The FictionMags Index
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Bourland, Eryc (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Evolution by Night, (pm) Grue #11, Winter 1990
- The Revolutionary, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1990
- October Pipes, (pm) The Blood Review October 1990
- The Horny Dead, (pm) The Sterling Web Winter 1991
- Feeding the Golem, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- Season of the Pocket Mirror, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- Pariah Offering, (pm) Not One of Us #8, October 1991
- A Dram of Spiders, (pm) The Silver Web #8, Spring/Summer 1992
- manitou, (pm) Deathrealm #16, Spring 1992
- Necropolis, (pm) Deathrealm #17, Fall/Winter 1992
- Lonely Sun, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #13, 1992
Bourland, Theodore (fl. 1920s-1940s); used pseudonym Martin Labas (items)
- For Vamping Out Loud, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st August 1925
- Hors D’Oeuvres, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1925
- Thumbs Down, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st November 1925
- The Skeleton in Santa Claus’s Closet, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1926
- A Petting Party Call, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st July 1926
- Night Club Kisses, (ss) Snappy Stories November 1926
- The Devil’s Burden, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine October 1939, as by Martin Labas
- Danger in Numbers, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 15 1940, as by Martin Labas
Bourne, Eileen (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- The Secret of Health at the Tip of Your Tongue, (ar) Liberty February 13 1926
- Why Business Men Pick Good-Looking Girls, (ar) Liberty February 20 1926
- Vamps Not Wanted in Big Offices, (ar) Liberty February 27 1926
- Shortest Month Is Long on Genius, (ar) Liberty March 6 1926
- Eve and Her Pearls, (ar) Liberty March 13 1926
- The Mystery of a Perfect Make-up, (ar) Liberty March 20 1926
- “S.A.”, (ar) Liberty March 27 1926
- This New Freedom, (ar) Liberty April 3 1926
- Spring Fever, (ar) Liberty April 17 1926
- The Face That Wins, (ar) Liberty May 1 1926
- Woman Wants Love—Not Success, (ar) Liberty May 15 1926
- Don’t Feast or Fast Too Much!, (ar) Liberty May 22 1926
- The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, (ar) Liberty May 29 1926
- The Clergy Ties ’Em Tighter, (ar) Liberty June 5 1926
- Rice, Veils, and Wedding Rings, (ar) Liberty June 12 1926
- To Have and to Hold Those Locks of Yours, (ar) Liberty June 26 1926
- When a Girl’s Eighteen, (ar) Liberty July 17 1926
- Changing Fashions Among Beauty Seekers, (ar) Liberty August 14 1926
- We’re Not As Naughty As We Try to Make Out, (ar) Liberty September 11 1926
- The Confessions of a Baby, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1926
- It Looks Like a Permanent Bob, (ar) Liberty October 9 1926
- By Her Make-Up You Shall Know Her, (ar) Liberty November 6 1926
- What Business Wants from Women, (ar) Liberty December 18 1926
- The Importance of Oral Hygiene, (ar) Liberty January 15 1927
- Making Up the Eyes, (ar) Liberty April 9 1927
- How to Read Your Dead Cells, (ar) Liberty November 19 1927
- Individuality Beats Beauty, (ar) Liberty December 24 1927
- Its the Hips That Count, (ar) Liberty January 19 1929
- Beauty Article, (ar) Liberty March 2 1929
- Eileen Bourne’s Beauty Article, (cl) Liberty January 4 1930, etc.
