The FictionMags Index
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Burroughs, Edgar Rice (books) (items) (continued)
- The Witch Doctor Seeks Revenge [Tarzan], (ss) Tarzan of the Apes Story Digest Magazine June 1970; adapted by Gaylord DuBois
- The Gods of Mars and The Warlord of Mars [Barsoom], (SFBC, January 1971, om)
- Thuvia, Maid of Mars and The Chessmen of Mars [Barsoom], (SFBC, January 1973, om)
- The Master Mind of Mars and A Fighting Man of Mars [Barsoom], (SFBC, January 1974, om)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs Letters, (lt) Jasoomian #13, April 1974
- Beware!, (nv) Burroughs Bulletin July 1974, as by John Tyler McCulloch
- Tarzan: The Lost Adventure (with Joe R. Lansdale), (Dark Horse Comics, December 1995, n.)
- Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, (Guidry & Adkins, 2001, oc)
- Appendix, (ms) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Avenger, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Bank Murder, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Calling All Cars, (nv) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Dark Lake Murder, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Dupuyster Case, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Foreword, (si) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- For the Fool’s Mother, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Gang Murder, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Jonathan’s Patience, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Little Door, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Misogynists Preferred, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Murder at Midnight, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- The Strange Adventure of Mr. Dinnwiddie, (nv) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Uncle Bill, (ss) Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder, Guidry & Adkins, 2001
- Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, (ERBville Press, March 2007, co); edited by Jerry L. Schneider
- Address Given by Edgar Rice Burroughs to the 1894 Graduating Class at Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Michigan, 1894, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Cabbages and Kings, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Chicago, (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Edgar Rice Burroughs Comments on His Apache Novel, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- 89 S.S.S.!, (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Grandma Burroughs’ Cook Book, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Introduction: Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Introduction to Memoirs of a War Bride by Mary Evaline Burroughs, (in) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Introduction to The Roster, Edgewater Club of Southern California, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Letters from Famous People, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- A Letter to the Boston Society of Psychic Research, February 18, 1929, (lt) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Signal Corps, October 12, 1942, (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Snake River Cotton-Tail Tales, (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- “So Red the Nose”; Tarzan Cocktail, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- The Story of Tarzan, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- The Story of Tarzana, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Tarzana, (ar) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Tarzan, Jr., (ss) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“And if it is a Girl, sir”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“I’m trying to think of something bright”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“Mamma’s Lullaby”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“Once there was a man who thought himself quite grand”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“Wend, magnum opus, to the Press Club shelves”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“Words fail us at a sight like this”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- untitled (“You may not read it, B.L.T.”), (pm) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- [letter to Blue Book, February 7, 1930], (lt) Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All, ERBville Press, 2007
- Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She [Tarzan] (with Michael Tierney), (ss) Cirsova Spring 2019
- The Call of the Primitive, (ss)
- 5 Chicagoans Highly Praised, (ar)
- The History of the Boy Scouts of America, (ar)
- Tarzan of the Apes—A Comparison, (ar)
Burroughs, Ellen; pseudonym of Sophie Jewett (1861-1909) (items)
- Separation, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1887
- The Common Chord, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1887
- Song, (??) Scribner’s Magazine November 1887
- A Dream, (??) Scribner’s Magazine April 1888
- The Madonna, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1888
- Vespers, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1889
- A Friendship, (pm) The Century Magazine April 1890
- Absent, (pm) The Cosmopolitan November 1890
- A Journey, (pm) The Cosmopolitan February 1891
- Armistice, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1892
- “If Spirits Walk”, (??) The Century Magazine June 1893
- The Pilgrim, (??) The Century Magazine January 1895
Burroughs, Hazel (fl. 1920s-1940s) (items)
- What a Man Doesn’t Know, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine December 1927
- The Code of the Notch, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine February 1928
- Green Fields, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1928
- The Name and the Game, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine May 1928
- Fools Rush In, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine June 1928
- Annulment, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1928
- Unlicked Cub, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1930
- Meet the Wife, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1930
- Greedy Girl, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1930
- Golden Rose, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1931
- Laurie Comes of Age, (ss) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine September 1937
- A Year for a Life, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1943
Burroughs, Jack (fl. 1910s-1920s) (about) (items)
- The Birdman’s Mate, (pm) The Cavalier June 22 1912
- The Model Man, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly January 2 1915
- Time’s Changes, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly January 16 1915
- The Inevitable, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly January 23 1915
- The Kiss Deferred, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly January 30 1915
- Give Me My Dues, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly February 6 1915
- The Bosom Friend, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly February 13 1915
- The Proposal, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly February 20 1915
- The Flirt, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly March 6 1915
- Unconditional Surrender, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly March 13 1915
