The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9218
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[]Schnitzler, Arthur (1862-1931) (chron.)
- * Blind Geronimo and His Brother, (ss) Pictorial Review December 1929
- * Blind Geronimo and His Brother, (ss) The Argosy (UK) May 1929; translated by Reginald Merton
- * Die Blumen (The Flowers), (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1905; translated by A. M.
- * Crumbled Blossoms, (ss) The Dial June 1920
- * The Dancing Girl, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1926
- * The Dead Are Silent, (ss) 1907
- * Dead Men Tell No Tales, (ss) Metropolitan July 1916
- * The Death of a Bachelor, (ss) Little Novels, Simon and Schuster, 1929
- * Dissolution, (pl)
- * Episode, (pl) 1917
- * The Fate of the Baron, (ss) 1929
- * The Fate of the Baron, (ss) Little Novels, Simon and Schuster, 1929
- * Fate of the Baron Von Leisenbohg, (ss) The Dial December 1923; translated from the German.
- * Flowers, (ss) The Dedalus/Ariadne Book of Austrian Fantasy: The Meyrink Years 1890-1930 ed. Mike Mitchell, Dedalus, 1993; translated from the German (“Blumen”, Die Frau des Weisen: Noveletten, 1898) by Mike Mitchell.
- * Fridolin and Albertine, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) October/November 1926
- * Greek Dancer, (ss) The Dial September 1921
- * The Green Cockatoo, (pl)
- * Hands Around / A Roundelay in Ten Dialogues, (pl) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v3 #12, 1953; translated by Keene Wallis
- * Leinbach’s Proof, (ex) from Flight Into Darkness, Simon & Schuster, 1931
- * Lieutenant Gustl, (ss) The Dial August 1925
- * New Song, (ss) The Dial November 1925; translated from the German.
- * The Prophecy, (nv) The Dedalus/Ariadne Book of Austrian Fantasy: The Meyrink Years 1890-1930 ed. Mike Mitchell, Dedalus, 1993; translated from the German (“Die Weissagung”, Dämmerseelen: Novellen, 1907) by Mike Mitchell.
- * The Prophecy, (ss)
- * Redegonda’s Diary, (ss) The Evening Standard September 20 1933
- * She Never Knew, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) December 1926
- * The Threefold Admonishment, (ss) The Colonnade February 1916; translated by Pierre Loving
- * The Triple Warning, (ss) Great Short Stories of the World ed. Barrett H. Clark & Maxim Lieber, The World Publishing Company, 1925; translated by Barrett Harper Clark
- * The Wise Man’s Wife, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1916
- * The Wise Man’s Wife, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1930; translated by F. H. Lyon
- * The Woman with the Dagger, (ss) Young’s Magazine September 1913
_____, [ref.]
[]Schnobrich, Georgie (fl. 1980s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Meet-on-the-Road [Heath], (vi) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983
- * Stonehill [Heath], (vi) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983
- * Troll Woman, (vi) Dragonfields #3, Summer 1980
- * [front cover], (cv) Night Flights #1, 1980/81
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Unanticipated #30, April 2010
[]Schnoeker-Shorb, Yvette A. (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Angry Girl, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2019
- * Follower, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #10, Summer 1998
- * In the Time of Spirit, (pm) Spirit’s Tincture #1, August 2016
- * Nocturne, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- * Paper Cuts, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #13, Spring 1999
- * The Shadowed Mirror, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12, 2000
[]Schochet, Bob; [i.e., Robert I. Schochet] (1936-2016) (about) (chron.)
- * Bob Schochet Treatment, (cs) Man’s Magazine May 1965
- * Discovery, (ss) HQ December 1964
- * First Cum First Serve, (hu) Penthouse (US) July 2003
- * The Great Lover, (cs) Ace May 1964
- * Hard-to-Get-Gal, (hu) Pix March 1966
- * How’s That Again, (hu) Ace July 1966
- * “No, no, I’m not that kind of girl!”, (cs) Adam January 1965
- * Pop Goes the Easel, (hu) Swank December 1966
- * The Price Wasn’t Right, (hu) Ace March 1966
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Harlequin November 1963
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Knight September 1965
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Adam Bedside Reader #29 Jun 1967, Dec 1976
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Debonair #31 Feb, #32 Mar 1969
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine October 1987
[]Schochet, Victoria (fl. 1970s-1980s) (books) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Associate Editor:
* ___ Analog, 76/07 - 79/03.
- * The Berkley Showcase Vol. 1 (with John W. Silbersack), (oa) Berkley, April 1980
- * The Berkley Showcase Vol. 2 (with John W. Silbersack), (oa) Berkley, August 1980
- * The Berkley Showcase Vol. 3 (with John W. Silbersack), (oa) Berkley, January 1981
- * The Berkley Showcase Vol. 4 (with John W. Silbersack), (oa) Berkley, July 1981
- * The Berkley Showcase Vol. 5 (with Melissa Singer), (oa) Berkley, October 1982
_____, [ref.]
[]Schock, Georg; pseudonym of Katharine Riegel Loose (1877-1961) (chron.)
