The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 7090
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Springer, Thomas Grant (items) (continued)
- A Dramatic League of Nations, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1923
- The Bug House Ward, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1923
- The Deluge, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st March 1923
- Take Warning, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1923
- “It’s a Wise Child—”, (th) Snappy Stories 1st April 1923
- And the Villain Still Pursued Her, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1923
- That’s for Remembrance, (ss) Saucy Stories August 1 1923
- Land Locked, (pm) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day September 1923
- Celibate, (pm) Saucy Stories October 15 1923
- The White Lily of Chinatown, (ss) Live Stories November 23 1923
- The Yellow Streak, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day November 1923
- Affinities, (pm) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day December 1923
- The Heart of Kid Kelly, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day January 1924
- Juvenile Puzzles, (pm) Saucy Stories March 1 1924
- Outside Kingdom Magic, (ss) Holland’s March 1924
- Uncritical Reviews (His Mother Was a Lady), (??) Telling Tales 1st April 1924
- Uncritical Reviews (Oil on the Troubled Waters), (??) Telling Tales 2nd April 1924
- Uncritical Reviews (The Unmerry Ha-Ha), (??) Telling Tales 1st May 1924
- An Uncritical Review (The Evil That Men Do—), (??) Telling Tales 2nd May 1924
- Echoes, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine May 1924
- Uncritical Reviews (Meet the Bunch), (??) Telling Tales 1st June 1924
- An Uncritical Review (“Honk! Honk!”), (??) Telling Tales 2nd June 1924
- The Vase, (pm) Telling Tales 2nd June 1924
- Jungle Stuff, (ss) Saucy Stories June 1924
- Asiatic Station, (pm) Telling Tales 1st July 1924
- Uncritical Reviews (“Hip, Hip, Hurray!”), (??) Telling Tales 1st July 1924
- Uncritical Review: “Moral Sapolio”, (br) Telling Tales 2nd July 1924
- The Crowning Glory, (vi) Saucy Stories July 1924
- What Every Young Man Should Know, (ar) Telling Tales 1st August 1924
- As Others See Us, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd August 1924
- Lilies of Perfection, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine August 1924
- Fire! Fire! Fire!, (ar) Telling Tales 1st September 1924
- The Harnessed Muse, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd September 1924
- Another White Hope, (ar) Telling Tales 1st October 1924
- All Things Being Equal, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd October 1924
- Jumping Jill, (ar) Telling Tales 1st November 1924
- Tar Baby, (ss) Telling Tales 2nd November 1924
- Where the Best Is Like the Worst, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd November 1924
- With French Sauce, (ar) Telling Tales 1st December 1924
- An Uncritical Review: “The Oriental Bughouse”, (ms) Telling Tales 2nd December 1924
- Embers, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine December 1924
- Express, C. O. D., (ar) Telling Tales 1st January 1925
- The Coward in Us All, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd January 1925
- Cloak and Suit Model 1523, (ar) Telling Tales 1st February 1925
- Out Where the Rush Begins, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd February 1925
- The Chopping Block, (ss) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine February 1925
- As Sherman Said—, (ar) Telling Tales 1st March 1925
- An Uncritical Review, (cl) Telling Tales 2nd March 1925
- Magdalens of Atlantic City, (ar) Telling Tales 1st April 1925
- Cauliflowers and Forget-Me-Nots, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd April 1925
- Thirteen Guns, (ss) Pictorial Review November 1926
- The Graveyarding of High-Pockets, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd June 1928
- Battler’s Luck, (ss) Fight Stories November 1928
- On a Side Street, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly March 1929
- Ebony Wildcats, (ss) Fight Stories April 1929
- Daughter of the Moon, (ss) The Stratford Magazine June 1929
- Halter Shy, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1931
- Vaquero Love Song, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1932
- Trail Drive, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1932
- Range Wise, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st December 1932
- Adios, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories January 1933
- Lone Ranger, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1933
- Homesick, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st March 1933
- Back South, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories March 1933
- Lochinvar of San Lorenza, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories November 1933
- Warning, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories December 1933
- Rustler, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories March 1934
- Mirage, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories April 1934
- Lonesome Cowboy, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories May 1934
- Trail’s End, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories July 1934
- Outlawed, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1934
- Both Ends, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1935
- Rustled, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories June 1935
- War Is Hell—on the Stomach, (ss) All Star Adventure Fiction June 1935
- Horses Rustled—No Mares, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine August 1935
- The King’s Service, (ss) All Star Adventure Fiction September 1935
- Cayuse, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1937
- Campfire, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1938
- The Boss’s Gal, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st August 1938
- Rhymin’ Windy, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1939
- Red Wine, (ss) The Armchair Companion ed. A. L. Furman, Gold Label Books, 1944
- Tears of the Virgin, (ss)
Springfield, Lincoln (1865-1950) (about) (items)
- The Hyde Park Gardens Tragedy, (ss) The Idler May 1894
- Mohican’s Derby, (ss) The Idler June 1894
- The Matrimonial Agency, (ss) The Idler September 1894
- For Her Ladyship’s Sake, (ss) The Idler April 1895
- The Disappearance of Mr. Hiram Alldridge, (ss) The Idler January 1896
- A Frontier Editor, (ss) The Ludgate July 1897
- “Some of My Experiences”, (sy) The Ludgate February 1898, as by Angus Evan Abbott, T. S. C. Crowther, Edwin Sharpe Grew, John Jenkins, Alexis Krausse, T. Marlow, W. Maxwell, Charles M. Sheldon & Lincoln Springfield
- Proved to the Hilt, (ss) Phil May’s Annual #8, Summer 1898
- London’s Undiscovered Murders, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine November/December 1898
- The Sweethearts’ Rivalry, (ss) Phil May’s Annual #10, Winter 1899
- The Tobacco We Smoke, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine October 1902
- Detection by Handwriting, (ar) The London Magazine April 1903
- The Rush to Canada, (ar) The London Magazine July 1903
- Corners in Stage Beauty, (ar) The London Magazine July 1905
- After-Dinner Stories, (ms) The Novel Magazine February 1925
Springs, Elliott White (1896-1959) (about) (items)
- Big Eyes and Little Mouth, (ss) McClure’s June 1926
- War Birds, (ar) Liberty August 14 1926, etc., uncredited.