- Where, Oh, Where?, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly April 3 1915
- The Landlocked Mermaid, (pm) All-Story Weekly October 2 1915
- When Friends Part, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 11 1915
- The Malemiut, (pm) Adventure February 1916
- Ephemeral, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 29 1916
- Inspiration, (pm) All-Story Weekly August 5 1916
- Apples of the Earth, (ss) Saucy Stories May 1920
- Incense, (pm) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly October 1920
- Ridin’ and Thinkin’, (pm) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly December 1920
- A Child Questions Me, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1921
- Bud’s Big Pal, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 13 1923
- A Dollar Investment, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 7 1923
Burroughs, John (1837-1921) (about) (items)
- Waiting, (pm) The Knickerbocker 1863
- The Birds of the Poets, (ar) Scribner’s Monthly September 1873
- J.T. Trowbridge, (bg) Scribner’s Monthly November 1874 [Ref. J. T. Trowbridge]
- Waiting (“Serene I fold my hands and wait…”), (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1877
- Pepacton: A Summer Voyage, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1880
- A Taste of Maine Birch, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1881
- English and American Songbirds, (??) The Century Magazine January 1882
- Banks, Broken, and Lax Directors, (??) The Century Magazine March 1882
- Henry D Thoreau, (??) The Century Magazine July 1882
- A Snow Storm, (??) The Century Magazine August 1882
- Hard Fare, (??) The Century Magazine December 1882
- A Mole, A Lamprey, and a Fairy, (??) The Century Magazine January 1883
- In Carlyle’s Country, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1883
- Signs and Seasons, (??) The Century Magazine March 1883
- At Sea, (??) The Century Magazine April 1883
- An American’s Impressions of Some British Song Birds, (ar) Longman’s Magazine May 1883
- Carlyle, (??) The Century Magazine August 1883
- The Tragedies of the Nests, (??) The Century Magazine September 1883
- Nature in England, (??) The Century Magazine November 1883
- Matthew Arnold on Emerson and Carlyle, (??) The Century Magazine December 1883
- In Wordsworth’s Country, (??) The Century Magazine January 1884
- A Hunt for the Nightingale, (??) The Century Magazine March 1884
- British Fertility, (??) The Century Magazine May 1884
- A Glance at British Wild Flowers, (??) The Century Magazine August 1884
- Winter Neighbors, (??) The Century Magazine December 1884
- Bird-Enemies, (??) The Century Magazine December 1885
- Birds’ Eggs, (??) The Century Magazine June 1886
- Gilbert White’s Book, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine August 1886
- Notes from the Prairie, (??) The Century Magazine September 1886
- Mere Egotism, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine February 1887
- Among the Wildflowers, (??) The Century Magazine July 1887
- In Mammoth Cave, (ar) Longman’s Magazine October 1887
- Science and the Poets, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1888
- Ginseng Hunting, (ar) St. Nicholas May 1888
- Matthew Arnold’s Criticism, (??) The Century Magazine June 1888
- A Talk About Observing Nature, (ar) Wide Awake July 1888
- The Heart of the Southern Catskills, (??) The Century Magazine August 1888
- Observing Little Things, (vi) St. Nicholas August 1888
- “The Boy John Burroughs”, (ss) Wide Awake April 1889
- A Taste of Kentucky Blue-Grass, (??) The Century Magazine July 1890
- A Talk About Wildflowers, (ar) St. Nicholas June 1891
- A Study of Analogy, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1891
- The Scarlet Thorn, (ss) St. Nicholas July 1892
- Glimpses of Wild Life, (??) The Century Magazine August 1892
- Bird Courtship, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1892
- Field Notes, (??) The Century Magazine June 1894
- The Poet and the Modern, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1896
- On a Dictum of Matthew Arnold’s, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1897
- On the Re-Reading of Books, (es) The Century Magazine November 1897
- Songs of American Birds, (??) The Century Magazine March 1898
- The Vital Touch in Literature, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1899
- Glimpses of Wild Life about My Cabin, (??) The Century Magazine August 1899
- “Thou Shalt Not Preach”, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1899
- Criticism and the Man, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1899
- The Double-Crown Sparrow of Alaska, (pm) The Century Magazine November 1899
- The Art of Seeing Things, (ar) The Century Magazine December 1899
- Bird Life in Winter, (ar) The Youth’s Companion March 29 1900
- Snow-Birds, (pm) The Century Magazine March 1901
- The Trailing Arbutus, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1901
- The Swallow, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1901
- Bobolink, (pm) McClure’s Magazine June 1901
- The Columbine, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1901
- The Heart of the Woods, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1901
- August Days, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1901
- Babes in the Wood, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1901
- The Vesper Sparrow, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1901
- The Bush-Sparrow, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1902
- Early April, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine April 1902
- Early May, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine May 1902
- The Bluebird, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1903
- The Indigo Bird, (pm) The Century Magazine July 1903
- Nature’s Way, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine July 1904
- Some Natural-History Doubts and Conclusions, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1904
- Do Animals Think?, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1905
- A Beaver’s Reason, (ar) The Cosmopolitan June 1905
- What Life Means to Me, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1906
- The Vanity of Big Houses, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1906
- On Growing Old Without Regret, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine July 1907
- Mother Earth, (ar) Putnam’s Monthly & The Reader March 1908
- Animal Behavior and the New Psychology, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1910
- The Hazards of the Past, (ar) The Outlook June 15 1912
- The Familiar Birds, (ar) Harper’s Magazine July 1917
- April, (ar)
- Birch Browsings, (ss)
Burroughs, John Coleman (1913-1979) (about) (items)
- The Man Without a World [Rader] (with Hulbert Burroughs), (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1939
- The Lightning Men [Rader] (with Hulbert Burroughs), (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1940
- Hybrid of Horror (with Jane Ralston Burroughs), (nv) Thrilling Mystery July 1940
- The Bottom of the World (with Hulbert Burroughs), (na) Startling Stories September 1941
- [front cover], (cv) Escape on Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Burroughs Publishing, 1946
- [front cover], (cv) Llana of Gathol by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., 1948
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