- * Abroad, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1912
- * Another Way Home, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1909
- * The Autumn Fan, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1909
- * Bail, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1911
- * The Christmas Child, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1906
- * A Daughter of the Soil, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine June 1903
- * Honored Guests, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1909
- * The Immortality of Gad Heffner, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1908
- * Lady of Toluca, (ss) New England Magazine June 1903
- * Male Plumage, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 1913
- * Old Eve, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1908
- * The Patient Earth, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1905
- * A Pilgrim in Beulah, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1905
- * Prisoner of the Ground, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1907
- * Reaching for the Moon, (ss) Harper’s Magazine November 1913
- * Strayed Souls, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine September 1908
- * Venus in the Fields, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1908
- * Victim of Cleanliness, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1904
- * Whom God Hath Joined, (ss) New England Magazine December 1903
[]Schoell, William (Robert) (1951- ) (chron.)
- * Bethany’s Kisses, (ss) The Scream Factory #9, Summer 1992
- * The Crazed Carrot That Consumed Peoria: Vegetables on the Attack in the Movies and on TV, (ar) Bare•Bones #5, Winter 2021
- * Don’t Dare Reject This Manuscript, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1981
- * Fishing Expedition [Wyrmwood Mythos], (ss) The Scream Factory #7, Summer 1991
- * From Outer Space to the Wild West: 60’s Televison-to-Comic-Books Adaptations, (ar) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022
- * Genre Film Comic Adaptations, (ar) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021
- * Gorgo: Godzilla’s British Cousin, (ar) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020
- * Handel’s Mess, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1996
- * Hidden Horrors, (cl) The Scream Factory #10 Aut 1992, #16 Win 1995, #17 Spr 1996
- * Hijack, (ss) New Crimes 3 ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1991
- * James Bond’s Illegitimate Cousins, (ar) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022
- * Mission: Imposterous, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1985
- * Mysteries of Unusual Suspense, (ar) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021
- * Nibblers, (ss) 2AM Winter 1989
- * Pain, (vi) 2AM Summer 1988
- * Pickman’s Children: A Study of “Subway Horror”, (ar) 2AM Spring 1992
- * Reptilicus: The Monster (Movie) with No Legs, (ar) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020
- * Things That Go Boom! in the Night: A Look at Giant Monster Novels, (ar) The Scream Factory #8, Winter 1991/1992
- * Trouble in Tinseltown, (ss) Espionage Magazine December 1986
- * Turn Those Lights Out! Lights Out and ’Way Out on Television, (ar) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022
- * TV Science Fiction Before the Zone: Those Startling Tales of Tomorrow, (ar) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022
_____, [ref.]
[]Schoen, David (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Allison & Eric, (pi) Penthouse (US) September 1994
- * Andy and Marlene, (pi) Penthouse (US) February 1981
- * April & Shannon, (pi) Penthouse (US) November 1993
- * The Body English, (pi) Penthouse (US) September 1991
- * Christa and Paul, (pi) Penthouse (US) April 1990
- * Dayna Ann, (pi) Penthouse (US) June 1997
- * Debbie, (pi) Penthouse (US) August 1984
- * The Heated Pool, (pi) Penthouse (US) January 1987
- * Incommunicado, (pi) Penthouse (US) December 1988
- * Innocence Abroad, (pi) Penthouse (US) October 1980
- * Innocence Abroad, (pi) Penthouse (UK) December 1980
- * Justine, (pi) Penthouse (US) February 1990
- * Lisa, (pi) Penthouse (US) October 1986
- * Long, Hot-Tub Summer, (pi) Penthouse (US) June 1981
- * Marlene and Brinke, (pi) Penthouse (US) July 1982
- * Matinee Idyll, (pi) Penthouse (US) December 1981
- * Michelle, (pi) Penthouse (US) March 1986
- * Other Voices, Other Rooms, (pi) Penthouse (US) August 1980
- * Other Voices, Other Rooms, (pi) Penthouse (UK) November 1980
- * A Remembrance of Flings Past, (pi) Penthouse (US) April 1986
- * Richie and Fran, (pi) Penthouse (US) May 1992
- * Ron and Lois, (pi) Penthouse (US) July 1983
- * Ron and Robin, (pi) Penthouse (US) April 1982
- * A Room of Their Own, (pi) Penthouse (US) October 1982
- * Secrets of Their Success, (pi) Penthouse (US) September 1988
- * Sharon Fitzpatrick, (pi) Penthouse (US) April 1993
- * Tami, (pi) Penthouse (US) October 1988
- * Veronica Gillespie, (pi) Penthouse (US) November 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Penthouse (UK) December 1980
- * [front cover], (cv) Penthouse (US) November 1994
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