The FictionMags Index
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[]Megargee, Lon; [i.e., Alonzo (Lon) Megargee III] (1883-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Adventure mid May 1921, Sep 10 1923
- * [front cover], (cv) Western Story Magazine Apr 14, Aug 25, Nov 10 1923, Mar 1, Jun 14, Oct 18 1924, Oct 10 1925, Apr 30 1927
- * [frontispiece], (fp) Scribner’s Magazine October 1923
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Scribner’s Magazine October 1923
[]Meggie, Gordon (fl. 1900s) (chron.)
_____, [?]
- * Confessions of Little Celebrities:
* ___ No. I.—Miss Iris Hawkins, (bg) The Royal Magazine October 1906, as by Iris Hawkins
* ___ III.—Master Lionel Ovenden (“Bino”), (bg) The Royal Magazine December 1906, as by Lionel Ovenden
* ___ No. 4.—Miss Margareta Hugosset, (bg) The Royal Magazine January 1907, as by Margareta Hugosset
- * Master Lionel Ovenden (“Bino”), (bg) The Royal Magazine December 1906, as by Lionel Ovenden
- * Miss Iris Hawkins, (bg) The Royal Magazine October 1906, as by Iris Hawkins
- * Miss Margareta Hugosset, (bg) The Royal Magazine January 1907, as by Margareta Hugosset
[]Meggy, Gordon (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Breaming in Broadland, (ar) Fry’s Magazine of Sport September 1913
- * Drawings on the Typewriter, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1904
- * Every Confidence, (ss) The Premier Magazine #119, July 29 1921
- * Foreman Bill, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1906
- * Fortunes in Furs, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1913
- * Fortunes Spent in Furs, (ar) The London Magazine February 1906
- * From King’s to Photographer’s Throne, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1904
- * How to Buld a Fishing Punt, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 25 1911
- * How to Dress Your Hair, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1914
- * How to Torture Guests, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1913
- * Humours of Golf, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 1907
- * Just as Good, (ar) The Royal Magazine March 1913
- * The Latest in Hats, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1913
- * The Lure of Lace, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine February 1914
- * Making a Mannequin, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine October 1913
- * Masters of Black and White:
* ___ Mr. Fred Pegram, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine April 1906 [Ref. Fred Pegram]
* ___ Mr. Tom Browne, R.I., (iv) Pearson’s Magazine May 1906 [Ref. Tom Browne]
* ___ III. Mr. L. Raven-Hill, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine July 1906 [Ref. Leonard Raven-Hill]
* ___ IV. Mr. G. D. Armour, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine August 1906 [Ref. G. Denholm Armour]
* ___ V. Mr. F. H. Townsend, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine October 1906 [Ref. F. H. Townsend]
* ___ VI. Mr. Cecil Aldin, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine November 1906 [Ref. Cecil Aldin]
- * Mischa Elman: The Life-Story of the Wonderful Boy Violinist, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1907 [Ref. Mischa Elman]
- * Mr. Cecil Aldin, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine November 1906 [Ref. Cecil Aldin]
- * Mr. F. H. Townsend, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine October 1906 [Ref. F. H. Townsend]
- * Mr. Fred Pegram, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine April 1906 [Ref. Fred Pegram]
- * Mr. G. D. Armour, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine August 1906 [Ref. G. Denholm Armour]
- * Mr. L. Raven-Hill, (iv) Pearson’s Magazine July 1906 [Ref. Leonard Raven-Hill]
- * Mr. Tom Browne, R.I., (iv) Pearson’s Magazine May 1906 [Ref. Tom Browne]
- * La Mode in the Making, (ar) The London Magazine July 1913
- * Mother Love Among Animals, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1907
- * “Old John Barleycorn”, (ss) The Tatler December 28 1904
- * The Rage for Ribbon, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine January 1914
- * The Secret of Smart Dressing, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1913
- * Slaves of Mankind, (ar) Gunter’s Magazine December 1906
- * What Hose!, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine April 1914
- * When Is a Man Well Dressed?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine July 1914
_____, ed.
[]Mégroz, Phyllis (1898-?) (books) (chron.)
- * A-Going, (pm) Colour February 1926
- * All Summer in a Day, (pm)
- * Black Mass, (pm) Colour November 1929
- * Carnival des Enfants, (pm) Colour December 1930
- * The Consent, (pm) Colour October 1929
- * Les Deux Jeunes Vierges, (pm) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v2 #2, 1921
- * The Ear-Rings, (ss) Colour March 1930
- * The End of Everything, (pm) Colour November/December 1923
- * Evocation (“Mors Janua Vitae”), (pm) Colour April/May 1926
- * Executioner, (ss) Voices Autumn 1921
- * Fountain, Fountain, (pm) Colour July/August 1925
- * Here Lies…, (pm) Colour August 1923
- * Invocation to Night, (pm) Colour July/August 1925
- * Leda, My Sister, (ss) Colour July/August 1925
- * Love!, (pm) Colour September 1930
- * Midnight, (pm) Colour September 1929
- * The Mirror, (ss) Colour October 1923
- * Mortality, (pm) Colour April/May 1926
- * “Not Peace, But a Sword”, (pm) Colour November 1930
- * Orexis, (pm) Colour November 1929
- * Prisoner of Time and Space, (pm) Colour October 1929
- * The Promise of Love, (pm) Colour February 1926
- * The Puzzle, (pm) Colour December 1929
- * Street Fantasy, (pm) The Story-teller August 1932
- * This Is Not I…, (pm)
