The FictionMags Index
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Smith, Alicia (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) The Rhizome Factor April 1998
- A Seat by the Wing, (il) Fables and Reflections #1, November 2001
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Fables and Reflections #1, November 2001
- Drifting Through Islands, (il) Fables and Reflections #2, April 2002
- It Was an Unbelievable Forest, (il) Fables and Reflections #2, April 2002
- Many Mountains, (il) Fables and Reflections #2, April 2002
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Fables and Reflections #2, April 2002
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Fables and Reflections #3, September 2002
- [illustration(s)], (il) Fables and Reflections #3, September 2002
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Fables and Reflections #4, April 2003
- Cockroaches, (il) Fables and Reflections #5, August 2003
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Fables and Reflections #5, August 2003
Smith, Allen Field (1895-1980); used pseudonym Allen Field (about) (items)
- Big Medicine, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy April 1930, as by Allen Field
- The Grand Little Runt, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy November 1930, as by Allen Field
- The Fourth Fighter, (ss) Boys’ Life May 1931, as by Allen Field
- Hurdles, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1932, as by Allen Field
- Crossed Signals, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1932, as by Allen Field
- Foot Trouble, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy July 1932, as by Allen Field
- Cannon, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1934, as by Allen Field
- Deep-Sea Scrapper, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1934, as by Allen Field
Smith, Allison (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Baskin Homage, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- Being a Horror Artist, (bg) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- The Butcher Shop, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- Desolation Queens, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- He Will Never Be Back, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- The Innsmouth Asylum, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- Our Teeth Fell Out So Slowly, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- The Suicide Forest, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- There’s Something in Our House, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- Wendingo, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
- Wild Woman of the Woods, (il) The Sirens Call #52, Winter 2020
Smith, Alson J. (fl. 1950s-1960s) (items)
- Squid Sandwiches Today—or—No Smoking, (ar) Bluebook December 1953
- The Care and Feeding of Hangover Horrors, (ar) Real May 1954
- Breaking the Time Barrier, (ar) If July 1954
- Hypnotism Comes Out of Moth-balls, (nf) Fate July 1954
- U.S. Researches ESP for Superweapon, (nf) Fate January 1958
- The Hit, (nv) Manhunt April 1958
- The Hangover—Its Care and Feeding, (ar) Rogue May 1958
- Grandma’s “Bridey Murphy”, (nf) Fate November 1958
- Do We Have the Right “Time?”, (nf) Fate March 1959
- New Year’s Party, (nv) Manhunt August 1960
- A Piece of Death, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1962
- Decline and Fall of the Movie Censor, (ar) Adam May 1962
- Tenderloin Rare, (ar) Adam December 1962
- Partners of the Dark [Phil Egan], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1963
- Death Can’t Be Fixed [Phil Egan], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1963
- His Number Came Out Death [Phil Egan], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1964
- The Name of the Game, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1964
- Bull in a Perfume Factory [Steve O’Hara], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1965
Smith, Amber (1946- ); used pseudonym Norman Moore (items)
- The Oldest Church in London (with Edward Frank Beltram, Sharon Kay Hudgins, Jeralyn J. Hughlock, Alvin Lee Rodgers & Curtis R. Stover), (??) The Century Magazine February 1887, as by Norman Moore
- The Guilds of London (with Edward Frank Beltram, Sharon Kay Hudgins, Jeralyn J. Hughlock, Alvin Lee Rodgers & Curtis R. Stover), (??) The Century Magazine November 1888, as by Norman Moore
Smith, Amy M. (fl. 2000s) (items)
- One Single Wish, (ss) Deep Magic #27, August 2004
- The Final Rite, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #7, Spring 2005
- Sun and Sky, (ss) Deep Magic #36, May 2005
- Sophie’s Child, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #8, Summer 2005
- Symphony of the Soul, (pm) Amazing Journeys Magazine #9, Fall 2005
- Seascape Fantasies, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2006
- To Live As Legend, (pm) Beyond Centauri July 2006
- The Mirror’s Curse, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2006
- Chimera, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2007
- Tiger’s Tears, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v2 #4, 2007
- The End of Magic, (pm) Beyond Centauri October 2007
Smith, Andrea (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- A Lesson in Murder, (ss) Women on the Case ed. Sara Paretsky, Delacorte, 1996
- Fatal Flaw, (ss) Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine Summer/Fall 1997
- Elected to Die [Ariel Lawrence], (ss) Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine Fall 1998
- Race to the Rescue, (ss) Racing Can Be Murder ed. Brenda R. Stewart & Tony Perona, Blue River Press, 2007
- Tarnished Legacy, (ss) Bedlam at the Brickyard ed. Brenda R. Stewart & Wanda Lou Willis, Blue River Press, 2010
- Beauty Shop of Horror, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2016
- Hex Boyfriend, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) September 28 2020
Smith, Andrew (fl. 1970s-1990s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) John Chance vs. Dread: The Apocalypse v1 #1, 1975
- [front cover], (cv) Starwind Spring 1976
- [front cover], (cv) Midnight Sun #3, April 1976
