The FictionMags Index
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[]Korn, Michael F(rederick) (1958- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Aliens and Minibikes, (nv) Startling Science Stories #9, April 1998
- * And Now, the Wizard of Gore, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #43, December 1998
- * An Antediluvian Anthology, (vi) Weird Stories #22, July 1998
- * Catch of the Century, (ss) The Spectral Carnival Show and Other Stories by M. F. Korn, Golden Meteorite Press Limited, 1998
- * The Cobalt-Frog Ordeal, (vi) Weird Stories #15, December 1997
- * A Digging in Providence, (vi) The Spectral Carnival Show and Other Stories by M. F. Korn, Golden Meteorite Press Limited, 1998
- * Going on a Submarine Ride, (vi) The Spectral Carnival Show and Other Stories by M. F. Korn, Golden Meteorite Press Limited, 1998
- * The Great Find of the Nontraditional Computer Cowboys, (ss) The Midnight Gallery #2, Spring 1997
- * Headlock, (vi) Startling Science Stories #17, December 1998
- * How Soothing Are My Anachronisms, (vi) The Spectral Carnival Show and Other Stories by M. F. Korn, Golden Meteorite Press Limited, 1998
- * I’m Your Biggest Fan, Mr Brahms, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #32, January 1998
- * Is There Life on Mars? (with Mike Philbin), (ss) Redsine #10, October 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * Jimbob Goes to Mars, (ss) Vision #9, 1991
- * Letters from Skitzo, (ss) Forbidden Lines #5, Summer 1991
- * Mr Konstantin’s Visitors (with David Mathew), (ss) The Dream Zone #12, June 2002
- * Murder at the Wal-Mart, (ss) Premonitions #4, Winter 1994/1995
- * An Off-World Tragedy, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #3, Spring 1996
- * The Old Man & the Cyborg, (ss) Vision #8, 1991
- * One Day at a Time (with Mike Philbin), (ss) Redsine #8, April 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * One of Dr. Radner’s Patients on Xenobe, (ss) Premonitions #2, Summer 1993
- * Rags to Riches to Hell, (vi) Weird Stories #24, September 1998
- * Scrawlings Concerning the Trick-That-Could-Not-Be-Explained, (vi) Weird Stories #21, June 1998
- * The Sixth Degree (with D. F. Lewis & Mike Philbin), (ar) Underworlds #1, December 2002
- * Special Delivery—Deep Space—Handle with Care, (ss) Premonitions #1, Winter 1992
- * Three Rednecks and an Android-Shell (with Mike Philbin), (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002, as by Hertzan Chimera & Michael F. Korn
- * The Trouble with Xenodes, (na) Weird Stories #16 Jan, #17 Feb 1998
- * Well, It Ain’t Jersey!, (vi) Sweet Dreams, Baby! #1, May 1990
_____, [ref.]
[]Kornbluth, C. M.; [i.e., Cyril Kornbluth] (1923-1958); used pseudonyms Gabriel Barclay, Edward J. Bellin, Arthur Cooke, Cecil Corwin, Walter C. Davies, Simon Eisner, Kenneth Falconer, S. D. Gottesman, Cyril Judd, Paul Dennis Lavond, Scott Mariner, F. Stanislaus Prosody & Ivar Towers (about) (chron.)