- * Time Will Tell, (nv) Champion Book for Girls 1932
- * Unfulfillment, (pm) Colour November 1930
- * The Witch’s Wedding, (ss) Colour August 1923
- * The Withered Road, (pm) Colour December 1929
- * World Without End, (pm) Colour October 1930
- * You That I Love, (pm) Colour October 1929
_____, trans.
- * The Accuser by Jules Claretie, (ss)
- * Angela by Émile Zola, (ss)
- * The Cough by Catulle Mendès, (ss) Number 56 and Other Stories by Catulle Mendès, tr. Phyllis Mégroz, T. Werner Laurie, 1929; translated from the French (“La peur dans l’île”, L’Écho de Paris, September 14, 1892).
- * Croisilles by Alfred de Musset, (ss)
- * The Cross by Joseph Kessel, (ss) The Evening Standard May 22 1934; translated from the French.
- * Luscignole by Catulle Mendès, (na) Number 56 and Other Stories by Catulle Mendès, tr. Phyllis Mégroz, T. Werner Laurie, 1929; translated from the French (“Luscignole”, L’Écho de Paris, January 8 to February 2, 1892).
- * Mimi Pinson by Alfred de Musset, (ss)
- * Number 56 by Catulle Mendès, (na) Number 56 and Other Stories by Catulle Mendès, tr. Phyllis Mégroz, T. Werner Laurie, 1929; translated from the French (“Rue des Filles-Dieu, 56 ou L’Héautonparatéroumène”, L’Éclair, January 15, 16, 17, 18, 1893).
- * Number 56 and Other Stories by Catulle Mendès, (co) T. Werner Laurie, 1929
- * The Open Door by Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, (ss) The Evening Standard June 23 1933; translated from the French.
- * The Silence of Jacques Fargeon by Paul Bourget, (ss)
- * Véra by Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, (ss)
- * El Verdugo by Honoré de Balzac, (ss)
- * A Wayside Village by Catulle Mendès, (nv) Number 56 and Other Stories by Catulle Mendès, tr. Phyllis Mégroz, T. Werner Laurie, 1929; translated from the French (“Un Village Près de la Route”, L’Écho de Paris, August 10, 17 & 24, 1892).
[]Mégroz, R(odolphe) L(ouís) (1891-1968) (about) (chron.)
- * Ad Perpetuam rei Memoriam, (pm) To-Day September 1921
- * Conrad’s Craftsmanship, (ar) This Quarter July/August/September 1931 [Ref. Joseph Conrad]
- * December, (ss) Thrills, Crimes and Mysteries, Associated Newspapers, 1935
- * The Disappearance of George Wake, (ss) Thrills, Crimes and Mysteries, Associated Newspapers, 1935
- * The Fluke Cannon, (ss) Full Score ed. T. I. Fytton Armstrong, Rich & Cowan, 1933
- * Fruitless Desire, (pm) To-Day June 1920
- * A Hind in Richmond Park, (br) Colour November 1922
- * Imagination in Business, (lt) To-Day November 1919
- * The Immortal Clown, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1937
- * John Hancock: Artist-Prophet, (ar) To-Day September 1922 [Ref. John Hancock]
- * Love’s Temperance, (pm) Colour August 1926
- * The Master of Nonsense, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1938 [Ref. Edward Lear]
- * A Mood, (pm) Colour August 1926
- * My Lady’s Throat, (pm) Colour December 1921
- * A Questioning, (pm) Colour August 1926
- * Red Foam (with Hedda Vesely), (ss) Masterpieces of Thrills, Daily Express, 1936
- * Reflections of a Bookman, (br) Colour Dec 1925, Feb, Mar, Apr/May, Aug 1926, Jan 1927
- * Second Thoughts, (pm) This Quarter March 1932
- * Silence, (pm) To-Day June 1922
- * Song (dedicated to P.M.), (pm) Colour October 1922
- * Traveller’s Dread, (pm) Colour April/May 1926
- * Two Books Worth Reading, (br) Colour May/June 1923
- * Vilanelle, (pm) Colour September 1922
- * A Villanelle on My Lady’s Laughter, (pm) Colour January 1925
- * Vision and Television, (ss)
- * Vow, (pm) Colour April/May 1926
- * Wake up and Dream, (ar) The Passing Show May 28 1932
[]Megrue, Roi Cooper (1882-1927) (about) (chron.)
- * Double Cross, (pl) The Smart Set August 1911
- * The First Three Acts Are the Hardest (with Katharine Sprochrule), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 16 1926
- * Going Across, (ss) Young’s Magazine October 1907
- * “Honors Are Even”, (pl) Smith’s Magazine December 1921
- * Interviewed, (pl) The Smart Set November 1910
- * New York Stage Successes:
* ___ VII.—Tea for Three, (pl) Smith’s Magazine February 1919
* ___ “Honors Are Even”, (pl) Smith’s Magazine December 1921
- * The Same Old Thing, (pl) The Smart Set November 1909
- * The Soul of a Zephyr, a Prose Pastel, (ms) Metropolitan Magazine November 1900
- * Tea for Three, (pl) Smith’s Magazine February 1919
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