The FictionMags Index
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Buck, Suzanne; pseudonym of Sadie Bookbinder (1890-?) (about) (items)
- Crazy with the Heat, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 17 1915
- Class, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 16 1915
- The Lure of the Unattainable, (vi) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1915
- Thread of Circumstance, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 15 1916
- The Faith That Held, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 11 1916
- Birds of a Feather, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1916
- A Worm That Re-Turned, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 20 1916
- The Longest Way Round, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1916
- The Nervous Breakdown, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 29 1916
- Imitation, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1916
- Who Laughs Last, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1916
- Both Sides of the Ledger, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 10 1917
- The Cog in the Machine, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 5 1917
- They’re All the Same, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 19 1917
- The Family’s One Best Bet, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1917
- Said the Spider to the Fly, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 15 1917
- Music for All Occasions, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 5 1918
- The Race for Rosie, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 19 1918
- A Pink Dress, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 1 1918
- Of Selfish People, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 15 1918
- Grace of Destiny, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 24 1918
- What Do You See Now?, (ss) All-Story Weekly November 23 1918
- Nellie-on-the-Job, (ss) All-Story Weekly December 21 1918
- The Sacrificial Fire, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1919
- The Peacemaker, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 9 1919
- Hell to Understand, (ss) All-Story Weekly November 22 1919
- “Babe” Morrissey’s Second Chance, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1920
- Nothin’ Doin’, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1920
- The Girl Who Was Looking for Galagher, (ts) Midnight Mystery Stories #20, January 6 1923
Buckell, Tobias S(amuel) (1979- ) (about) (books) (items)
- The Fish Merchant, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 2000
- Spurn Babylon, (ss) Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root ed. Nalo Hopkinson, Invisible Cities Press, 2000
- Trinkets, (ss) The Book of All Flesh ed. James Lowder, Eden Studios, 2001
- A Green Thumb, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2002
- Nord’s Gambit, (ss) switch.blade: School’s Out ed. Amy Sterling Casil, Fictionwise, 2002
- Tides, (ss) Ideomancer Unbound ed. Chris Clarke & Mikal Trimm, Fictionwise, 2002
- Death’s Dreadlocks, (ss) Mojo: Conjure Stories ed. Nalo Hopkinson, Warner Aspect, 2003
- In the Heart of Kalikuata, (ss) Men Writing Science Fiction as Women ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2003
- Four-Eyes, (nv) New Voices in Science Fiction ed. Mike Resnick, DAW, 2003
- Necahual, (ss) So Long Been Dreaming ed. Nalo Hopkinson & Uppinder Mehan, Arsenal Pulp, 2004
- Anakoinosis, (ss) I, Alien ed. Mike Resnick, DAW, 2005
- Toy Planes, (vi) Nature #7061, October 13 2005
- Author Advance Survey (Version 2.0), (ar) Focus #49, May 2006
- Shoah Sry (with Ilsa J. Bick), (ss) Subterranean #4, 2006
- The Silver Streak, (ss) Space Cadets ed. Mike Resnick, SCIFI, 2006
- The Duel, (ss) Electric Velocipede #11, Fall 2006
- An Interview with Sean Williams, (iv) Clarkesworld #14, November 2007 [Ref. Sean Williams]
- An Interview with Daniel Abraham, (iv) Clarkesworld #16, January 2008 [Ref. Daniel Abraham]
- An Interview with Catherynne M. Valente, (iv) Clarkesworld #17, February 2008 [Ref. Catherynne M. Valente]
- About Ragamuffin, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #177, Spring 2008
- Manumission, (nv) Jim Baen’s Universe April 2008
- The People’s Machine, (nv) Sideways in Crime ed. Lou Anders, Solaris, 2008
- Resistance, (ss) Seeds of Change ed. John Joseph Adams, Prime Books, 2008
- Mitigation (with Karl Schroeder), (nv) Fast Forward 2 ed. Lou Anders, Pyr, 2008
- Stochasti-city [Metatropolis], (na) Metatropolis ed. John Scalzi, Subterranean Press, 2009
- Placa del Fuego, (nv) Clarkesworld #34, July 2009
- Placa del Fuego, (au) Clarkesworld #34, July 2009; read by Mike Allen
- Dirt, (na) Halo: Evolutions, Tor, 2009
- A Jar of Goodwill, (ss) Clarkesworld #44, May 2010
- A Jar of Goodwill, (au) Clarkesworld #44, May 2010; read by Kate Baker
- The Eve of the Fall of Habesh, (nv) Speculative Horizons ed. Patrick St-Denis, Subterranean Press, 2010
- The Executioness [The Tangled Lands Universe], (na) Subterranean Press, February 2011
- The Fall of Alacan [Bramble], (ss) Subterranean (online) Spring 2011
- The Universe Reef, (vi) Nature #7346, May 12 2011
- Love Comes to Abyssal City, (nv) Hot and Steamy ed. Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2011
- Mirror, Mirror, (ss) Subterranean (online) Summer 2011
- Novel Advances, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #194, Summer 2011
