The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7067
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[]Massey, Gerald (1828-1907) (chron.)
- * The Bright Side, (pm) The Argosy #534, February 25 1893
- * “England, My England”, (pm)
- * For Christie’s Sake, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly March 1860, uncredited.
- * Hope On, Hope Ever, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 19 1898
- * Life’s Events, (pm) , uncredited.
- * Onward, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 17 1883
- * Our Fairy Ring, (pm)
- * Protoplasm (Philosopher Loquitor in His Frankest Mood), (pm) Cassell’s Magazine April 13 1872
- * Root and Flower, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1890
- * The Three Preachers, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 2 1883
- * To-Day and To-Morrow, (pm)
- * To-day and To-morrow, (ex) My Lyrical Life: Second Series by Gerald Massey, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1889, as by Gerald Massey
- * Together, (pm)
- * The Wee White Rose, (pm)
- * When Christie Comes, (sg) Wide Awake July 1883, music by Louis Maas; edited by Louis C. Elson
- * When I Come Home, (pm) Poems and Ballads by Gerald Massey, J.C. Derby, 1854, as by Gerald Massey
- * The World Is Full of Beauty, (pm)
[]Massey, Misty (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Flying Away Home, (ss) Dragon’s Lure ed. Jennifer Ross, Danielle Ackley-McPhail & Jeffrey Lyman, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- * Introduction (with Emily Lavin Leverett & Margaret S. McGraw), (in) Lawless Lands ed. Emily Lavin Leverett, Margaret S. McGraw & Misty Massey, Falstaff Books, 2017
- * Pen’s Bracer, (ss) Submerged ed. S. C. Butler & Joshua Palmatier, Zombies Need Brains, 2017
- * When the Animals Come, (ss) Outer Darkness #20, Autumn 1999
_____, ed.
[]Massey, Sujata (Banerjee) (1964- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Convenience Boy, (nv) Tart Noir ed. Stella Duffy & Lauren Henderson, Prime Crime, 2002
- * The Deepest Blue, (ss) Murder Most Crafty ed. Maggie Bruce, Penguin US, 2005
- * Goodwood Gardens, (nv) Baltimore Noir ed. Laura Lippman, Akashic Books, 2006
- * Introduction, (ss) Chesapeake Crimes 3 ed. Donna Andrews & Marcia Talley, Wildside Press, 2008
- * Junior High Samurai [Rei Shimura], (ss) Malice Domestic 10 ed. Nevada Barr, Avon, 2001
- * Laura Lippman Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #18, May/June 2007 [Ref. Laura Lippman]
- * Live Bait, (ss) Once Upon a Crime ed. Gary R. Bush & Chris Everheart, Nodin Press, 2009
- * The Mayor’s Movie, (ss) Politics Noir ed. Gary Phillips, Verso, 2008
_____, [ref.]
[]Massie, Chris (1880-1964) (about) (chron.)
- * Ex-Service, (ss) The English Review October 1921
- * A Fragment of Fact, (ss) World Review February 1951
- * A Grocer in Heaven, (ss) Colour February 1926
- * Hunger, (pm) Colour January 1927
- * A Last Love Song, (pm) Colour November 1928
- * Mad Dick Doesn’t Mind, (pm) Colour January 1927
- * The Perfect Fool and the Plain Lady (A Fantasy), (ss) Colour April/May 1926
- * Romance, (pm) Colour April/May 1926
- * A Sex Fantasy, (ss) The Popular May 1937
- * Spotlight, (vi) The 20-Story Magazine #140, February 1934
- * This, That, and the Other, (cl) Colour Jan 1927, Nov 1928
- * When Bethnel Green Was Green Bethnel: A Slum Idyll, (ss) Colour August 1926
- * Young Chelsea, (ss) Colour August 1926
[]Massie, Elizabeth (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- * 18P37-C, After Andrea Was Arrested, (ss) Qualia Nous ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2014
- * Abed, (ss) Still Dead ed. John M. Skipp & Craig Spector, Bantam, 1992
- * And Baby, You Can Sleep While I Drive, (ss) What Fears Become ed. Jeani Rector, Imajin Books, 2011
- * Arrangements, (ss)
- * Assault, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1986
- * Bargain Basement, (ss) Grave Tales #5, 2008
- * Bargains at Binsley’s, (ss) The Horror Show January 1987
- * The Bath, (ss) Threshold of Fantasy #2, Winter 1985/1986
- * Beggars at Dawn, (ss) Appalachian Winter Hauntings ed. Michael Knost & Mark Justice, Woodland Press, 2009
- * Black River #1, (pm) Chiral Mad 3 ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2016
- * Black River #2, (pm) Chiral Mad 3 ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2016
- * Blessed Sleep, (vi) 2AM Fall 1987
