The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 5145
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Maugham, Robin; [i.e., Robert Cecil Romer Maugham, 2nd Viscount Maugham] (1916-1981) (about) (items)
- Editorial, (ed) Convoy #1, February 1944, etc.
- The German Officer, (ex) The Blue Book Magazine May 1945
- Half Marks, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1945
- The Racecourse Hypnotist, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1953
- The Professor [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard June 29 1955
- Stolen Tune [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard February 2 1956
- Pere Auguste Forgives [Did It Happen?], (ts) The Evening Standard September 21 1957
- The Joyita Mystery, (ar) Argosy June 1962
- My Uncle Willie, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 29 1966
- The Last Gaughin, (ss) King (UK) March 1966
- Winston Churchill, Loser, (ar) Cavalier February 1967
- Follow the Sun, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1972
- Night in Cassis, (ss) Transatlantic Review #44, Autumn/Winter 1972
Maugham, W(illiam) Somerset (1874-1965) (about) (books) (items)
- A Bad Example, (ss) Orientations by W. Somerset Maugham, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899
- Pro Patria, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1903
- A Point of Law, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1903
- An Irish Gentleman, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1904
- Told in the Inn at Algeciras, (ss) The Woman at Home February 1905
- A Rehearsal, (ss) The Sketch December 6 1905
- The Making of a Millionaire, (ss) The Lady’s Realm July 1906
- Good Manners, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1907
- Cousin Amy, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1908
- The Happy Couple, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1908
- The Magician, (ex) Heinemann, 1908
- “The Mother”, (ss) The Story-teller April 1909
- A Traveller in Romance, (ss) Printers’ Pie 1909
- Macintosh, (nv) Cosmopolitan November 1920
- Miss Thompson, (nv) The Smart Set April 1921
- Red, (nv) Asia April 1921
- The Pool, (nv) Cosmopolitan September 1921
- Honolulu, (nv) Everybody’s October 1921
- Honolulu, (ex) Everybody’s October 1921
- The Trembling of a Leaf, (co) Doran, 1921
- Envoi, (ms) The Trembling of a Leaf. Little Stories from the South Sea Islands by W. Somerset Maugham, George H. Doran, 1921
- The Fall of Edward Barnard, (nv) The Trembling of a Leaf. Little Stories from the South Sea Islands by W. Somerset Maugham, George H. Doran, 1921
- The Pacific, (in) The Trembling of a Leaf. Little Stories from the South Sea Islands by W. Somerset Maugham, George H. Doran, 1921
- The Circle, (pl) Everybody’s January 1922
- Foreign Devils, (ss) Asia February 1922
- Fear, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1922
- The Philosopher, (ss) McClure’s Magazine April 1922
- His Majesty’s Representative, (vi) McClure’s Magazine May 1922
- Sullivan, (ss) McClure’s Magazine May 1922
- Mr. Pete, (ss) Saturday Review (UK) July 8 1922
- The Altar of Heaven, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- Arabesque, (pp) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- Dawn, (pp) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- His Britannic Majesty’s Representative, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- My Lady’s Parlour, (vi) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- The Opium Den, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- The Picture, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- The Sights of the Town, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- The Stripling, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1922
- The Taipan, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1922
- Before the Party, (nv) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine December 1922
- The Princess and the Nightingale, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1922
- The Sea Dog, (ss) On a Chinese Screen by W. Somerset Maugham, Heinemann, 1922
- Bewitched, (ss) Hearst’s International February 1923
- The Round Dozen, (ss) Good Housekeeping (UK) March 1923
- Jane, (nv) Hearst’s International April 1923
- The Imposters, (vi) Cosmopolitan November 1923
- Mayhew, (vi) Cosmopolitan December 1923
- On the Approach of Middle Age, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) December 1923
- The Force of Circumstance, (nv) Hearst’s International January 1924
- German Harry, (vi) Cosmopolitan January 1924
- In a Strange Land, (vi) Cosmopolitan February 1924
- The Luncheon, (vi) Cosmopolitan March 1924
- The Letter, (nv) Hearst’s International April 1924
- The Letter, (ex) Hearst’s International April 1924
- The Woman Who Wouldn’t Take a Hint, (vi) Cosmopolitan April 1924
- The Dream, (vi) Cosmopolitan May 1924
- The Ardent Bigamist, (ss) MacLean’s June 15 1924
- The Happy Man, (vi) Cosmopolitan June 1924
- The Outstation, (nv) Hearst’s International June 1924
- Salvatore the Fisherman, (vi) Cosmopolitan July 1924
- Home from the Sea, (vi) Cosmopolitan September 1924
- The Ant and the Grasshopper, (vi) Cosmopolitan October 1924
- The Painted Veil, (n.) Hearst’s International November 1924, etc.