- Lonely Islands, (vi) TRSF: The Best New Science Fiction ed. Stephen Cass, Technology Review, 2011
- A Militant Peace (with David Klecha), (nv) Clarkesworld #62, November 2011
- A Tinker of Warhoon [Barsoom], (nv) Under the Moons of Mars ed. John Joseph Adams, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2012
- Press Enter to Execute, (ss) Fireside Magazine #1, Spring 2012
- Jungle Walkers (with David Klecha), (nv) Armored ed. John Joseph Adams, Baen, 2012
- Mitigated Futures, (co) Tobias S. Buckell, June 2012
- A Game of Rats and Dragon, (ss) Mitigated Futures, Tobias S. Buckell, 2012
- Introduction, (in) Mitigated Futures, Tobias S. Buckell, 2012
- The Rainy Season, (ss) Mitigated Futures, Tobias S. Buckell, 2012
- The Found Girl (with David Klecha), (ss) Clarkesworld #72, September 2012
- Preface, (pr) Diverse Energies ed. Tobias S. Buckell & Joe Monti, Tu Books, 2012
- The Rydr Express, (nv) The New Hero: Volume 2 ed. Robin D. Laws, Stone Skin Press, 2012
- The Seafarer, (ss) Subterranean (online) Spring 2013
- System Reset, (ss) The End Is Nigh ed. John Joseph Adams & Hugh Howey, Broad Reach Publishing, 2014
- Ambassador to the Dinosaurs, (ss) The Book of Silverberg ed. William Schafer & Gardner Dozois, Subterranean Press, 2014
- Sundown, (nv) Dead Man’s Hand ed. John Joseph Adams, Titan, 2014
- Fund Taphognosis Industries, (ss) Help Fund My Robot Army!!! ed. John Joseph Adams, John Joseph Adams, 2014
- A Cold Heart, (nv) Upgraded ed. Neil Clarke, Wyrm Publishing, 2014
- Pale Blue Memories, (nv) Old Venus ed. George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois, Bantam, 2015
- Rules of Enchantment (with David Klecha), (ss) Operation Arcana ed. John Joseph Adams, Baen, 2015
- Xenowealth, (co) Xenowealth, October 2015
- How the Xenowealth Came to Be, (ar) Xenowealth, Xenowealth, 2015
- The Loa, (ss) Xenowealth, Xenowealth, 2015
- Ratcatcher, (ss) Xenowealth, Xenowealth, 2015
- Oasis [Halo], (nv) Fractures, Gallery Books, 2016
- The Mighty Slinger (with Karen Lord), (nv) Bridging Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2016
- People of Colo(u)r Editorial Roundtable (with Amal El-Mohtar & Daniel José Older), (ed) Fantasy Magazine #60, December 2016
- Shoggoths in Traffic, (ss) April 2017
- Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance, (nv) Cosmic Powers ed. John Joseph Adams, Saga Press, 2017
- Sunset, (ss) August 2017
- A World to Die For, (nv) Clarkesworld #136, January 2018
- How I Learned to Follow My Own Advice and Let It Go, (ar) Apex Magazine #108, May 2018
- A Different Kind of Place, (ss) Apex Magazine #109, June 2018
- Island Futures, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #23, July/August 2018
- The Blindfold, (ss) A People’s Future of the United States ed. John Joseph Adams & Victor LaValle, One World, 2019
- The Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex, (ss) New Suns ed. Nisi Shawl, Solaris, 2019
- Apocalypse Considered Through a Helix of Semiprecious Foods and Recipes, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2019
- N-Coin, (ss) Apex Magazine #120, May 2019
- Through Sparks in Morning’s Dawn, (ss) Wastelands: The New Apocalypse ed. John Joseph Adams, Titan, 2019
- By the Warmth of Their Calculus, (nv) Mission Critical ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2019
- Scar Tissue, (ss) Slate May 30 2020
- The Machine That Would Rewild Humanity, (ss) Escape Pod ed. S. B. Divya & Mur Lafferty, Titan, 2020
- The 37th Damon Knight Grand Master: Nalo Hopkinson, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #216, 2021 [Ref. Nalo Hopkinson]
- Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, (co) Fairwood Press, November 2021
- The Alien from Verapaz, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Atheist and the Angel, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Boneyard, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- Brickomancer, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Emperor and His Totally Amazing, Awesome Clothes, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- Mr. Skin’s Heart, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- On the Eve of the Fall of Habesh, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Placement Agency, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- Story Note, (ar) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Suggestion, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- That Faraway Kingdom, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- When All Was Brillig, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Widow’s Cut, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- Zombie Capitalism, (ss) Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories, Fairwood Press, 2021
- The Fisher Dragon, (ss) 2021
- The Plastic People, (ss) Lightspeed #144, May 2022
- The Sugar Mill, (ss) Africa Risen ed. Sheree Ren^e'e Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki & Zelda Knight,, 2022
- The Last Cathedral of Earth, In Flight, (ss) Life Beyond Us ed. Susan Forest, Lucas K. Law & Julie Novakova, Laksa Media Groups, 2023
- By Throat and Void, (ss) The Sunday Morning Transport November 19 2023
Buckeridge, Anthony (Malcolm) (1912-2004) (about) (items)
- The Somnambulist, (ss) Lilliput June/July 1951
- According to Jennings [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper #1818, January 23 1954, etc.
