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    The Selected Short Stories of “Saki” by H. H. Munro--- see under Saki.

    The Square Egg and Other Sketches with Three Plays by H. H. Munro (John Lane, 1924, 7/6d, 318pp, hc, co)
        Collection of short stories, with a lengthy biography by Munro’s sister.
    • 3 · Biography of Saki · Ethel Munro · bg
    • _ · Elisha and the Mocking Children · H. H. Munro · pm
    • _ · Letter to Ethel Munro, August 17, 1901 (“Travelling with Aunt Tom_”) · H. H. Munro · lt
    • _ · untitled (“In endeavouring to get Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit”) · H. H. Munro · vi
    • _ · untitled (“A leading French newspaper a few years ago”) · H. H. Munro · ar 22nd Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers’ Fortnightly Gazette June 7 1915, as “On Being Company Orderly Corporal”
    • 121 · The Square Egg · H. H. Munro · ss The Morning Post April 24 1916, as “A Badger’s-Eye View of the War”; subtitled “A Badger’s-Eye View of the War: Mud in the Trenches”).
    • 131 · Birds on the Western Front · H. H. Munro · ss
    • 137 · The Gala Programme · H. H. Munro · vi The Morning Post June 13 1914, as by Saki; subtitled “An Unrecorded Episode in Roman History”.
    • 143 · The Infernal Parliament · H. H. Munro · ss The Bystander August 23 1911, as by Saki
    • 149 · The Achievement of the Cat · H. H. Munro · ar
    • 153 · The Old Town of Pskoff · H. H. Munro · ar The Morning Post July 27 1905
    • 159 · Clovis on the Alleged Romance of Business · H. H. Munro · vi
    • 161 · The Comments of Moung Ka · H. H. Munro · vi The Morning Post April 23 1912
    • 167 · The Death-Trap · H. H. Munro · pl
    • 177 · Karl-Ludwig’s Widow · H. H. Munro · pl
    • 191 · The Watched Pot · H. H. Munro & Charles Maude · pl

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