The FictionMags Index
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[]Kent, Mal; possibly a pseudonym of Robert A. W. Lowndes (1916-1998) (chron.)
- * Black Crow, Black Vengeance, (vi) Famous Western April 1950
- * Boothill Pride, (ss) Double Action Western July 1954
- * Ghosts in His Gloves, (ss) Super Sports March 1950
- * Hot-Lead Dilemma, (ss) Fighting Western August 1949
- * A Hot Time in Tucson, (hu) Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine May 1948
- * I Dived for You, (ss) Super Sports January 1950
- * The Last Four Kings, (ss) Dime Western Magazine June 1948
- * The Last-Stand Kid, (nv) Sports Winners October 1951
- * Lawman on a String, (ss) Double Action Western September 1954
- * No-Hit Trial, (ss) All Sports October 1949
- * The Slay’s the Thing, (ss) Famous Detective Stories November 1951
- * The Stand-Off Kid, (ss) Sports Fiction September 1949
- * A Streak Down His Back, (ss) Famous Western December 1949
- * The Taking of Baby Clayne, (ss) Famous Western October 1949
- * Winds of Chance, (ss) Real Western Stories December 1950
[]Kent, Margaret; [born Ellen Louisa Margaret Hatwell] (1894-1978) (about) (chron.)
- * Adventure in the Pyrenees, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1960
- * Birds—Large and Small, (ar) Premier Book for Boys 1961
- * A Crossword Puzzle, (pz) A Supreme Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1973
- * A Crossword Puzzle, (pz) A Supreme Book for Girls, Dean & Son, 1973
- * Hidden Names of Wild Flowers, (pz) Favourite Annual for Boys 1958
- * The King Who Wanted to Be a Detective, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1962
- * The King Who Wanted to Sing, (ss) Super Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1965
- * Mending Day, (ss) A New Ideal Book for Children 1974
- * Much ado about Lamp-Posts, (ar) A New Ideal Book for Children 1971
- * Oblique Puzzle, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1961
- * A Puzzle in Verse, (pm) Favourite Annual for Boys 1958
- * The Queen’s Hairpins, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1961
- * Skylarks to the Rescue, (ss) Cherry Ames Girls Annual 1962
- * Some Curious Islands, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1960
- * Some Tree Lore, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1961
- * Which “Win” Is It?, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1961
- * The White Elephant, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 1972
- * Word Diamond, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1958, 1959
- * Word Diamond, (pz) Favourite Annual for Boys 1959, 1960
- * Word Ladder, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1958, 1959
- * Word Puzzle, (pz) Favourite Annual for Boys 1959
- * Word Square, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1959
- * Word Square, (pz) Favourite Annual for Boys 1960
[]Kent, May (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Christmas Party of the Four Winds, (ss) New Leisure Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1968
- * The Land of Make-Believe, (ss) Our Own Story Book, Dean & Son, 1970
- * Mary Rescues Tobykins, (ss) Our Little Story Book, Dean & Son, 1969
- * The Pixies’ Carnival, (ss) Happy Tales, Dean & Son, 1969
[]Kent, Michael; pseudonym of James Chapman Andrews (1881-1957) (chron.)
- * According to Enoch, (ss) The Red Magazine November 6 1925
- * Across the Threshold, (ss) The Blue Magazine #21, March 1921
- * An Act of God, (ss) The Red Magazine February 13 1925
- * The Act of Oblivion, (ss) The Red Magazine July 13 1928
- * All in a Garden Fair, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #102, August 7 1925
- * All Is Not Fair!, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1931
- * All Walford’s Fault, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1924
- * An Angel’s Visit, (ss) The Red Magazine May 13 1921
- * Anna for Shortt, (ss) The Yellow Magazine September 22 1922
- * Another Shot in the Locker, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1929
- * April Fortune, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 17 1925
- * The Architect of Paradise, (ss) The Red Magazine January 14 1927
- * Awaiting His Cue, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1921
- * The Ban Dog of Stair, (ss) The Red Magazine November 30 1928
- * Barriers and Bolsheviks, (ss) The Yellow Magazine October 20 1922
- * Bayard’s Rest, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1926
- * Beauty and the Beast, (ss) The Red Magazine November 19 1926
- * The Beauty Doctor, (ss) The Red Magazine June 25 1920
- * The Best Games, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1926
- * The Best Light for Christmas, (ss) The Red Magazine December 17 1926
- * Better Weather Ahead, (ss) The Red Magazine August 13 1926
- * Betty Breaks Bounds, (ss) The Green Magazine #20, July 31 1923
- * Betty’s Bad Swear, (ss) The Red Magazine August 18 1922
- * Bill’s Testimonial, (ss) The Blue Magazine #67, January 1925
- * Billy Borrows a Blanket, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1922
- * Billy Pulls It Off, (ss) The Red Magazine August 31 1923
- * Binkie Answers the Bell (with Jane Pembridge), (ss) The Red Magazine December 1930
- * The Bird in Hand, (ss) The Yellow Magazine October 21 1921
- * A Bit of a Squeeze, (ss) The London Magazine June 1930
- * The Black Road, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1921
- * Black’s Black Sheep, (ss) The Red Magazine January 9 1920
- * Blind Man’s Bluff, (ss) The Red Magazine September 19 1919
- * Blind Man’s Holiday, (ss) The Yellow Magazine July 14 1922
- * The Blood Cup of Bishopstone, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1917
- * Bobette’s Sweet Tooth, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #126, July 23 1926
- * A Bob Instead of a Shingle, (ss) The Red Magazine November 4 1927
- * Bone Lazy, (ss) The Yellow Magazine August 11 1922
