The FictionMags Index
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Benett, Melanie (fl. 1930s-1940s) (items)
- Little Dark Horse, (ss) MacLean’s May 15 1931
- Once in a Life-Time, (ss) The Canadian Magazine May 1933
- Introduction to Autumn, (ss) Maclean’s November 15 1933
- Pomp and Circumstance, (ss) The Canadian Magazine August 1935
- Old Stars Never Die, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1937
- The Charity Ball, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1938
- The Newcomer, (ss) Everywoman’s November 1938
- The Evening After, (ss) Everywoman’s December 1938
- Mr. Oglethorpe’s Great Day, (ss) Illustrated July 22 1939
- Second Choice, (ss) Country Home Magazine September 1939
- Snow in April, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1940
Benford, Elisabeth Malartre; [née Brown] (fl. 1990s-2010s); used pseudonym Elisabeth Malartre (items)
- A Cold Dry Cradle (with Gregory Benford), (nv) Science Fiction Age November 1997, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
- Evolution Never Sleeps, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 1999, as by Elisabeth Malartre
- Words, Words, Words, (vi) Nature #6798, August 24 2000, as by Elisabeth Malartre
- A Windy Prospect, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 2001, as by Elisabeth Malartre
- The Coming of the Cyborgs (with Gregory Benford), (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 2002, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
- A Cyborged World (with Gregory Benford), (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 2002, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
- Looking for Mr. Goodbug, (vi) Nature #7043, June 9 2005, as by Elisabeth Malartre
- The Gorgon’s Head (with Gregory Benford), (ss) Space Cadets ed. Mike Resnick, SCIFI, 2006, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
- Darwin’s Suitcase, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe December 2007, as by Elisabeth Malartre
- Nantes, Utopiales 2007 (with Gregory Benford), (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #236, April 2008, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
- Afterword to “Shadows of the Lost” (with Gregory Benford), (as) Gateways ed. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Tor, 2010, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
- Shadows of the Lost (with Gregory Benford), (ss) Gateways ed. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Tor, 2010, as by Gregory Benford & Elisabeth Malartre
Benford, Gregory (Albert) (1941- ); used pseudonyms Lincoln Albert, Sterling Blake, Ben Gory Gerdorf & B. A. Realist (about) (books) (items)
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #22, September 1955, etc.
- Stand-In, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1965
- [letter from Del Mar, CA], (lt) Trumpet #2, June 1965
- Representative from Earth, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1966
- Flattop, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1966
- Bright, Shiny Ideas and Inept Slapstick, (ar) Lighthouse #14, October 1966
- Void Before (and After) Ted White, (ar) Psychotic #27, September 1968
- Deeper Than the Darkness, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1969
- The Columbus Problem (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Stories November 1969
- Sons of Man, (nv) Amazing Stories November 1969
- The Columbus Problem: II (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Stories January 1970
- Is Anybody Out There? (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Stories March 1970
- SFWA Business Meeting, March 14, 1970, Berkeley, California, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #29, April 1970
- Bob Shaw The Palace of Eternity (Ace 1969), (br) Amazing Stories May 1970 [Ref. Bob Shaw]
- Nobody Lives on Burton Street, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1970
- The Scarred Man, (ss) Venture Science Fiction May 1970
- Where Are They? (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Stories May 1970
- The Prince of New York [Eliot & Jeanie] (with Laurence Littenberg), (ss) Fantastic June 1970
- Color the Sky (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Stories July 1970
- Treaty (with David L. Book), (vi) Fantastic August 1970, as by Lincoln Albert
- 3:02 P.M., Oxford, (ss) If September/October 1970
- What You Eat You Are (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1970
- The Movement, (ss) Fantastic October 1970
- Inalienable Rite, (ss) Quark/1 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1970
- Not with a Whimper (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1970
- Scientist and Shaman, (ar) Science Fiction Review #41, November 1970
- The Author in Search of a Publisher, (ar) Science Fiction Review #42, January 1971
- The Road to Hal (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1971
- But the Secret Sits, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1971
- How I Learned About Obligatory Sexual Etiquette, (ar) Adam March 1971
- Star Crossing (with Donald Franson), (na) If March/April 1971
- The Ultimate City (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1971
- Battleground (with James Benford), (ss) If May/June 1971
- Biological Clocks, Geological Calendars (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1971
- How to Build a Solar System, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories July 1971
- Planet-Building for Fun and Prophet, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1971
- Opinion 38: “Emphasis on Literary Performance?”, (ms) Speculation October 1971
- Man’s Best Friend (with David L. Book), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1971
- West Wind, Falling (with Gordon Eklund), (nv) Universe 1 ed. Terry Carr, Ace, 1971
- Life on the Margin, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1972
- Afterword to “And the Sea Like Mirrors”, (as) Again, Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1972
- And the Sea Like Mirrors, (ss) Again, Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1972
- In the Ocean of Night [Galactic Center], (na) Worlds of If May/June 1972
- Jupiter Project, (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1972, etc.
