The FictionMags Index
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Punshon, E(rnest) R(obertson) (items) (continued)
- The Stolen Memorandum, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1916
- Getting Even with Gordon, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #357, March 4 1916
- The Blind See, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1916
- The Haunted Chessmen, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1916
- Her Mother’s Honour, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1916
- The Lone Trail, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #362, April 8 1916
- Her Chance. An Early Episode in the Career of Rose Manvers, Singer, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1916
- “Branksomes”, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1916
- A Telescopic Wooing, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1916
- “No” for an Answer, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1916
- His Highness Receives, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1916
- The Night of Terror, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1916
- Lost Liberty, (sl) Yes or No January 13 1917
- Borrowed Plumes, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1917
- Recognition, (ss) Yes or No March 24 1917
- The Diamond, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1917
- The Ivory Forest, (nv) Yes or No April 7 1917
- Promotion, (ss) Yes or No May 5 1917
- A Modern Samson, (sl) Yes or No May 12 1917, etc.
- Good Hunting, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1917
- The Moor Pool, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1917
- The Bolt That Jammed, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1917
- The Haunted Valley, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1917
- The Vast White Wilderness, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1918
- The Saving of Pete Conlan, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1918
- A Lucky Woman, (ss) Young’s Magazine July 1918
- The Dance Girl, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1918
- The Stampede, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1918
- Norman Flint’s Prosperity, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1919
- The Way Out, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1919
- Thimbles, (ss) The Novel Magazine November 1920
- The Sacking of Maurice, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1920
- When the Wolf Howled, (ss) Yes or No March 14 1921
- Choosing a Wife, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1921
- The Linguistic Boatman, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1921
- Scared Stiff, (nv) Everybody’s December 1921
- Jungle Equity, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1922
- The Millionaire of Hope Valley, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1922
- Prisoners of Gold, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1922
- There with the Wallop, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1922, etc.
- The Cobra, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #5, November 1922
- As in a Snare, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #6, December 1922
- The Secret of the Snows, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1923
- The Abbey Ball, (ss) Gaiety March 1923
- A He-Man’s Way, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1923
- The Analysed Crime, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine May 1923
- Liberty Chains, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1923, etc.
- Learning Business, (nv) Everybody’s June 1923
- Phyllis Being Phyllis, (sl) Horner’s Stories #1555, July 7 1923, etc.
- Dog Eat Dog, (ss) Everybody’s July 1923
- Innocence Itself, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine July 1923
- Who Was It?, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1923
- Fickle Circumstance, (ss) Gaiety May 1924
- The Blue John Diamond, (sl) Flynn’s November 22 1924, etc.
- Too Late for His Hat and Coat, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1925
- Just as He Remembered Her, (ss) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine January 1925
- The Interrupted Reign of Mrs. Linton-Ward, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1925
- Invitations, (ss) Gaiety May 1925
- Blind Trails, (sl) Flynn’s July 18 1925, etc.
- The Solitary House, (n.) Aldine Mystery Novels #2, November 1925
- The Valley of Gold, (sl) The Sovereign Magazine January 1926, etc.
- Winning Madeline, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #57, March 1927
- Between Twelve and One, (ss) The Happy Mag. November 1928
- Father Christmas at Farlham Hall, (ss) Holly Leaves #2880, December 1928
- Sure to Win, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1929
- “Information Received” [Sergeant Boys], (ss) The Premier Magazine #40, January 1930
- The Cottage Murders, (sl) Prize Detective Magazine February 1930, etc.
- The Secret of the Chessboard [Sergeant Boys], (ss) The Premier Magazine #43, April 1930
- The Double Six Domino [Sergeant Boys], (ss) The Premier Magazine #45, June 1930
- The Canon’s Misadventure, (ss) The Herald (Tamworth) September 13 1930
- A Study in the Obvious, (ss) The Evening Standard August 26 1936
- The Living Stone, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine September 1939
- Making Sure, (ss) The Evening Standard February 16 1950
- Good Beginning, (ss) The Evening Standard August 1 1950
- Three Sovereigns [Sgt. Bobby Owen], (ss) The Evening Standard October 17 1950
- Find the Lady, (ss) The Evening Standard December 21 1950
- Dead Man’s Hand, (ss) The Evening Standard February 16 1951
- The Tide Runs Strongly, (ss) The Evening Standard May 26 1952
- A Dead Man Laughs, (ss) The Evening Standard January 22 1953
- The Perfect Murder, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1953
- The Four Liars, (ss) The Evening Standard July 21 1955
- Where There’s a Coffin There’s a Way, (ss) The Evening Standard
Purcell, Art J. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- Strictly Fresh, (ss) War Stories #61, July 18 1929
- “Don’t Shoot, Guys!”, (ss) War Stories #66, September 26 1929
- No Left Turns, (ss) War Stories #71, December 5 1929
- “This Ain’t Scoutin’”, (ss) War Stories #81, April 24 1930
- The Boche Diggers, (ss) War Stories #83, July 1930
- The Mysterious Mascot, (ss) Argosy September 13 1930
- Strange Flagpoles, (ss) Western Romances #12, March 1931
Purcell, Evan (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Searchers, (ss) Latchkey Tales August 2014
- Uninvited Guests, (ss) Midnight Echo #11, April 2015
- Accidental Slayage, (ss) The Sirens Call #35, October 2017
- Hello, Death. It’s a Pleasure., (ss) Enchanted Conversation October 2017
- Dinner with Mama, (vi) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- Equivalent Retribution, (ss) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
Purcell, Hugh Docre (fl. 1920s) (items)
- Told by a Talking Table, (ss) Ghost Stories August 1926; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- The Ghost of Flying Nell, (ss) Ghost Stories September 1926; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- Marked with the Curse of Obi, (ss) Ghost Stories December 1926; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- Love—and the Last Frontier, (ss) Ghost Stories February 1927; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- The House of Captive Spirits, (ss) Ghost Stories March 1927; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- The Phantom of the Seven Seas, (ss) Ghost Stories April 1927; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- Phantom Jazz, (ss) Ghost Stories June 1927; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- The Mind Reader, (n.) Ghost Stories July 1927, etc.; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
- My Strange Adventure with a Vampire, (ss) Ghost Stories August 1929; as told to W. Adolphe Roberts
Purcell, John S(arsfield) (fl. 1900s) (items)
- The Countess, Myself and Another, (ss) The Lady’s Realm June 1905
- The Art of A. Chevallier Tayler, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1905
- New Years of Long Ago, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1906
- George E. Robertson: An Interview, (iv) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1906
- The Pope of Paradise Mount, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1906
- A Veteran Artist: Mr. William Shakespeare Burton, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1906 [Ref. William Shakespeare Burton]
- Haymaking, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1906, as by J. S. P.
- The Art of Horace van Ruith, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1906
- The Art of Bernard F. Bribble, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1906
- How Tom Mallon Made a Specialist, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1906
- The King and the Swineherd, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1908
- The Black Swans, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1908
- My Lady Moonshine, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1908
- Gilbert K. Chesterton, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1908
- That Match in Banda Pura, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1908
- Don Fabio’s Revenge, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1909
- The Youth of the Emperor William, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1909
- Robert Louis Stevenson and His Friends, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1909
- From Shadow to Sunshine, (sl) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1909, etc.
- The Percival Mystery, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1909
- The Dossier of Captain Jean Bart, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1909
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