Bourne, Elizabeth (c1989- ) (items)
- A History of Cadmium, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2010
- Beasts, (ss) Interzone #240, May/June 2012
- What the Red Oaks Knew (with Mark Bourne), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2013
- One Flesh (with Mark Bourne), (nv) Clarkesworld #84, September 2013
- The Algebra of Events, (ss) Clarkesworld #108, September 2015
- Designed for Your Safety, (ss) Welcome to Dystopia ed. Gordon Van Gelder, OR Books, 2017
Bourne, John (fl. 1960s) (items)
- A Question of Priority, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #13, August 1965
- The Reluctant Detective, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #21, April 1966
- Exercise in Terror, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #25, August 1966
- Death and Decay, (ss) London Mystery Selection #71, December 1966
- The Sad Resurrectionist, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #31, February 1967
Bourne, Mark (1961-2012) (about) (items)
- Brokedown, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1993
- Being Human, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 1993
- Great Works of Western Literature, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1994
- The Case of the Detective’s Smile [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Orbit ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1995
- What Dreams Are Made on, (nv) Full Spectrum 5 ed. Jennifer Hershey, Tom Dupree & Janna Silverstein, Bantam Spectra, 1995
- On the Road of Silver, (ss) Chicks in Chainmail ed. Esther Friesner, Baen, 1995
- Boss, (nv) Alternate Tyrants ed. Mike Resnick, Tor, 1997
- Mustard Seed, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1997
- Like No Business I Know, (nv) Did You Say Chicks? ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1998
- The Nature of the Beast, (nv) Mars Dust and Magic Shows by Mark Bourne, Scorpius Digital, 2001
- Action Figures, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2002
- What the Red Oaks Knew (with Elizabeth Bourne), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2013
- One Flesh (with Elizabeth Bourne), (nv) Clarkesworld #84, September 2013
Bourquin, Mabel J. (fl. 1910s-1930s) (items)
- A Summer Night, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly August 15 1914
- A Memory, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly September 5 1914
- Reverie, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly September 26 1914
- How Could You Know?, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly October 3 1914
- Autumn, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly October 31 1914
- The Question, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly November 7 1914
- Why?, (pm) All-Story Cavalier Weekly November 21 1914
- The School of Pain, (pm) Smith’s Magazine November 1914
- The Avenger, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1916
- The Despatcher, (pm) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1916
- The Specter, (pm) All-Story Weekly September 2 1916
- Retribution, (pm) All-Story Weekly November 4 1916
- Confidence, (pm) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories December 1935
Bousfield, E(dward) G(eorge) P(aul) (1880-1951); used pseudonym Paul Bo’ld (items)
- The Retardatory Forces, (ss) The Idler July 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Magnetic Essence, (ss) The Idler August 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Green Paste, (ss) The Idler September 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Hidden Man, (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- Matters of Much Gravity, (ss) The Idler October 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Biological Burglar, (ss) The Idler November 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Dimension of Time, (ss) The Idler December 1910, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Impregnable Beasts, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1911, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Sleep of Allah, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1911, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Man Who Murdered Himself, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1912, as by Paul Bo’ld
- The Mad Chess Player, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1912, as by Paul Bo’ld
- Little Star of the Desert, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1913, as by Paul Bo’ld
Bousfield, H(enry) T(homas) W(ishart) (1891-1965) (about) (books) (items)
- At the Last Moment, (ss) The Sketch December 3 1913
- A Coming Event Foreshadowed, (ts) Pearson’s Magazine August 1919
- A Firm Line, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1919
- Educating William, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1920
- An Inexplicable Elopement, (ss) Lloyd’s Magazine July 1920
- Envoy, (pm) Pears’ Annual Christmas 1921
- An Accident, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1933
- Violets in India, (ss) The New London Magazine #29, March 1933
- The God with Four Arms, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1933
- Music Hath Charms, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1933
- Adventuress, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1933
- Very Comfortable, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1933
- Moving Water, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1934
- The Only Girl Who Wasn’t a Bore, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1934
- The Unselfish Mother, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1934
- Albert Mansions, (ss) Britannia and Eve May 1934
- According to Plan, (ss) Britannia and Eve February 1935
- The Man Who Took Too Much Trouble, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1935
- The Unknown Island, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1935
- Susannah the Second, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1935
- Why Not?, (ss) Britannia and Eve September 1935
- Green Ink, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1936
- The Man They Called Dives, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1936
- Fat Girl, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1937
- The Haunted Ghost, (ss) The Bystander #1783, February 16 1938
- Yelp and Yap, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1938
- Should a Woman Tell?, (ss) Britannia and Eve March 1939
- Murder Made Easy, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1939
- Death of a Witch, (ss) The God with Four Arms and Other Stories by H. T. W. Bousfield, Rich Cowan, 1939
- Christmas Spirit, (ss) The Tatler November 22 1940
- The Impossible Adventure, (ss) Weird Tales November 1940
- Vinegar—and Cream, (co) John Murray, 1941
- Death and the Duchess, (ss) Vinegar—and Cream, John Murray, 1941
- The Identical Twin, (ss) Vinegar—and Cream, John Murray, 1941
- Parson’s Problem, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1944
- James Tries to Beat the Clock Once Too Often…, (ss) The Evening Standard January 31 1959
- The Unknown Island and Other Tales of Fantasy and the Supernatural, (co) Ramble House, 2022; edited by James Doig
- All Is Vanity, (ss)
- The End of the Honeymoon, (pm)
- The Kingdom of Albert Smith, (ss)
- The Last Ghost, (ss)
- Magazines!, (ss)
- The Pearls That Failed, (ss)
- Poison Pen, (ss)
- Poor Little Rich Girl, (ss)
- Stink and Yap, (ss)
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