The FictionMags Index
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[]Morrison, William; pseudonym of Joseph Samachson (1906-1980) (chron.)
- * The Addicts, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1952
- * The Ancient, (ss) Fantastic Story Quarterly Fall 1950
- * The Ardent Soul, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1954
- * Asylum, (ss) Marvel Science Fiction May 1952
- * Bad Medicine, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1941
- * The Barbarians, (ss) Future Fiction August 1941
- * Battleground, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1954
- * Bedside Manner, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1954
- * The Birds Tell Everything, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1941
- * Christmas on Mars, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1941
- * The Companions of Sirius, (ss) Captain Future Winter 1944
- * Country Doctor, (nv) Star Science Fiction Stories ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1953
- * Crossroads of the Universe, (ss) Startling Stories July 1941
- * The Cupids of Venus, (ss) Startling Stories November 1951
- * Dark Destiny, (nv) Startling Stories Spring 1955
- * The Dark Dimension, (ss) Marvel Science Fiction November 1951
- * Date of Publication, 2083 A.D., (ss) Fantastic Universe October/November 1953
- * Dead Man’s Planet, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1955
- * Death Takes Wings, (ss) G-Men Detective July 1942
- * Disappointment, (ss) Startling Stories July 1950
- * Divinity, (ss) Space Science Fiction March 1953
- * Don’t Tell the Police, (nv) Popular Detective February 1943
- * Dragon Army, (na) Fantastic Adventures November 1952
- * A Feast of Demons, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1958
- * Flight to Death, (ss) Popular Detective June 1943
- * Forgotten Danger, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures February 1953
- * Forgotten Past, (ss) Startling Stories January 1943
- * Free Land, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1949
- * Garments of Doom, (ss) Super Science Stories February 1943
- * G-Boy, (ss) G-Men Detective September 1941
- * The Gears of Time, (n.) Space Stories April 1953
- * Get Your Extra Here!, (ss) Startling Stories Summer 1944
- * Glissoire Transtemporelle, (ss) Galaxie Anticipation April 1958; translated from the English (“The Sly Bungerhop”, Galaxy Science Fiction, September 1957).
- * Good Luck Jonah, (ss) Texas Rangers February 1943
- * The Great Invasion, (ss) Startling Stories March 1943
- * G’rilla, (nv) Beyond Fantasy Fiction January 1954
- * Happy Birthday, Dear Warden, (ss) Exciting Detective Summer 1942
- * The Haters, (ss) Rocket Stories April 1953
- * The Head Hunters (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Fantastic Universe January 1956
- * Heads You Lose, (ss) Beyond Fantasy Fiction May 1954
- * Hiding Place, (ss) Fantastic Universe June 1955
- * The Hollywood Habit, (ss) Fantastic Universe April 1955
- * Hop O’ My Thumb, (ss) Super Science Stories May 1950
- * The Hunters, (ss) Space Science Fiction February 1953
- * The Inner Worlds, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1954
- * The Invincible Wrestler, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1943
- * The Joker, (ss) Fantastic Adventures December 1951
- * Killer on the Run, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories August 1953
- * Light in Darkness, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Fall 1943
- * The Lion-Hearted, (ss) Captain Future Summer 1942
- * Long Life to You, Albert, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures July 1953
- * The Luckiest Man Alive!, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly May 1952
- * The Man in the Moon, (ss) Startling Stories July 1942
- * Masters of Chance, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1941
- * Meet the Author, (bg) Startling Stories September 1942
- * Memoir, (ar) Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Press, 1980
- * Messenger, (ss) Imagination July 1954
- * The Model of a Judge, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1953
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1954 ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Fredrick Fell, 1954
- The Best Science Fiction Stories: Fifth Series ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson, 1956
- The Third Galaxy Reader ed. H. L. Gold, Doubleday, 1958
- Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Press, 1980
- Galaxy Volume 1 ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Paperbacks, 1981
- The Great SF Stories #15 (1953) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1986
- * Money from Heaven, (ss) G-Men Detective March 1942
- * The Monkey and the Typewriter, (ss) Startling Stories Fall 1943
- * Monster, (ss) Planet Stories July 1951
- * Murder Takes Nerve, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1942
- * Music of the Sphere, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1954
- * New Universe, (ss) Startling Stories July 1952
- * No Medal for Murdock, (ss) G-Men Detective Fall 1944
- * No Star’s Land, (ss) Fantastic Universe July 1954
- * Picture Bride, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1955
- * Plastic Pigskin Daze, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories March 1941
- * Playground, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1954
- * Pop and the Law, (ss) Black Book Detective May 1942
- * Return Without Scalps, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1943
- * Revenge, (ss) Space Stories December 1952
- * Runaway, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1952
- * The Sack, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction September 1950
- Astounding Science Fiction (UK) April 1951
- Tomorrow, the Stars ed. Robert A. Heinlein, Doubleday, 1952
- Science Fact/Fiction ed. Edmund J. Farrell, Thomas E. Gage, John Pfordresher & Raymond J. Rodrigues, Scott, Foresman, 1974
- Science Fiction: The Great Years, Vol. II ed. Carol & Frederik Pohl, Ace, 1976
- Perilous Planets ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1978
- The Great SF Stories: 12 (1950) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1984
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Sixth Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Crown/Bonanza, 1988
- * Santa Claus Ain’t Tough, (ss) Thrilling Detective March 1941
- * Scent of Danger (with Harry Nix), (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1952
- * The Science Stage, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; Mar, May, Jun, Aug, Nov 57, Mar, May-Jul 58.
- * Shipping Clerk, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1952
- * Skin Dupe, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1949
- * The Sly Bungerhop, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1957
- * Split Personality, (ss) Fantastic Story Magazine Winter 1954
- * Spoken For, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1955
- * Star Slave (with Harry Nix), (ss) Super Science Stories June 1951
- * Star Slugger, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1956
- * Stars Over Santa Claus, (ss) Startling Stories January 1950
- * Stepping Stone (with Frederik Pohl), (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1957
- * The Strangest Bedfellows, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1950
- * Studio Father, (ss) Family Circle January 1954
- * Task of Kayin, (ss) Planet Stories July 1953
- * Temptation, (ss) Fantastic Adventures July 1952
- * There Ought to Be a Lore, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1954
- * They Picked a Sucker, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Summer 1944
- * Thirty-Seven Dead Men, (ss) Thrilling Adventures October 1942
- * The Treasure, (ss) Captain Future Winter 1943
- * Two Worlds to Save, (na) Startling Stories September 1942
- * Undersea Snatch, (ss) Captain Future Fall 1941
- * Unwelcomed Visitor, (ss) If October 1954
- * Vermin, (ss) Fantastic Story Magazine Fall 1951
- * The Weather on Mercury, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1953
- * The Wheezers, (ss) Captain Future Summer 1943
- * When Rattlers Meet, (ss) West November 1942
- * Widow’s Choice, (ss) Texas Rangers August 1943
- * You Got Me Hypnotized, (ss) The Masked Detective Summer 1942
- * Youthful Matron, (ss) Family Circle November 1954
_____, [ref.]
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