The FictionMags Index
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Guérin, Jules (1866-1946) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1899
- [frontispiece], (fp) Scribner’s Magazine October 1899
- [illustration(s)] (with George M. Bruestle, Harry Fenn, Victor Pérard, Ernest C. Peixotto & Henry S. Watson), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- The Congo below Boma (Head-piece), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1900
- The Gateway at Basoko, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1900
- [illustration(s)] (with S. Nelson Abbott, Harry Fenn & F. Luis Mora), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1900
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine May 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine December 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine February 1902
- [illustration(s)], (il) Metropolitan Magazine May 1904
- [front cover], (cv) Metropolitan Magazine July 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine August 1904
- [illustration(s)], (il) Metropolitan Magazine November 1904
- [illustration(s)] (with Marguerite Downing & H. D. Nichols), (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1906
- [front cover], (cv) Collier’s July 22 1911
- The Alamo Mission at San Antonio, Texas, (il) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1921
- [front cover], (cv) Personality November 1927
Guerin, Ted (1920- ) (items)
- [illustration(s)] (with Terrie Smith), (il) Bifrost #2, Fall 1985
- [illustration(s)], (il) Bifrost #3, Winter 1985
- [illustration(s)], (il) Bifrost #4, Spring 1986
- [front cover], (cv) Gaslight December 1993
- [front cover], (cv) SPWAO Showcase #8^12, 1993
- [front cover], (cv) Kracked Mirror Mysteries May 1994
- [illustration(s)], (il) Kracked Mirror Mysteries May 1994
- [illustration(s)], (il) Kracked Mirror Mysteries September 1994
- [front cover], (cv) Shadow Sword #7, Summer 1995
- [front cover], (cv) New Dominions ed. Mike & Anita Allen, Allen & Allen Productions, 1995
- [illustration(s)], (il) Event Horizon Spring 1997
- [illustration(s)], (il) Event Horizon Fall 1997
- [illustration(s)], (il) Event Horizon Spring 1998
Guerney, Bernard Guilbert (1894-1979) (about) (items)
- Ring Off!, (vi) Saucy Stories September 1917
- A Sicilian Love-Night, (vi) 10 Story Book August 1918
- Regrets, (vi) Saucy Stories July 1919
- Fall Goods, (ss) The Black Cat August 1919
- A Geste, (ss) The Little Story Magazine July 1920
- The Gunman to His Love, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1921
- Ballade of Vain Regrets, (pm) Telling Tales April 1921
- Femina, (ms) Telling Tales 2nd February 1924
- The Passing of Celestine, (ss) Telling Tales 1st March 1924
- Why Poe Took to Drink, (hu) 10 Story Book December 1929
Guernsey, Alfred H(udson) (1824-1902) (items)
- Rachel, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1855, uncredited.
- My Theory, and a Few Facts Against It, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1857, uncredited.
- Our Charley, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1858, uncredited.
- Mosioatunya (Victoria Falls), Southern Africa, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1876
- Bismarck: An Historical Study, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1876
- England’s Interest in the Eastern Question—Her Indian Possessions, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1877
- African Explorers and Explorations, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1877
- Holland House and Its Associations, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1878
- Our Ten Great Party Leaders. Hamilton, Jefferson, Clay, Calhoun, Jackson, Webster, Benton, Seward, Douglas, Lincoln, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1878
- Some Modern Regicides, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1879
- The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1879
- Gentleman George, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1880
- Alexander II, Czar of Russia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- Theodore, King of Abyssinia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1880
- Horatio Nelson, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1880
- Anne Boleyn, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1880
- Thomas Carlyle, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1881
- Alexander III., Czar of Russia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1881
- A Year with the Maori, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1882
- England’s Only Living General, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1882
- Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1883
- The Descent of the British Crown, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1883
- “The Real Lord Byron”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1883
- Pizarro and the Fall of the Inca Empire, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1883
- The Rise of the House of Hohenzollern, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- The Hohenzollerns in Brandenburg, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1884
- The Great Elector of Bradenburg, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1884
- Prussia’s First King, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1885
- Friedrich-Wilhelm I, Second King of Prussia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1885
- Charles V, Emperor of Germany and King of Spain, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- The Early Days of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1890
- Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1890, etc.
Guernsey, Clara Florida (1836-1893) (items)
- The Red Fox, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education January 1871
- The Cold Hand, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education December 1871
- The Walking Boy, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1873, uncredited.
- The Last Witch, (ss) Old and New September 1873
- On the Ridge, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly December 1873
- What I Heard on the Street—I, (ss) Wide Awake August 1876, etc.
