The FictionMags Index
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[]Hume, Henry (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * The Diary of a Bald Head, (ms) The Red Magazine August 1 1911
- * The Diary of a Day’s Convalescence, (ms) The Red Magazine May 1 1911
- * The Diary of a Golfer’s Nightmare, (ms) The Red Magazine October 1 1911
- * The Diary of a Morning Paper, (ms) The Red Magazine July 15 1911
- * The Diary of a New Kodak, (ms) The Red Magazine June 15 1911
- * The Diary of an Oath on a Golf Course, (ms) The Red Magazine May 15 1911
- * The Diary of an Unpaid Bill, (ms) The Red Magazine September 15 1911
- * The Diary of a Parade, (ms) The Red Magazine July 1 1911
- * The Diary of a Railway Bun, (ms) The Red Magazine June 1 1911
- * The Diary of a Three-Year-Old, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1911
- * The Diary of a Visit to the Dentist, (ms) The Red Magazine November 15 1911
- * The Diary of a Wet Holiday, (ms) The Red Magazine September 1 1911
- * The New Recruit, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1912
- * The Story of a Kilt, (ss) Winter’s Pie Winter 1912
[]Hume, Martin (Andrew Sharp) (1847-1910) (chron.)
- * A Burglary Under Charles II, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1900
- * Cloth of Frieze and Cloth of Gold, (ts) Nash’s Magazine April 1910
- * The Courtships of a Queen, (ex)
- The Idler June 1904; from The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth, New York: Macmillan & Co., London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1896.
- * A Duel—or Murder?, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1899
- * A Famous Fratricide, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1899
- * A Fight in Leicester Square, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1898
- * Good Queen Bess?, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine August 1904
- * The Last Stand of the O’Sullivans, (ts) Nash’s Magazine May 1910
- * Prince or Pastry Cook, (ts) Nash’s Magazine December 1909
- * A Rebellious Love Match, (ts) Nash’s Magazine November 1909
- * The Revenge of John Hawkins, (ts) Nash’s Magazine January 1910
- * The Scapegoat, (ts) Nash’s Magazine February 1910
- * Sir Walter’s Homecoming, (ts) Nash’s Magazine March 1910
- * True Stories of the Past:
* ___ I. The Woman Wins: How Rizzio Was Avenged, (ts) Nash’s Magazine October 1909
* ___ II. A Rebellious Love Match, (ts) Nash’s Magazine November 1909
* ___ III. Prince or Pastry Cook, (ts) Nash’s Magazine December 1909
* ___ IV. The Revenge of John Hawkins, (ts) Nash’s Magazine January 1910
* ___ V. The Scapegoat, (ts) Nash’s Magazine February 1910
* ___ VI. Sir Walter’s Homecoming, (ts) Nash’s Magazine March 1910
* ___ VII. Cloth of Frieze and Cloth of Gold, (ts) Nash’s Magazine April 1910
* ___ VIII. The Last Stand of the O’Sullivans, (ts) Nash’s Magazine May 1910
- * An Unsolved Mystery, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1898
- * The Woman Wins: How Rizzio Was Avenged, (ts) Nash’s Magazine October 1909
[]Humiston, Fred(erick S., Jr.) (1902-1976) (about) (chron.)
- * Dark Trail, (ss) Adventure February 1955
- * Deadline, (ss) Adventure February 1956
- * The Death March, (ss) Adventure August 1956
- * The Devil’s Captain, (ss) Adventure June 1956
- * The Disaffected, (nv) Argosy June 1959
- * Georgia Man, (ss) Adventure October 1955
- * A Medal for Bowbelly Sam, (ss) Adventure June 1957
- * A Sword for Richard, (ss) Adventure February 1958
- * [front cover], (cv) Short Stories Nov 10 1947, Jan 25, Aug 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Short Stories Apr 25 1943, Mar 10, Apr 10 1947, Oct 10, Oct 25, Nov 10 1948, Jun 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Tales May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1943, Jan, Sep 1944, Sep, Nov 1945, Jan, Mar, May 1946,
May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1947
May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1948, Mar, May, Nov 1949, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep 1950
Jan, May, Sep, Nov 1951, Jan, May, Sep 1952, Jan, Nov 1953, Win 1985
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Ten Detective Aces August 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Tales (Canada) November 1948
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Tales: 100 Years of Weird ed. Jonathan Maberry, Blackstone Publishing, 2023
_____, [ref.]
[]Hummel, George F(rederick) (1882-1952) (about) (chron.)
- * Evelyn Grainger, (sl) Love Affairs #7 Sep, #8 Oct, #9 Nov 1928
- * Fall Flight, (ss) Subsoil, from the Chronicle of a Village by George F. Hummel, Boni and Liveright, 1924
- * Graham Ackerley’s Home-Coming, (vi) Liberty November 21 1931
- * Kate’s Concern (with Silas Bent), (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly June 1925
- * Revenge, (ss) The Smart Set May 1923
- * Victory to the Strong, (ss)
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