- * The Advent on Channel Twelve, (vi) Star Science Fiction Stories No. 4 ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1958
- * The Adventurer, (ss) Space Science Fiction May 1953
- * The Adventurers, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1955
- * The Altar at Midnight, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1952
- Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) v3 #3, 1953
- Prize Science Fiction ed. Donald A. Wollheim, McBride, 1953
- Best SF Two ed. Edmund Crispin, Faber and Faber, 1956
- Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales ed. Isaac Asimov & Groff Conklin, Collier Books, 1963
- Speculations ed. Thomas E. Sanders, Glencoe Press, 1973
- Is There Life on Earth? ed. Peter D. Moss, Rigby, 1975
- The End of Summer ed. Barry N. Malzberg & Bill Pronzini, Ace, 1979
- The Great SF Stories #14 (1952) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1986
- * Beer-Bottle Polka [Tim Skeat], (ss) Black Mask September 1946
- * Before the Universe [Clair & Gaynor] (with Frederik Pohl), (nv) Super Science Stories July 1940, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * Best Friend (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Super Science Novels Magazine May 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * Blood on the Campus, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1948
- * The Brooklyn Eye [Tim Skeat], (ss) Black Mask November 1946
- * Callistan Tomb (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly #3, Spring 1941, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * Il Cannone Quacquero (with Frederik Pohl), (nv) Nova SF (Italy) v1 #1, May 1967; translated from the English (“The Quaker Cannon”, Analog August 1961) by Ugo Malaguti.
- * The Castle on Outerplanet (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Stirring Science Stories April 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * Chant of the Black Magicians, (pm) The Phantagraph December 1944
- * The City in the Sofa, (ss) Cosmic Stories July 1941, as by Cecil Corwin
- * The Core, (nv) Future Combined with Science Fiction April 1942, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Cosmic Charge Account, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1956
- * The Cosmic Expense Account, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1956, as "The Cosmic Charge Account"
- * Crime on His Hands, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1947
- * Crisis!, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly #6, Spring 1942, as by Cecil Corwin
- * Critical Mass (with Frederik Pohl), (nv) Galaxy Magazine February 1962
- * Cure for Killers (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine February 1943, as by Scott Mariner
- * Dead Center, (nv) Stirring Science Stories February 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * Dimension of Darkness, (ss) Cosmic Stories May 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Dip Detail, (ss) Private Eye July 1953
- * Dominoes, (ss) Star Science Fiction Stories ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1953
- * The Education of Tigress Macardle, (ss) Venture Science Fiction July 1957
- Venture Science Fiction (UK) #6, February 1964
- No Limits ed. Joseph W. Ferman, Ballantine, 1964
- 13 Above the Night ed. Groff Conklin, Dell, 1965
- Marriage and the Family Through Science Fiction ed. Val Clear, Martin H. Greenberg, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick, St. Martin's, 1976
- Science Fiction of the Fifties ed. Martin Harry Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Avon, 1979
- The Great SF Stories #19 (1957) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1989
- Robots ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL Signet, 1989
- * Einstein’s Planetoid (with Robert A. W. Lowndes & Frederik Pohl), (nv) Science Fiction Quarterly #6, Spring 1942, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * The Embassy (with Donald A. Wollheim), (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1942, as by Martin Pearson
- A Treasury of Science Fiction ed. Groff Conklin, Crown, 1948, as by Martin Pearson
- Mars, We Love You ed. Jane Hipolito & Willis E. McNelly, Doubleday, 1971, as by Donald A. Wollheim
- Yesterday’s Tomorrows ed. Frederik Pohl, Berkley, 1982, as by Donald A. Wollheim
- * The Engineer (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Infinity Science Fiction February 1956
- * Error in Guinea Pigs, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine February 1942, as by Walter C. Davies
- * The Events Leading Down to the Tragedy, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1958
- * Everybody Knows Joe, (vi) Fantastic Universe October/November 1953
- * Exiles of New Planet (with Robert A. W. Lowndes & Frederik Pohl), (ss) Astonishing Stories April 1941, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * The Extrapolated Dimwit [Clair & Gaynor] (with Robert A. W. Lowndes & Frederik Pohl), (nv) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1942, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Failure of the Science Fiction Novel as Social Criticism, (ar) The Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Criticism ed. Earl Kemp (unattributed), Advent, 1959; based on a lecture delivered 11-Jan-1957 at University College, the University of Chicago.
