The FictionMags Index
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[]Guiler, (Robert) Pollo(c)k, Jr. (1887-1975); used pseudonym Pollock Colter (chron.)
- * The Avenging Haunt from Cherokee Lagoon, (ss) Ghost Stories September 1926
- * Beachcombers, (ss) Frontier Stories December 1928
- * Black Loot, (ss) Blue Band Magazine October/November 1931
- * The Breath of the Dragon, (ss) Everybody’s April 1928
- * The Clean-Up, (ss) Red Blooded Stories October 1928
- * The “Culver” Hunts Alone, (ss) War Stories August 5 1927
- * Deep Six, (ss) Sea Stories November 1929
- * A Fight with a Dry-Dock, (ss) Popular Engineering Stories April 1930
- * Fire Four!, (ss) Tales of Danger and Daring June 1929
- * “Man Your Guns!”, (ss) War Stories #14, September 29 1927
- * “Not Fitted for Command”, (ss) Red Blooded Stories February 1929
- * Pile o’ Junk, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1931, as by Pollock Colter
- * A Present for Missy, (ss) Everybody’s July 1927
- * Red Tape and Black Tea, (ss) Everybody’s November 1927
- * The Sacred Cannon Recoils, (ss) Oriental Stories December 1930/January 1931
- * “Submarine to Starboard!”, (ss) Submarine Stories #9, November 1929
- * Topside Shanghai, (ss) War Stories #12, September 1 1927
- * Twin Streaks, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1929
- * Walla Walla Bangs, (ss) Sea Stories Magazine February 1927
- * Yellow Devil, (ss) Don Winslow of the Navy May 1937
- * The Yellow Traitor, (nv) Red Blooded Stories December 1928
[]Guillaume, Albert (1873-1942) (about) (chron.)
- * The Boa and Its Victim, (il) Black & White #17, May 30 1891
- * A Restaurant Fin de Siècle, (il) Black & White #10, April 11 1891
- * A Study of Human Nature, (il) Black & White #21, June 27 1891
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Black & White #24, July 18 1891
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Graphic Chr 1895, Chr 1902, Chr 1903
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Graphic Christmas 1897
[]Guillaume, Robert; possibly a pseudonym of Robert W. Sneddon (1880-1944) (chron.)
- * The Boston Murder Mystery, (ar) The Dragnet Magazine October 1929
- * The Camden Town Murder, (ar) Courtroom Stories August/September 1931
- * Curious Crimes, (cl) The Dragnet Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep, Dec 1929
- * Curious Crimes, (cl) Murder Stories July/August 1931
* ___ The Boston Murder Mystery, (cl) The Dragnet Magazine October 1929
- * The Gallows and the Guillotine, (cl) The Dragnet Magazine Dec 1928, Jan, Feb, Mar 1929
- * The Gallows and the Guillotine, (cl) Murder Mysteries Apr, Jul 1929
- * The Woman Who Defied the Harem Master, (ts) Love-Crime Detective August 1942
[]Guilt, Elizabeth (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Clearing Up, (ss) Aphelion #240, June 2019
- * Jeremy Sleeps, (ss) Electric Spec May 31 2021
- * The Lady of Time, (ss) The Colored Lens #41, Autumn 2021
- * The Last Girl, (ss) Kzine #30, June 2021
- * The Organist and the Old Man, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #25, July 2022
- * Other Lives, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #50, June 2022
- * Switching Sides, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #87, June 2022
- * Tracks, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #54, June 2023
- * Violent Silence, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #38, June 2019
[]Guimarães Rosa, João (1908-1967) (about) (chron.)
- * Duel, (nv) 1960
- * The Third Bank of the River, (ss) 1967
- * The Third Bank of the River, (ss) Modern Brazilian Short Stories ed. William L. Grossman, University of California Press, 1967
- * A Young Man, Gleaming, White, (ss) The Third Bank of the River by Joao Guimaraes Rosa, Knopf, 1968
[]Guin, Jerry (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * By Chance, (ss) Great Western Fiction July 2008
- * Caught Red Handed, (ss) Western Digest #3, May/June 1995
- * The Cedar Cabin, (ss) Western Digest #15, May/June 1997
- * Cowboy Life, (pm) Western Digest #7, January/February 1996
- * Going West, (pm) Western Digest #9, May/June 1996
- * Lawman’s Work, (ss) Western Digest #5, September/October 1995
- * Likker Money, (ss) Western Digest #16, July/August 1997
- * The McCreedy Ranch, (ss) Western Digest #20, March/April 1998
- * The Right Kind of Town, (ss) Western Digest #24, November/December 1998
- * Trouble at the Double L, (ss) Western Digest #11, September/October 1996
- * Whiskey for Breakfast, (ss) The Traditional West, CreateSpace, 2011
- * Whiskey Talk, (ss) Great Western Fiction August 2008
[]Guin, Wyman (Woods) (1915-1989); used pseudonym Norman Menasco (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Beyond Bedlam, (co) Sphere, 1973
- * Beyond Bedlam, (na) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1951
- Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction ed. H. L. Gold, Crown Publishers, 1952
- Spectrum II ed. Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963
- Living Way Out, Avon, 1967
- Great Short Novels of Science Fiction ed. Robert Silverberg, Ballantine, 1970
- Beyond Bedlam, Sphere, 1973
- The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1980
- Worlds Imagined ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Avenel, 1989
- * The Delegate from Guapanga, (nv) Galaxy Magazine August 1964
- * Evidence for Whooping Cranes, (vi) Beyond Bedlam, Sphere, 1973
- * Living Way Out, (co) Avon, August 1967
- * A Man of the Renaissance, (nv) Galaxy Magazine December 1964
- * My Darling Hecate, (nv) Beyond Fantasy Fiction November 1953
- * The Root and the Ring, (nv) Beyond Fantasy Fiction September 1954
- * Trigger Tide, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction October 1950, as by Norman Menasco
- Omnibus of Science Fiction ed. Groff Conklin, Crown, 1952
- Living Way Out, Avon, 1967
- Beyond Bedlam, Sphere, 1973
- The Omnibus of Science Fiction (var. 1) ed. Groff Conklin, Chatham River, 1986
- The World Turned Upside Down ed. David Drake, Eric Flint & Jim Baen, Baen, 2005
- * Volpla, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1956
- * [unknown story], (ss) Harlan Ellison’s Last Dangerous Visions (unpublished) ed. Harlan Ellison, 19??
_____, [ref.]
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