The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10564
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[]Valentine, J. F. (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Between Midnight and Noon, (ss) The Argosy October 1912
- * An Embarrassing Draft, (ss) The Argosy January 1908
- * From King to Clown, (ss) The Argosy October 1910
- * Gas and a Telephone, (ss) The Argosy November 1909
- * Her Kiss in the Dark, (ss) The Argosy August 1909
- * The Intervention of the Knife, (ss) The Argosy July 1908
- * Jacobi’s Juggernaut, (ss) The Argosy May 1909
- * The Man He Knocked Down, (ss) The Argosy August 1910
- * A Summons at Dawn, (ss) The Argosy October 1908
- * A Telephone Tangle, (ss) The Argosy December 1908
- * That Slip of Memory, (ss) The Argosy October 1907
- * Thornton’s Telegram, (ss) The Argosy August 1908
- * A Trolley-Car Unpleasantness, (ss) The Argosy March 1910
- * Van Dubb’s Fire-Trap, (ss) The Argosy March 1911
- * The Watch of the Night Before, (ss) The Argosy January 1910
- * A Wave of Trouble, (ss) The Argosy September 1907
- * When Hartshorne Napped, (ss) The Argosy May 1910
- * Without a Clue to Follow, (ss) The Argosy February 1908
[]Valentine, Jean (1934-2020) (about) (chron.)
- * Before Your Death, (pm) Black Clock #6, Fall 2006/Winter 2007
- * The Cricket, (pm) The New Yorker January 18 2021
- * The Door Is Fallen Down, (pm) Black Clock #6, Fall 2006/Winter 2007
- * In the Electricity of Love, Its Lightning Strike, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 2012
- * Light Me Down, (pm) The New Yorker February 26 2024
- * Traveller, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2008
- * Turn, (pm) Transatlantic Review #58/59, February 1977
[]Valentine, Kathleen (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Asa, (ss) Riptide ed. Skye Alexander, Kate Flora & Susan Oleksiw, Level Best Books, 2004
- * Homemade Pie and Sausage, (ss) Windchill ed. Skye Alexander, Kate Flora & Susan Oleksiw, Level Best Books, 2005
- * Killing Julie Morris, (ss) Seasmoke ed. Kate Flora, Ruth McCarty & Susan Oleksiw, Level Best Books, 2006
[]Valentine, Mark (1959- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The 1909 Proserpine Prize, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * About the Stories, (ms) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * About the Stories, (ms) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * The Adventure of the Green Skull [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes: The Game’s Afoot ed. David Stuart Davies, Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 2008
- * The After the Darkness [The Connoisseur], (ss) Dark Dreams #8, 1990
- * Against the Fall of Night, (iv) The Swan River Press Reader, Swan River Press, 2014 [Ref. John Howard]
- * The Amber Cigarette, (nv) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * And Maybe the Parakeet Was Correct, (ss) Supernatural Tales #45, Winter 2020/2021
- * The Angels of Mons by David Clarke, (br) Faunus #11, 2004
- * The Antioch Imperial, (ss) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * Arthur of the Seventies, (iv) Wormwood #37, 2021 [Ref. Arthur]
- * As Blank as the Days Yet to Be, (ss) self-published, Spring 2017
- * The Ash Track, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories 2 ed. Richard Dalby, Carroll & Graf, 1991
- * The Atelier in Iasi, (ss) The Mascarons of the Late Empire & Other Studies, Ex Occidente Press, 2010