- * Ye Fantasie Bookes, (cl) The Science Fiction Fan March 1940
- * The Finger Job, (ss) Famous Detective Stories February 1951
- * Fire-Power, (nv) Cosmic Stories July 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * Forgotten Tongue, (ss) Stirring Science Stories June 1941, as by Walter C. Davies
- * .45 Motives for Murder, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1946
- * Friend to Man, (ss) 10 Story Fantasy Spring 1951
- * A Funny Article on the Convention, (ar) Escape September 1939
- * A Gentle Dying (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Galaxy Magazine June 1961
- * A Ghoul and His Money, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1946
- * The Gift of Garigolli (with Frederik Pohl), (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1974
- Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine (UK) August 1974
- The Best from Galaxy, Volume III ed. James Baen, Award, 1975
- The 1975 Annual World’s Best SF ed. Donald A. Wollheim & Arthur W. Saha, DAW, 1975
- Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Press, 1980
- Galaxy: The Best of My Years ed. James Baen, Ace, 1980
- Galaxy Volume 2 ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Paperbacks, 1981
- * Gladiator at Law (with Frederik Pohl), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction Jun, Jul, Aug 1954
- * Goldbrick Solitaire, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1948
- * The Golden Road, (nv) Stirring Science Stories March 1942, as by Cecil Corwin
- * Gomez, (nv) The Explorers by C. M. Kornbluth, Ballantine, 1954
- New Worlds Science Fiction #32, February 1955
- A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, Volume One ed. Anthony Boucher, Doubleday, 1959
- Argosy (UK) September 1970
- Themes in Science Fiction ed. Leo P. Kelley, McGraw-Hill, 1972
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1973
- The Ascent of Wonder ed. David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, Tor, 1994
- * The Goodly Creatures, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1952
- * Grave, (pm) The Phantagraph May 1940
- * Gravy Planet (with Frederik Pohl), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction Jun, Jul, Aug 1952
- * Gunner Cade (with Judith Merril), (n.) Astounding Science Fiction Mar, Apr, May 1952, as by Cyril Judd
- * A Hint of Henbane (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1961
- * Homicidal Hypo-Man, (ss) All-Story Detective June 1949
- * The Ill-Advised Abracadabrations of Magus Heslich, (vi) Cosmic Tales March 1939
- * The Indefatigible Minimum, (vi) The Phantagraph June 1940, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * I Never Ast No Favors, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1954
- * Interference, (ss) Cosmic Stories July 1941, as by Walter C. Davies
- * Iteration, (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories September/October 1950
- * Jump-Out-of-Bed, (pm) The Phantagraph April 1941, as by F. Stanislaus Prosody
- * Kazam Collects, (ss) Stirring Science Stories June 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Kill Department, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1947
- * King Cole of Pluto, (nv) Super Science Stories May 1940, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Last Man Left in the Bar, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction October 1957
- * The Little Black Bag, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction July 1950
- Beyond the End of Time ed. Frederik Pohl, Permabooks, 1952
- Great Science Fiction About Doctors ed. Groff Conklin & Noah D. Fabricant, Collier Books, 1963
- Time Probe ed. Arthur C. Clarke, Delacorte, 1966
- Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One ed. Robert Silverberg, Doubleday, 1970
- Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Vol. 2 ed. Robert Silverberg, Sphere, 1972
- Science Fiction: The Great Years ed. Carol & Frederik Pohl, Ace, 1973
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Doubleday, 1973
- The Liberated Future ed. Robert Hoskins, Fawcett Crest, 1974
- The Best Horror Stories, Hamlyn, 1977
- The Great SF Stories: 12 (1950) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1984
- Analog: The Best of Science Fiction, Galahad, 1985
- Robert Silverberg’s Worlds of Wonder ed. Robert Silverberg, Warner, 1987
- Rod Serling’s Night Gallery Reader ed. Carol Serling, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Dembner, 1987
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Sixth Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Crown/Bonanza, 1988
- Intensive Scare ed. Karl Edward Wagner, DAW, 1990
- * The Luckiest Man in Denv, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1952, as by Simon Eisner
- Shadow of Tomorrow ed. Frederik Pohl, Permabooks, 1953, as by Simon Eisner