- * The Boojum Intervenes, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1919
- * Bracelets for Two, (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1921
- * Brenda Takes a Chance, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1924
- * A Bright Afternoon, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1930
- * A Bright Specimen, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1921
- * Buried Treasure, (ss) The Red Magazine August 4 1922
- * Canon Merit, (ss) The Passing Show August 14 1937
- * Captive Cupid, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) November 1922
- * The Capture of Scherzo, (ss) The Red Magazine September 30 1921
- * Carnforth’s Apology, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1917
- * The Castle of Dreams, (ss) The Happy Mag. January 1923
- * Catching a Snag, (ss) The Yellow Magazine June 13 1924
- * The Cave of Morgan Le Fay, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1922
- * Change Here for Ursula, (ss) The Red Magazine May 31 1929
- * Check and Mate, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1931
- * Childish Tomfoolery, (ss) The Red Magazine November 20 1925
- * Christmas at Ted Barney’s, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1926
- * The Christmas Box, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 26 1924
- * Christmas Currency, (ss) The Red Magazine December 31 1926
- * Christmas—Just That!, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1925
- * A Christmas Star, (ss) The Red Magazine December 16 1927
- * Christmas Time and All, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #59, December 14 1923
- * Clean Sheets, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 20 1925
- * “Cleared”, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1920
- * Clearing the Fence, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #128, August 20 1926
- * The Clue of the Five Small Shot, (ss) The New Royal Magazine March 1932
- * Coals of Fire, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1930
- * Cold Christmas (with Jane Pembridge), (ss) The Red Magazine January 1930
- * A Collector of Names, (ss) The Red Magazine April 13 1923
- * The Colour of Hate, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1921
- * The Common Touch, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1921
- * Conrad’s Cavern, (ss) The Red Magazine August 8 1919
- * The Convalescence of Archie Finlayson, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1918
- * The Craft of Peterjo, (ss) The Green Magazine #21, August 14 1923
- * Credit Given, (ss) The (London) Evening News October 7 1948
- * The Crimson Cuttlefish, (ss) The Green Magazine #19, July 17 1923
- * Crotchety Ladies, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1929
- * Cully’s Best Story, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #104, September 4 1925
- * Cupid—Sixteen Stone, (ss) The Red Magazine March 2 1923
- * Dangerfield’s Daughter, (ss) The Red Magazine November 14 1919
- * Daphne Wore a Bracelet, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1922
- * The Deciding Point, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1919
- * The Desperate Mr. Lunt, (ss) The Red Magazine August 14 1925
- * The Destroyer, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1920
- * The Devil and All, (ss) The Red Magazine December 28 1928
- * Diamond Cut Diamond, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 17 1922
- * Diana of the Dell, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1937
- * Digging Out Anthony, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1934
- * Ding Dong Dell, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 29 1922
- * Dr. Boyton’s Pilgrimage, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1918
- * Do Try a Peanut!, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1939
- * Down for the Count, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1920
- * The Dreamer, (ss) The Passing Show April 2 1938
- * Easy Money for Eyewash [Cuthbert Dearlove Puffley], (ss) The Red Magazine April 19 1929
- * The End of the Girdle, (ss) The Evening Standard April 1 1935
- * The End of the Story, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1923
- * Engaged to Peter, (ss) The Happy Mag. August 1923
- * The Eternal Cycle, (ss) The Premier Magazine #27, July 1916
- * Eyes in the Night, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 21 1922
- * Fairy Shoes and Stockings, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1928
- * The Fall of Anthony, (ss) The Happy Mag. June 1922
- * Fancy Miss Bunbury!, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1931
- * The Feckless Fentons, (ss) The Red Magazine December 22 1922
- * Figs from Thistles, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1920
- * First Aid, (ss) The Red Magazine February 25 1927
- * First Offenders, (ss) The Premier Magazine #48, September 1930
- * The First Prize, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1932
- * The 5/- Christmas, (ss) The Red Magazine December 14 1928
- * Flame in Ashes, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1917
- * Footsteps of the Dead, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 17 1925
- * For It’s My Delight, (ss) The Evening Standard October 30 1936
- * The Fourth String, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #97, May 29 1925
- * From Kiss to Kiss, (ss) The Green Magazine #9, February 27 1923
- * From the Power of the Dog, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1921
- * From the Vasty Deep, (ss) The Red Magazine February 8 1929
- * Gallows for One, (ss) The Passing Show September 3 1938
- * The Gates of Faërie, (ss) The Red Magazine April 2 1920
- * George Parminter’s Career of Crime, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1932
- * Getting Rid of Cecil, (ss) The Happy Mag. September 1922
