You Love Me, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 22 1958
- The Way You Are, (ss) McCall’s August 1958
- The Family Nobody Liked, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 24 1959
- The Reluctant Redhead, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 9 1959
- Forbidden Stranger, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 26 1959
- The Deer-Frozen Bachelor, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 13 1960
- My Love, My Enemy, (n.) Chatelaine March 1961, etc.
- Midsummer Eve, (ss) Woman’s Day June 1961
- Run of Luck, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1962
- Promise, (ss) Argosy (UK) May 1962
- No Place to Run, (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1962
- The Weekend, (ss) Chatelaine August 1965
Specht, August (1849-1923) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Young People #170, January 30 1883
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Young People #183, May 1 1883
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Young People #194, July 17 1883
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Young People #207, October 16 1883
- An Involuntary Bath, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 30 1888
- The Hippo at Home, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 21 1896
Special Investigator; pseudonym (fl. 1930s) (items)
- Fenzied Fools in Satan’s Temple, (ar) Tit-Bits #2832, February 8 1936
- Doped Cigarette Peril to Our Girls, (ar) Tit-Bits #2834, February 22 1936
- An Underworld Dictator Is Smuggling Crooks Into Britain, (ar) Tit-Bits #2836, March 7 1936
- Cruel Traps for Unemployed—Whitehall Fights the Fee-Snatching Agencies, (ar) Tit-Bits #2839, March 28 1936
- Great Commercial Traveller Ramp, (ar) Tit-Bits #2845, May 9 1936
- Is Anything Wrong with Our Police?, (ar) Tit-Bits #2848, May 30 1936
- Sentenced to Death by Fashion, (ar) Tit-Bits #2852, June 27 1936
- Fair Play for the Farm Worker, (ar) Tit-Bits #2853, July 4 1936
- Panel Doctor’s Grab-All Ramp, (ms) Tit-Bits #2854, July 11 1936
- Wicked Fruit and Vegetable Ramp, (ar) Tit-Bits #2855, July 18 1936
- There Is a British Vice Ring!, (ar) Tit-Bits #2856, July 25 1936
- Hopeless Fire-Brigade Muddle Revealed, (ar) Tit-Bits #2863, September 12 1936
- Cheap Light Denied You!, (ar) Tit-Bits #2866, October 3 1936
- He Was Sacked for Marrying!, (ar) Tit-Bits #2867, October 10 1936
- These Husbands Little Know Their Wives’ Secret Sin, (ar) Tit-Bits #2877, December 19 1936
- Do These Workers Get Justice?, (ar) Tit-Bits #2884, February 6 1937
Spectator; pseudonym (fl. 1890s-1920s) (items)
- Our Reading Club, (cl) Chums September 14 1892, etc.
- Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru, (ar) Chums September 21 1892
- The Columbus Prize, (ar) Chums November 23 1892
- Pageantry and Politics, (ar) The New Review #90, November 1896
- Round the London Auction Rooms, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1909
- The Bull Ring, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1910
- Rough Justice, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine October 1928
- A Memorable Game of Chess, (ss) Chambers’s Journal
Spector, Craig (S.) (1958- ) (books) (items)
- Shells (with John Mason Skipp), (ss) Night Cry Fall 1986
- Probing by Fire: Craig Spector Talks with David J. Schow About Rock ’n’ Roll, Horror, and the Cultural Mulch, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1986 [Ref. David J. Schow]
- The Light at the End (with John Mason Skipp), (ex) Bantam, 1986
- The Cleanup (with John Mason Skipp), (ss) Night Cry Summer 1987
- Gentlemen (with John Mason Skipp), (nv) The Architecture of Fear ed. Kathryn Cramer & Peter D. Pautz, Arbor House, 1987
- Meat Market (with John Mason Skipp), (ss) 1987
- Not with a Whimper (with John Mason Skipp), (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine February 1988
- Lifecast, (ss) Silver Scream ed. David J. Schow, Dark Harvest, 1988
- Book of the Dead (with John Mason Skipp), (ex) Midnight Graffiti #2, Fall 1988
- Company (with John Mason Skipp), (vi) The Horror Show Fall 1988
- The Word Made Flesh, (vi) The Horror Show Fall 1988
- Deathbird Stories, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- Deadlines, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1988
- On Going Too Far (with John Mason Skipp), (in) Book of the Dead ed. John M. Skipp & Craig Spector, Bantam, 1989
- SK’s Tale the Tamest in Book of the Dead (with John Mason Skipp), (ar) Castle Rock August 1989
- Profile: David J. Schow, (bg) Weird Tales Spring 1990 [Ref. David J. Schow]
- Kool King (with John Mason Skipp), (vi) Omni April 1990
- No Excuses (with John Mason Skipp), (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- The Bridge (with John Mason Skipp), (ex) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- No Future (with John Mason Skipp), (sg) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- No Future: Music from The Bridge (with John Mason Skipp), (ms) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- Authors John Skipp & Craig Spector Take the Rorchach Test (with John Mason Skipp), (ms) Expressions of Dread #2, Spring 1992
- Nineteen New Ways to Kick Dead Ass or Resisting the Urge to Decay (with John Mason Skipp), (in) Still Dead ed. John M. Skipp & Craig Spector, Bantam, 1992
- The Ones You Love (with John Mason Skipp), (pm) Still Dead ed. John M. Skipp & Craig Spector, Bantam, 1992
- Dismantling Fortress Architecture (with David J. Schow), (nv) Revelations ed. Douglas E. Winter, C.D. Publications, 1997
- Excerpt: To Bury the Dead Chapter 27, (ex) Horror Garage #2, 2000
Spector, Irwin (fl. 1950s-1960s) (items); name also given as Irv(ing) Spector.