- Jennings and the Festive Spirit [Jennings & Darbishire], (ss) The Radio Times December 24 1954
- Our Friend Jennings [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper #1866, December 25 1954, etc.
- Thanks to Jennings [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper #1941, June 2 1956, etc.
- Take Jennings for Instance [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper #1988, April 27 1957, etc.
- Jennings as Usual [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper #2047, June 14 1958, etc.
- The Trouble with Jennings [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper January 9 1960, etc.
- Just Like Jennings [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper March 4 1961, etc.
- Leave It to Jennings [Jennings & Darbishire], (sl) The Children’s Newspaper January 19 1963, etc.
Buckham, James (1858-1908); used pseudonym Paul Pastnor (items)
- Distrust, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1878, as by Paul Pastnor
- Wonder-Eyes, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1878, as by Paul Pastnor
- Little Boy Blue, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science October 1878, as by Paul Pastnor
- Failure, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1879, as by Paul Pastnor
- To a Glass Vase, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science July 1879, as by Paul Pastnor
- The Sheep, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1879, as by Paul Pastnor
- Bo-Peep, (pm) Wide Awake November 1879, as by Paul Pastnor
- Canzonet, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1879, as by Paul Pastnor
- Aversion to the Sea, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1880, as by Paul Pastnor
- A Tear on a Rose, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1881, as by Paul Pastnor
- The Courtier’s Reply, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine June 1882
- The Song in the Night, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1887
- A Mid-World Episode, (ss) The Wave November 26 1892, as by Paul Pastnor
- The Child’s Treasure, (pm) Wide Awake November 1892
- Sam’s Definition, (pm) Wide Awake May 1893
- A Sleigh Ride, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1894, as by Paul Pastnor
- Can I Forget?, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1895
- The Missing Link, (ss) The Black Cat January 1896
- A Telepathic Wooing, (ss) The Black Cat February 1896
- A Surgical Love-Cure, (ss) The Black Cat April 1896
- A Boy’s Ruse, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1896, as by Paul Pastnor
- The Ivory Bells, (ss) The Black Cat March 1897
- The Upset at Johnnycake Hill, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1897
- Dolly Gray, (pm) The Argosy August 1897
- The Old Bench, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1897
- John and Polly, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1898, as by Paul Pastnor
- Behind the Times, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1898, as by Paul Pastnor
- Her First Sorrow, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1898
- The Old Plymouth Clock, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1898
- The Yellow Umbrella, (ss) The Black Cat November 1898
- A Match-Maker’s Ally, (ss) National Magazine July 1899
- The Old Days, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1899
- The Difficulty About Professor Brown, (ss) The Argosy August 1899
- Woman and Violin, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1899
- The Old-Fashioned Kiss (sketch), (ar) National Magazine December 1899
- The Old School-House, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1900
- Old Wedding Rings, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1900
- Non-Hygienic Gymnastics, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1900
- The House Cat, (pm) The Puritan March 1901, as by Paul Pastnor
- Old Lace, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine June 1901
- Ticonderoga, (pm) National Magazine October 1901
- An Old China Cup, (pm) The Smart Set March 1902
- Solitude Interpreted, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1902
- The Victor’s Way, (pm) The Idler July 1902
- Forefathers’ Graves, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1902
- For His Love’s Sake, (ss) The Black Cat August 1904
- The Measure of Life, (pm) The All-Story Magazine June 1906
- Boys as Poets, (pm) The American Boy September 1906
- A Child of Today, (pm)
- For Her, (pm)
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