The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2743
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[]Denevi, Marco (1922-1998) (chron.)
- * The Butterfly, (ss) Ficción #29, 1961
- * A Dog in Durer’s Etching “The Knight, Death and the Devil”, (ss) 1968
- * The Emperor of China, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1992; translated from the Spanish (“El Emperador de la China”, 1960) by Donald A. Yates.
- * The Lord of the Flies, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #9, February 2003; translated from the Spanish by José Chaves.
- * Michel, (ss) Descant #51, 1985; translated from the Spanish (“Michel”, Hispamérica, July 1972 by Alberto Manguel.
- * Victor Scarpazo, or The End of the Pursuit, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2005; translated from the Spanish (Amarinta, o el Poder, 1982) by Donald A. Yates.
[]Deng, Ashley (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Alone and Away, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2023
- * A (Brief) Love Letter to the Chemistry of Molecules, (ar) Clarkesworld #196, January 2023
- * Dégustation, (ss) Nightmare #93, June 2020
- * House at the End of the World, (ss) Augur Magazine v4 #1, 2021
- * Questions to Grow Up On, (pm) Fireside Quarterly Summer 2019
- * Student Living, (vi) Nightmare #132, September 2023
- * Sun, Moon, and Wretched Star, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Spring 2020
_____, ed.
[]Dengrove, Richard A. (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Porphry, Hero of the Heavens and Earth, (ss) The Tome #3, 1990
- * Rune of the Cogniscenti, (ss) A Frog in My Throat ed. Janet Fox, Scavenger's Newsletter, 1987
- * A Stap at PSI, (ar) Outer Darkness Annual Fall 1995
- * Witches, (ar) Challenger #3, Fall/Winter 1995
- * [letter], (lt) Trap Door #21 Mar 2002, #24 Jan 2007, #25 Feb 2008, #26 Dec 2009, #29 Dec 2012, #30 Dec 2013, #31 Dec 2014
[]Denham, Ken (chron.)
- * Animal Families: Cats-Domestic and Wild, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #364, January 4 1969
- * Animal Families: Deer Stalking!, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #371, February 22 1969
- * Animal Families: Dogs, Foxes and Wolves, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #345, August 24 1968, uncredited.
- * Animal Families: Ducks and Drakes, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #400, September 13 1969, uncredited.
- * Animal Families: Friends in Your Garden, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #363, December 28 1968
- * Animal Families: Marauders of the Sea, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #399, September 6 1969, uncredited.
- * Animal Families: Pigeons Past and Present, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #367, January 25 1969
- * Animal Families: Sea Shore Scavengers, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #368, February 1 1969
- * Animal Families: Snakes and Lizards, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #365, January 11 1969
- * Animal Families: Some Songsters, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #366, January 18 1969
- * Animal Families: The Magnificent Salmon, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #401, September 20 1969, uncredited.
- * Birds of Prey, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #390, July 5 1969
- * Creatures of the Night, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #335, June 15 1968
- * Crows and Their Cousins, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #325, April 6 1968
- * Game Birds in Britain, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #394, August 2 1969
- * Giants of the Deep, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #242, September 3 1966
- * Rabbits and Hares, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #341, July 27 1968
- * Rodents in Great Britain, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #322, March 16 1968
- * Royal Fish, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #387, June 14 1969
- * Seals for the Zoo, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #240, August 20 1966
- * The Seals of Great Britain, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #332, May 25 1968
- * Unusual Pets, (cl) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #345 Aug 24, #346 Aug 31, #347 Sep 7, #348 Sep 14, #349 Sep 21, #350 Sep 28, #351 Oct 5, #352 Oct 12, #353 Oct 19,
#354 Oct 26, #355 Nov 2, #357 Nov 16, #358 Nov 23, #359 Nov 30, #360 Dec 7, #361 Dec 14, #362 Dec 21, #363 Dec 28 1968
- * Unusual Pets, (cl) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #356, November 9 1968, uncredited.
[]Denham, Michelle M. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Burning the Sinners with Lamplight, (nv) The Future Fire #41, 2017
- * Dear Sunshine, (vi) Flash Fiction Online May 2013
- * The Dollmaker’s Grief, (vi) Daily Science Fiction July 31 2013
- * On the Way to Jeju-do, (ss) Strange Horizons September 4 2023
- * Walking the Deep Down, (vi) Apex Magazine #135, 2023
- * Yona’s Android, (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 5 2019
- * Your Wings a Bridge Across the Stars, (ss) Apex Magazine #137, 2023
[]Denham, Phyllis H(elen) (1900-1982) (chron.)