- Recipe for Roguery, (ar) Rogue July 1959
- Sauced!, (ar) Rogue September 1959
- The Bountiful Burger, (ar) Rogue November 1959
- Some Like It Cold!, (ar) Rogue December 1959
- Some Like It Hot!, (ar) Rogue December 1959
- Tsucculence for the Tsars, (ar) Rogue January 1960
- The Egg and You, (ar) Rogue March 1960
- Say Cheese!, (ar) Rogue April 1960
- Pottage for Your Palate, (ar) Rogue June 1960
- The Bachelor Bar, (ar) Rogue August 1960
- Taming of the Stew, (ar) Rogue October 1960
- Dissertation on Roast Pig, (ar) Rogue December 1960
- Hollywood Playpen, (ss) The Dude January 1961
- Irish Coffee, (ar) Rogue January 1961
- Essen und Fressen, (ar) Rogue February 1961
- Sandwichery, (ar) Rogue March 1961
- The Demon Rum, (ar) Rogue April 1961
- Charcoal Broiled, (ar) Rogue May 1961
- Alimento Italiano, (ar) Rogue June 1961
- Re-Wrought Iron, (ar) The Dude July 1961
- Several Summer Salads, (ar) Rogue July 1961
- Tropical Tipples, (ar) Rogue August 1961
- Jewish Cookery, (ar) Rogue September 1961
- The Game Gourmet, (ar) Rogue October 1961
- A Toast to the Roast, (ar) Rogue November 1961
- Deck the Halls with Boston Charlie, (ar) Rogue December 1961
- Instant Inebriation, (ar) Rogue February 1962
- Peerless Potables, (ar) Rogue March 1962
- Spector’s Eye-View, (cl) Topper August 1962, etc.
- Advice to the Lovelorn, (hu) Honey v2 #1, 1963
- Advice to the Love Worn: Dear Miss Segspott, (hu) Pagan v1 #2, 1963
- History’s Greatest Lover, (hu) Midnight v3 #1, 1963
- My Son, the Private Eye, (ss) The Body Shop v1 #1, 1963
- The Penny Pincher’s Guide to Pleasure, (hu) Tonight v3 #1, 1963
Spector, Joel (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1991
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy December 2005
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 2007
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2007
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2008
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2016
Spector, Robert Donald (1922-2009) (books) (items)
- Introduction, (in) The Candle and the Tower ed. Robert Donald Spector, Warner, 1974
- Guide to the Gothic, (br) Gothic v2, 1987 [Ref. Frederick S. Frank]
- Beyond Time, (pm) Songs of Innocence #1, Summer 1999
- Love’s Harmony, (pm) Songs of Innocence #2, 1999
- End of the Affair, (pm) Songs of Innocence #3, Spring 2000
- Hubris, (pm) Songs of Innocence #3, Spring 2000
- Love’s Continuum, (pm) Songs of Innocence #3, Spring 2000
Spectorsky, A(uguste) C(omte) (1910-1972) (books) (items)
- Water Shortage, (ss) The New Yorker July 27 1940
- My Career as an Athlete, (ss) The New Yorker October 12 1940
- Mr. Rico and the Pitch, (ss) The New Yorker November 30 1940
- Best Regards, (ss) The New Yorker February 1 1941
- The Record Shop, (??) Harper’s Bazaar #2759, December 1941
- Preface, (pr) Man Into Beast ed. A. C. Spectorsky, Doubleday, 1947
- Person to Person, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1949
- Hot Water, (??) Collier’s January 28 1950
Spedding, Amanda J. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- A Creature Was Stirring, (ss) Festive Fear ed. Stephen Clark, Tasmaniac Publications, 2009
- Nightmare’s Cradle, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #46, 2010
- The Whim of My Enemy, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #48, 2010
- The Long Ago, (ss) Surviving the End ed. Craig Bezant, Dark Prints Press, 2012
- The Road, (ss) Midnight Echo #9, May 2013
- Child of the Emptyness, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #17, October 2018
- Slush: The Good, the Bad, and the So Very Ugly, (ar) Grimdark Magazine #21, 2020
Spedding, Sally (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Strangers Waiting, (ss) Cambrensis 2002
- The Anniversary, (ss) Crime on the Move ed. Martin Edwards, The Do-Not Press, 2004
- Sword Lilies, (ss) Bluechrome Publishing, 2008
- Home Truths, (ss) Dark Tales #14, 2010
- Tea for Two, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime 10 ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2013
- Rosy Is Red, (ss) The Book of Extraordinary Amateur Sleuth and Private Eye Stories ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Mango Publishing Group, 2019
- Run Rabbit Run, (ss) The Book of Extraordinary Historical Mystery Stories ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Mango Publishing Group, 2019
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