The FictionMags Index
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Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah (1856-1928) (about) (items)
- In Alaska, (ar) Wide Awake March 1885
- Yoshi Hito, Haru No Miya, the Child of Modern Japan, (bg) St. Nicholas July 1889
- How to Use a Pair of Chopsticks, (ar) St. Nicholas April 1890
- Haruko of Japan. The Oriental Empress and Her Court, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1890
- Collections of Teapots, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1890
- The Japanese Theatre, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1891
- Alaska and British Columbia Boundary, (??) The Century Magazine July 1891
- Two Queer Cousins of the Crab, (ar) St. Nicholas January 1892
- “Chin Chin, Huang Ta-Ta!”, (ss) Wide Awake March 1892
- Our New National Forest Reserves, (??) The Century Magazine September 1893
- The Vancouver Centenary, (??) The Century Magazine March 1894
- What Has the United States Done with Alaska?, (ar) The Century Magazine March 1895
- The Alaska Boundary Question, (??) The Century Magazine May 1896
- An Island Without Death, (??) The Century Magazine August 1896
- Java and Singapore. Down to Java, (??) The Century Magazine August 1897
- Java and Singapore. Prisoners of State at Boro Boedor, (??) The Century Magazine September 1897
- Andree’s Flight Into the Unknown. Andree at the Congress of 1895, (lt) The Century Magazine November 1897
- The Wonderful Morning-Glories of Japan, (??) The Century Magazine December 1897
- China. The River of Tea, (??) The Century Magazine August 1899
- China. Cruising up the Yangtsze, (??) The Century Magazine September 1899
- China. The Streets of Peking, (??) The Century Magazine October 1899
Sciriha, Caroline (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Knight of Pawns, (ss) New Myths #36, September 2016
- Not in the Stars, (ss) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #4, November 2016
- When Two Rivers Meet, (ss) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #5, December 2016
- Whisper of the Waves, (ss) New Myths #40, September 2017
- Only the Weak Survive, (ss) Terra! Tara! Terror! ed. Juliana Rew, Third Flatiron Publishing, 2018
Scism, Alvin N(orris) (1916-2012); used pseudonym Al Storm (about) (items)
- Trick of a Trade, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales December 1942, as by Al Storm
- Fugitive Fury, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 16 1943, as by Al Storm
- Dynamite Ain’t Friendly, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales May 1943, as by Al Storm
- Sixes for Hire, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine January 1944, as by Al Storm
- The Bull About Wild Bill, (ar) Famous Western Spring 1944, as by Al Storm
- Half-Pint of Hell, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales March 1944, as by Al Storm
- Gun Proud, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales May 1944, as by Al Storm
- Six-Gun Bluff, (ss) Action Stories Fall 1944, as by Al Storm
- Buckskin Boss of Hell’s Caravan, (nv) .44 Western Magazine January 1945, as by Al Storm
- Colt Queen of Guerrilla Pass, (nv) Frontier Stories Spring 1945, as by Al Storm
- The Pilgrim of Scalp-Town Gulch, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales July 1945, as by Al Storm
- Blood-Flame for the Judu, (ss) Jungle Stories Fall 1945, as by Al Storm
- Hostage, (ss) Action Stories Fall 1945, as by Al Storm
- To the Last Damn’ Shell!, (ss) New Western Magazine April 1946, as by Al Storm
- The Last Bullet, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales December 1946, as by Al Storm
- Quick Trigger Dude, (ss) Western Trails March 1947, as by Al Storm
- The Making of a Hand, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1947
- Gold and Guns for the Copperhead Cause, (na) Ace-High Western Stories July 1947, as by Al Storm
- Boss of Seventeen, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1947
- Deep—Like a Grave, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales December 1947, as by Al Storm