- The 18-Carat Angel, (ss) McClure’s August 1926
- Faint Heart—Fair Lady, (ss) Liberty December 4 1926
- Belated Evidence, (ss) Liberty December 18 1926
- Odyssey 1918, (ss) Liberty January 1 1927
- Caveat Emptor, (ss) Liberty January 15 1927
- Iliad 1918, (ss) Liberty January 29 1927
- Come-Hither Stuff, (ss) McClure’s January 1927
- Renegades, (ss) Liberty February 12 1927
- Sore Subjects, (ss) Liberty February 26 1927
- Clipped Wings, (sl) McClure’s February 1927, etc.
- Reunion, (ss) Liberty March 12 1927
- Te-He, (ss) Liberty March 26 1927
- The Ringing of the Welkin, (ss) Liberty May 14 1927
- And the Prisoner Was Convicted, (ss) Liberty May 28 1927
- Be Your Own Sky Pilot, (ar) Liberty June 11 1927
- Damon to Pythias to Morpheus, (ss) Liberty July 23 1927
- Cross Country, (ar) Liberty August 20 1927
- Æneas Americanus, (ss) Liberty September 24 1927
- Cornwallis, We Are Here!, (ss) Liberty October 29 1927
- Angel-Face, (ss) Liberty January 7 1928
- Elephantis, (ss) Liberty January 28 1928
- A Non-Stop Plight, (ar) Liberty February 11 1928
- The Lost Chord, (ss) Liberty February 25 1928
- Easy Street—No Parking (with Gus Travis), (ss) Liberty March 31 1928
- 5618, (ss) Liberty May 19 1928
- 9214, (ss) Liberty May 26 1928
- Fed Up, (ss) Liberty June 2 1928
- The Fastest Lap in Lapland, (ss) Liberty August 11 1928
- Decade, (ss) Liberty August 25 1928
- Remarkable Girl!, (ss) The Red Book Magazine September 1928
- The Rubaiyat of an Address Book, (ss) Liberty October 20 1928
- Delayed Fuse, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1928
- 1916, (ss) Liberty December 22 1928
- The Perils of Paris, (ss) Liberty January 12 1929
- Babes in the Woods, (ss) Liberty February 9 1929
- The Frame-Up, (ss) Liberty March 9 1929
- Women Are Just Toys, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1929
- A Scar of Battle, (ss) Liberty April 27 1929
- The Steeplechase Pier, (ss) Liberty June 1 1929
- Sky-High [Carol Banks], (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1929
- The One Who Was Clever [Carol Banks], (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1929
- Clothes Make the Man, (ss) Liberty September 14 1929
- Hymen and Haywire, (ss) Liberty October 5 1929
- Hokum, (ss) Liberty November 2 1929
- 1917, (vi) Liberty November 23 1929
- Confirmations, (ss) Liberty January 4 1930
- The Secret of Success, (ss) Liberty February 8 1930
- Hard Boiled Hannah, (ss) Liberty March 8 1930
- Reverse Gear, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1930
- Twins, (ss) Liberty April 26 1930
- Above the Guns, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine April 1930, etc.
- Shipwreck, (ss) Liberty August 2 1930
- The Harvest, (ss) Liberty August 23 1930
- Lost and Found, (ss) Liberty October 11 1930
- The Pilgrim Daughters, (ss) Liberty March 14 1931
- The Egyptians Played It, (ss) Liberty April 18 1931
- The Devil’s Coach-Horses (with Gus Travis), (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1931
- The Test, (ss) Liberty March 12 1932
- The Blue and the Gray and the Khaki (with Cornelius Bull), (ss) Liberty June 4 1932
- “Old Faithful”, (ss) Air Stories (UK) January 1937
- Decoy for Dolphins, (ss) Air Stories (UK) February 1937
- Is My Face Red?, (ss) Liberty August 1949
- The Time We Stole the Cannons, (ms) Argosy December 1951
- How Long Has This Been Going On?, (ss)
Springstubb, Tricia (1950- ) (about) (items)
- Giving and Taking, (ss) Redbook April 1979
- Bedtimes with the Children, (ss) Redbook June 1979
- Looking for Leah, (ss) McCall’s June 1980
- Love Story: 1980, (ss) Woman’s Day August 5 1980
- The Bed, (ss) McCall’s October 1980
- A Real Home, (ss) McCall’s May 1981
- From This Day Forth…, (ss) Woman’s Day August 11 1981
- The Prima Donna of Rock City, (ss) Redbook June 1982
- Someone to Watch Over Me, (ss) McCall’s April 1983
- Spring Fever, (ss) Seventeen April 1983
- The Last Romantic, (ss) McCall’s August 1985
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