The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 1564
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Coolidge, Emelyn Lincoln, M.D. (1873-?) (items)
- The Baby from Birth to Three, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal December 1901
- The Young Mothers’ Guide, (cl) The Ladies’ Home Journal January 1909, etc.
- The Young Mothers’ Guide at Christmas, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal December 1909
- What Young Mothers Ask Me, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1 1910
- The Young Mothers’ Registry, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1 1910
- The Babies’ Almanac, (cl) Pictorial Review July 1928, etc.
- The Mother’s Child Welfare Club, (cl) Pictorial Review March 1930, etc.
- Causes of Undernourishment, (ar) Pictorial Review August 1930
- Pictorial Review Babies, (ar) Pictorial Review October 1931
- Caring for Baby During Warm Weather, (ar) Pictorial Review July 1932
- The Child’s Medicine Chest, (ar) Pictorial Review June 1933
- The First Baby, (ar) Pictorial Review November 1934, etc.
Coolidge, Herbert F. (1875-1967) (items)
- The Chappo Horse-III. Chappo Among Horse-Thieves, (ss) The Youth’s Companion August 31 1905
- Ramon and Toro Negro, (ss) The American Boy May 1911
- The Lady’s Man at the Show-Down, (ss) Collier’s July 5 1913
- In the Tule Tangle, (na) The Popular Magazine February 15 1914, etc.
- The Blood Charivari, (ss) Collier’s November 7 1914
- The Prevaricator, (na) People’s March 1916
- Rogues of the Round-Up, (na) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1917
- Hippy Hop’s Pardner, (ss) The Open Road November 1919
- Panchito’s Corral, (ss) The Open Road December 1919
- Riding Old Rogue, (ss) The Youth’s Companion January 4 1923
- Sam’s Wild-Horse Ride, (ss) The Youth’s Companion March 29 1923
- A Bear for Breakfast, (ss) The Youth’s Companion June 14 1923
Coolidge, Louis A(rthur) (1861-1925) (items)
- Stories of the Fighting Leaders, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1898
- The Real Reed, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1899
- On the Streets at the Nation’s Capital, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1900
- Engineering a Presidential Campaign, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1900
- The Men That Make Our Laws, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1900
- The Miles-Corbin Feud, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1901
- Wu Ting-Fang, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1901
- Senator Aldrich: The Most Influential Man in Congress, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1901
- Elihu Root—Secretary of War, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1902
- Attorney-General Knox, Lawyer, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1902
Coolidge, Susan; pseudonym of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (1835-1905) (items)
- Edson’s Mother, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly July 1871
- In the Brook, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly March 1872
- Two Ways to Love, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1872
- The White Flag, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly June 1873
- How St. Valentine Remembered Milly, (ss) St. Nicholas February 1874
- Blue and Pink (A Valentine Story), (ss) St. Nicholas February 1875
- Queen Blossom (A May-Day Story), (ss) St. Nicholas May 1875
- The Horse and the Wolf, (ss) St. Nicholas July 1875
- The “Cradle Tomb” at Westminster, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1875
- The Fortunes of a Saucer Pie, (vi) St. Nicholas November 1875
- Toinette and the Elves (A Christmas Story), (ss) St. Nicholas January 1876
- Ready for Europe, (ar) St. Nicholas May 1876
- The Little Maid of Domremy, (bg) St. Nicholas June 1876
- How the Storks Came and Went, (ss) St. Nicholas July 1876
- At Fiesole, (ss) St. Nicholas October 1876
- A Queen, and Not a Queen, (bg) St. Nicholas November 1876
- The Secret Door (A Christmas Story of Two Hundred Years Ago), (ss) St. Nicholas December 1876
- The Two Wishes: A Fairy Story, (ss) St. Nicholas March 1877
- Illustrated Texts, (ar) St. Nicholas April 1877
- The Mother in the Desert, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1877
- Solimin: A Ship of the Desert, (vi) St. Nicholas February 1878
- The Fox and the Turkeys; or Charley and the Old Folks, (vi) St. Nicholas September 1878
- The Old Stone Basin, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1879
- Eyebright, (sl) St. Nicholas February 1879, etc.