- * The Autumn Keeper, (ss) Cinnabar’s Gnosis ed. Dan T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * The Axholme Toll, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * Baltersan’s Third Edition, (ss) Secret Europe with John Howard, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * A Beautiful and Ancient Place: M.R. James on Woodbridge, (ar) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #20, October 2011
- * The Black Eros, (ss)
- * The Boat of Avalon, (as) Romances of the White Day with John Howard & Ron Weighell, Sarob Press, 2015
- * The Book of Jade, (ar) Dagon #25, June/August 1989
- * The Bookshop in Novy Svet, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * The Box of Idols, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * Cabaret Zoltaire, (ss) Secret Europe with John Howard, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * Camera Obscura, (rc) Wormwood #1 2003, #3 2004, #4, #5 2005, #6, #7 2006, #8, #9 2007, #10, #11 2008,
#12, #13 2009
#14, #15 2010, #16, #17 2011, #18, #19 2012
- * Carden in Capaea, (ss) Strange Tales Volume II, Tartarus Press, 2007
- * Carnacki-the Ghost Finder, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #24, 1998 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
- * The Celestial Tobacconist [The Connoisseur] (with John Howard), (ss) A Midwinter Entertainment ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2016
- * A Certain Power, (ss) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * “Change Here for the Dark Age”: Edward Shanks’ “The People of the Ruins”, (ar) Wormwood #33, 2019 [Ref. Edward Shanks]
- * A Chess Game at Michaelmas, (nv) The Pale Illuminations, Sarob Press, 2019
- * Count Stenbock, Storyteller, (ar) Aklo Summer 1991 [Ref. Eric Stenbock]
- * “A Crocodile Truly”: The Poet of St. Bertrand de Comminges, (ar) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #22, October 2012 [Ref. E. E. Bilbrough]
- * The Cry of the Curlew: Anne Douglas Sedgwick’s “The Third Window”, (ar) Wormwood #34, 2020 [Ref. Anne Douglas Sedgwick]
- * The Dark Town, (pm) Fantasy & Terror #14, 1992
- * The Dawn at Tzern, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * The Days on Castel Rosso, (ss) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * Dusty Cathedral—A Note on Edwin Greenwood, (in) 2016
- Faunus #34, 2016; introduction to The Deadly Dowager by Edwin Greenwood (Valancourt, 2016).
- * Echoes of Saumur, (ss) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * Editorial, (ed) All Hallows #1 1989, #2 1990
- * Editorial, (ed) Avallaunius Spring 1993
- * Editorial, (ed) Wormwood #1 2003, #2, #3 2004, #4, #5 2005, #6, #7 2006, #8, #9 2007, #10,
#11 2008, #12, #13 2009
#14, #15 2010, #16, #17 2011, #18, #19 2012, #20, #21 2013, #23 2014, #24,
#25 2015
#26, #27 2016, #28, #29 2017, #30, #31 2018, #32, #33 2019, #34, #35 2020,
#36, #37 2021
#38 2022
- * Editorial (with David Cowperthwaite), (ed) Dark Dreams #3, December 1985
- * Editorial (with Roger Dobson), (ed) The Lost Club Journal #1 1999, #2 2000
- * Editorial (with Raymond B. Russell), (ed) Faunus #1, #2 1998, #3, #4 1999, #5, #6 2000, #7, #8 2001, #15 2006, #16, #17 2007,
#18 2008
#19, #20 2009, #21, #22 2010, #24 2011, #25, #26 2012, #27, #28 2013
- * The Effigies [The Connoisseur], (ss) Dark Dreams #8, 1990
- * The End of Alpha Street, (ss) Strange Tales: Tartarus Press at 30 ed. Rosalie Parker, Tartarus Press, 2020
- * The English Leopard: An Heraldic Dialogue, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * Envoi: Colin Summerford (with Roger Dobson), (ob) Aklo Summer 1989 [Ref. Colin Summerford]
- * Ernest Dowson-Spirit of the Nineties, (ar) Aklo Spring 1988 [Ref. Ernest Dowson]; epilogue to Edgar Jepson’s Memories of an Edwardian and Neo-Georgian (Richards).