- * Brazo de Dios, (ss) Borderlands 3 ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 1993
- * The Camosite, (ss) Deathrealm: Spirits ed. Stephen Mark Rainey, Shortwave Media, 2023
- * Christmas at the Pattersons, (ss) Christmas Horror Volume 2 ed. Chris Morey, Dark Regions Press, 2017
- * Come Unto Me, (ss) A Dark and Deadly Valley ed. Mike Heffernan, Silverthought Press, 2007
- * Crow, Cat, Cow, Child, (nv) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press, 1996
- * Daddy Man, (ss) The Blood Review October 1989
- * Damaged Goods, (ss) Hottest Blood ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1993
- * Dance of the Spirit Untouched, (ss) Footsteps #8, November 1987
- * Dancin’ Man, (ss) Not One of Us #9, June 1992
- * Day Is Done, Gone the Sun, (ss) ChiZine #9, July/September 2001
- * Death at Eleven, (ss) Gauntlet #3, 1992
- * The Devil’s Yo-Yo, (ss) Cemetery Dance #63, 2010
- * Dibs, (nv) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press, 1996
- * Dizzyworld, (ss) Portents #2, 1986
- * Donald Meets Arnold, (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine August 2004
- * Dust Cover, (ss) The Horror Show Summer 1984
- * The Dwindle-Light, (ss) Perdition Press #0, Spring 1988
- * Escape, (vi) New Blood Winter 1989
- * Fear of Fish, (ss) Widowmakers ed. Pete Kahle, CreateSpace, 2014
- * The Fear Report, (co) Bloodletting Press, 13 2004
- * The Fear Report, (ss) The Blood Review April 1990
- * Fence Line, (ss) Joe R. Lansdale’s Lords of the Razor ed. Bill Sheehan & William Schafer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * Fire, (ss) Darkness on the Edge ed. Harrison Howe, PS Publishing, 2010
- * Fisherman Joe, (ss) Thunder’s Shadow Collector’s Magazine August 1995
- * Fixtures of Matchstick Men and Joo, (na) Revelations ed. Douglas E. Winter, C.D. Publications, 1997
- * Flip Flap, (ss) ChiZine #16, April/June 2003
- * Forever, Amen, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2001
- * For the Holidays, (pm) Grue #11, Winter 1990
- * From Darkness, Emerged, Returned [C. Auguste Dupin], (nv) Beyond Rue Morgue ed. Paul Kane & Charles Prepolec, Titan, 2013
- * Give to Me Your Leather, (ss) The Drive-In: Multiplex ed. Christopher Golden & Brian Keene, Pandi Press, 2023
- * Harvest Home, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf, 2005 [Ref. Thomas Tryon]
- * Honey Girls on Line, (ss) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press, 1996
- * Hooked on Buzzer, (ss) Women of Darkness ed. Kathryn Ptacek, Tor, 1988
- * Hot Orgy of the Caged Virgins, (ss) Iniquities Spring 1991
- * I Am Not My Smell, (ss) 1994
- * If This Is December, Those Must Be Coconut Cranberry Cookies, (aw) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006
- * I Have a Little Shadow, (ss) Imagination Fully Dilated ed. Alan M. Clark & Elizabeth Engstrom, Cemetery Dance, 1998
- * Inside Out, (ss)
- * In the Cow Pasture, (ss) Argonaut #13, 1987
- * Journal of a Headhunter, (vi) Sycophant #3, May 1987
- * The Landlock (with Erin Massie), (nv) Dream Science Fiction #19, Spring 1989
- * Learning to Give, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #3, March 1994
- * Lock Her Room, (ss) Dead End: City Limits ed. Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva, St. Martin's, 1991
- * The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, (ar) Cinema Futura ed. Mark Morris, PS Publishing, 2010
- * Mansion of Mysteries, (ss) Dementia #1, 1986
- * Meat, (ss) The Tome #10, Summer 1992
- * The Merry Music of Madness (with Brian Massie), (ss) Great Writers & Kids Write Spooky Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Jill M. Morgan & Robert Weinberg, Random House, 1995
- * M Is for the Many Things, (ss) A Whisper of Blood ed. Ellen Datlow, Morrow, 1991
- * Miss Dowdy, (ss) Portents ed. Al Sarrantonio, Flying Fox Publishers, 2011
- * Mr. Potato Head, (ss) The Horror Zine’s Book of Ghost Stories ed. Jeani Rector, Hellbound Books, 2020
- * My Favorite Halloween Memory:
* ___ The Witch of Walnut, (ar) October Dreams II ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2015
- * The Next-Door Collector, (nv) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006
- * No Solicitors, Curious a Quarter, (ss) Deathrealm #15, Fall/Winter 1991
- * Los Penitentes, (ss) Exotic Gothic 2 ed. Danel Olson, Ash-Tree Press, 2008
- * Pinkie, (ss) The Little Magenta Book of Mean Stories by Elizabeth Massie, Borderlands Press, 2005