- Mignonette, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1879
- Interpreted, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1880
- The Boy and the Giant, (vi) St. Nicholas May 1880
- The Fox and the Stork, (ss) St. Nicholas August 1880
- Kintu, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1880
- In the Tower—AD 1554, (pm) St. Nicholas February 1881
- The Mastiff and His Master, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1881
- The Isle of Peace, (ar) Scribner’s Monthly August 1881
- Summer, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1881
- Winter, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1881
- At the Toe of the Big Boot, (ar) Wide Awake May 1882
- Concord, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1882
- The Little Queen, (pm) Wide Awake November 1882
- A Fortunate Misfortune, (ss) Wide Awake December 1882
- Darkened, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 15 1883
- Who Ate the Pink Sweetmeat, (ss) Wide Awake January 1884
- Reply, (??) The Century Magazine September 1884
- Christmas Day, (pm) Wide Awake December 1884
- Snowy Peter, (ss) Wide Awake January 1885
- Little Ursel’s Mothering Sunday, (pm) Wide Awake March 1885
- Edenhall, (pm) Wide Awake August 1885
- The Marble Queen, (pm) Wide Awake September 1885
- Uncle and Aunt, (ss) St. Nicholas November 1885
- The Little Christmas Tree, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1885
- The Secret of It, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1886
- A Commonplace Life, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 17 1886
- Strawberry Day, (pm) Wide Awake July 1886
- Little Alix, (pm) Wide Awake October 1886
- A Child of the Sea Folk, (ss) Wide Awake November 1886
- Home-made Christmas Candies, (ar) Wide Awake December 1886
- In the Orphan House, (pm) Wide Awake December 1886
- A New Beginning, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 15 1887
- Commonplace Things, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 26 1887
- A Woman’s Right, (ar) Wide Awake February 1887
- The Shipwrecked Cologne Bottle, (ss) Wide Awake April 1887
- Lohengrin, (??) Scribner’s Magazine May 1887
- In Her Garden, (??) Scribner’s Magazine November 1887
- A Lost Leader, (pm) Wide Awake November 1887
- Two Girls—Two Parties, (ss) Wide Awake April 1888
- Etelka’s Choice, (ss) Atalanta July 1888
- How to Read, (ar) Wide Awake September 1888
- Little Alix: A Story of the Children’s Crusade, A.D. 1213, (pm) Atalanta November 1888
- Charlotte Bronte, (pm) St. Nicholas December 1888
- A Convent School of the Last Century, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1888
- Who Ate the Queen’s Lunch?, (ss) Atalanta February 1889
- Who Ate the Queen’s Luncheon?, (ss) Wide Awake February 1889
- Hodge the Cat, (pm) Wide Awake July 1889
- A Little Knight of Labor. Chapter 1, (sl) Wide Awake September 1889
- A Little Knight of Labor. Chapter 2, (sl) Wide Awake October 1889
- “H. H.,” Written for Her friends, the Children, (ar) Wide Awake November 1889
- A Little Knight of Labor. Chapter 3, (sl) Wide Awake November 1889
- Dolly Phone, (sl) Wide Awake December 1889
- Three Little Candles, (ss) Wide Awake August 1890
- The Wolves of St. Gervas, (ss) Wide Awake January 1891
- A Good Bad Horse, (ss) Wide Awake May 1891
- Queen Margaret’s Needles, (pm) Wide Awake December 1891
- Holger Danske, (pm) Wide Awake June 1893
- The Girlhood of an Autocrat, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1894
- The Countess Potocka, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1895
- To-Day, (pm) The London Magazine February 1906
- In April, (pm) The All-Story Magazine April 1909
- June, (pm) The All-Story Magazine June 1909
- The Better Way, (pm)
- Look Onward, (pm)
- Readjustment, (pm)
Coombes, Mike (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- D46, (ss) The Fractal #7, Summer 1997
- To Feast on the Flesh of Butterflies, (ss) Albedo One #21, 2000
- Dance in Time, (ss) Jupiter #5, Autumn 2004
- An Interview with Michael Moorcock, (iv) NFG #5, 2004
- Babanoir, (ss) Black October Magazine v1 #7, 2005
- Hit Parade, (ss) Bullet #3, 2005
- Strange Love, (ss) NFG #6, 2005
Coombs, Charles (Ira) “Chick” (1914-1994) (about) (items)
- Ring Reckoning, (ss) 12 Sports Aces March 1941
- Water Bug, (ss) Ten Story Sports June 1941
- Homicide Corral, (ss) Western Trails July 1941
- Hayseed Glover, (ss) Ace Sports August 1941
- Not Grappling for Glory, (ss) 12 Sports Aces November 1941
- Blue Line Blitzkrieg, (ss) Complete Sports January 1942
- Red Ice Riot, (ss) 12 Sports Aces January 1942
- Tackle Treachery, (ss) Sports Winners June 1942
- Red Leather Reckoning, (ss) 12 Sports Aces September 1942
- Kayo for a Khaki Killer, (ss) Ace Sports October 1942
- Ring Crown Heritage, (ss) Ace Sports April 1943
- Slugfest Payoff, (ss) Ace Sports August 1943
- Rosin Renegade, (ss) 12 Sports Aces December 1943
- Hoopla-Hoopster, (ss) Super Sports April 1944
- Ham at Heart, (ss) Calling All Boys #8, October/November 1946
- J. Wellington’s Infernal Machine, (ss) Calling All Boys #11, May 1947
- Hate Rules the Mat, (ss) Ace Sports July 1948
- Kid Hush, (ss) Ace Sports September 1948
- Featherweight Fury, (ss) Sports Action December 1948
- Back-Door Mittster, (ss) Ace Sports January 1949
- Owlhoot’s Shallow Grave, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1949
- Kid with the Fighting Heart, (ss) Complete Sports July 1949
- Owlhoot Stampede, (ss) Western Short Stories November 1949
- Diamond Dilemma, (ss) Complete Sports January 1950
- Cat Man, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1950
- The Biggest Game, (ss) Complete Sports October 1954
- Rocket Rider, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1959
- Man in Orbit, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1960
- Flight of the Valkyrie, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1962
- Plight of the Spacehawk, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1968
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