- Neo-Classical Eschatological Bifurcation in Doc Savage: Some Aspects, (ar) Outworlds #12, 1972
- Death of a Minor Star, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1973
- Icarus Descending, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1973
- The 2001 Hypothesis, (ar) Vertex April 1973
- The Neglected Majority, (ar) Vertex June 1973
- Weightlessness, (ar) Vertex August 1973
- from Shall We Take a Little Walk?, (ex) Edge #5/6, Autumn/Winter 1973
- Supercivilizations, (ar) Vertex October 1973
- In Search of Perfect Knowledge, (ar) Algol #21, November 1973
- Man in a Vice, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories February 1974
- Nobody Lives Around There, (ss) Vertex February 1974
- The Hip Emily Post, (ar) Pix April 1974
- How to Buy Wine, (ar) Adam July 1974
- Life on the Moons, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories August 1974
- Why Civilization?, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories December 1974
- If the Stars Are Gods [Bradley Reynolds] (with Gordon Eklund), (nv) Universe 4 ed. Terry Carr, Random House, 1974
- Threads of Time, (na) Threads of Time ed. Robert Silverberg, Nelson, 1974
- Doing Lennon, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1975
- White Creatures, (ss) New Dimensions: Science Fiction: Number 5 ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1975
- Beyond Grayworld, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1975
- Hard Lessons Well Learned—The Exploration of Venus, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1975
- Life on Venus?, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1975
- Cambridge, 1:58 A.M., (nv) Epoch ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Putnam, 1975
- John of the Apocalypse (with James Benford), (ss) Tomorrow Today ed. George Zebrowski, Unity, 1975
- Science, Science Fiction and All That…, (ar) Algol Winter 1976
- How It All Went, (vi) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1976
- What Did You Do Last Year? (with Gordon Eklund), (ss) Universe 6 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1976
- The View from Titan, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories June 1976
- The Anvil of Jove [Bradley Reynolds] (with Gordon Eklund), (ex) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1976
- Evesdropping on the Stars, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1976
- Talking to Aliens, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories December 1976
- Seascape, (nv) Faster Than Light ed. Jack M. Dann & George Zebrowski, Harper & Row, 1976
- Some Days, (ar) Outworlds #28/29, 1976
- Hellas Is Florida [Bradley Reynolds] (with Gordon Eklund), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1977
- Homemaker, (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- A Snark in the Night [Galactic Center], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1977
- In the Ocean of Night [Galactic Center], (n.) Dial Press, October 1977
- The Annual Nebulous Awards (with James Benford), (ar) Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977
- In the Ocean of Night [Galactic Center], (n.) The Dial Press, 1977
- Knowing Her, (ss) New Dimensions: Science Fiction: Number 7 ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1977
- On Receiving the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 179, June 1977, (pm) Speculative Poetry Review #2, 1977
- The Awe and the Awful, (ed) Analog Yearbook ed. Ben Bova, Baronet, 1978
- Nooncoming, (ss) Universe 8 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1978
- The Stars in Shroud, (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1978, etc.