- * The Ghosts of Dr. Aspid, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1919
- * The Girl Who Ran Away, (ss) The Happy Mag. April 1923
- * Glitter, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 20 1925
- * The Goad, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1919
- * Going West, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1931
- * The Golden Bauble, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1917
- * The Golden Fence, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #50, August 10 1923
- * A Good Bag, (ss) The Red Magazine December 12 1919
- * Good-bye to Bess, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1922
- * Good Men’s Lanterns, (ss) The Red Magazine January 5 1923
- * Good Wood Hawking [Cuthbert Dearlove Puffley], (ss) The Red Magazine April 1930
- * Gratitude and Mr. Smale, (ss) The Red Magazine February 18 1921
- * A Grave Affair, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 18 1921
- * Green Fingers, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1935
- * Grim, (ss) The Evening Standard September 8 1934
- * The Gunman of Corsica, (vi) Belfast Telegraph August 20 1938
- * The Guru, the Girl, and the Goat, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #21, June 30 1922
- * Gutter Gold, (ss) The Red Magazine April 10 1925
- * The Handmaiden, (ss) The Evening Standard September 7 1936
- * Healing the Breach, (ss) The Red Magazine October 3 1919
- * Heard in the Corridor, (ss) The Blue Magazine #19, January 1921
- * A Heavy Scent, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1918
- * Hedger and Ditcher, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1936
- * Her First Job in London, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1927
- * Her Grace in Overalls, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1919
- * He Was Black, That One, (ss) The Evening Standard August 6 1934
- * He Was Clever, (ss) The Evening Standard January 12 1935
- * The Hidden Face, (ss) The Blue Magazine #27, September 1921
- * High Hazard, (ss) The Red Magazine March 11 1927
- * The Hired Servant, (ss) The Red Magazine February 20 1920
- * His Dead Self, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1925
- * His Lordship’s Taking Ways, (ss) The Green Magazine #14, May 8 1923
- * His Master’s Conscience, (ss) The Passing Show June 19 1937
- * His Patrimony, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1918
- * The Honourable Stranger, (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1921
- * The House That Sam Built, (ss) The Red Magazine December 5 1924
- * Illusion, (ss) The Red Magazine November 12 1920
- * In Full Cry, (ss) The Yellow Magazine May 5 1922
- * In Strictest Confidence, (ss) Flynn’s April 18 1925
- * In the Best Tradition, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1935
- * In the Count’s Good Books, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 12 1924
- * In the House of the Tailless Foxes, (ss) The Red Magazine August 10 1928
- * Invitation to Lunch, (ss) The Evening Standard October 2 1936
- * Jervis Gets the Bird, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1930
- * Johnny’s Best, (ss) The Green Magazine #7, January 30 1923
- * Journey’s End, (ss) The Red Magazine April 9 1926
- * Joy of Faërie, (ss) The Premier Magazine #147, August 22 1922
- * The Justice of the Duke, (ss) The Red Magazine December 9 1921
- * The Key, (ss) The Red Magazine April 30 1920
- * The Keystone, (ss) The Red Magazine July 11 1919
- * Killing Time, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1920
- * Kin and Kund, (ss) The Red Magazine February 24 1928
- * Kit’s Defective Heart, (ss) The Red Magazine September 11 1925
- * A Kitten for Bait, (ss) The Yellow Magazine June 2 1922
- * A Knight in Miniature, (ss) The Red Magazine June 18 1926
- * Knights of the Tea Table, (ss) The Yellow Magazine January 9 1925
- * The Knock, (ss) The Blue Magazine #10, April 1920
- * The Last Detail, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1920
- * Learning the Language, (ss) The Red Magazine July 22 1921
- * Leaving It to Bacon, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1930
- * A Lesson for Daphne, (ss) The Green Magazine #2, November 21 1922
- * The Light of a Star, (ss) The Red Magazine June 8 1923
- * Lights Out!, (ss) The Red Magazine June 10 1921
- * The Little Angels of Terry Hartigan, (ss) The Blue Magazine #78, December 1925
- * The Little Gentleman in the Laburnums, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #49, July 27 1923
- * The Loop, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1919
- * Loose Change, (ss) The Red Magazine July 12 1929
- * Love Among the Stars, (ss) The Happy Mag. August 1922
- * Love and Labrador, (ss) The Red Magazine August 19 1921
- * Love and the Shining Star, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1928
- * Love Is Not So Blind, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1920
- * A Lucifer Match, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1924
- * The Madness of Bob Somerville, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #54, October 5 1923
- * Magic on Christmas Eve, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1932
- * The Mai of St. Maurice, (ss) The Evening Standard November 21 1933
- * The Man Who Came Down from the Hill, (ss) The Red Magazine October 22 1926
- * The Man Who Knew Bossu, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 1 1922
- * The Man Who Laughs, (ss) The Evening Standard May 30 1934
- * The Man Who Made Money, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1921
- * The Man Who Obeyed, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1920
- * The Man Who Walked in His Sleep, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1919
- * Marching On, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1918
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