- * After Dinner, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1928
- * Anne the Intruder, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1926
- * Atishoo!, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine December 1921
- * The Baby Colony, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1923
- * Because of the Shoe, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1925
- * The Best Job of All, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1929
- * The Birthday Cake, (ss) The Happy Mag. December 1929
- * Cross as Two Sticks, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1925
- * Cutting Patience Off, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1924
- * Deck-Chair Shirley, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1927
- * Divorce Is So Tiresome, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1925
- * Fault-Finding Day, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1925
- * Flat-Sick, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1927
- * The Fool Chest, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine December 1927
- * The Gilded Cage, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1925
- * The Girl in the Next Room, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1926
- * The Girl in the Tube, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1928
- * The Great Husband Club, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1924
- * The Handy Husband, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine September 1928
- * Having No Heart, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1929
- * His Past Loves, (ss) The Canadian Magazine February 1927
- * Home, John!, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1927
- * How Dared He!, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1927
- * It’s the Little Things That Count, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1926
- * A Joy for Ever, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1927
- * Left in the Train, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1928
- * Lois and Love, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) August 1926
- * Make-Believe, (ss) Romance November 1926
- * Milly Burns Her Fingers, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1924
- * Milly on Her Own, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1925
- * Milly Plays the Heroine, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1924
- * Needles and Pins, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1924
- * Past Lovers, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1925
- * Penny-a-Box, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1926
- * The Perfect Treasure, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1926
- * Pink Icing, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1925
- * “Please Mind My Baby!”, (ss) The Happy Mag. July 1928
- * Purely Platonic, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1924
- * Room for Emmaline, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1927
- * Sardines-on-Toast, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1927
- * Sealed with a Kiss, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1925
- * Settling Down, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story-Magazine July 1929
- * She Never Saw the Sea, (ss) The Happy Mag. Summer 1938
- * Sing, Say or Pay, (ss) Modern Home #23, August 1930
- * Third Class Company, (ss) The Happy Mag. May 1938
- * Tin-Foil, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine October 1928
- * Two for a Husband, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1927
- * The Wallflower Blooms, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1926
- * Wallflower Dorothy, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1925
- * When They Were Married, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) May 1926
- * Winning Husbands Back, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1924
[]Denham, Reginald (1894-1983) (chron.)
- * The Black Paw, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #15, April/May 1952
- * False Notes, (ss)
- * Kiss Me, But Don’t Hurt Me, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine January 1960
- * Ladies in Retirement (with Edward Percy Smith), (pl) Random House, 1940, as by Reginald Denham & Edward Percy
- * A Puff of Wind, (ss) London Mystery Selection #38, September 1958
[]Denham, (Thomas) Sidney (1906-1968); used pseudonym Justin Atholl (chron.)
- * Absolute Zero, (ss) More Tales of Terror and Surprise, The Mitre Press, 1943
- * Ballistics Is a Science, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1950, as by Justin Atholl
- * The Bandaged Spectre, (nv) Tales of Terror and the Unknown, Everybody's Books, 1944, as by Justin Atholl
- * Cast Iron Alibi, (ss)
- * Detectives Round the World, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1955, as by Justin Atholl
- * The Detective Who Never Failed [Sherlock Holmes], (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1951, as by Justin Atholl
- * The Devil His Due, (ss) More Tales of Terror and Surprise, The Mitre Press, 1943
- * Dictator and Double, (ss) The Evening Standard August 13 1935
- * The Disappearance of Mr. Heavyside, (ss)
- * Dogs “on the Beat”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1952, as by Justin Atholl
- * The Fifth Murder, (ss) Tales of Terror and the Unknown, Everybody's Books, 1944
- * Fighting Crime with Atoms, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1951, as by Justin Atholl
- * Five Rich Men, (ss) The Evening Standard March 9 1933
- * Heroes of Us All, (vi) The 20-Story Magazine #149, November 1934
- * How Bright Are Your Children?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1926
- * Judge and Jury, (ss) Tales of Terror and the Unknown, Everybody's Books, 1944
- * The Last Chapter, (ss)
- * Life Sentence, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #146, August 1934
- * A Little Learning, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #156, June 1935
- * Murder by Music, (ss) Detective Fiction February 1949, as by Justin Atholl
- * The Prison of Sunset, (ss)
- * Private Police Force, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1955, as by Justin Atholl
- * A Question of Calibre, (vi) The 20-Story Magazine #161, November 1935
- * Scotched!, (ss) Tit-Bits #2838, March 21 1936
- * Second Bite, (ss)
- * The Silver Lady, (ss) Tales of Dread, Philip Allan, 1936
- * The Split Difference, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #154, April 1935
- * Venom, (ss) More Tales of Terror and Surprise, The Mitre Press, 1943
- * What Flynn Saw, (ss)
- * Window Dressing, (ss) The Passing Show June 29 1935
- * The Wrong Ticket, (ss)
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