- Starswarmer, (iw) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1978
- California and Babylon, (ar) Galileo #9, 1978
- The Time-Worn Path: Building SF, (ar) Algol Summer/Fall 1978
- In Alien Flesh, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1978
- Starswarmer, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1978
- Old Woman by the Road, (ss) Destinies v1 #1, 1978
- A Hiss of Dragon (with Marc Laidlaw), (nv) Omni December 1978
- Time Guide, (ss) Destinies v1 #2, 1979
- Calibrations and Exercises, (ss) New Dimensions: Science Fiction: Number 9 ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1979
- Redeemer, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1979
- Dark Sanctuary, (ss) Omni May 1979
- Time Shards, (ss) Universe 9 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1979
- Titan Falling [Bradley Reynolds], (nv) Amazing Stories August 1980
- Galactic Jets, (ar) Omni September 1980
- Pick an Orifice, (ss) Destinies v2 #4, 1980
- Shall We Take a Little Walk?, (nv) Destinies v3 #1, 1981
- A String of Days, (bg) Foundation #21, February 1981
- A Note on “Nobody Lives on Burton Street”, (ms) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1981
- Cadenza, (ss) New Dimensions 12 ed. Marta Randall & Robert Silverberg, Pocket, 1981
- Exposures, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 6 1981
- Slices, (ss) Destinies v3 #2, 1981
- Zeus in Orbit, (ar) Omni September 1981
- Swarmer, Skimmer [Galactic Center], (ex) Science Fiction Digest October/November 1981
- SF: Why We Read It, (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1981
- Why Is There So Little Science in Literature?, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 15 1982
- How to Write a Scientific Paper, (fa) Omni March 1982, as by B. A. Realist
- The Other Side of the River, (ss) Rigel Science Fiction #4, Spring 1982
- Valhalla, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1982
- Lazarus Rising, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1982
- First Word, (cl) Omni September 1982
- Relativistic Effects, (nv) Perpetual Light ed. Alan Ryan, Warner Books, 1982
- Sandy Lust, (pm) The Berkley Showcase Vol. 5 ed. Victoria Schochet & Melissa Singer, Berkley, 1982
- Aliens and Knowability: A Scientist’s Perspective, (ar) Starship #43, November 1982
- Commentary, (ms) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1982
- Lust, (pm) The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry ed. Steve Rasnic Tem, Umbral Press, 1982
- Against Infinity, (na) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic March 1983, etc.
- The Touch, (ss) The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 5 ed. Don Myrus, Omni, 1983
- Hard Science Fiction in the Real World, (ar) Science Fiction Review #50, Spring 1984
- In the Wave’s Wake, (ar) Foundation #30, March 1984
- 1984: Spring, A Choice of Futures, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #84, Summer 1984 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- Ascent to Orbit, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #84, Summer 1984 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- Me/Days, (ss) Universe 14 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1984
- Profiles of the Future, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #84, Summer 1984 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- Journey to the Genre’s Core: A Reply to Damon Knight, (ar) Science Fiction Review #52, Fall 1984 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- Time’s Rub, (ss) Cheap Street, November 1984
- Holocaust, (ex) Timescape Books, 1984
- Immortal Night, (ss) Omni April 1985
- To the Storming Gulf, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1985
- The Future of the Jovian System, (ss) The Planets ed. Byron Preiss, Bantam, 1985
- Of Space-Time and the River, (nv) Cheap Street, 1985
- Newton Sleep [Heroes in Hell], (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1986
- Reactionary Utopias, (ar) Far Frontiers Vol. IV ed. Jerry Pournelle & Jim Baen, Baen, 1986
- Banner of the Angels (with David Brin), (ex) Bantam Spectra, March 1986
- Blood on Glass, (pm) In Alien Flesh by Gregory Benford, Tor, 1986
- Dancing with the Straw Man, (ar) Far Frontiers Vol. V ed. Jerry Pournelle & Jim Baen, Baen, 1986
- Suffering Fools, Not Gladly, (ar) Science Fiction Review #59, Summer 1986
- Freezeframe, (ss) Interzone #17, Autumn 1986
- Preface: Imagining the Abyss, (pr) Hitler Victorious ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Garland, 1986