- The Silver Bullet (A Story of Old Nantucket), (ss) 1876
- Aunt Matilda’s Interference, (ss) The Woman’s Magazine (US) November 1904
Guernsey, Gertie Vivian (items)
- First Love, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1889
- The Dream of the Deserted, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1889
- “Herz-Weh”, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1889
- Spring Sunshine, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1890
- Jealousy, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1890
- The Mandolin, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1890
- At Last Rosas, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1890
- Once and Again, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1891
- Love, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1891
- On the Bluff, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1891
Guernsey, H. W.; pseudonym of Howard Wandrei (1909-1956) (items)
- Finishing Touch, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 15 1934
- Public Enemy, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 27 1935
- A Test Tube Full, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 1 1935
- Smot Guy, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 15 1935
- Night Duty, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 29 1935
- Driver’s License, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 27 1935
- Shot with Indigo, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 10 1935
- By Me, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 24 1935
- Button, Button, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 7 1935
- So Long, Gus!, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1935
- Exit Willy Carney, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1935
- No Personal Danger, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 19 1935
- Lam, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 16 1935
- No Parking, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 30 1935
- Goods Delivered, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 28 1935
- Talk, Man!, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 11 1936
- The Personal Touch, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 1 1936
- Will the Gentleman Who—?, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 21 1936
- To Ashes, to Dust, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 9 1936
- The Rabbit’s Foot, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 30 1936
- The Wrong Job, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 27 1936
- Macklin’s Little Friend, (ss) Astounding Stories November 1936
- Hot Green Stone, (nv) Detective Action Stories January 1937
- Vault of Death, (ss) Popular Detective January 1937
- Monkey Wrench, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine April 1937
- Murder Can Wait, (nv) Pocket Detective Magazine June 1937
- The Man with the Molten Face [Ferris Gerard], (nv) Detective Action Stories August/September 1937
- Pineapple for Breakfast, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine August 1937
- The Razzberry, (vi) Black Mask August 1937
- Here Lies, (ss) Weird Tales October 1937
- Late Harvest, (ss) Black Mask November 1937
- Death Notice, (ss) Double Detective December 1938
- A Thousand Iron Men, (ss) Black Mask January 1939
- The Missing Ocean, (ss) Unknown May 1939
- The Hexer, (ss) Unknown June 1939
- Danger: Quicksand, (ss) Unknown September 1939
- The Monocle, (nv) Unknown November 1939
- The Last Pin, (ss) Black Mask February 1940
- The Black Farm, (nv) Unknown March 1940
- The African Trick, (ss) Unknown April 1940
- The Welking Pipe, (ss) Super-Detective February 1945
Guerrero, Sydney Paige (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Monstrous, (vi) Daily Science Fiction September 11 2019
- Prophecy Girls, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #4, February 2021
- Souls of Smoke and Ash, (ss) Wyldblood Magazine #1, February/March 2021
- Losing Time, (ss) Assemble Artifacts #3, Fall/Winter 2022
- Liwani, (ss) Apex Magazine #137, 2023
- Elizabeth Yu Is a Universal Constant, (ss) Fusion Fragment #21, May 2024
- Love Is a Haunting, (vi) Baffling Magazine #16, July 2024
Guerrier, Simon (1976- ) (about) (books) (items)
- Culture Theory: Iain M. Banks’s “Culture” as Utopia, (ar) Foundation #76, Summer 1999 [Ref. Iain M. Banks]
- [letter], (lt) Foundation #77, Autumn 1999
- An Overture Too Early [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Muses ed. Jacqueline Rayner, Big Finish, 2003
- The Birthday Party [Bernice Summerfield], (ss) Professor Bernice Summerfield: Life During Wartime ed. Paul Cornell, Big Finish, 2003
- Speaking Out [Bernice Summerfield], (ss) Professor Bernice Summerfield: Life During Wartime ed. Paul Cornell, Big Finish, 2003
- A Good Life [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Steel Skies ed. John Binns, Big Finish, 2003
- The Immortals [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Past Tense ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2004
- How You Get There [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Day in the Life ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2005
- Christmas on the Moon [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: The History of Christmas ed. Simon Guerrier, Big Finish, 2005
- Incongruous Details [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Centenarian ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2006
- DS al Fine [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Time Signature ed. Simon Guerrier, Big Finish, 2006
- The Best Joke I Ever Told [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Dalek Empire ed. Nicholas Briggs, Big Finish, 2006
- The Eighth Wonder of the World [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Dalek Empire ed. Nicholas Briggs, Big Finish, 2006
- The Bounty Hunters, (ss) Pantechnicon #3, March 2007
- Dr. Who and the Daleks, (ar) Cinema Futura ed. Mark Morris, PS Publishing, 2010
- Fall Out [The Afterblight Chronicles], (n.) Abaddon Books, November 21 2015
- The Artificial Bees, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #9, March/April 2016
- Journey Out of Terror [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: The Target Storybook ed. Anonymous, BBC Books, 2019
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