- * Pisspot Bay, (ss) The Last Pentacle of the Sun: Writings in Support of the West Memphis Three ed. M. W. Anderson & Brett Alexander Savory, Arsenal Pulp Press, 2004
- * Pit Boy, (ss) Outsiders ed. Nancy Holder & Nancy Kilpatrick, Roc, 2005
- * Products of the Past, (ss) Twisted #1, Spring 1985
- * Pseudofiction (with Brian Hodge, Jeffry W. Johnston, Andrew Lynch, Yvonne Navarro, Jeffrey Osier, Stephen Mark Rainey, David Niall Wilson & Amy Wimberger), (ss) The Tome #10, Summer 1992
- * The Reclamation of Sweeney Todd, (ss) After Hours Winter 1995
- * Sanctuary of the Shrinking Soul, (ss) Obsessions ed. Gary Raisor, Dark Harvest, 1991
- * The Scariest Book I’ve Ever Read, (ar) The Tome #3, 1990
- * Shadow Dreams, (co) Silver Salamander Press, 1996
- * Shadow of the Valley, (nv) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press, 1996
- * Show and Hell, (pm) Grue #7, 1988
- * Sick’Un, (ss) Bringing Down the Moon ed. Jani Anderson, Space & Time, 1985
- * Silver Slut—and So It Begins, (ss) Chicks in Capes ed. Lori Gentile & Karen O'Brien, Moonstone, 2011
- * Sineater, (ex) Footsteps #9, July 1990; from the forthcoming novel of the same name (Pan, 1992).
- * Sineater, (ex) Pan, 1992
- * Sister, Shhh…, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories by Women ed. Marie O'Regan, Robinson, 2012
- * Slip of the Mind, (vi) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Smoothpicks, (vi) Deathrealm #7, Fall/Winter 1988
- * Snow Day, (vi) Not One of Us #12, August 1994
- * Southern Discomfort, (co) Dark Regions Press, 1993
- * Squatters, (ss) Shrieks and Shivers from the Horror Zine ed. Jeani Rector, Post Mortem Press, 2014
- * Stephen, (nv) Borderlands ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Avon, 1990
- The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1991
- Best New Horror 2 ed. Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, Robinson, 1991
- The Fear Report, Bloodletting Press, 2004
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume Two: 1951-2000 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012
- The Horror Hall of Fame: The Stoker Winners ed. Joe R. Lansdale, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2012
- * Stinkin’ Rudy, (ss) The Tome #4, 1990
- * The Substance of Belief (with Margaret Ballif Simon), (ss) Chiral Mad 4 ed. Michael Bailey & Lucy A. Snyder, Written Backwards, 2018
- * Sweet Kitty, (vi) Grue #3, 1986
- * Teacher’s Pet, (vi) Footsteps #5, April 1985
- * Thanks, (ss) Lore v1 #9, 1998
- * That Old Timer Rock and Roll, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- * Thundersylum, (ss) The Horror Show Summer 1985
- * Tintype, (ss) Dark Discoveries #25, Autumn 2013
- * Topsy-Turvy, (ss) Fantastic Tales of Terror ed. Eugene Johnson, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
- * To Soothe the Savage Beast, (ss) The Horror Show Fall 1987
- * What Happened When Mosby Paulson Had Her Painting Reproduced on the Cover of the Phone Book, (ss) Voices from the Night ed. John Maclay, Maclay & Associates, 1994
- * White Hair, We Adore, (nv) Shadow Dreams, Darkside Press, 1996
- * Whittler, (vi) The Horror Show Winter 1984
- * The Wills and the Way, (ss) The Horror Show Spring 1990
- * Willy Wonka and the L. Walker Biofair, (ss) The Horror Show Fall 1987
- * The Witch of Walnut, (ar) October Dreams II ed. Richard Chizmar & Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2015
- * … You Get What You Need (with Brian Hodge, Roberta Lannes & Jay Russell), (nv) Event Horizon December 5 1998
_____, [ref.]
- * A Conversation with Elizabeth Massie by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Cemetery Dance #50, 2004
- * Elizabeth Massie, (iv) The Horror Show Fall 1987
- * A Graveside Chat with Elizabeth Massie by James Robert Smith, (iv) Deathrealm #15, Fall/Winter 1991
- * Interview: Elizabeth Massie by Christina Kiplinger-Johns, (iv) City Slab #2, 2003
- * Interview: Elizabeth Massie by Jeff Heimbuch, (iv) LampLight June 2013
- * An Interview with Elizabeth Massie by James R. Beach, (iv) Dark Discoveries Winter 2006
- * Elizabeth Massie Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1994
- * Sineater by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #63, September 1992
- * Southern Discomfort: The Selected Works of Elizabeth Massie by Douglas E. Winter, (br) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Summer 1994
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