- Twice in the Back, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine March 1948, as by Al Storm
- Return of the Prodigal Gun, (ss) Western Aces May 1948, as by Al Storm
- Vulture-Bait, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine July 1948, as by Al Storm
- Win, Lose—or Draw Fast!, (nv) Western Aces July 1948, as by Al Storm
- Ripe for Bushwhack Death, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1948, as by Al Storm
- Rustler’s Brand, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine September 1948, as by Al Storm
- Taps for a Tenderfoot, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales November 1948, as by Al Storm
- Wagon-Train Hoodoo, (ss) .44 Western Magazine March 1949, as by Al Storm
- The Way of a Gunhawk, (ss) Western Aces May 1949, as by Al Storm
- Ride the Red Trail, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales June 1949, as by Al Storm
- Come Home to Hell!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1949, as by Al Storm
- Satchel—Full of Murder, (ss) Super-Detective December 1949, as by Al Storm
- Last Sled Out, (ss) North•West Romances Spring 1950, as by Al Storm
- Gun Name, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales August 1950, as by Al Storm
- Where Hell Froze Over!, (ss) North•West Romances Fall 1950, as by Al Storm
- Blood on the Owyhee, (ss) Popular Western June 1951, as by Al Storm
- Hot Lead for a Texas Lobo, (ss) Western Novels and Short Stories June 1951, as by Al Storm
- Thirty Freight Wagons to Hell, (nv) Range Riders Western March 1952, as by Al Storm
- I’ll Count Your Dead [Bart Kuhn], (ss) Range Riders Western May 1952, as by Al Storm
- Alive by Mistake, (ss) Thrilling Detective Fall 1952, as by Al Storm
- Wine, Women, and—Who Cares?, (ss) Exciting Western September 1952, as by Al Storm
- Bugles and Blood, (ss) Range Riders Western October 1952, as by Al Storm
- Maybe Tomorrow, (ss) Popular Western November 1952, as by Al Storm
- Whelped by a Wolf, (ss) Texas Rangers February 1953, as by Al Storm
- Blood on the Teton Rim, (ss) New Western Magazine March 1953, as by Al Storm
- War in Wapiti, (ss) Popular Western March 1953, as by Al Storm
- Renegades’ Renedezvous, (nv) Exciting Western May 1953, as by Al Storm
- The Back-Shooting Legion, (nv) Exciting Western July 1953, as by Al Storm
- Glory Road, (ss) Popular Western August 1953, as by Al Storm
- Deed to Disaster, (ss) Texas Rangers August 1954, as by Al Storm
- Killer in Town, (ss) Texas Rangers December 1955, as by Al Storm
- Trouble at White Clay, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st February 1956, as by Al Storm
- The Fastest Gun, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st March 1956, as by Al Storm
- Trial by Fire, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1956, as by Al Storm
- The Joke, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd July 1956, as by Al Storm
- The Water Merchant, (nv) Ranch Romances 1st September 1956, as by Al Storm
- Incident at Pueblo, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st October 1956, as by Al Storm
- Lady Killer, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories January 1957, as by Al Storm
- Man from Toronto, (nv) Texas Rangers October 1957, as by Al Storm
- Vengeance Is Mine, (ss) Texas Rangers January 1958, as by Al Storm
- The Drifter, (ss) Adventure February 1961, as by Al Storm
- [unknown story], (ss) , as by Al Storm
Scithers, George H(arry) (1929-2010); used pseudonym Karl Würf (about) (books) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #1, 1959
- [limerick], (pm) Amra v2 #1, 1959
- [front cover], (cv) Amra v2 #2, 1959
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #2, 1959
- Balthus of the Tauran & Robert of Cross Plains, (br) Amra v2 #3, 1959 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- Hercules, (mr) Amra v2 #6, 1959
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #6, 1959
- Balthus of the Tauran & Robert of Cross Plains, (br) Amra v2 #3, 1959 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #9, 1960
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #11, 1960
- [letter], (lt) Dream Quest August 1960, etc.