- Mr. Know-All, (vi) Cosmopolitan January 1925
- A Widow’s Might, (vi) Cosmopolitan February 1925
- The Man Who Wouldn’t Hurt a Fly, (vi) Cosmopolitan April 1925
- The Code of a Gentleman, (vi) Cosmopolitan June 1925
- The Yellow Streak, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1925
- The Most Selfish Woman I Knew, (vi) Cosmopolitan September 1925
- The Man with the Scar, (vi) Cosmopolitan October 1925
- The Great Man, (vi) Cosmopolitan November 1925
- An Honest Woman, (vi) Cosmopolitan December 1925
- The End of the Flight, (vi) Harper’s Bazar January 1926
- Without a Country, (vi) Cosmopolitan January 1926
- The Creative Impulse, (nv) Harper’s Bazar August 1926
- The Closed Shop, (vi) Harper’s Bazar September 1926
- Footprints in the Jungle, (nv) Cosmopolitan January 1927
- Pearls, (vi) Cosmopolitan February 1927
- The Traitor [Ashenden], (nv) Cosmopolitan September 1927
- One of Those Women, (vi) Cosmopolitan October 1927
- His Excellency [Ashenden], (nv) Cosmopolitan November 1927
- The Hairless Mexican [Ashenden], (nv) Cosmopolitan December 1927
- The Greek, (na) 1927
- The Letter, (pl) Heinemann, 1927
- Mr. Harrington’s Washing [Ashenden], (nv) Cosmopolitan January 1928
- The British Agent [Ashenden], (nv) Cosmopolitan February 1928
- Four Dutchmen, (vi) Cosmopolitan December 1928
- Giulia Lazzari [Ashenden], (nv) Ashenden by W. Somerset Maugham, Heinemann, 1928
- The Secret Agent and the Dancing Spy, (ex) Heinemann, 1928
- In Hiding, (vi) Cosmopolitan January 1929
- A Derelict, (vi) Cosmopolitan February 1929
- The Extraordinary Sex, (vi) Cosmopolitan March 1929
- Straight Flush, (vi) Cosmopolitan April 1929
- The Man Who Made His Mark, (vi) Cosmopolitan June 1929
- Through the Jungle, (ar) Britannia and Eve July 1929
- Mirage, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1929
- A Marriage of Convenience, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1929
- On the Road to Mandalay, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1929
- Cakes and Ale, (na) Harper’s Bazaar February 1930
- The Human Element, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1930
- Virtue, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1931
- The Vessel of Wrath, (nv) Cosmopolitan April 1931
- The Right Thing Is the Kind Thing, (nv) Cosmopolitan July 1931
- The Alien Corn, (nv) Cosmopolitan August 1931
- The Door of Opportunity, (nv) Cosmopolitan October 1931
- The Temptation of Neil MacAdam, (nv) Cosmopolitan February 1932
- The Narrow Corner, (n.) Cosmopolitan October 1932, etc.
- The Book-Bag, (nv) The Book-Bag: 20 Best Short Stories in Ray Long’s 20 Years as an Editor ed. Ray Long, Crown, 1932
- The Three Fat Women of Antibes, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1933
- Ah King, (pr) Heinemann, 1933
- The Buried Talent, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1934
- The Best Ever, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1934
- The Short Story, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1934
- Appearance and Reality, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1934
- A Casual Affair, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1934
- The Judgement Seat, (vi) The Judgement Seat by W. Somerset Maugham, Centaur Press, 1934
- The Voice of the Turtle, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1935
- Gigolo and Gigolette, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1935
- The Lotus Eater, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1935
- Appointment in Samarra, (ss) The Star July 9 1936
- A Bride from Geneva, (ss) Yorkshire Evening News Christmas 1936
- An Official Position, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1937
- The Lion’s Skin, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1937
- A Writer Sums Up, (ar) Lilliput March 1938
- The Sanatorium [Ashenden], (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1938
- Books and You, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 4 1939
- Doctor and Patient, (nv) Cosmopolitan February 1939
- You and Some More Books, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1939
- The Facts of Life, (nv) Cosmopolitan April 1939
- A Man with a Conscience, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1939
- Christmas Holiday, (sl) Redbook Magazine August 1939, etc.
- The Classic Books of America, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1940
- The Villa on the Hill, (sl) Redbook Magazine February 1940, etc.
- Flotsam and Jetsam, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1940
- The Lion at Bay, (ar) Redbook Magazine November 1940
- Give Me a Murder, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 28 1940
- Winter Cruise, (ss) Nash’s Annual Christmas 1940
- Strictly Personal, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 22 1941
- “Little Things of No Consequence”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 29 1941
- “We Have Been Betrayed”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1941
- Escape to America, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1941
- Theatre, (na) Redbook Magazine May 1941
- The Culture That Is to Come, (ar) Redbook Magazine August 1941
- The Hour Before Dawn, (sl) Redbook Magazine December 1941, etc.
- Why D’You Dislike Us?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 11 1942
- The Unconquered, (ss) Collier’s April 10 1943
- The Razor’s Edge, (sl) Redbook December 1943, etc.
- The Colonel’s Lady, (nv) Good Housekeeping March 1946
- Then and Now, (sl) Cosmopolitan May 1946, etc.
- A Woman of Fifty, (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1946
- The Kite, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1946
- Men vs. Women, (ar) Cosmopolitan December 1946
- Introduction, (in) The Magician and Other Stories by Bruno Frank, Viking, 1946
- The Point of Honor, (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1947
- The Romantic Young Lady, (ss) The New Yorker June 21 1947
- Episode, (ss) Creatures of Circumstance by W. Somerset Maugham, Heinemann, 1947
- A Man from Glasgow, (ss) Creatures of Circumstance by W. Somerset Maugham, Heinemann, 1947
- Catalina, (n.) The Windmill v3 #1, 1948, etc.
- A Writer’s Notebook, (ar) Cosmopolitan June 1949, etc.
- Augustus, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Winter 1949/1950 [Ref. Augustus Hare]
- How I Write Stories, (ar) Writing for Love or Money ed. Norman Cousins, David Mackay, 1949
- Zurbaran, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Summer 1950
- After Reading Burke, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Winter 1950/1951
- Mot Juste, (ex) Heinemann, 1952
- [letter], (lt) Argosy (UK) February 1954
- The Bishop’s Apron, (n.)
- The Mongol Chief, (ss)
- My South Sea Island, (ar)
- Mysticism, (ex)
- Romance, (ss)
- The Sinologue, (ss)
- A Student of the Drama, (ar)
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