- * Et Diabolus Incarnatus Est— The Ceremonies and Themes from Arthur Machen, (ar) Dagon #18/19, July/October 1987 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- * Evil in the Blood, (ar) Sherlock #67, June 2006
- * Except Seven, (nv) Romances of the White Day with John Howard & Ron Weighell, Sarob Press, 2015
- * The Fall of Ashes, (ss) Secret Europe with John Howard, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * The Fall of the King of Babylon, (ss) Terror Tales of East Anglia ed. Paul Finch, Gray Friar Press, 2012
- * The Fifth Moon, (nv) From Ancient Ravens, Sarob Press, 2017
- * The Fig Garden, (nv) Pagan Triptych, Sarob Press, 2016
- * Fire Companions, (ss) The Ghosts and Scholars Book of Shadows ed. Rosemary Pardoe, Sarob Press, 2012
- * The Folly [Ralph Tyler], (ss) 14 Bellchamber Tower by Mark Valentine, Crimson Altar Press, 1987
- * Fortunes Told: Fresh Samphire, (ss)
- * The Forwarding Agent, (ss) Supernatural Tales #37, Spring 2018
- * Francis Stuart (1902-2000), (ar) The Green Book #13, Bealtaine 2019 [Ref. Francis Stuart]
- * A Gentleman of Letters: Peter Vansittart, (ar) Wormwood #12, 2009 [Ref. Peter Vansittart]
- * The Girl with the Violin, (ss) Secret Europe with John Howard, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * The Goat-Eyed, (ss) Secret Europe with John Howard, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * The Golden Age of Crime Fiction, Part 7: Philip MacDonald—The Soul Shaker, (ar) Sherlock #65, 2005 [Ref. Philip MacDonald]
- * Go to the West, (ss) Transactions of the Doppelgänger Society ed. David Cowperthwaite, The Doppelganger Society, 1990
- * The Grave of Anir, (ss) Dark Dreams #1, January 1984
- * The Great Quest: An Introduction to Books about the Holy Grail., (ar) Faunus #20, 2009
- * The Guardians of the Guest Room, (ss) Dark Dreams #3, December 1985
- * Guy Boothby: Creator of Dr Nikola, (ar) Studies in Australian Weird Fiction #2, June 2008 [Ref. Guy Boothby]
- * The Hamilton/Potter Mystery, (ms) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #27, April 2015
- * H. de Vere Stacpoole (1863-1951), (ar) The Green Book #12, Samhain 2018 [Ref. H. de Vere Stacpoole]
- * The Hesperian Dragon, (ss)
- * A Home on the Borderland: William Hope Hodgson and Borth, (ar) Sargasso: The Journal of William Hope Hodgson Studies Fall 2014
- * The House of Flame, (ss) Sorcery and Sanctity ed. Daniel Corrick, Hieroglyphic Press, 2013
- * The House of Hidden Light (2003) by Arthur Machen and A.E. Waite, (br) Faunus #10, 2003
- * A Hymn to “Holy Terrors”, (ar) Vollmond #3, Autumn 1990 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- * The Image of Huysmans (with Roger Dobson), (br) Aklo Autumn 1992
- * In and Out of Print (with Roger Dobson), (cl) The Lost Club Journal #1, 1999/2000; [unheaded notices on Marmaduke Pickthall, Ernest Dowson, Richard Le Gallienne, Thomas Burke, Aubrey Beardsley, John Cowper Powys, H.P. Locecraft, John Fowles, Montague Summers, Arthur Machen, Barry Pain, C.J. Cutliffe Hyne,Savitri Devi, Adolf Hitler, Christina Foyle, plus other mentions of books and authors]
- * In-and-Out-of-Print (with Roger Dobson), (cl) The Lost Club Journal #2 2000, #3 Spr 2003
- * In an Unresting Land: Randolph Stow’s “The Girl Green as Elderflower”, (ar) Wormwood #18, 2012 [Ref. Randolph Stow]
- * An Incomplete Apocalypse, (ss) Dark World ed. Timothy Parker Russell, Tartarus Press, 2013
- * In Cypress Shades, (ss) Soliloquy for Pan ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2015
- * In Memoriam: Four Friends of Wormwood, (ob) Wormwood #22, 2014