- Indirect Swackle (with I. M. Stephens & L. Sprague de Camp), (ms) Amra v2 #12, 1960, as by Inga Stephens Pratt, George H. Scithers & L. Sprague de Camp
- Analog and “Fact”, (ar) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies December 1960
- Lorelei of the Red Mist, (br) Amra v2 #13, 1960 [Ref. Ray Bradbury & Leigh Brackett]
- On “The Dubrovsky Motif”, (lt) Amra v2 #14, 1961, as by Karl Würf
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #16, 1961
- A Scroll of Sirrush Hide and Papyrus, (br) Amra v2 #19, 1962 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #19, 1962
- [front cover], (cv) Amra v2 #20, 1962
- Young Man Mulligan (with Karen Anderson, John Boardman, Lin Carter, James Cawthorn, Ron Ellik, Richard Harris Eney, George R. Heap, David McDaniel & Bruce Pelz), (ar) Amra v2 #21, 1962, as by Karen Anderson, John Boardman, Lin Carter, James Cawthorn, Ron Ellik, Richard Harris Eney, George R. Heap, Ted Johnstone, Bruce Pelz & George H. Scithers
- The Ancient Engineers, (br) Amra v2 #24, 1963, as by Karl Würf [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- Swords & Sorcery, (br) Amra v2 #28, 1964, as by Karl Würf [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- TO&FMESRy Rolling Stock, (il) Amra v2 #30, 1964
- Ancient Ruins and Archaeology, (br) Amra v2 #31, 1964 [Ref. L. Sprague & Catherine C. de Camp]
- From the Silent Earth, A Report of the Greek Bronze Age, (br) Amra v2 #31, 1964 [Ref. Joseph Alsop]
- On Almuric and High Places, (lt) Amra v2 #37, 1966
- [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #39, 1966
- Some Notes on the Problem of the Source of Ancient Barsoom, (pm) Amra v2 #42, 1966
- The Masked Marvels of Mollusc-on-the-Marsh, (ss) Comic Art #6, 1966
- On an Amerindian Adventure, (lt) Amra v2 #44, 1967, as by Karl Würf [Ref. Louis A. Brennan]
- Etchings in Ivory, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- Swords Against Wizardry, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968, as by Karl Würf [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- The Faithful Messenger, (ss) If March 1969
- Not Stupid Enough, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1971
- George R. Heap, (ob) Amra v2 #55, 1971 [Ref. George R. Heap]
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Conan Grimoire ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers, Mirage Press, 1972
- Not Polluted Enough, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1973
- Market Report (with Pamela Sargent), (cl) SFWA Bulletin #53A, Fall 1974
- REH Editors-Publishers Roundtable Discussion (with Jonathan Bacon, Arnold M. Fenner, George T. Hamilton, Dennis McHaney, Byron L. Roark, Damon C. Sasser & Wayne Warfield), (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #9, August 1976, etc.
- Some Editorial Guidelines, (lt) SFWA Bulletin #59, August 1976
- Conan and the Cinema (with Marc A. Cerasini, Kevin Harris, Jeffrey May, T. C. Rypel & Harry Warner, Jr.), (ar) Amra v2 #67, 1977
- Asimov’s Choice: Astronauts & Androids, (an) Dale Books, 1977, as by [uncredited]
- The Prevention and Cure of Copy-Editing or Manuscript Preparation for People Who Already Know It All, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #67, Summer 1978
- Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Anthology: Volume 1, 1979, (an) Davis, 1978, as by [uncredited]
- What’s Wrong with This Picture? (with John M. Ford & Barry B. Longyear), (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1980
- Why L. Sprague de Camp Writes, (bg) Footprints on Sand by L. Sprague & Catherine Crook de Camp, Advent, 1981 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- Not Virginal Enough, (ss) Swashbuckling Editor Stories ed. John Gregory Betancourt, Wildside Press, 1993
- In Memories Yet Green (with Isaac Asimov, Gardner R. Dozois, Shawna McCarthy, Kathleen Moloney & Sheila Williams), (ed) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2007
- Introduction, (in) Cat Tales #2, April 2010
- Occult Warning (with Darrell Schweitzer), (pm) Weird Tales #362, Spring 2014, as by Darrell Schweitzer & Karl Würf
- The Observatory, (ed) Amazing Stories, etc.
Scobee, Barry (1885-1977) (about) (items)
- Beating the King, (ss) 10 Story Book June 1914
- The Whip in the Thatch, (ss) Young’s Magazine March 1915
- The Typewriter Famine, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 22 1917
- The Crawfisher, (ss) All-Story Weekly April 27 1918
- The Steer Branded M-u-r-d-e-r, (ss) Adventure mid April 1919
- The Rawhiders, (ss) Adventure mid July 1919
- Heart of the Yankee, (ss) Adventure mid March 1920
- Road-Signs and a Nose-Ring, (nv) Adventure mid April 1920
- Gold of the Never Never, (ss) Adventure 1st June 1920
- Trail of the Chosen Four, (nv) Adventure 1st October 1920
- Grim Jokes, (ss) Adventure 1st December 1920
- The Wind, (ss) Adventure 1st January 1921
- The Drought, (ss) Adventure March 20 1922
- Even Up, (ss) Adventure May 30 1922
- Seven Fools, (ss) Adventure December 10 1922
- The Rain, (ss) Adventure January 20 1923
- White-Man Stuff, (nv) Adventure February 10 1923
- Leaden Laughter, (ss) Adventure March 10 1923
- Contrary Men, (ss) Adventure April 10 1923
- Empty Country, (ss) Adventure April 30 1923
- The One-Man Feud, (ss) Adventure May 30 1923
- Sky, Land and Men, (ss) Adventure September 10 1923
- The Derelict Ranch, (nv) Adventure October 10 1923
- Gamblers’ Qualifications, (nv) Adventure December 30 1923
- Heavy Money, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1924
- White Men Stick Together, (ss) Adventure February 10 1924
- Land Love, (ss) Adventure March 10 1924
