The FictionMags Index
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[]Greengrass, John J. (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Nebula Science Fiction #9, 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nebula Science Fiction #9 1954, #12, #13, #14 1955, #15, #16 1956, #21, #22, #23, #24 1957,
#30 May, #33 Aug, #34 Sep, #35 Oct, #36 Nov, #37 Dec 1958
#38 Jan, #39 Feb, #40 May, #41 Jun 1959
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nebula Science Fiction (US) #33 Dec 1958, #35 Feb, #36 Mar, #37 Apr, #38 May, #39 Jun 1959
- * [letter], (lt) Nebula Science Fiction #5 1953, #9 1954, #17 1956, #36 Nov 1958
[]Greenhalgh, Robert (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Blue Book Magazine Jun, Sep 1946, Feb 1947, Nov, Dec 1952, Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug, Sep, Nov 1953,
Feb, Sep 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s December 1946
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Day June 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Esquire August 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine Oct 1947, Jun 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Dec 18 1948, Apr 23 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ Life February 1951
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Mar, Dec 1951, Jun 1952
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Legion Magazine April 1951
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure April 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week Mar 18 1956, Jan 26 1964
[]Greenhill, Ruth (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * “…Look to the Stars”, (vi) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine October 1934
- * The Mink Coat, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1943
- * Romance and Your Stars, (cl) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine Nov, Dec 1934, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1935
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1937
[]Greenhough, Terry; [i.e., Terence Greenhough] (1944- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Artist, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #11, 1975
- * Doll, (ss) Andromeda 1 ed. Peter Weston, Futura, 1976
- * Echo Canyon, (ss) Nebula #5, March 1975
- * The Factory, (ss) The Third Alternative #16, 1998
- * A Gift of Time, (ss) Vortex May 1977
- * Once Upon a Midnight, (ss) Weirdbook #18, 1983
- * The Tree in the Forest, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #2, 1974
- * Wilbur, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #4, 1974
[]Greenhut, Michael (J.) (1978- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Autumn Woman, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 12 2018
- * Escape from Planet Error, (ss) Dark Expanse: Surviving the Collapse ed. Alex Shvartsman & William Snee, Deorc Enterprise, 2014
- * Gullible Georgina Agravaine, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 5 2013
- * Last Resort, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #35, September 2013
- * The Samhain Incident, (ss) Wicked Hollow #4, October 2002
- * Son of Shadow, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #71, 2005
- * Think Fast, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #3, Autumn 2008
- * Watermark, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #16, July 2008
[]Greenland, Colin (1954- ); used pseudonyms J*hn Cl*t* & F. R. L. (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Advertisements for the Suicide Museum, (vi) Interzone #5, Autumn 1983
- * The Affirmation, (br) Interzone #5, Autumn 1983 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Alicia II, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Robert Thurston]
- * Ammonite, (br) Foundation #58, Summer 1993 [Ref. Nicola Griffith]
- * Angels and Demons and Screaming Saints, (ar) Nexus #3, Spring 1993
- * Angels, Babies and at Last, Frozen Yoghurt, (iv) Interzone #50, August 1991 [Ref. Rachel Pollack]
- * Anticipations, (br) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Ascendancies, (br) Foundation #20, October 1980 [Ref. D. G. Compton]
- * Atlas Anthology One, (br) Interzone #7, Spring 1984 [Ref. Alastair Brotchie]
- * Aventine (with David Pringle), (br) Foundation #25, June 1982 [Ref. Lee Killough]
- * Bander Snatch, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Kevin O’Donnell, Jr.]