- The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Twentieth-Century Physics, (br) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #93, Fall 1986 [Ref. Robert P. Crease & Charles C. Mann]
- Notes from an Interplanetary Bottle, (ms) Harper’s Magazine November 1986
- As Big as the Ritz, (nv) Interzone #18, Winter 1986/1987
- Effing the Ineffable, (ar) Nebula Awards 21 ed. George Zebrowski, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986
- Effing the Ineffable: An Essay, (ar) Foundation #38, Winter 1986/1987
- SFRA Panel: Cyberpunk or Cyberjunk? Some Perspectives on Recent Trends in SF (with David Brin, John Shirley, Norman Spinrad & Jack Williamson), (ar) Science Fiction Eye #1, Winter 1987
- On “Newton Sleep”, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #95, Spring 1987
- The Gods of the Gaps [Heroes in Hell], (na) Crusaders in Hell ed. Janet Morris, Baen, 1987
- According to Hoyle, (ar) Thrust #27, Summer 1987 [Ref. Fred Hoyle]
- Hard? Science? Fiction?, (br) Amazing Stories July 1987
- Was Frankenstein Simply Einstein Being Frank? or Scientists in Science Fiction, (ar) New Destinies, Vol. 2 ed. Jim Baen, Baen, 1987
- Bleak Velocities, (pm) Synergy: New Science Fiction, Vol. 1 ed. George Zebrowski, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987
- What Are You Going to Be When You Grow Up?, (nv) Spaceships and Spells ed. Jane Yolen, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row, 1987
- Pandering and Evasions, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1988
- Bulletin Symposium, (sy) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #99, Spring 1988
- The Future of Disaster, (ed) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 1988
- Pascal’s Terror, (ar) Foundation #42, Spring 1988
- [on manifestos], (pm) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988
- Introduction, (in) Nuclear War ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Ace, 1988, etc.
- The South and Science Fiction, (ar) Thrust #30, Summer 1988
- In the Wake of the Wave, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #4, August 1988
- Proselytes, (ss) Full Spectrum ed. Lou Aronica & Shawna McCarthy, Bantam Spectra, 1988
- The Designers’ Universe, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1988
- We Could Do Worse, (ss) Cheap Street, December 1988
- Cyberpunk Forum/Symposium: Is Something Going On?, (ar) Mississippi Review #47/48, 1988
- 2001 Plus 20, (ar) Thrust #32, Winter 1989 [Ref. Stanley Kubrick]
- All the Beer on Mars, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1989
- Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #5, January 1989, etc.
- About His Novel Great Sky River, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #103, Spring 1989
- Alphas, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1989
- On Timescape, (ar) The Best of the Nebulas ed. Ben Bova, Tor, 1989
- Waiting for the Next Wave, (pm) Amazing Stories July 1989
- Mozart on Morphine, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1989
- Iceborn (with Paul A. Carter), (na) Tor, 1989
- Leviathan, (vi) Omni November 1989
- Nightshade, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990 [Ref. Jack Butler]
- The Rose and the Scalpel [Time Gate], (na) Time Gate ed. Robert Silverberg, Baen, 1989
- SF, Rhetoric, and Realities, (ar) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- Warstory, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1990
- Searching for Alien Artifacts, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1990
- Beyond the Fall of Snobbery, (ar) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990
- Latter-Day Martian Chronicles, (vi) Omni July 1990
- The Eagle and the Cross, (na) Time Gate Vol. 2: Dangerous Interfaces ed. Robert Silverberg, Baen, 1990
- Style, Substance, and Other Illusions, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1990
- Centigrade 233, (ss) Cheap Street, December 1990
- Matter’s End, (nv) Cheap Street, March 8 1991
- Alien Technology, (ar) First Contact: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ed. Ben Bova & Byron Preiss, NAL, 1990
- Dread Moon, (nv) The Jupiter War ed. Bill Fawcett, Roc, 1991
- Manassas, Again, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1991
- Chiller, (ex) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991
- Physical Evidence, (br) Science Fiction Review #5, December 1991 [Ref. Thomas T. Noguchi, M.D. & Arthur Lyons, G.P.]