- [front cover], (cv) Midnight Sun #4, August 1976
- The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith, (il) The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1979
- [front cover], (cv) The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1979
- [front cover], (cv) Borderland #4, 1986
Smith, Andrew (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scream Quietly by Charles L. Grant, Drugstore Indian Press, 2016
- [illustration(s)], (il) Gathering Storm Magazine #5, October 2017
- Andrew Smith: A Portfolio, (pi) Phantasmagoria Magazine #18, Spring 2021
- [front cover], (cv) Phantasmagoria Magazine #18, Spring 2021
- [illustration(s)], (il) Phantasmagoria Magazine #22, Spring 2023
Smith, Andy M. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Dawn Chorus, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #2, September 1984
- Piper, (ss) Works #5, 1989
- Let’s Do the Rag, (ss) The Scanner #6, 1989
- The Lie-In, (vi) Auguries #11, 1989
- A Matter of Grades, (ss) Works #7, 1990
- His Hands, (ss) Exuberance #1, September 1990
- Bleached, (ss) Exuberance #2, Winter 1990/1991
- April Showers and Green-Eyed Girls, (vi) Auguries #12, 1990
- Blind, (ss) Auguries #13, 1990
- Sighting the Sublime, (ss) The Scanner #11, 1990
- Thoughts of Rachel and an Overwhelming, (ss) Dream Science Fiction #27, January 1991
- The Cyvernian Way, (ss) Dream Science Fiction #29, Winter 1991
- The Passing, (ss) Auguries #15, 1991
- Slow Worker, (ss) Auguries #17, 1993
- Companions, (ss) Auguries #18, 1994
Smith, Angela Yuriko (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (books) (items)
- Death Waits, (pm) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume III ed. David E. Cowen, Horror Writers Association, 2016
- Vanilla Rice, (ss) Where the Stars Rise ed. Lucas K. Law & Derwin Mak, Laksa Media, 2017
- Bitter Suites, (ex) self-published, 2018
- Cereal Killer, (vi) The Sirens Call #43, February 2019
- Efficiency, (vi) The Sirens Call #43, February 2019
- Pain Relief, (vi) The Sirens Call #43, February 2019
- Whole Hearted, (vi) The Sirens Call #43, February 2019
- Editorial A-Musings, (ed) Space and Time #133, Spring/Summer 2019
- Sneak a Peek at Terrible Tim, (ar) Space and Time #133, Spring/Summer 2019
- Band Aid, (vi) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- Anonymous Screams, (pm) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- Flaming, (vi) The Sirens Call #46, August 2019
- Nothing to Give, (vi) The Sirens Call #46, August 2019
- Three Deaths, (pm) The Sirens Call #46, August 2019
- Speculating, (cl) Space and Time #134, Fall 2019
- Ashers to Ashers: Who Is Behind ReTech, (ar) Space and Time #135, Winter 2019
- 11354.9, (ar) Space and Time #135, Winter 2019
- Space Heater, (ss) DreamForge #4, December 2019
- Artist Mark Levine on “Taken”, (ar) Space and Time #136, Spring 2020 [Ref. Mark Levine]
- Jim Freund: Friend of Fiction, (ar) Space and Time #136, Spring 2020 [Ref. Jim Freund]
- Speculating: 11361.12, (ar) Space and Time #136, Spring 2020
- Potter Magic: Guiding Libraries in Pandemic Times, (ar) Space and Time #137, Summer 2020
- Speculating: 11372.4, (ed) Space and Time #137, Summer 2020
- Skin Dowdy, (ss) Black Cranes ed. Geneve Flynn & Lee Murray, Omnium Gatherum, 2020
- Speculating: 11393.24, (ed) Space and Time #138, Autumn 2020
- Ten Years of Take Two with Daniel M. Kimmel, (ar) Space and Time #138, Autumn 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #138, Autumn 2020
- John Palisano: Leading the Horror Industry, (ar) Space and Time #139, Winter 2020 [Ref. John Palisano]
- Speculating: 11394.27, (ed) Space and Time #139, Winter 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #139, Winter 2020
- Feverish Fiction with John Shirley, (iv) Space and Time #140, Spring 2021 [Ref. John Shirley]
- Leonard Speiser: Professional Beginner, (iv) Space and Time #140, Spring 2021 [Ref. Leonard Speiser]
- [illustration(s)], (il) Space and Time #140, Spring 2021
- A Goddess Exhales, (pm) Savage Planets May 2021
- Remembrance Cake, (pm) Savage Planets May 2021
- Lost Spirits, (pm) The Sirens Call #54, Summer 2021
- Past the Horizon, (pm) Savage Planets July 2021
- Dreaming of Shisa, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Four Willows Bound, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Grandmother Shuffled, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Her Hajichi, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Inside Chibichiri Gama, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Inujini, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Kajimuna, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Kami-Daari, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Kayoda House, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- My Kami-Sama, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Okinawa San, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Onarigami, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Outside Chibichiri Gama, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- (R)evolution, (pm) Tortured Willows ed. Geneve Flynn, Lee Murray, Angela Yuriko Smith & Christina Sng, Yuriko Publishing, 2021
- Destroy with Love, (vi) Savage Planets October 2021
- Horror Writers: Architects of Hope, (ar) The Sirens Call #55, Halloween 2021
- The Nukekubi, (pm) Savage Planets October 2021
- Who Wants to Live Forever?, (ss) Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2021
- Unlucky Moon, (vi) The Sirens Call #56, Winter 2021
- R.C. Matheson: Man of Many Talents, (ar) Space and Time #141, Spring/Summer 2022 [Ref. R. C. Matheson]
- The Room at the End of the Hall, (br) Space and Time #143, Spring/Summer 2023 [Ref. Lori R. Lopez]
- Lost Generations, (pm) Weird Tales #367, 2023
- Oh, Brave New World That Has Such People in It, (ed) Space and Time #144, 2023
- Announcing the Linzner Awards, a Breath of Fresh Err, (ed) Space and Time #145, Fall/Winter 2023
- Can AI Save Face with Hugging Face?, (ar) Space and Time #145, Fall/Winter 2023
- Tenfold, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
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