- * Before They Left, (ss) 2001: An Odyssey in Words ed. Tom Hunter & Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2018
- * The Beginning Place, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Beyond the Blue Event Horizon, (br) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * Blackpool Vanishes, (br) Foundation #17, September 1979 [Ref. Richard Francis]
- * Blood Music, (br) Foundation #37, Autumn 1986 [Ref. Greg Bear]
- * A Bunch of Wild Roses, (nv) The Plenty Principle, Voyager, 1997
- * Candy Comes Back, (ss) In Dreams ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, Gollancz, 1992
- * The Carve-Up, (ss) Journal Wired #3, Summer/Fall 1990
- * Christmas with Mary, (ss) Interzone #127, January 1998
- * Cinnabar, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Edward Bryant]
- * The Citadel of the Autarch, (br) Foundation #28, July 1983 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * The Claw of the Conciliator, (br) Foundation #24, February 1982 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * Colin Greenland Replies, (ms) Interzone #49, July 1991
- * Consider Phlebas, (br) Foundation #40, Summer 1987 [Ref. Iain M. Banks]
- * Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy, (br) Foundation #29, November 1983 [Ref. George E. Slusser, Eric S. Rabkin & Robert Scholes]
- * Cowardice and Caprice, (ar) Nexus #1, April 1991
- * Daystar and Shadow, (br) Foundation #23, October 1981 [Ref. James B. Johnson]
- * Death and the Modem, (iv) Fear #19, July 1990 [Ref. Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman]
- * Defying Gravity, (ar) Foundation #73, Summer 1998
- * Dirty Tricks, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. George Alec Effinger]
- * The Disemboguement, (vi) The Drabble Project ed. Rob Meades & David B. Wake, Beccon, 1988
- * The Divine Invasion, (br) Interzone #2, Summer 1982 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Dr. Greenland’s Prescription, (cl) Focus #24 Jun/Jul, #25 Dec/Jan 1993, #26 Jun/Jul, #27 Dec/Jan 1994, #28 Aug/Sep, #29 Dec/Jan 1995, #30 Sep/Oct 1996, #32 Nov/Dec 1997, #33 May/Jun,
#34 Nov/Dec 1998, #35 May/Jun, #36 Nov/Dec 1999
#37 May 2000
- * Dr. Greenland’s Prescription: Finishing, (cl) Focus #31, March/April 1997
- * The Documents in Hand, (vi) 3SF #3, February 2003
- * Doing Two Things in Opposite Directions, (iv) Interzone #45, March 1991 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * The Dragonhiker’s Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune’s Edge: Odyssey Two, (br) Foundation #44, Winter 1988/1989 [Ref. David Langford], as by J*hn Cl*t*
- * The Eclipse of the Century, (br) Foundation #76, Summer 1999 [Ref. Jan Mark]
- * Editorial, (ed) Interzone #5, Autumn 1983
- * Editorial (with David Pringle), (ed) Interzone #7 Spr, #8 Sum 1984
- * Editorial Reply, (ms) Interzone #9, Autumn 1984 [Ref. Sue Thomason]
- * The Emergence of the Mammoth: Pages from the Diary of Colin Greenland, (ar) Interzone #88, October 1994
- * Emergency Exit [Tabitha Jute], (ss) Interzone #132, June 1998
- * Enigma 65: 3 Candles on a Clockwork Cake, (gp) A Is for Brian ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus, 1990
- * Exotic Pleasures, (br) Foundation #25, June 1982 [Ref. Peter Carey]
- * The Facts of Life and Other Fictions, (br) Interzone #7, Spring 1984 [Ref. Robert Nye]
- * Fantasy Media, (cl) Imagine #14 May, #15 Jun, #16 Jul, #17 Aug, #18 Sep, #19 Oct, #20 Nov, #21 Dec 1984, #22 Jan, #23 Feb, #24 Mar,
#25 Apr, #27 Jun, #30 Sep 1985
- * Faraday’s Orphans, (br) Foundation #70, Summer 1997 [Ref. N. Lee Wood]
- * The Feelies, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Mick Farren]
- * Film Reviews, (mr) Imagine #4 Jul, #6 Sep, #8 Nov, #9 Dec 1983, #10 Jan, #12 Mar 1984
- * A Fine Anger, (br) Foundation #24, February 1982 [Ref. Neil Philip & Alan Garner]
- * Fire in the Abyss, (br) Foundation #31, July 1984 [Ref. Stuart Gordon]
- * Fire on the Mountain, (br) Foundation #45, Spring 1989 [Ref. Terry Bisson]
- * Foreign Bodies, (vi) A Is for Brian ed. Frank Hatherley, Margaret Aldiss & Malcolm Edwards, Avernus, 1990
- * Foundation Without Robots, (ms) Contrivance Programme Book ed. Steve Davies, Peter Wareham & Steve Bull, Contrivance, 1989
- * Freedom Beach, (br) Foundation #42, Spring 1988 [Ref. James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel]
- * From Beowulf to Kafka: Mervyn Peake’s “Titus Alone”, (ar) Foundation #21, February 1981 [Ref. Mervyn Peake]
- * Geoff Ryman: Telling the Truth, (ar) Novacon 19 Programme Book ed. Pam Wells, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1989 [Ref. Geoff Ryman]
- * The Girl Who Changed Everything, (nv) The Weerde: Book 2 ed. Mary Gentle & Roz Kaveney, Roc UK, 1993
- * God’s World, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- * Going to the Black Bear, (nv) The Weerde: Book 1 ed. Mary Gentle & Roz Kaveney, Roc UK, 1992
- * The Golden Age of Science Fiction, (br) Interzone #5, Autumn 1983 [Ref. Kingsley Amis]
- * Grandma, (nv) 13 Again ed. A. Finnis, Scholastic UK, 1995
- * The Grand Wheel, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980 [Ref. Barrington Bayley]
- * Green Eyes, (br) Foundation #33, Spring 1985 [Ref. Lucius Shepard]
- * Head in the Clouds?, (ar) Interzone #10, Winter 1984/1985
- * Helliconia Spring, (br) Interzone #2, Summer 1982 [Ref. Brian Aldiss], as by F. R. L.
- * Highly Desirable Residence, (ar) Focus #5, Spring 1982
- * A House of Straw & Paper, (ss) Imagine #18, September 1984
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