- Cities of Wonder ed. Damon Knight, Doubleday, 1966
- Nightmare Age ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1970
- Hot & Cold Running Cities ed. Georgess McHargue, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974
- Alpha 7 ed. Robert Silverberg, Berkley Medallion, 1977
- Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology ed. Patricia S. Warrick, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Harper & Row, 1978
- Science Fiction Stories ed. Tom Boardman, Jr., Octopus Books, 1979
- * Make Mine Mars, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures November 1952
- * The Marching Morons, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1951
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1952 ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Fredrick Fell, 1952
- The Best Science Fiction Stories: Third Series ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson, 1953
- Shadow of Tomorrow ed. Frederik Pohl, Permabooks, 1953
- Spectrum 4 ed. Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965
- Dimension X ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1970
- Nightmare Age ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1970
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two A ed. Ben Bova, Doubleday, 1973
- Modern Science Fiction ed. Norman Spinrad, Anchor, 1974
- Dimension X (var. 1) ed. Damon Knight, Coronet, 1974
- Looking Ahead ed. Dick & Lori Allen, HBJ, 1975
- The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1980
- Omni October 1980
- Omni (UK) v3 #1, 1980
- The Great SF Stories #13 (1951) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1985
- Fantastic Chicago ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Chicon V, 1991
- Science Fiction Gems, Volume 2 ed. Gregory J. Luce, Armchair Fiction, 2011
- * Mars Child (with Judith Merril), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction May, Jun, Jul 1951, as by Cyril Judd
- * Mars-Tube (with Frederik Pohl), (nv) Astonishing Stories September 1941, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Martians Are Coming (with Robert A. W. Lowndes & Donald A. Wollheim), (ss) Cosmic Stories March 1941, as by Robert A. W. Lowndes
- * The Mask of Demeter (with Donald A. Wollheim), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1953, as by Cecil Corwin & Martin Pearson; expanded by Wollheim from a sketch written by Kornbluth and published without his permission. first appeared in Spanish (“La mascara de Demetrio”, Los Cuentos Fantasticos, #29, November 1950).
- * Masquerade, (ss) Stirring Science Stories March 1942, as by Kenneth Falconer
- * The Meddlers, (vi) Science Fiction Adventures September 1953
- * The Meeting (with Frederik Pohl), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1972
- * The Mindworm, (ss) Worlds Beyond December 1950
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1951 ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Fredrick Fell, 1951
- The Best Science Fiction Stories: Second Series ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson, 1952
- Science Fantasy #16, 1955
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) March 1960
- Boris Karloff’s Favorite Horror Stories ed. Boris Karloff, Avon, 1965
- The Mindworm, Tandem, 1967
- One Hundred Years of Science Fiction ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1968
- Mind to Mind ed. Robert Silverberg, Thomas Nelson US, 1971
- One Hundred Years of Science Fiction, Book Two ed. Damon Knight, Pan, 1972
- Approaches to Science Fiction ed. Donald L. Lawler, Houghton Mifflin, 1978
- The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Barry N. Malzberg, Arbor House, 1981
- The Great SF Stories: 12 (1950) ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1984
- Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Barry N. Malzberg, A&W/Galahad, 1985
- Vampires ed. Alan Ryan, SFBC, 1987
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Sixth Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Crown/Bonanza, 1988
- Great Vampires & Other Horrors, Chancellor Press, 1992
- Weird Vampire Tales ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Gramercy, 1992
- A Century of Science Fiction 1950-1959 ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1997
- Aliens Among Us ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Ace, 2000
- * The Mirrors of Hell, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1946, as by Kenneth Falconer
- * Mr. Packer Goes to Hell [Peter Packer], (nv) Stirring Science Stories June 1941, as by Cecil Corwin
- * The M-Job, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1947
- * Montage, (vi) The Phantagraph May/June 1941, as by F. Stanislaus Prosody
- * MS. Found in a Chinese Fortune Cookie, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1957
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