- Touches, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1991
- Down the River Road, (na) After the King ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1992
- Rumbling Earth, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1992
- Leaping the Abyss, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1992
- Doing Science, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1992
- World Vast, World Various, (na) Murasaki ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam Spectra, 1992
- The Biological Century, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1992
- Nature’s Greatest Hits, (ar) Amazing Stories October 1992
- Salvaging the Library of Life, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1992
- Shakers of the Earth, (ss) The Ultimate Dinosaur ed. Byron Preiss & Robert Silverberg, Bantam Spectra, 1992
- Imagining the Real, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1993
- The Dark Backward, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1993
- About “Matter”s End’, (ms) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #119, Spring 1993
- Our Computers/Our Selves, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1993
- To the Moon with Mr. V, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1993
- Six Writers in Search of a Genre: Responses to John Kessel’s ‘The Brother from Another Planet’, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #56, April 1993 [Ref. John Kessel]
- Reasoning About Emotions, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1993
- Time, Again, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1993
- Calculating the Future, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1993
- Aliens We Can Know, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1993
- Real Science, Imaginary Worlds, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #65, January 1994
- Science (with Arlan Andrews, Sr., Geoffrey A. Landis & Charles Sheffield), (cl) Science Fiction Age January 1994, etc.
- Ten Thousand Years of Solitude, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1994
- Doing Alien, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1994
- Deep Time, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1994
- The Bigger One, (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1994
- From Here to Eternity, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1994
- Not of an Age, (ss) Weird Tales from Shakespeare ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- Antarctica and Mars, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1994
- Soon Comes Night, (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1994
- The Fire This Time, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1994
- Strong Instinct (with Mark O. Martin), (nv) South from Midnight ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Thomas R. Hanlon, Southern Fried Press, 1994
- Humanity as Cancer, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1995
- A Tapestry of Thought, (ss) Amazing Stories Winter 1995
- The Big Wham, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1995
- Gallery, (pi) Science Fiction Age March 1995, etc. [Ref. Chesley Bonestell]
- Deep Eyes [Mech universe], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1995
- Kollapse, (ss) Interzone #94, April 1995
- The Year in Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Symposium (with Eleanor Arnason, Rebecca Brown, Paul Di Filippo, Maureen F. McHugh, Robert J. Sawyer, Norman Spinrad & Michael Swanwick), (ar) Nebula Awards 29 ed. Pamela Sargent, Harcourt Brace, 1995, as by Eleanor Arnason, Gregory Benford, Paul Di Filippo, Maureen F. McHugh, Rebecca Ore, Robert J. Sawyer, Norman Spinrad & Michael Swanwick
- A Desperate Calculus, (nv) New Legends ed. Greg Bear & Martin Greenberg, Legend, 1995, as by Sterling Blake
- High Abyss, (ss) New Legends ed. Greg Bear & Martin Greenberg, Legend, 1995
- Old Legends, (ar) New Legends ed. Greg Bear & Martin Greenberg, Legend, 1995
- Biotech and Nanodreams, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1995
- Essay, (ar) Science Fiction Age May 1995
- The Fourth Dimension, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1995
- The Culture of Hope, (br) Science-Fiction Studies July 1995 [Ref. Frederick Turner]
- The Far Future, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1995
- BIO/NANO/TECH, (ar) Nanodreams ed. Elton Elliott, Baen, 1995
- Life at Galactic Center, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1995
- Sex, Gender, and Fantasy, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1995
- An Odyssey Galactic, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1995
- A Worm in the Well, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1995
- Looking Long, (in) Far Futures ed. Gregory Benford, Tor, 1995
- America as Rome, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1996
- Immersion, (na) Science Fiction Age March 1996
- Paris Conquers All [War of the Worlds] (with David Brin), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1996
- Scientist Heroes, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1996
- About “Soon Comes the Night”, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #130, Summer 1996
- Afterword: Retrospective (with David Brin), (aw) War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches ed. Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam Spectra, 1996
-, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1996
- A Diamond Age, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1996
- Heavy Lifting: The Many-Volume Series, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #131, Fall 1996
- The Wired Bio-World, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1996
- Zoomers, (ss) Future Net ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 1996
- Afterword to Foundation’s Fear, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #100, December 1996 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- Life on Mars?, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1997
- Building on Isaac Asimov’s Foundation (with Greg Bear & David Brin), (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1997
- Going to Mars, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1997
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