- * Inner Bohemia: The Mystical Fiction of Mary Butts, (ar) Sacrum Regnum #1, 2011 [Ref. Mary Butts]
- * The Inner Sentinel, (ss) The Nightfarers, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * In the Days of Dearth—Machen in the Nineteen Eighties, (ar) Faunus #39, 2019
- * In Transition: British Horror Fiction 1940-1959, (ar) The Scream Factory #17, Spring 1996
- * Introduction, (in) Haunted Pavilions ed. Mark Valentine, Mark Valentine, 1992
- * Introduction, (in) The Lost Stradivarius by John Meade Falkner, Tartarus Press, 2000
- * Introduction, (in) The Collected Macabre Stories of L.P. Hartley by L. P. Hartley, Tartarus Press, 2001
- * Introduction, (in) Father Raven and Other Tales by A. E. Coppard, Tartarus Press, 2006
- * Introduction, (in) Strangers and Pilgrims by Walter de la Mare, Tartarus Press, 2007
- * Introduction, (in) The Black Veil ed. Mark Valentine, Wordsworth Editions, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) The Werewolf Pack ed. Mark Valentine, Wordsworth Editions, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Ghosts: Putting the Pieces in Place & Bloody Baudelaire by R. B. Russell, Swan River Press, 2012
- * Introduction, (in) The Scarlet Soul ed. Mark Valentine, Swan River Press, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) The Far Tower ed. Mark Valentine, Swan River Press, 2019
- * Introduction (with Roger Dobson), (in) Aklo Spring 1988
- * Introduction (with Rosemary Pardoe), (in)
- * Introduction to ’Agorit’ by Sarban, (ar) Wormwood #7, 2006
- * Introduction to “Hubert Crackanthorpe—Ten Vignettes”, (is) Aklo Winter 1990/1991
- * The Inward Seer, (ss) Beyond the Borderland #2, December 2006
- * James Branch Cabell and Arthur Machen, (ar) Faunus #4, 1999
- * Jerusalem Keep [Sherlock Holmes] (with John Howard), (ss) Sherlock Holmes: The Game’s Afoot ed. David Stuart Davies, Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 2008
- * The Ka of Astarakhan, (ss) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * The Key to Jerusalem, (ss) Transactions of the Flesh ed. Peter Holman & D. P. Watt, Ex Occidente Press, 2013
- * The Kite Dancers, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #15, 1996
- * A Lantern for Carpathia, (ss) The Mascarons of the Late Empire & Other Studies, Ex Occidente Press, 2010
- * The Last Archipelago (with John Howard), (ss)
- * The Late Post, (ss) The Peacock Escritoire, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * Laughter Ever After, (ss)
- * Lautréamont-Poet of Nightmare (with Alexis Lykiard), (ar) Aklo Spring 1988 [Ref. Comte de Lautréamont]
- * The Lighting of the Vial, (ss)
- * The Lingering, (ss) The Silent Companion #6, 2010
- * The Lion of Chaldea, (ss) Secret Europe with John Howard, Ex Occidente Press, 2012
- * Listening to Stonehenge, (ss) The Silent Companion #10, 2014
- * Lost Estates, (co) Swan River Press, May 2024
- * Lost Estates, (ss)
- * The Lost Saki Satire, (ar) Book and Magazine Collector #305, March 2009
- * Lost Souls and Famous Names: The Missionary Work Continues (with Roger Dobson), (ed) The Lost Club Journal #3, Spring 2004
- * Machen and Lovecraft, (ar) Dagon
- * Machen and the Nineties: Three Views, (ar) Avallaunius Spring 1991
- * Mad Lutanist, (ss) Masques and Citadels: More Tales of the Connoisseur, Tartarus Press, 2003
- * The Man Who Made the Yellow God, (ss) Nemonymous #10, 2010, uncredited.
- * The Mascarons of the Late Empire, (ss) The Mascarons of the Late Empire & Other Studies, Ex Occidente Press, 2010
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