- “Red Pig” of the North, (ss) Adventure April 20 1924
- Bandit’s Glory, (nv) Adventure June 10 1924
- The Bent Gun Barrel, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1924
- Hungry Hearts and Greedy Hands, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 28 1924
- The Price of a Horse, (ss) Adventure July 20 1924
- Battle of a Thousand Hoofs, (ss) Adventure July 30 1924
- Cornered, (ss) Boys’ Life August 1924
- Best Bugler in the World, (ss) Adventure October 30 1924
- Land Eaters, (ss) Western Story Magazine November 1 1924
- Land Hungry, (ss) The Frontier December 1924
- Empty Cartridges, (ss) Adventure February 28 1925
- Native Born, (ss) Adventure March 20 1925
- Home Ground, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1925
- The Man of Ricketyboom, (ss) The Frontier July 1925
- Black Sheep, (nv) Short Stories September 25 1925
- No Law, (ss) Adventure October 20 1925
- Safe Conduct, (ss) Adventure November 20 1925
- The Knife, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1925
- Ten Cubes of Silver, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1926
- Sam’s Ma, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1926
- The Slicker, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories August/September 1926
- The Deceived Gunman, (ss) Adventure October 8 1926
- Exit the Kid, (ss) The Frontier October 1926
- Monotony, (ss) Adventure November 8 1926
- How Much Do Coyotes Know?, (ar) Adventure January 15 1927
- The Right Game, (ss) America’s Humor February 1927
- Company for the Night, (ss) Adventure March 15 1927
- Tin-Tub Cowboy, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1927
- Call of the Wild—Cat, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1927
- The Hand Is Quicker, (ss) Adventure November 1 1927
- Water for His Cattle, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1927
- Horse Money, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1928
- Riders from the Rio, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd January 1928
- Fools’ Names, (ss) Adventure February 1 1928
- The Donkey Laugh, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1928
- The Phantom Horse, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1928
- The Rodeo Shirt, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1928
- The Demands of Strawfoot Bill, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1928
- The Captured Saddle, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1928
- Noisy Night, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1928
- Vengeance on Jimber Jaw, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1928
- The Bull of the Border, (nv) North•West Stories 2nd October 1928
- Flies to the Honeypot, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1928
- Black Yankee, (ss) Adventure March 15 1929
- The Sixth Shot, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1929
- Pay-Day, (nv) Short Stories June 25 1929
- Satan’s Ears, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1929
- The Idol-Chaser, (ss) Weird Tales August 1929
- The Wildcat Sheriff, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1929
- The Sacrifice Shot, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1929
- Coward Lead, (ss) North•West Stories November 1929
- Margin of Three Doors, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1930
- State’s Evidence, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1930
- A Horse on ’Em, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1930
- Stranger at the X Bar B, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1930
- Another Man’s Money, (ss) Adventure September 15 1930
- The Friendless One, (nv) North•West Stories December 1930
- Quicksilver, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1932
- Rattlesnake Weather, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1932
- Greed, (ss) Best Detective Magazine August 1932
- The Crimson Ghost, (ss) Action Stories November/December 1933
- Integrity, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1934
- Killer Horse, (ss) Frontier Stories February/March 1934
- The Hoofed Horde, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine March/April 1934
- Fear Rides a Horse, (ss) Frontier Stories July 1934
- Stallions’ Feud, (ss) Frontier Stories September 1934
- Gun-Hand, (ss) Action Stories October 1934
- Panther Fear [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories December 1934
- Outcasts of the Range [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories February 1935
- The Weapon of Fire [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories April 1935
- Horse Accused [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories June 1935
- Outlaw Colt, (ss) Star Western June 1935
- Protector of the Herd [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories August 1935
- Phantom of the Dust, (ss) Action Stories October 1935
- Wild Colt’s Challenge, (ss) Star Western November 1935
- Danger in the Herd, (ss) Action Stories December 1935
- Devil on the Hoof [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories February 1936
- The Salt-Lick Ambush, (ss) Star Western March 1936
- Wolves of the Storm [Midnight the Stallion], (ss) Action Stories April 1936
- Something to Brag About, (ss) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy June 1936
- Wanted Horses, (ss) Action Stories June 1936
- Death Corral, (ss) Action Stories August 1936
- The Untamed, (ss) Action Stories September 1936
- Breed of the Open Range, (ss) Action Stories October 1936
- Valley of Death, (ss) Action Stories December 1936
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